"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Feb 7, 2007
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Top talent in ROH right now?

If a new ERA the WWE is to start, who do you think will be the top guys in a few years?

Roderick Strong or Bryan Danielson? Why?

What would you do to help out TNA at the moment?


Top talent in ROH right now?

How about a top 22. These are the main guys. I didnt really include the japanese based wrestlers, except morishima. One could argue that the briscoes should be higher than Strong, aries, and Hero, but i like those guys a lil bit better. I think now that Hero signed he will get a major push with his faction. #8 is kinda where the mid card guys start, although Jimmie Jacobs may get a major push.

1) Bryan Danielson
2) Nigel Mcguiness
3) Roderick Strong
4) Austin Aries
5) CHris Hero
6) Takeshi Morishima
7) Briscoes
8) Cluadio Castonoli
9) Jimmie Jacobs
10) Brent Albright
11) Davey Richards
12) BJ whitmer
13) Delirous
14) Rocky Romero
15) Jimmy Rave
16) Matt Sydal
17) Jack Evans
18) Adam Peirce
19 Kevin Steen
20) El Generico
21) Erick Stevens
22) Matt Cross

If a new ERA the WWE is to start, who do you think will be the top guys in a few years?

1) Punk (cause the straight edge gimmick)
2) Kennedy
3) Orton
4) MVP

Roderick Strong or Bryan Danielson? Why?

I like strong as a heel. 90% will say danielson, if not more. Danielson is considered the best wrestler in the world, and its hard to argue against him. In ring ability its all danielson. Personally, i like Strong. I think he has a better look. Better persona.

What would you do to help out TNA at the moment?

A live weekly show might be the answer TNA is looking for. I think 1 live hour would do more than 2 hours taped. I also think some fresh faces would help out a lot. They really havent brought in any in talent this year, i can think of off the top of my head. In order to do so, they gotta release some guys though.

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
You get a call from Vince McMahon and he says you can pick a WWE brand and TAKE OVER, hire or fire stars, all creative control, what would you do? Make yourself GM, call Paul E? It's your choice


You get a call from Vince McMahon and he says you can pick a WWE brand and TAKE OVER, hire or fire stars, all creative control, what would you do? Make yourself GM, call Paul E? It's your choice

If i had some brand to pick where i could have complete creative control, at first i was thinking ECW, because theres so much potential, but screw that. Ill take the hard job of doing Monday Night Raw.

Hire Stars:

Matt Hardy
CM Punk
Colt Cabana

Fire Stars (well moved)



Top Faces:

Cena, HHH, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy Matt Hardy


Edge, Orton, MVP, Kennedy, Corvon

Well, as for what direction i would take the company, i like to work backwards when booking Sooo. WM 25 would feature Cena vs CM Punk, and WM 24 would feature Cena vs Kennedy

Basically Cena would be very close to the title picture the whole time. I would turn him Heel at or around WM 24. By that time i would turn Kennedy face.

2007 fueds, basically mix n match the top heels and faces.

I would turn raw into a edgier show. More language and violence. Every show would feature 1 gimmick match (or just about) You wouldnt the same guys main event each week either.

The show would feature at least one great match each week too. Lots of promos. So everyone is happy. Certainly Raw is stacked with best talent, but ah well. Guys like MVP, and the Hardys can add more prestige to the IC belt.

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
In you're opinion what is the best feud that the WWE can put on, like a feud everyone wants to see ie: Orton/Cena. Build it up how you would want WWE to like the events leading up to it.

Do the same for TNA

How many and who from TNA could make it in WWE?


In you're opinion what is the best feud that the WWE can put on, like a feud everyone wants to see ie: Orton/Cena. Build it up how you would want WWE to like the events leading up to it.

Well i think its between Cena against Kennedy or CM Punk. Cena is for the mainstream fans going up against the IWC.(internet wrestling crowd) As far as how its built up I'd Cena/Kennedy double turn and the a face CM Punk vs a Heel Cena. I've always liked the royal rumble. Have those guys win the rumble to challenge the champ.

Do the same for TNA

Tna doesnt really have a dream match. I guess as far as matchups we havent seen yet, i'd say Joe vs Senshi or Homicide. No buildup really needed.

How many and who from TNA could make it in WWE?

Sting, Cage, Daniels, Styles, Joe. Its tough to say with all the drug policies. The wwe is going to be under a microscope, so they may want to pick up a few of these guys.

