
Its good to be back, awesome week, but its nice to be home.
What do you think of this concept Match????
I like it, however i wouldn't want to see the match on a frequent basis. It is a good idea for a new match, in fact a little surprised its never been done. Basically its a royal rumble with less wrestlers, and pinfalls rather than over the top. I think it would work best with TNA, as they have a larger main event/upper card roster, to where they can pull off a hell of a match. I would think every 3 minutes would be fair. If wwe did it, it would almost have to be interpromotional for star power.
ATM i'm watching 5th YF: Philly....
As a whole, the FYF is a little over rated imo. You certainly have about 1-2 big matches per show, however you could make a arguement at FYF Finale, its the only MUST own show. I really enjoyed Nigel vs Joe, although that was when i first started watchin ROH. Just see'in the top ROH guy vs The Top TNA guy was big.
Does Bj Whitmer turns heel in ROH 2007??? (i dont mind his wrestling, but from 06-07 he has been a extremely stale face, despite that big feud with jacobs)
You'll see, it goes into a storyline, but it doesnt work out so well.
Who should be pushed further, R-Truth or MVP?
MVP, i like both these guys, however MVP has earned his spot. He seems to be a bit more of a natural than Ron Killings (i hate R-Truth) In the ring, i do perfer killings, but in WWE, its all about crowd reaction and whatnot. I think Killings have even fizzle in the long run.
Shelton Benjamin or The Brian Kendrick?
I like THE brian Kendrick. I don't think shelton has grasp the concept of getting over with the crowd. I don't think he deserved the US belt. Shelton is putting on some good matches, but it takes a bit more than that. Plus Kendrick has that strut.
Q. Whilst there are some pretty decent matches from week to week, do you agree that SD is in dis-array atm? If so, how would you book their way out of this mess (without asuming the easy option of relying on the return of Edge, of course. ;o] )?
Good Question, and be honest, i havent paid TOO much attention to SD. Honestly, the fact Vickie is still GM, is turning me off from watching the show (im watch now atm though) I could CARE LESS about Vickie, and the Undertaker vs Big Show fued. Thats garbage. Another thing peev'ing me about SD, is the fact Colt Cabana is being used as a jobber.
So first i'd put a new GM in there (JBL, Mick Foley, Shane, Piper, anyone)
Next, I'd give HHH some good fueds, and storylines. A big face champ needs a big heel challenger. Since, there is no big heels at the moment, worthy, I'd give MVP his shot. HHH vs MVP, and basically MVP say All the champs have been ducking him, and he wants his shot. MVP wins in a non-title match, thus heats up the fued. Other Fueds Undertaker vs. Umaga, Kennedy vs Big Show, Jeff Hardy vs The Brian Kendrick. I'd put the belts back on Miz and Morrison and have them fued with a Carlito and Primo.
(After those fueds, i'd probably go HHH vs. Taker, Kennedy vs MVP, Jeff Hardy vs Edge )
Looking at the SD roster, the problem is you have (Show, Khali, and Umaga) as monster heels. Probably with that, it only leaves 1-2 real heels (Edge, MVP)
They got the talent, it just needs to be meshed together a little better. (Monster heels hurt too) They also have to do a better job building up there champs.
I think orton is going get his title match at Series, but im thinking of a y2J/HBK/Orton, in which can take the belt off them and orton could continue his age of orton until mania...
(i don't see y2J reign as world champion as a long term plan.. Maybe 3-4 Months at best he will get)))
Yeah, I would think they would perfer to have Orton bring the belt into mania, however Jericho could impress them as champ. I think he's done a top notch job thus far. Whats the biggest matchup the raw brand can put on at the moment? Cena vs Batista? Cena vs Orton? Orton vs Punk? I would have to think mania would look something like that. I don't see holding the belt all the way to mania. I think Cena vs Orton in a stipulation match at mania, would be the best bet. (how i would book it, at the moment)
What do you think of Raw as of late?
Well Well Well, Mr. Mat, long time no see. Good to hear from you
Raw has been.....alright as of late. I've enjoyed Orton being a dick to everyone. Jerichio vs HBK in a ladder match should be awesome. CM Punk is getting pushed right. Im not too fond of Batista/JBL. and Kane vs. Mysterio has been kinda lame. Marella is always entertaining. I do like simply priceless. Adamle has done a decent job, i do think they could crank up his character a bit and make him more of a dick. Overall i think its been average. The booking of fueds has been good, however the storylines have been a little recycled.
