"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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How long you been e-fedding?

Its actually been 1 year now. I knew nothing when i started, i was as bad as someone could be. But im a fast learner i guess.

do you know if anyone's going to be posting vengeance online on this site live?

NextI3Victim943.....Catch him on aim, and he will hook you up with a good stream for a small fee (8-10 bucks)

Bonus Question: Vengance Picks

Orton , Edge, Beniot, Umaga, MVP, Cade Murdoch, Duece Domino, Chavo, Melina.


Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
Killeen, Texas
Sorry for the e-fed q's, but have you like tried any other feds out?

If so how much have you moved around in you're 1 year of e-fedding.

Do you look for more quality in you're rps, or more quantity. It basically breaks down to whether or not do you look for attracting your judge by the neatness and crisp definition, or by using length of decent but not the best work to try and work over the judge of you're rp.

*Note I am basically a pioneer at this shit. I just want to look to get some diamonds in the rough and try to help them out more and more to become a superb e-fedder. Ex. Truth and his rping turnaround I helped him out a little last year.


Good to see you back too, when i seen truth got ya, i was kinda like damn.

Sorry for the e-fed q's, but have you like tried any other feds out?

Yea, i've tried a couple. I really wasn't into them at all. One i practically got banned, becuase i didnt follow the rules, That was not in the rules. Long story short i had some drama with a mainstream efed.

ANother was a small get up, and it folded kinda quickly.

Do you look for more quality in you're rps, or more quantity. It basically breaks down to whether or not do you look for attracting your judge by the neatness and crisp definition, or by using length of decent but not the best work to try and work over the judge of you're rp.

Honestly i havent graded RP's this year. If im writing a match, ill just read both and generally one is clearly better. Certainly its Quality over Quanity. One thing i look at very heavily is consistancy. Thats a huge factor to me.

This summer i've been real busy and havent been too active with the efed in terms of writing. But storylines, fueds, and promos is what i've been working on. Hardcore Impact too.


Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
Killeen, Texas
Yeah, I missed it here. Lol. I was busy last year and I had to leave after my first match...lol the match where they had Cahan Malone never even come to the ring.

But yeh I came back in to teach, and see how well we get people going here. I have to say it is a major apology to you and everyone else that I never got that fed layout up and working. That was something I felt bad for, because I didn't deliver on that like I said I would.

I dropped out of e-fedding until January until this cat I know, Mike Flash begged me to come into Mecca. So I did until I moved to Virginia, and had to go back to Dial-up because lol I lived like out where there is nothing but sticks and shit, yet lol I live close to all the big cities. But we got satellite modem now so it is all good and well.

But anyways I don't wanna spam on your thread so haha I'll ask you another question.

The better movie - Pacino Starred In - Carlito's Way or Scarface.

I'd like a little small back-up explanation too haha,,,just to see what you feel on both movies.


May 10, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
What do you think of Candice as Women's Champion?

What do you think of Johnny Nitro as ECW Champion?

Who will be Edge's next competitor for his title?

What is next for Batista since he is now out of the WHC picture as of now?

Who will be Johnny Nitro's first competitor, CM Punk or Benoit?


The better movie - Pacino Starred In - Carlito's Way or Scarface.

Wrestling questions only, but Scarface. I havent seen carlitos way, but want to.

What did you think of Vengeance..?

OH GOD....talk about dropping the ball. I liked the setting, with all the former champs, and the big fight atmosphere, but it was horribily put together.

Cade Murdoch vs Hardys.

Good opener i guess. The match was the same as their first 5 matches together, except cade and murdoch won, now that their champs. 2.5-2.75 at best.

Chavo vs Yang

Pretty good, but could have been better. The fans are idiots too. Chavo had to beg for heel heat. 2.75 out of 5

Nitro vs Punk

The real loser in this one's in the fans. They missed a dream match, and showed their displeasure for nitro. The match itself wasnt bad...but again could have been a lot better. I also hated the fact they had zero set up for nitro. They slung the belt on him much like Lashley. I like nitro, just hated how he hasn't been built up at all. Did not like how they screwed the backbone of ecw for a 1 week wonder. 2.75

Santino vs Umaga

What a shitty ending. I was with the fans cheering for Umaga. I wanted Umaga to kick his ass too. 1/5

Flari vs MVP

Same MVP, and same Flair in this match. Nothing special 2.5

Duece and Domino vs Snuka and Slaughter

I thought this was argueably the most entertaining match of the night. Snuka vs Snuka. The two mocking each, and the old timers. The actual promo before the match. THe legends clearing house. The only match that was booked very well. 2.75 - 2.9

Edge vs Batista

It wasnt great, but this was match of the night. Similar of their other encounters. The fans were pumped. Batista Bomb on the floor. Good Chemistry. I liked the restarting of the match, but kinda sucked how batista got counted out. 3.00 - 3.25

Cena vs The World

Honorable mention goes to Lashley, who looked real good to start the match. The match was way short. Perfect time to have cena lose, as he wouldnt have had to be pinned. But cena over came the odds yet again.
3.00/5 (This could have been 4.00 very easily)

Overall star rating 2.75

Overall PPV rating 5.5/10

Match of the Night: Edge vs Batista

Thoughts....the wwe dropped the ball.

Heres a video review of the show by truthslayer, very similar opinions almost same ratings too.


What do you think of Candice as Women's Champion?

whatever, i dont care. I thought melina should win.

What do you think of Johnny Nitro as ECW Champion?

BS, i commented more on my vengance thoughts. Poorly set up basically, but he should be fun to watch as champ.