Defiant One

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Apr 2, 2007
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St. Louis, Missouri
1. With everyone in the media keeping an eye on WWE, do you think the next few years could be a repeat of what happened in the early-mid 90s with smaller guys getting pushed? (due to the steroid abuse)
2. When do you think Punk will win the ECW World Title?
3. Who do you think HHH should feud with upon his return?
4. When do you think Orton will when the WWE Title?
5. When do you think Vince will next appear on WWE TV as a character?
6. Do you think Shane will ever win a World Title? (kinda random but I was thinking about it)
7. Your thoughts on Cor Von?

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
Triple H/Lashley better than Triple H/Kennedy?

Was Umaga sqaushing Santino a good idea?

Nitro-Main eventer for years to come or transitional champion never to be heard from in the main event?

Would you like to see HHH/HBK one more time?

GAB better than ONS?

Jackass storyline- a success?

Should Rey Mysterio get another World Title reign?


1. With everyone in the media keeping an eye on WWE, do you think the next few years could be a repeat of what happened in the early-mid 90s with smaller guys getting pushed? (due to the steroid abuse)

Yea, that wouldnt suprise me. I'd imagine CM Punk would be the biggest winner out of this. Hopefully the wwe goes to a more old school, with more wrestling and less crazy storylines. With Beniot getting 10 month subscribtions to drugs, it doesnt look it. Although i will take some time for this to get sorted out. I dont think the wwe has any plans to change their doings until Beniot is found with lots of steriods in his system.

2. When do you think Punk will win the ECW World Title?

Whens Great american bash? I'd assume he has a good chance to take it off Nitro, but when hes champ then what? He could get boring like cena. So they could hold it off a bit. They should have put the belt on corvon.

3. Who do you think HHH should feud with upon his return?

Randy Orton made a lot of sense to me, but the wwe has other plans i guess. Mr Kennedy would be a good second choice. I wanted these two to fued going into WM 23, but HHH got injuried.

4. When do you think Orton will when the WWE Title?

I dont have a crystal ball, but SummerSlam has a nice ring to it. Realistically he should have won it vengance. But the wwe decieded to play it safe and wait. They still might be hestitant to put the belt on him. We will all have to wait and see when he does finally win it.

5. When do you think Vince will next appear on WWE TV as a character?

Not sure, perhaps never. The wwe cant or shouldnt rely on vince anymore

6. Do you think Shane will ever win a World Title? (kinda random but I was thinking about it)

No, not sure why not, but he doesnt seem like the type.

7. Your thoughts on Cor Von?

I like him from the first time i saw him actually. When i first saw tna, he was my favorite guy, and thought he would be best suited for wwe. Upon entering the wwe, hes doing alright, but he could be a lot more active. I'd like to see him get a major role. Like Corvon and Punk as the top 2 guys. I'd liek to see more promos from him too. Im surprised they arent using him more to be honest.

Triple H/Lashley better than Triple H/Kennedy?

Nope. HHH vs Lashley, would be good for lashley, but not HHH. Kennedy vs HHH would be good for both guys.

Was Umaga sqaushing Santino a good idea?

The wwe messed up upon giving Santino the fan gimmick. Yes, him getting squashed was a good idea. I hated Santinos Italian lover gimmick. It could have worked if he was a heel. But the Rock Balboa thing failed bad. His over Russian wrestling machine gimmick was better.

Nitro-Main eventer for years to come or transitional champion never to be heard from in the main event?

Hmm. Good question. I dont think now is his time, as he said he didnt want the belt. Personally i think the wwe can really use him, but i also think it is too early as a world champ, mainly because they didnt build him up any. I still thought Dx should have brought in Nitro. The wwe really messed up his character. He could have been very over as a face. He could have dumped Melina and went back to his OVW juvenile gimmick. Oh well. I think Nitro will be back into the championship scene, but it may take a few years.

Would you like to see HHH/HBK one more time?

ITs tought to say no. But I'd like to see HBK retire, kinda at the top of his game. I wouldnt want to his career decline if he did comeback. I'd like to say, but its not needed.

GAB better than ONS?

I doubt it. I thought ONS was pretty damn good. It will be very hard for GAB to beat it.

Jackass storyline- a success?

again, I doubt it. Idk why they are even bringing these guys back. One time deal is ok, but these are idiots in my opinion. Umaga should come back out and kick their ass again.

Should Rey Mysterio get another World Title reign?

