"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Who is your favourite wrestler to watch and would you ever like to see him lead a faction.


So Adamle snaps yet its Hass who's the one that turns heel? That makes no sense. (Sounded amusing up until that point.)

WDF??? How'd the hell this post end up here? ...I made these comments in the WWE section, Charlie Hass thread!...

Millzy Pt. 2

Active Member
Nov 15, 2007
Reaction score
Erie, PA
Q1.Now that Big Show turned heel and Vladimir Kozlov got a HUGE push, who do you think potentially can be the top heel of SmackDown?

Q2.Do you think Samoa Joe's TNA champiomship reign is starting to get stale?

Q3.Can you see some other Indy wrestlers other than Jack Evans saving TNA's X-Division

Q4.Do you know where I can download free UFC PPVs onto my computer?

Q5.What are your thoughts on Sheik Abdul Bashir winning the X-Division title instead of Creed?


Im going out of town Sunday to Friday. Not sure if i will have internet access, just a heads up.

how much does a Batista Vs JBL Feud disinterest you???

Well, it doesn't feel like a full blown fued yet. It was kinda a clusterfuck for a while, and they had a splattering. I can't see this fued going very long. I think its more of a filler fued, just to give Batista something to do till Survivor Series. Pretty much anything with Batista, i dont like.

what did you think of there 2005 feud???

I personally think it was a horrible feud... didn't like GAB match, hated slam match and the bullrope match sucked...

I didn't watch too much of it. I have just about no intestest in that fued, and to make it the main fued, SD was pretty bad at that point in time. If a fued like this is your main fued, its going to hurt the rest of the show as well imo. I think the reason this fued didnt work, is because they are both basically handed the ball, and didn't earn it so much. JBL build to champ was horrible. Batista was in the right place at the right time.

what do you think of JBL???

I think he found his niche about 10 years too late. He's a great announcer, but not a main event heel in my opinion. IF they used him perfectly, perhaps he could pull it off. Considering teh wwe pretty much handed him the belt, he did run with it, and i give him credit. He stepped his game up as champ. I guess its good he's coming back to put the younger guys over, but he's kinda whoring himself out there. He pretty much loses just about every other week, if not more.

Who is your favourite wrestler to watch and would you ever like to see him lead a faction.

Well, of all time its HBK, and he had DX. Right this moment....in the wwe he has to be MVP. He's good on the mic, and in the ring. He's a natural, so i enjoy pretty much everything he does. I would like to see MVP start up a faction, mainly because he's not doin much at the moment, and he seems like a character that would advance well in that role. Favorite in TNA would like be AJ Styles or Hernandez. I wouldn't want ot see either leading a faction.
ROH my favorite wrestler is El generico. He's the meaning a true babyface, and how he acts in the ring. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong also put on a great match every time. Character wise, Jimmie Jacobs, Sweet N Sour, and Kevin Steen are always doing some great promos.

Q1.Now that Big Show turned heel and Vladimir Kozlov got a HUGE push, who do you think potentially can be the top heel of SmackDown?

What about that edge guy. MVP should be a top tier heel. Kozlov and Big SHow both suck. Big show is over the hill, and his fued with taker gives me zero interest to tune in. Kozlov, i don't hate quite as much, although he's going to end up like Umaga. Get that monster push, Then lose to the champ, then float around for a while. Kozlov doesn't bring much to the table for me. Maybe he needs a manager.

Q2.Do you think Samoa Joe's TNA champiomship reign is starting to get stale?

Oh, it was stale before he won the belt. It seemed like he stopped trying as hard in the ring, when they said he couldn't wrestle for ROH anymore in early 2007. 2006 was when Joe was really popular, and now he's just living off his past popularity. If watch him now, he's average at best in the ring. I probably would have run things a lot different in TNA, and would have turned him heel, and give AJ the babyface push.

Q3.Can you see some other Indy wrestlers other than Jack Evans saving TNA's X-Division

Yeah, Jack Evans is what they need. Focus on high flying spot fest and some hardcore action. That should be the key. I think TNA has the talent it needs now, they just have to use it better.

Q4.Do you know where I can download free UFC PPVs onto my computer?

I have a few ideas, but i cant really advertise other sites on here.

Q5.What are your thoughts on Sheik Abdul Bashir winning the X-Division title instead of Creed?

Lol, it sucked, but it was better that "lil petey pump" Idk how the x-division has fallen so hard in so little time. Well, i think the problem is TNA isn't brinign in much in the way of new talent, and really went on a drought for a while. So i think this lead guys that should be competing for it now (Shelly, Homicide, Roode) to move in the tag division. At least TNA has a pretty strong tag division. I also think If they arent goin to push the rock n rave connection, then put Jimmy Rave in the Xdivision. I think he could be a very interesting champ.


BFG Thoughts Thus Far:

Samoa Joe (c) vs. Sting

Im fine with this. Young franchise guy going up against undefeated vetern in Sting. Sting will put over joe. Everyone is happy.

Featuring Abyss & Matt Morgan, Team 3D and more names TBA

What the FLYING FUCK. Come on now. I think this means no monsters ball.

X Division superstars battle inside the dome to try to escapeed this PPV

Thats the BEST we could come up with?????

To me, 2 of the 3 matches are WEAK. With clusterfuck written ALL over them. I think TNA has done a great job booking BFG 2006 and 2007. I'd hate to that trend end this year.



Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett

Interesting matchup, however this isn't going to save the ppv. Im going with Angle cheating to win.

AJ Styles vs Frank Trigg??? (maybe)

Oh oh, i think TNA is in trouble this year.

I really think TNA booked themselves into a corner this year. Im not saying these matches can't deliver however, i think the buildup and history is crucial to big shows like this.

Beer Money Army

I hated smackdown 2004 era.. JBL was overbooked too high, his reign sometimes reminded me of Jeff Jarrett tna one of them, a overbooked wcw heel title reign....

Have you seen the match where Jimmy Rave Vomits???

I watch Final Battle 2006, Have you seen it?

Good solid show, I think Final Battle is one of ROH elite shows, As 2004/2006 edition have held 2 world title changes, my favourite match would be cide vs Danielson ****, Good moment afterwards....

KOW Vs Briscoes would get **** rating to, pby my favourite KOW, but i can't wait to see hero go solo, as I think claudio is holding him back.. That claudio is good, he just lacks charsmia...

I heard good things about Gen Next Vs Shingo/Sydal/CIMA 6 man match, But i personally thought it was a solid spotfest, i'd say *** 1/2 but i could of rated it to ***.......

What match format you hate in ROH?

my choice: 4 Corner survival and the 2002-2003 Tag Scrambles....

T.s was spotfest with some sloppiness, 4 corner some a good but it's just a 10-20 min filler i like the 4 way fray mode much better....



Have you seen the match where Jimmy Rave Vomits???

No....hmmm he should have sent a tape of that to vince. He would been signed a long time ago.

I watch Final Battle 2006, Have you seen it?

Yes, I agree very good show. What i liked most was the Homicide vs Danielson match. It could tell the actually cared about the match, it was a emotional roller coaster, so to speak. Probably one of the most memorable ROH to me. Like you said, KOW vs Briscoes, is another classic matchup. I liked how the show flowed and it built up the storyline. The opener was solid. Then the Reyes/Pearce match set the stage for the main event. I have this at about my 10-15 range for best shows i've seen.

What match format you hate in ROH?

Hmmm, probably top of the class tropohy matches? If thats possible. I like 4 corner surivals, AS LONG as it has good wrestlers. It seems a couple times that match misssed the boat. Generally the students tend to not put on a good match.

Beer Money Army

What do you think of this concept Match????

It has 10 men... (the top 10 of the company crop minus Champion, I'll tell you later on why)

2 Men start, every 3 or 4 mins a new guy comes out.. (#10 would come out either on the 24th or 32th min mark).....


The rules of this match are very simple... In order to eliminate your oppoents, you must A) Pinfall or B) Submit, there is no DQ and No Countout.. So 1 winner and 9 losers :)


I think this concept could be call the "Race to the Top Match", can you outlast the distance and go through 9 of the top superstars of WWE or TNA or ROH in order to claim a World championship shot.....

ATM i'm watching 5th YF: Philly....

average show, nothing to talk too higher on yet...But one thing i notice in Homicide reign is, he isn't as over as he was when he was chasing the belt.. I havent enjoyed Homicide reign, it reminds me of Gibson reign... A Afterthought..That i don't hate noble, i actually enjoy his wrestling i think he was the wrong man to get the belt at the time..... (but 5th yr festival liverpool will be next, there a danger vs Sara del ray match on the card that highly interestes me along with joe/nigel and the 2 other titles matches...


Does Bj Whitmer turns heel in ROH 2007??? (i dont mind his wrestling, but from 06-07 he has been a extremely stale face, despite that big feud with jacobs)


Who should be pushed further, R-Truth or MVP?

Shelton Benjamin or The Brian Kendrick?


Have you seen the match where Jimmy Rave Vomits???

No....hmmm he should have sent a tape of that to vince. He would been signed a long time ago.

LOL... That's pretty much the reason they signed Droz wasn't it.

I remember from Beyond The Mat, Vince getting him to puke into a bucket during their meeting!

Q. Whilst there are some pretty decent matches from week to week, do you agree that SD is in dis-array atm? If so, how would you book their way out of this mess (without asuming the easy option of relying on the return of Edge, of course. ;o] )?

Beer Money Army

what do you think of this theory i came up with?

i reckon y2J is gonna retain at N/mercy...(but i reckon Y2J/HBK will continue but Orton gonna push his way into it.. ), but it's going be on the shelf in the weeks to cyber sunday...

I got a feeling jbl/batista will go no contest to make the triple threat for cyber sunday and maybe speical guest ref choosing.. i.e. HBK as ref or austin or someone else...

I think orton is going get his title match at Series, but im thinking of a y2J/HBK/Orton, in which can take the belt off them and orton could continue his age of orton until mania...

(i don't see y2J reign as world champion as a long term plan.. Maybe 3-4 Months at best he will get)))

Moonlight Drive

How long do you think the HBK/Y2J feud will continue for? (I think No contest Batista/JBL, fans vote at CS between Tista, Bradshaw and HBK, then LMS/I Quit/Ironman at SS to finish it)

Was the move to push Koslov to the ME a good one? Too soon, or just not needed?

Do you think the NM card is so stacked because of BFG?


How would you rebuild the Smackdown mid card?

Was giving the tag titles to the Colons a good idea?