Although I'm not familiar with your accomplishments, I don't think you should discredit yourself so willingly. To me, the goal of having a prolonged BTB is one that is an incredibly static notion. I've not only seen it here, but I've seen it in other places as well. Not only that, but Awards; they're only indicative of other bookers' perception of you and your talents. Award voting can be biased or short sighted. The other biggie; recognition. These are the three fallacies that unfortunately blind us to preconceived ideals of what an ideal booker should be. Credentials and keeping up with a thread are certainly considerable criteria for judging a booker, but they're not everything. Niether is popular opinion, or recognition. Sometimes, miniscule details can make a great booker, or just a simple drive or ambition to accel at their craft. Just because you do not go through with a thread, does not mean you don't have the drive or motivation to continue on. There are other factors as well. You see guys keep trying, and trying, and although they fail, they keep going. What you've done may not have had as much of an impact on this section as some of the other HOFs, but surely, you must've done something right.