"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Another question, I've looked some WWE's jobbers, they have Venis, Viscera, Regal, ha! Why Regal, I think he was one of the great technichal wrestlers in the business, I've watched his matches with Benoit, (Velocity and No Mercy 2006) and I do really appreciate on both matches. So here's my question, Do you think Regal deserves to be in the midcarder and have some feud with Marella (and maybe for the title) and to other midcarders?

In my opinion, Regal has, and always been a mid carder. Only problem why he isnt getting championships, but because its gettin a little older, and hes mainly used as a vetern. Which i fine i think. I liked his role on raw this week, as a acting commisioner or whatever he was. Thats a role he is best suited for in my opinion. A tough hard head guy who can defend himself. A fued with Marella would be a great too, but it may look like the wwe is goin in another direction.

In fact i thought of a good storyline between those two guys (at least i think) Marella begs Regal the commish for his help and advice. Finally Regal agree's to help the young guy. They train and team up, and finally marellas turns on him. SO marella steals all of Regals tips, and sets marella up for a perfect heel. Regal would go back to a face Commisioner. I think that could work, as marella would be a better heel.



who is your favorite baseball and basketball team?

Try and stick to wrestling questions. As for sports, im from detroit, so im a big pistons fan. Well, i used to me, they are starting to become boring. I went to the game where lebron poured in 48 in the playoffs. That was rough. I like most NBA teams: Dallas, GS, Utah, i know im forgettin a few. With Baseball, im not too into it, but the Tigers are pretty good now. Im kinda a fair weather fan with them. Although its fun to go to the games even when they were losing. I Also like the white sox, and the yankees.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Another question, I've looked some WWE's jobbers, they have Venis, Viscera, Regal, ha! Why Regal, I think he was one of the great technichal wrestlers in the business, I've watched his matches with Benoit, (Velocity and No Mercy 2006) and I do really appreciate on both matches. So here's my question, Do you think Regal deserves to be in the midcarder and have some feud with Marella (and maybe for the title) and to other midcarders?

In my opinion, Regal has, and always been a mid carder. Only problem why he isnt getting championships, but because its gettin a little older, and hes mainly used as a vetern. Which i fine i think. I liked his role on raw this week, as a acting commisioner or whatever he was. Thats a role he is best suited for in my opinion. A tough hard head guy who can defend himself. A fued with Marella would be a great too, but it may look like the wwe is goin in another direction.

In fact i thought of a good storyline between those two guys (at least i think) Marella begs Regal the commish for his help and advice. Finally Regal agree's to help the young guy. They train and team up, and finally marellas turns on him. SO marella steals all of Regals tips, and sets marella up for a perfect heel. Regal would go back to a face Commisioner. I think that could work, as marella would be a better heel.

I agree with ur storyline.. I hope WWE could give him a role before his retirement comes....

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Well.. I have another question! lol... I've read a thread in the WWE section that there might have an Elimination Chamber match for the Raw Main Event for Summerslam.... and I thought of that Smackdown never have an Elimination Chamber match as their main event, unlike ECW, they've used it last December... So here' smy question, Do you think Smackdown deserves to use the Elimination Chamber for their Main Event? If you're answer is yes, Which six smackdown stars do you think will be on the EC (well.. Edge is one)???


Do you think I could be VIP material?

Sure, if you stop changing your name

I've read a thread in the WWE section that there might have an Elimination Chamber match for the Raw Main Event for Summerslam.... and I thought of that Smackdown never have an Elimination Chamber match as their main event, unlike ECW, they've used it last December... So here' smy question, Do you think Smackdown deserves to use the Elimination Chamber for their Main Event? If you're answer is yes, Which six smackdown stars do you think will be on the EC (well.. Edge is one)???

Good point, SD does deserve the EC chamber, and would most likely be able to produce a much much better match than on the raw side. The 6 guys would be: Edge, Batista, Hardy, MVP, Mysterio, and......Jimmy Wang or Kane. Realistically it would be Kane, but i like Jimmy Wang, and with him and Mysterio in the same match, watch out.

I also think they may hold off until Survivor Series, but who knows now. Raw seems a bit confused now since the draft.


I guess, ill ask myself a question....What'd you think about the results of Smackdown (Spoilers coming and harsh laungage.)

(Loud curse words) Yes. We have a new world champion, and although its not surprising, its takes away a bit of the fun in wrestling. I mean, sure its entertainment, but how entertaining is this guy really. The guy puts forth ZERO effort. I've seen snails move faster than Khali. He is NOT the type of guy you put to build around, but its 100% obvisous why he was chosen, in fact it took me about 2 seconds to realize, if Edge dropped the belt it would go to Khali.

And why you ask?

Its because he was ina major feud with Batista. He wins a TAINTED championshp, based off who he is fueding. They couldnt give the belt to anyone who actually deserves it, bc it would be tainted, yes TAINTED. (Matt Hardy mostly) It also applies to Kane, but he would have nothing to do if champ.

What would i have done?

You see the roster list, with better wrestlers as champ....yeah thats kinda how i feel. I know this is a rant, but DAMN. Honestly, I would probably just make Cena the undisputed champion. Im sick of Battle Royals, where the wwe hand selects the champ on very little time and notice. I think Batista would be another good choice, but he really doesnt haven anyone to fued with. The wwe fucked themselves, when they sent EVERYONE with any talent to raw, EXCept EDge , MVP and Matt Hardy.

Am i done yet?

No, Fuck the great khali and fuck Smackdown.
Jun 10, 2007
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^ Couldnt agree more...

I got a question, do you think that Kurt Angle's arrival to TNA has helped them or made them get worse?


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Montana (#2) is THE MOTHERFUCKING MAN! :gun_rifle:


I got a question, do you think that Kurt Angle's arrival to TNA has helped them or made them get worse?

It has slightly helped tna. Dont believe me? Look at the ratings, they went up from about .9 -1.0 to 1.0 - 1.2 I say slightly because its not half of how well he could have helped out the company. He could have made a huge impact, with the likes of Hogan joining wcw, not as big, but similar, and TNA has dropped the ball a bit. They "blowed their load" too fast on Joe vs Angle. They should have built it up, and their first contest, around the time of WM 23.

Right now, it doesnt look like Angle is helping TNA much, but i still think he is. He still has a few years left, and if used properly could be their franchise player. BUT with the money they are paying, they might want to cut their loses.

All in all, its helped, but not as much as he could/should have.

have u checked my reply in ur thread? wwe section...

Idk which thread. i dont think i've seen it

Who's deserves the ECW world title?

Probably CM Punk. He's their standout star. I really don't like how ECW has been going since the draft, its not really about the belt. I wish they used guys like thorne and corvon more.

what do you think of this weeks SD khali the new champ

already answered.


Feb 8, 2007
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The 'Nati
Who wins the Title from Khali? And in how long?

What happens to Kane/Edge/Matt when Edge return from injury