How long do you think the HBK/Y2J feud will continue for? (I think No contest Batista/JBL, fans vote at CS between Tista, Bradshaw and HBK, then LMS/I Quit/Ironman at SS to finish it)
I actually think it could at No mercy. I would think Batista is about in line for a shot after HBK. However i would like to see the fued continue, just more as enimies. Not as ppv main event. I like your idea as well. It works for me. I think Jericho/HBK would be hard pressed to top a ladder match though.
Was the move to push Koslov to the ME a good one? Too soon, or just not needed?
Both, who has he really beaten? Is he over? I'm fine with hyping up this match, but don't have it main event a ppv. Koslov is basically getting the Umaga push. Getting pushed to the moon, then jobbed out then after.
I'm kinda right in the middle of it being a good move/ bad move. I think its good, as long as its not a ppv match. I don't really have a problem with it, but why koslov, over someone like MVP? Thats my only convcern.
Do you think the NM card is so stacked because of BFG?
You bet. Im almost certain HBK vs Jerich in a ladder match is more hyped, and has a bigger blockbuster feel than ANY BFG match. I think if most wrestling fans had to pick one match it would be HBK/Jericho. To top that off, HHH vs Hardy should be a great match too.
I think Bound for Glory has been booked POORLY thus far. (Compared to years past) I was really impressed at the past 2 years BFG, and TNA seemed to really pull everything together with this show, this year its seems slung together.
Where's Rell?
In a thread? Idk??
How would you rebuild the Smackdown mid card?
I dont think its that bad at the moment. They got have a ton of mid card talent, so it should be no problem. MVP, Hardy, Umaga, Kennedy, Kendrick, Shelton, have these guys fued and things should be fine. Im not sold on Shelton as Champ, so i'd probably put the belt MVP, if he's not going to get a main event push.
Was giving the tag titles to the Colons a good idea?
Ehh, the wwe is known for giving ppl the belts, that haven't earned it. Or haven't been built up properly i should say. I actually think they are better champs than the Edgeheads though, so as sad as it is, its a upgrade in my book. So im cool with it.
What do you think of this concept Match????
I like it, however i wouldn't want to see the match on a frequent basis. It is a good idea for a new match, in fact a little surprised its never been done. Basically its a royal rumble with less wrestlers, and pinfalls rather than over the top. I think it would work best with TNA, as they have a larger main event/upper card roster, to where they can pull off a hell of a match. I would think every 3 minutes would be fair. If wwe did it, it would almost have to be interpromotional for star power.
ATM i'm watching 5th YF: Philly....
As a whole, the FYF is a little over rated imo. You certainly have about 1-2 big matches per show, however you could make a arguement at FYF Finale, its the only MUST own show. I really enjoyed Nigel vs Joe, although that was when i first started watchin ROH. Just see'in the top ROH guy vs The Top TNA guy was big.
Does Bj Whitmer turns heel in ROH 2007??? (i dont mind his wrestling, but from 06-07 he has been a extremely stale face, despite that big feud with jacobs)
You'll see, it goes into a storyline, but it doesnt work out so well.
Who should be pushed further, R-Truth or MVP?
MVP, i like both these guys, however MVP has earned his spot. He seems to be a bit more of a natural than Ron Killings (i hate R-Truth) In the ring, i do perfer killings, but in WWE, its all about crowd reaction and whatnot. I think Killings have even fizzle in the long run.
Shelton Benjamin or The Brian Kendrick?
I like THE brian Kendrick. I don't think shelton has grasp the concept of getting over with the crowd. I don't think he deserved the US belt. Shelton is putting on some good matches, but it takes a bit more than that. Plus Kendrick has that strut.
Q. Whilst there are some pretty decent matches from week to week, do you agree that SD is in dis-array atm? If so, how would you book their way out of this mess (without asuming the easy option of relying on the return of Edge, of course. ;o] )?
Good Question, and be honest, i havent paid TOO much attention to SD. Honestly, the fact Vickie is still GM, is turning me off from watching the show (im watch now atm though) I could CARE LESS about Vickie, and the Undertaker vs Big Show fued. Thats garbage. Another thing peev'ing me about SD, is the fact Colt Cabana is being used as a jobber.
