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Mar 29, 2010
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I wonder under whose point of view you say Sheamus failed? Under the smark point of view some people decide to see everything? As a champion, he was getting booed out of the building each and every week. Don't even mention that he was booked as being cowardly because if anything, mark fans eat that shit up. But hey, by all means, let's blame Sheamus for not retaining the same amount of heat by going from feuding Orton and Cena to Morrison.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
Yeah, a guy who is as big as Rey Mysterio with less moves is sooooooooooooo credible. And yes, Rey WAS a credible champ because he had the chops to carry a company. Rey was pretty much a legend in wrestling BEFORE HE EVER SNIFFED THE TITLE, the Miz is the flavor of the week. When this guy crashes and burns due to a lack of experience like Shemus, Swagger, and so many others before him, you'll see I was right. You may not admit it because you people can't get off his jock, but i'll still be right. He got the title too soon, and when guys get the title too soon, they fail, PERIOD.

Sheamus is pretty freakin over, the only heel that is more over than Sheamus is the Miz and it's not even close. And what do you mean "have the chops to carry a promotion?". You talk about size, but say Rey had the "chops". What do you mean? Being the definitive cruiserweight of the era, with terrible mic skills and getting a title reign to exploit Eddy Guerrero's death, then going on to have probably the worst title reign until Dhack Twagger came along? I never knew exploitation equaled "chops".

And it doesn't matter how many moves you have, it's all about working with what you have. Hogan made millions with a big boot and leg drop, Austin, bad knees and all, was having absolutely amazing matches with two moves and a brawling style, the Rock had three moves, the bitchfest IWC has over John Cena is that he "cant wrestle and does the same five moves". So are you going to say neither of these guys don't/didn't have "the chops" to carry the promotion, because stop me if I'm wrong, they have made the most money for the company the past 25 years. You're "he has less moves than Rey" argument has no legs, as Miz has more moves than any of these money makers and his mic skills are of main event caliber.

To all the people arguing that he need be a "legend" or main eventer before he becomes champion, what are you talking about? The title is supposed to make you a main eventer. Bret was a mid carder who hadn't beat anyone more impressive than midcarder Mr. Perfect before his first title. HBK, Flair, Hogan, Rock, and so on down the list. You're arguments are move of "this guy sucks because I say so" and don't have legs to really stand on.

Miz = Drake in so may ways.

In the sense that he's the first mainstream rapper to come along in a few years that has actual talent, but people think he's over rated because he's having success but is actually under rated and he's the best thing going in his genre? Then yes, yes he is.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2010
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Yeah, a guy who is as big as Rey Mysterio with less moves is sooooooooooooo credible. .

Smitty Manjension

New Member
Nov 27, 2010
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I'm happy that WWE has finally taken a risk and put the WWE title on The Miz. I mean he's perhaps the most entertaining superstar in WWE right now.


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Mar 9, 2007
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Sheamus is pretty freakin over, the only heel that is more over than Sheamus is the Miz

Kane is more over, Ziggler is more over, COLE is more over, and the Nexus are all more over than Shemus, some more than the Miz.

And what do you mean "have the chops to carry a promotion?". You talk about size, but say Rey had the "chops". What do you mean? Being the definitive cruiserweight of the era, with terrible mic skills and getting a title reign to exploit Eddy Guerrero's death, then going on to have probably the worst title reign until Dhack Twagger came along? I never knew exploitation equaled "chops".

Chops meaning he was over and stayed over for a decade despite being booked against no named masked cornholes in WCW a lot of the time, and then being buried in god awful feuds in the WWE half the time, if he was even used at all. Rey Mysterio was the first cruiserweight to ME a WWE show in a Cruiserweight title match. Know why? He is FUCKING OVER!! He elevated a pretty much WORTHLESS TITLE to main event status for a short time. Why? Because when he's chasing the title, it actually means something. Rey has worked matches with every conceivable type of wrestler and knows how to put on a great match with ANYONE. If he has to sell his ass off to get some meathead like Albert over, he can. If he has to carry some unknown JOBBER like Alberto Del Rio with moves, he can. If he has to put on a high flying clinic, he can. HE CAN DO IT ALL. What has Miz done? He helped Daniel Bryan get over by being an annoying dick. Never put him over in the ring because Bryan is the far more experienced one in that aspect. That's what I mean by chops. You get over for a long time and learn your craft, you don't just get handed the fucking keys to daddys car.

And it doesn't matter how many moves you have, it's all about working with what you have. Hogan made millions with a big boot and leg drop, Austin, bad knees and all, was having absolutely amazing matches with two moves and a brawling style, the Rock had three moves, the bitchfest IWC has over John Cena is that he "cant wrestle and does the same five moves". So are you going to say neither of these guys don't/didn't have "the chops" to carry the promotion, because stop me if I'm wrong, they have made the most money for the company the past 25 years. You're "he has less moves than Rey" argument has no legs, as Miz has more moves than any of these money makers and his mic skills are of main event caliber.