Not right now, maybe next year. Its really depends on injuries, and momentum, things like that. I think he still deserves it, but it will be interesting to see how he is used. See if there is any ring rust or anything like that.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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I've just watched a match between Kash/Noble and London/Kendrick (GAB) and I remember Noble during 2002/03 having a nice redneck gimmick and I think he's one of the most talented cruiserweights during that time (well.. he's still until today), so I just wanna ask, Do you think Jamie Noble still deserves a push in Smackdown and become the CW champ once more?

Great One

-Wrestlemania 24 main events?

-Who do you think will win the Royal Rumble?

-Can you see another Invasion or RAW vs. SD (vs. ECW) storyline returning?

-Can you see the roster (or at least RAW and SD) combining again due to all the intepromotional matches so far?

-Thoughts on Randy Orton?

the dark knight

The wwe messed up upon giving Santino the fan gimmick. Yes, him getting squashed was a good idea. I hated Santinos Italian lover gimmick. It could have worked if he was a heel. But the Rock Balboa thing failed bad. His over Russian wrestling machine gimmick was better.

wow! same exact thought 100% rep++

Should Rey Mysterio get another World Title reign?

Not right now, maybe next year. Its really depends on injuries, and momentum, things like that. I think he still deserves it, but it will be interesting to see how he is used. See if there is any ring rust or anything like that.

do you actually think rey deserves a WORLD title?


I've just watched a match between Kash/Noble and London/Kendrick (GAB) and I remember Noble during 2002/03 having a nice redneck gimmick and I think he's one of the most talented cruiserweights during that time (well.. he's still until today), so I just wanna ask, Do you think Jamie Noble still deserves a push in Smackdown and become the CW champ once more?

Oh yea, he's one of the best, and probably the most under used guy. I really think they should do more with the division, and hopefully we see more now with the steriod problem. Jamie Noble was good at both gimmicks he had i thought. The redneck and the pitbull. He can always put on a good match. I think him as champ would give the a little more personality. Wang and Chavo really havent done any promos to hype up their rivialry. I think NOble could add that to the CW division if they allowed it.

-Wrestlemania 24 main events?

Kennedy vs Cena, Taker vs Edge, CM punk vs ??? Rvd maybe

-Who do you think will win the Royal Rumble?


-Can you see another Invasion or RAW vs. SD (vs. ECW) storyline returning?

Yea, they tease every now and then with Survivor Series and WM. I think it will continue how it is during SS time. It dont think it will be full blown like the Invasion days with wcw and ecw. Mainly because they want to keep the brands seperate.

-Can you see the roster (or at least RAW and SD) combining again due to all the intepromotional matches so far?

The ratings would really have to slip far down before that happens. With HBK and Taker on the brick of retirement, a few years down the road its hard to say. The seperate brands have worked out pretty well for WWE, and i'd imagine they keep it as long as they can.

-Thoughts on Randy Orton?

Get that man the wwe belt! I know he's a immature prick, but the wwe created that monster. I think he's paid his dues in the wrestling business and has finally been pushed back in the right direction. The wwe needs stars, and they him have, but they arent using him. He's great in the ring for wwe. He's great on the mic, (yeah i said it) It may look like a bad choice now, but in the long run, it will all be worth it. PS: Bobby Lashley sucks in case they didnt realize it. They gotta do somethin with him.

do you actually think rey deserves a WORLD title?

Did i st st stutter?? Yes, i think Rey DESEVERES the world title. He's the greatest cruiserweight of all time. The wwe is entertainment. Having Rey Mysterio was the ultimate dream. In fact, about 1 month before Rey Mysterio won the Royal Rumble, i said that Rey would win the World Championship. Do you know how much heat i got for that? Even 3lions said i was crazy. But when Rey won the rumble, i was like HA, and rubbed it all in their faces. But anyways, he's a legend. Legends deserve gold. Bottomline.

Am I getting anywhere in the E-Fed?

Honestly, i pay well little attention to mayhem. my only advice if you want to improve would be to keep roleplaying and being active, and stick to one character and make him good. Take your time Roleplaying.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Another question, I've looked some WWE's jobbers, they have Venis, Viscera, Regal, ha! Why Regal, I think he was one of the great technichal wrestlers in the business, I've watched his matches with Benoit, (Velocity and No Mercy 2006) and I do really appreciate on both matches. So here's my question, Do you think Regal deserves to be in the midcarder and have some feud with Marella (and maybe for the title) and to other midcarders?