"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Who wins the Title from Khali? And in how long?

I havent even seen Khali win the belt yet, but i would assume his reign would end at SummerSlam. I dont see being champ for a extended period of time, mainly due to lack of opponenets, AND he has no entertainment value. I think SD should just cut their loses and give the belt back to Batista. Although i wouldn't mind a Kane run as champ.

What happens to Kane/Edge/Matt when Edge return from injury

When edge returns, all the storylines will be different. I'd assume he would be a in main event fued with someone like Mysterio or Batista.
I doubt matt Hardy will leap to main event status. Kane will likely float around mid card as well, unless he gets a big push.

Do you think Nitro's new gimmick in ECW will rise him to legendary status?

Depends what you consider "legendary Status" Looking back, any champ can technically be considered a legend. But i think John Morrision still has a ways to go. I consider multiple time champions as legends. Guys like Hogan, Savaga, Flair, Hart, HBK, Taker and so on. I dont see Morrison on that level just yet. As i stated before, i thought the wwe missed out on a lot of the possilbilties for the jonny nitro character. Lets not forget the guy hasn't even been in a wrestlemania yet. I think his trial run as champ, is to basically see his potential, does he have what it takes to take the next step. Can he main event on Raw or SD. Can he carry a show and bring in ratings? So far, he hasnt really deliver, but i do think his new character will be sucessful, he just has a long way to go before i consider him a legend. So i'll say no, to answer the question.

Great One

Thoughts on Mark Henry and a possible title run for him?


I'm going to go ahead and rip off 3lion's question, because I loved it and thought it was a very good question, so here we go. =)

You have to create a stable consisting of five current WWE Superstars. It must include the following:
- A ME Star
- A Midcarder/Enforcer
- A Tag Team (pre-exisiting or newly created by you)
- And a Veteran/Manager (doesn't have to be with WWE currently).

Who do you choose?


Its good to know some people are still loyal around here.

Thoughts on Mark Henry and a possible title run for him

Im assumed you kinda meant rather than Khali? Ill go into both scenarios. Personally, If it was between those two, Mark Henry would be a much better champion for a few reason. He's pretty good on the mic. He's pretty good in the ring, for his size. The Fans hate him. He's been very loyal to the wwe after all these years, and really the only thing thats held him back the past year is his injury. I think Mark Henry was not coming off an injury, Henry would be been given the ball to run with. Even with coming off an injury, he could have slided right into edge's storylines and we could have had Henry vs Kane, and Khali vs Batista still. Now Mark Henry won't give you any 5 star matches, but he's better than Khali.

But thats all in the past, and as of Right now, I dont see Mark Henry with a world championship run on SD, for at least another year. But thats not to say, he won't be moved to ECW, where he could be a major force, rather than Big Daddy V. Before the draft, I thought Henry should have went to ECW, and Umaga to SD, and Khali to the unemployment line. So Smackdown is still pretty stacked, plus you have a handful of guys returning too over the next few months, Rey, Edge, Taker. I dont think he will be moved to ECW, but it may be a good idea.

Also, I like the Idea of MVP and Mark Henry teaming up. I've liked this idea since MVP debuted. These guys would be a dominant tag team. Im sick of lame tag teams who debut and are the champs the next week. On paper, and on tv, they are pretty boring as champs. If they used singles wrestlers as tag teams, the Tag division would heat up again. Also a US title, isn't out of the picture either.

I'm going to go ahead and rip off 3lion's question, because I loved it and thought it was a very good question, so here we go. =)

Originally Posted by 3lions
You have to create a stable consisting of five current WWE Superstars. It must include the following:
- A ME Star
- A Midcarder/Enforcer
- A Tag Team (pre-exisiting or newly created by you)
- And a Veteran/Manager (doesn't have to be with WWE currently).

Who do you choose?

I read this one too, i thought it was a great question as well. I was thinkin of even just answering for the heck of it. But heres my quick response, I'll add another stable.

MVP (ME Star) Henry (Enforcer/midcard) Cryme Tyme (Tag) Teddy Long (Heel, Manager)

They fit the best, but im going to do with with Randy Orton as the leader, in a few hours.


Feb 7, 2007
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If you had to pick Cena or Austin who would you choose? Why?

Will Big Daddy V reach any sucess?


Originally Posted by 3lions
You have to create a stable consisting of five current WWE Superstars. It must include the following:
- A ME Star
- A Midcarder/Enforcer
- A Tag Team (pre-exisiting or newly created by you)
- And a Veteran/Manager (doesn't have to be with WWE currently).

Who do you choose?

Ok, now that i've had more time, I've though of another with Randy Orton, and i must say, with this criteria, its not easy. This one may not be a favorite, but if done properly it could be huge. To start, Randy Orton goes from Legend Killer, to anti american. The Highlanders are completely repackaged with new heel gimmicks with the anti american attitude. And for a enforcer, Finlay should work well. Now for a mentor, who's got the best mic skills, I think Roddy Piper as a heel would be pretty damn sweet.
So its basically anti american group with Orton, Finlay, Piper, and the Highlanders.