Yes, Miz has a Blue version of THE STROKE which is up there with the Overdrive as worst finisher ever. He has that, and that clothesline in the corner, which he does really well, but thats it.

To all the people arguing that he need be a "legend" or main eventer before he becomes champion, what are you talking about? The title is supposed to make you a main eventer. Bret was a mid carder who hadn't beat anyone more impressive than midcarder Mr. Perfect before his first title. HBK, Flair, Hogan, Rock, and so on down the list. You're arguments are move of "this guy sucks because I say so" and don't have legs to really stand on.
Bret Hart made main eventers. He was used to get guys over, and the company wisely decided that hey, if he can get everyone over, lets make him champ SINCE HE CAN WORK WITH ANYONE. Bret Hart was monster over before he ever got the strap.

The WWE title doesn't need to be used to get a guy over if they actually have talent. Tell me how Jake the Snake, Roddy Piper, Ted Dibiasie, and Mr. Perfect got over without the WWE Title? Answer....THEY KNEW HOW TO GET PEOPLE OVER. They knew how to talk, which Miz does, but they also knew how to get it done in the ring. These guys all had some of the most memorable moments in the WWE without ever holding the title because THEY ARE THAT GOOD.


Mar 31, 2010
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Wales, the land of beer and sheep.
For those doubting his in-ring ability.. in today's wrestling society, if you're decent at wrestling you're good. To be a successful character, your in-ring ability doesn't mean jack shit compared to your mic work. Proving this is the three biggest stars of the last 5 years (Orton, Cena, Batista), being not anything special in ring, but being either tremendously charismatic, or ghoulishly heel. When do you ever see anyone who is a main event star who has good presence in the ring but has no charisma at all. It hardly ever happens. Examples lie in people like Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin was one of the most promising people in the ring, and for some reason people genuinely expected him to be a big star. He has NO charisma or mic talent at all and has been boring his entire life, bar his "Momma" angle where he was carried by Ric Flair and his Mother. I'm afraid the bottom line is no matter what skill the Miz has in the ring, his promo talent is second to none and some of the best we've seen in this decade and for that reason he was always going to be a star.
May 12, 2010
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I think the fact that there is so much debate and discussion about this shows that it was a good decision to put the belt on Miz. The title picture was about to get as stale as my Thanksgiving leftovers, so they had to do something that would surprise people and get people talking.


Mar 29, 2010
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I just reached the conclusion that Kaedon just hates everybody new on the main event picture. He hated on Jack Swagger, hated on Sheamus, is hating on The Miz and by calling Alberto del Rio over is already setting the ground for future hate


Active Member
Mar 29, 2010
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I just reached the conclusion that Kaedon just hates everybody new on the main event picture. He hated on Jack Swagger, hated on Sheamus, is hating on The Miz and by calling Alberto del Rio over is already setting the ground for future hate
Yeah, it's funny. If it was 15+ years ago, he'd be saying how bad Rocky Maivia and Rey Mysterio (guy he was praising) are. Apparently, people are suppose to magically train in wrestling heaven and come forth 15 years later to not be 'no-name jobbers'. But it doesn't really matter. Once you think a guy 100+ lbs and 6-8 inches taller is 'as big as' the former, your mind is officially deluded, impaired, and unable to garner credibility.
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
Badstreet, USA
Kane is more over, Ziggler is more over, COLE is more over, and the Nexus are all more over than Shemus, some more than the Miz.

You're not watching if you think Kane is more over. Dolph isn't over, Vickie is and she's 90% of his heat, dude has nothing going for him without her. As far as the Nexus, when they're not attacking Cena, everyone's apathetic to them, only one who gets heat outside of Barrett is Heath because of the Wendy chants Cena originated Cole?? No. Sheamus is getting John Morrison over, something they've been waiting over a year for someone to do.

Chops meaning he was over and stayed over for a decade despite being booked against no named masked cornholes in WCW a lot of the time, and then being buried in god awful feuds in the WWE half the time, if he was even used at all. Rey Mysterio was the first cruiserweight to ME a WWE show in a Cruiserweight title match. Know why? He is FUCKING OVER!! He elevated a pretty much WORTHLESS TITLE to main event status for a short time. Why? Because when he's chasing the title, it actually means something. Rey has worked matches with every conceivable type of wrestler and knows how to put on a great match with ANYONE. If he has to sell his ass off to get some meathead like Albert over, he can. If he has to carry some unknown JOBBER like Alberto Del Rio with moves, he can. If he has to put on a high flying clinic, he can. HE CAN DO IT ALL. What has Miz done? He helped Daniel Bryan get over by being an annoying dick. Never put him over in the ring because Bryan is the far more experienced one in that aspect. That's what I mean by chops. You get over for a long time and learn your craft, you don't just get handed the fucking keys to daddys car.