Who will be Edge's next competitor for his title?

I'd have to assume Matt hardy and Rey Mysterio will be next in line, in that order.

What is next for Batista since he is now out of the WHC picture as of now?

Now is a good tiem for a mark henry fued right? MVP vs Batista would be really good too, but i dont see Batista as US Champ. Batista Khali is a option too.

Who will be Johnny Nitro's first competitor, CM Punk or Benoit?

Its a toss up. I'd say have punk lose another next month, than Benito vs Nitro at Summerslam.

Who do u think is the most dangerous wrestler in the ring?

Ken Shamrock....well he was the most danergous man. Actually now its probably Henry or Khali.

Mr. Mat

do you ever see rock returning?

do you think jeff hardy will win the wwe or world title one day

Defiant One

Active Member
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
St. Louis, Missouri
1. How do you think Vince will handle the limo storyline? (forget it ever happened and just show up on tv, or what)
2. Is it safe to say the WWE will never be the same again? (with the breaks in Kayfabe and all)


do you ever see rock returning?

Nah, probably just some special appearances. hes a sell out.

do you think jeff hardy will win the wwe or world title one day

The way wwe stars are dropping it would be foolish for them not to put the belt on him one day. I think mature, and over with the fans so he could be a good choice, but they'd rather have cena be champ forever. It will be interesting to see how beniots death changes the wwe product if any. They may start to push more guys (doubt it actually) but guys like punk and hte hardys.

1. How do you think Vince will handle the limo storyline? (forget it ever happened and just show up on tv, or what)

I think they are just going to drop it, as i dont think they had a full blown out plan drawn yet. I think they will basically said vince faked his death to gain respect from the crowd.

2. Is it safe to say the WWE will never be the same again? (with the breaks in Kayfabe and all)

Ehh, i'd like to see some changes, but who knows. I'd like them to push some smaller guys. Guys like Carlito and Orton who have experience and are ready. Idk, not have cena beat the new ecw champ johnny nitro. I think the wwe is never going to mention beniots name again so it could work out as nothing has happened.

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
How would you handle the world championships going into GAB, like you pick the match ups and stips.

Austin- One in a million or dime a dozen? He drank beer and brawled but he single handedly defeated WCW.

Viva La Luke

Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
Will Kennedy ever be as good as The Rock?

MVP or Elijah Burke and why?

I think Kennedy has the abillity to surpase The Rock IMO he is alot better in the Ring than the Rock.

Questions for Montana

1. How would you book a John Cena heel turn?

2. Do you think that the match which has been said by man as ROH best match Samoa Joe Vs Kenta is nothing more than over rated chop fest?

3. What are your opinions on the Rhino Vs Angle Vs Cage match this week on Impact.


How would you handle the world championships going into GAB, like you pick the match ups and stips.

Well, its tough. You dont want to blow a big match for the Great American Bash, that you can save for a bigger show. The matchup people most want to see is Edge vs Matt Hardy (Ladder Match) i would think. Although i wouldnt blow that matchup this early. What i would do is Edge.....vs.....MVP.....vs Kane.........vs Matt Hardy. Fourway for the World champion....Fatal Fourway i should say, elimination style. Which leaves Batista vs Mark Henry.

Austin- One in a million or dime a dozen? He drank beer and brawled but he single handedly defeated WCW.

I think he's gotta be one in a million. He's was the most popular wrestler of all time, and to say a dime a dozen isnt right. He earned his spot. He was a really good wrestler, before his neck injuries too. I just dont think anyone could have played that role any better...see sandman. '

Will Kennedy ever be as good as The Rock?

Depends how you define good. I'll say no, if i had to give a answer. I think Injuries may be a problem for Kennedy in the future, which may hold him back. I say no, because he still has a very long way to go. After he main events 5 wrestle manias. Then maybe we can talk. Its hard to compare these two. Both have great mic skills, but thats kinda where it ends i think. In the ring they are completely different. Kennedy is more of a old school heel. Rock was more of a 90's type heel. Its not that i don't think kennedy cant do what the rock did, i just think its a longshot. You gotta figure too wwe was at its hieght of popularity during the rock's era too. Too many things against kennedy at this time.

MVP or Elijah Burke and why?

100% all the way, MVP. MVP is all around better to me. Much more natural and smooth on the mic. Much better gimmick. Charisma. Better in the ring. Im not saying Burke is bad, but hes a mid card guy, for a long time to come. If MVP can turn face, he could be along the lines of Austin/Rock. Buts thats a BIG IF, because idk if he could he can do it. The wwe has 3 young stars that can carry the company in Punk, Kennedy and MVP. We just gotta wait. I also think Colt Cabana could be HUGE in the future if used right. (Like the next dusty rhodes)

1. How would you book a John Cena heel turn?

lol, like 2 years ago. Ha ha ha. I'd probably just have Cena vs Kennedy and a double turn, very similar to Bret Hart and Steve Austin. The face just gets so enraged, he acts heelish and the fans fall in love with kennedy.

2. Do you think that the match which has been said by man as ROH best match Samoa Joe Vs Kenta is nothing more than over rated chop fest?

Well, its like there version of Hogan vs ROck. Was it a good match? not really, but it was entertaining as hell. Same can be said for Joe vs Kenta. It may be their best match, its not my personal fav.

3. What are your opinions on the Rhino Vs Angle Vs Cage match this week on Impact.

i didnt see it yet. I was goni to DL it, maybe ill get around to it. I got a handful of stuff i still gotta watch too. Ill give my thoughts on the match once i do watch it. I hear good things about the episode, although it was a bit of a clusterfuck.