A year ago i wanted a faction with Orton, Nitro, Dystra. Perhaps add another young guy to it.

If you had to pick Cena or Austin who would you choose? Why?

I dnot realy know how you mean this quesion, look who is better? Who is better to start a company with? Stone Cold is a bigger name, draw, wrestler, and pretty much better all around. But Cenas just gettin started. IF i were starting a company from scratch, he would be my first pick of any wrestler today. Cena has a better work ethic too, not sure if that matters or not.

Will Big Daddy V reach any sucess?

Nah, i doubt it. I hope not i should say. He has caught everyones attention, but eventually it will all wear off, and we will realizes its the same old viscera.

Great One

Orton, Nitro (Morrison), Dykstra, and Masters? Being the enforcer of course. Cor Von could be another pick and maybe Burke over Dykstra.

Now if only it would happen... =(


yea, What did you think of the anti americans thing? I know its far fetched, but it could be huge. plus theres a handful of american guys for them to face off against, American Dream + Cody, Cena, Lashley.

Great One

True, it's VERY far fetched, but a good thought nonetheless. Also, it may be a bit repetitive, I think they should just bring back the La Resistance/Anti-American guys altogether (Rob Conway, Rene Dupree, Silvan). Wasn't there suppose to be a reunion on ECW with them or something?


True, it's VERY far fetched, but a good thought nonetheless. Also, it may be a bit repetitive, I think they should just bring back the La Resistance/Anti-American guys altogether (Rob Conway, Rene Dupree, Silvan). Wasn't there suppose to be a reunion on ECW with them or something?

I dont believe a american has ever lead a anti american group. I could be wrong on that. Plus i like the idea of Piper going heel, something the newer fans havent seen. Highlanders get repackaged. As far as La Resistance returning to ecw. Rene Dupree went there, so people thought "hey they might do a reunion" thing. But Dupree got injuried or fired within a few weeks, and all that talk vanished. I believe they are all fired now. Which is too bad because theya ll had talent.

Also for the other faction, i was thinking masters too, but theni would need a mangaer too, and i like they fact, its only young guys in the group. Come to think of it, 3lions basically took the original 4 horseman stable and broke it down.

What do you think should happen to the Boogeyman or what would you like to see happen with The Boogeyman?

He should be moved back to SD. I felt this is basically pushing him out of the wwe. The wwe has dropped the ball really bad on his character. You got a freak, who plays his role almost perfectly, and they do nothing original for him. I understand the guy sucks in the ring, but he can still be alright at times. ECW is too small, for any really good storylines with Boogie. He's in a fued with Matt Striker and Big Daddy V now, but its basically the same role he's done the past 1-2 years. I mean, have him do some voodoo or something like that. Put him in a fued with Kane or Taker. I'd use the guy, or fire him. He's not a huge loss, but his character has soo much potential, and the wwe is too busy figuring out who cena is goin to beat next.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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What if Christian Cage returns in WWE (well, I know it's currently impossible), do you think he will be in the main event scene or WWE will bring him back in being a midcard???


New Member
Jul 16, 2007
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1)Should the hardcore belt ever be reinstated?
2)should raven ever return to wwe?


What if Christian Cage returns in WWE (well, I know it's currently impossible), do you think he will be in the main event scene or WWE will bring him back in being a midcard???

Good question, Tna does have him locked up for a few more years. If you would have asked me this 6 months ago, i probably would have said he would likely go back to the wwe, and win a major title. But now, with the contract entension, it doesnt look like he has much interest in returning to the wwe. If he were to jump back to the wwe, i would assume he would be pushed as a upper card guy. Its may take a year back wtih the company, but he could see a world championship too. But thats assuming, hes not old and washed up when he returns. Because he's in the prime of his career. So i think we may see him back in the wwe, but he may be too old by the time he does, to be considered a world champ.

1)Should the hardcore belt ever be reinstated?

No, mainly because i would assume, it would go to ecw, and ecw is a mess right now. They got like 8 wrestlers and 6 of them are heels. ECW has much bigger fish to fry than a midcard belt. Personally if ECW is only goin to have one belt, the ECW belt, should always be contested under hardcore rules. Thus, i would think its a win , win for the fans. THe hardcore belt was fun, back then, but now, they really don't have many hardcore wrestlers. Vince doesnt like giving away a lot of violence for free. So i think just the ecw title matches would be hardcore.

2)should raven ever return to wwe?

No! Thats a big no. Maybe as johnny polo, but his time is long gone with the wwe. I guess having him back for ecw wouldnt be bad. But i'd focus on younger guys right now if i was the wwe. Personally i just think raven is too old, and slow in teh ring. Great mind for the business, and i hear he does have one of the highest IQ's in wrestling, but i woudnt like to see him in a wwe ring. Theres a reason why they fired him. I wouldnt mind him helping out backstage, or even a role in ecw as a manager or something.