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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

I'm not going to read a show if I find it a chore, no matter who the person is.

Evil Austin

That's exactly what I am asking from people, why do they think it is a chore? what are we doing that is so wrong that it puts people off the BTB?

How are we meant to change or even attempt improving if we are not informed what is wrong in the first place instead of just being ignored and rejected in the section.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Improving isn't just about getting reviews. You improve as you read other people's shows and gain a better idea of how to write. To say that you're unable to improve because you don't get reviews is asinine.

And as far as to why it's a chore, it's obviously because it's not particularly fun/interesting to read.

Evil Austin

I know I can do that, and I have been reading up on my fair share of shows and reviewing them as well.

But I need to know whats broken to be able to fix it, cause I need to know is it my matches, promos, layout, commentary etc. If I don't hear anything then I assume it doesn't need fixing. I am not telepathic if you ignore something it won't go away it won't change unless you open your mouth and tell it.

You don't have this problem cause you get four or so people reviewing everyone of your shows leaving feedback, were are you going to get your feedback from if you are like me and are lucky to get a review every four shows.

Evil Austin

CT - I get that, I knew that already and even BKB said that a few posts above at the top of the page.

What I am trying to ask if why, what am I doing so wrong and what part of my BTB do I need working on.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Without reading, and just taking a glance at you're BTB, it doesn't look THAT bad. I for one just aren't in the mood to read as much as there is. My solution to the issue, is to just not focus on length & size, but more on booking & storylines. Might win me over :renske:.

CT Styles

Booking, grammar & punctation (which has always been said), length..

I can't speak on behalf of other people's opinions but they're just not enjoying the show. The most logical reason would most likely be booking.

wwerko619's last show featured the following matches:

Samoa Joe vs. Big Show - I couldn't give a shit about.
Scotty 2 Hotty/Rikishi vs. Rated RKO - I couldn't give a shit about.
X-Pac vs. Chavo Guerrero - Again, I couldn't give a shit about.
CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy - This would be the only one I give a shit about.

Your BTB just doesn't interest me therefore, I don't care about it.


Maybe try a new format? Like, something really short. Like, promos the size of Cristian's and matches the size of BKB's first Raw. It might have some people that are turned off by the size review you.

But it's cause people don't like you personally or your shows, as has been said.

Evil Austin

Just one thing CT, you just see the matches and think nah/ doesn't really interest me one bit. If you had been reading and following it would interest you as the storylines go pretty deep such as about a PPV ago the Big Show getting so overwhelmed with months of tortue and anger from the general manager and no title shots involving him, that he pushed him into a moving car and Big Show claimed that he was now the acting general manager booking himself in matches for the gold and making the champion, Samoa Joe's life a living hell.

What I am trying to say is, CT you just jump to conclusions you look at the card probably before even reading the match itself and say ok this is shit this is shit this is horrible and this one is ok I guess, if you understood what was going on why they are in the match and why they are fighting it might actually interest you to know the result.

heck I can go into anyones BTB adn say this match doesn't interest me on paper but if I read it I am sure I would be interested as to find out what will happen next.

CT Styles

If the match has two fat fucks in it; I don't care what the storyline is, it's going to be a shit match. I don't like either wrestler.

Evil Austin said:
heck I can go into anyones BTB adn say this match doesn't interest me on paper but if I read it I am sure I would be interested as to find out what will happen next.
Yeah, you could. You forgot something, you have the worst reputation here which is why you're not getting reviews. I've read previous shows and not liked them.

This is watered-down advertising because you're going to start begging people to read and say you've 'improved'. You've done this all before, it's like a fucking script now.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Evil Austin, understand though, just because CT doesn't like you're main event DOES mean he shouldn't review nor read.

A perfect example is why I don't watch ECW, I cant stand half the people on the roster, and is just as repetitive as a .gif. Not that you're BTB is repetitive, well I honestly wouldn't know because I don't read you're shows.

Oh another reason I don't read, sine I'm being perfectly honest here, you faked a prediction once on my BTB so I was like "wtf", and didn't feel like I should bother giving real feedback, or any feedback at all.

The Rated R CMStar

1) When I look at your BTB, even if it is indeed a BTB, and you are suppose to suspend disbelief on them and accept everything, half of what happens in there I just can't see it happening in real life.

2) Your pairings and matches are quite bad. You can hype Big Show vs Samoa Joe all you want, but in the end, it will still be Big Show vs Samoa Joe, and that is a match that almost anybody wants to see. The same goes for your tag teams, feuds, I dont know, most of them just don't go feuding together and everything seems forced

3) You need to improve your promos a lot.

4) You don't go around reviewing, that's bullshit. You go out there, put predictions for shows, and then review half of them at most, and out of those reviews, most of them have something wrong or weird on them, making it likely that you faked it.

5) Your booking sometimes is just too weird. Simpsons BTB, Taker going 15-0-1 at Mania and the whole handling of Rated RKO speak by themselves.

This is watered-down advertising because you're going to start begging people to read and say you've 'improved'. You've done this all before, it's like a fucking script now.

Agreed. You have the same format for all this kind of posts, starting with "I know I am not the best, but...". It's always the same.

What happened to "BTB is not for reviews, but for entertaining yourself"? You know, the line you used to agree like 2 months ago?

If you had been reading and following it would interest you as the storylines go pretty deep such as about a PPV ago the Big Show getting so overwhelmed with months of tortue and anger from the general manager and no title shots involving him, that he pushed him into a moving car and Big Show claimed that he was now the acting general manager booking himself in matches for the gold and making the champion, Samoa Joe's life a living hell.

Oh yeah, I remember that from my Turning Point PPV build up :shifty:


OMG I just remembered Evil Austin faking reviews. Seriously, that's gay. Every time he would post in my BTB he would pick like a jobber over the champ for a preview and there would always be 2-3 wrong things with the reviews. Just because you skim our shows doesn't warrant us doing the same for you.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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It's been more than 3 months since I posted a PRIDE show. I still have 3 shows written out and ready to be posted, been ready since November. But I think I'm done with BTB. The section isn't as free as it was a couple of months ago, and things seem too strict and too controlled now. There's so much negativity going on here. If anyone needs advice/roster help, you can ask. I still have storylines stuck in my head, and are pretty epic.

(The Downfall of us All = Amazing.)