I am currently doing WAW "We are Wrestling" Very nicely by myself it has been nominated over the last few months for match of the month, WTF moment in the btb of the past month and best ppv in a month and i think something else but I can't remember. Anyway There is no plan for me to stop doing WAW and WAW will one day be as big of a name as BTW, Commencement or HEW and are there any person out there that has a history with btbing (Atleast 2 months here) and has read most of the original WAW and knows WAW history and title changes and rivalries pretty well and would like to make a second brand with me on WAW. I can manage by myself making WAW i have done it up until now but I just was curious if there is anyone out there that wants to.
If there is, send me a pm like now.....