You're not defining anything as much as you're singing Rey's praises, and hey, I agree with that. Doesn't mean it makes him more qualified to be a world champ because he was over for a long period of time, as compared to a guy who's been hot for a year. If you're hot, you're hot, strike while the iron's hot. They didn't wait years and years for the Rock and Austin. Know why? Because THAT'S A STUPID IDEA. Why would you wait to put the strap on someone a decade after they orignally got hot and obviously risk losing their heat?

Comparing Rey's situation and Miz doesn't make sense. The situations are completely different. In 2006 the E's main event scene was BLOATED. They had legit main eventers in HBK, HHH, Taker, Batista, Cena, Orton and Kurt Angle. Edge was on the cusp, Rey, while incredibly over might have never won the world title had it not been for Eddy's death. It was exploitation all the way through, from Rany's tasteless comments to the Guerreros coming out to celebrate Rey's win and it was such a throwaway match. Plus there's a reason Rey had to wait 4 years before another run.

Right now, if you haven't noticed, the E is in a giant transition and infusing youth is their top priority. Outside of Taker, Orton , Edge and Cena, the talent drop off in bonafide main eventers is huge. That's why Sheamus, Barrett, Swagger and Miz have been given shots in the title picture. They need stars NOW, not ten years down the road. It doesn't matter if Miz hasn't had awesome matches for years, neither did Rock, but he has an undeniable charisma that needs to be capitalized on.

Yes, Miz has a Blue version of THE STROKE which is up there with the Overdrive as worst finisher ever. He has that, and that clothesline in the corner, which he does really well, but thats it.
Hogan. Big boot. Leg drop. Made millions.

Bret Hart made main eventers. He was used to get guys over, and the company wisely decided that hey, if he can get everyone over, lets make him champ SINCE HE CAN WORK WITH ANYONE. Bret Hart was monster over before he ever got the strap.
Besides Austin, who did Bret turn into a main eventer? No one. HBK was mad over on his own, the only thing Bret ever did was put him over for the strap, but he didn't make anyone a main eventer. That's a lie. Matter of factly, who else did he "Get over"? He had good matches, but getting someone over goes beyond having good matches, besides Austin, the only other guy Hart got over was Owen, all his other feuds were with guys who were already over.Ted DiBiasie, Perfect and Piper as IC champ were way beyond over before meeting him. HBK, Diesel, Taker, Lawler and Yoko were over before Hart as well. Austin, Owen and maybe Backlund's resurgence. Don't over rate his ability to make stars.

The WWE title doesn't need to be used to get a guy over if they actually have talent. Tell me how Jake the Snake, Roddy Piper, Ted Dibiasie, and Mr. Perfect got over without the WWE Title? Answer....THEY KNEW HOW TO GET PEOPLE OVER. They knew how to talk, which Miz does, but they also knew how to get it done in the ring. These guys all had some of the most memorable moments in the WWE without ever holding the title because THEY ARE THAT GOOD.

You mustn't know much about Piper if you think he got people over in the ring. Piper admits that if he lacked his gift for gab that he'd have been nothing in the ring. Top mic worker of all time, sub par in the ring. Miz is a top mic worker and an above average worker right now. He has already gotten someone over and has only been in the ring a fraction of the time the people you mentioned were. You're talking about guys who had been wrestling 10-20 years before they became legendary and yet you fail to recognize the beginning of what could become a legendary career for the Miz and it seems you're butthurt because he doesn't fit your criteria to be a world champ while ignoring the circumstances the company is in and why he's in the position he's in. You don't like the guy, fine, but it just makes sense to give him his shot. He's hot. He's got mad mic skills, which historically take you further in this biz than mat skills and the E is in need of main event talent now.
Mar 2, 2010
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The Palace Of Wisdom.
Made this last night while drunk:

[YT]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YT]


Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
Extremely happy about this, though I really wish it had gone down a little bit differently. I was honestly hoping for Miz to blow his MITB cash in only to redeem himself with a Rumble victory and pick up the title at Mania. It's been so long since anyone has gotten that big first time win at Mania and it's something that Miz truly deserved. The MITB has become the blatantly obvious and extremely tiresome way of putting people over for their first title win. Almost to say...yeah... we want to slap a title on this guy but don't have the balls to put him over an already established main event name...
Punk on Edge..
Swagger on Jericho..
And now Miz on Orton.

Don't get me wrong, I'm infinitely happy to see Miz holding the title because no one deserves it more than him right now, I just wish they had the balls to put it on him in a more solid fashion. Now please...please... let this guy develop into the mega star he's already becoming with an awesome title reign.


Mar 29, 2010
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I actually think he benefitted more from that type of victory than beating Orton cleanly. Let's face it, heels winning cleanly only satisfy the IWC. Casual fans or marks actually hate heels more if they cheat. See how Kane got more heat out of his victory at Hell in a Cell than his victory at Night of Champions.

So by screwing Orton out, Miz got tons of heat. And he even got to show a little fight. Unlike previous champions, Orton brought it to The Miz, and The Miz not only took it, but overcame it.

I liked it