So first i'd put a new GM in there (JBL, Mick Foley, Shane, Piper, anyone)
Next, I'd give HHH some good fueds, and storylines. A big face champ needs a big heel challenger. Since, there is no big heels at the moment, worthy, I'd give MVP his shot. HHH vs MVP, and basically MVP say All the champs have been ducking him, and he wants his shot. MVP wins in a non-title match, thus heats up the fued. Other Fueds Undertaker vs. Umaga, Kennedy vs Big Show, Jeff Hardy vs The Brian Kendrick. I'd put the belts back on Miz and Morrison and have them fued with a Carlito and Primo.
(After those fueds, i'd probably go HHH vs. Taker, Kennedy vs MVP, Jeff Hardy vs Edge )
Looking at the SD roster, the problem is you have (Show, Khali, and Umaga) as monster heels. Probably with that, it only leaves 1-2 real heels (Edge, MVP)
They got the talent, it just needs to be meshed together a little better. (Monster heels hurt too) They also have to do a better job building up there champs.
I think orton is going get his title match at Series, but im thinking of a y2J/HBK/Orton, in which can take the belt off them and orton could continue his age of orton until mania...
(i don't see y2J reign as world champion as a long term plan.. Maybe 3-4 Months at best he will get)))
Yeah, I would think they would perfer to have Orton bring the belt into mania, however Jericho could impress them as champ. I think he's done a top notch job thus far. Whats the biggest matchup the raw brand can put on at the moment? Cena vs Batista? Cena vs Orton? Orton vs Punk? I would have to think mania would look something like that. I don't see holding the belt all the way to mania. I think Cena vs Orton in a stipulation match at mania, would be the best bet. (how i would book it, at the moment)
What do you think of Raw as of late?
Well Well Well, Mr. Mat, long time no see. Good to hear from you
Raw has been.....alright as of late. I've enjoyed Orton being a dick to everyone. Jerichio vs HBK in a ladder match should be awesome. CM Punk is getting pushed right. Im not too fond of Batista/JBL. and Kane vs. Mysterio has been kinda lame. Marella is always entertaining. I do like simply priceless. Adamle has done a decent job, i do think they could crank up his character a bit and make him more of a dick. Overall i think its been average. The booking of fueds has been good, however the storylines have been a little recycled.
How long do you think the HBK/Y2J feud will continue for? (I think No contest Batista/JBL, fans vote at CS between Tista, Bradshaw and HBK, then LMS/I Quit/Ironman at SS to finish it)
I actually think it could at No mercy. I would think Batista is about in line for a shot after HBK. However i would like to see the fued continue, just more as enimies. Not as ppv main event. I like your idea as well. It works for me. I think Jericho/HBK would be hard pressed to top a ladder match though.
Was the move to push Koslov to the ME a good one? Too soon, or just not needed?
Both, who has he really beaten? Is he over? I'm fine with hyping up this match, but don't have it main event a ppv. Koslov is basically getting the Umaga push. Getting pushed to the moon, then jobbed out then after.
I'm kinda right in the middle of it being a good move/ bad move. I think its good, as long as its not a ppv match. I don't really have a problem with it, but why koslov, over someone like MVP? Thats my only convcern.
Do you think the NM card is so stacked because of BFG?
You bet. Im almost certain HBK vs Jerich in a ladder match is more hyped, and has a bigger blockbuster feel than ANY BFG match. I think if most wrestling fans had to pick one match it would be HBK/Jericho. To top that off, HHH vs Hardy should be a great match too.
I think Bound for Glory has been booked POORLY thus far. (Compared to years past) I was really impressed at the past 2 years BFG, and TNA seemed to really pull everything together with this show, this year its seems slung together.
Where's Rell?
In a thread? Idk??
How would you rebuild the Smackdown mid card?
I dont think its that bad at the moment. They got have a ton of mid card talent, so it should be no problem. MVP, Hardy, Umaga, Kennedy, Kendrick, Shelton, have these guys fued and things should be fine. Im not sold on Shelton as Champ, so i'd probably put the belt MVP, if he's not going to get a main event push.
Was giving the tag titles to the Colons a good idea?
Ehh, the wwe is known for giving ppl the belts, that haven't earned it. Or haven't been built up properly i should say. I actually think they are better champs than the Edgeheads though, so as sad as it is, its a upgrade in my book. So im cool with it.