^^^Yeah ,because I ALWAYS defend WWE, that's why the book everything perfectly.:rollleyes: I like how you put words in mouth to debate.
Almost every single person that has been world champion in the E, sans Hulk Hogan, Brock Lesnar and Sheamus, have spent large chunks of their career in the mid card. Austin, Rock, Hart, HBK, Savage, Eddy, HHH and so on. And all get pushed in a matter of months before they get their World title runs, hell, Bret Hart was a mid carder who's highest profile feud had been one month affairs with Perfect and Davey Boy before they threw the belt on him @ a freakin house show. Rock was a midcarder feuding over the IC title in August and World Champ by November's end. Eddy too. It really doesn't matter WHO you feud with BEFORE you get a world title run, it's who you feud with while champ. Eddy went from tagging with Chavo to feuding with Angle and JBL. Hart went from dropping the IC strap to Davey to taking the strap from Flair. In retrospect, did any of that affect the perceptions of either's legacies? No.
And beyond you're dissatisfaction with whom he didn't feud with as a midcarder, you still haven't explained why you think they "just threw" the belt on him. The comparison to Swagger is irrelevant despite him winning it at Mania, he cashed it in within a month, no one cared about the guy before, during or after his reign. If you're going to say that he winning it at Mania is ok, well Miz won it at the inaugural PPV named after the match itself.
And then you go on to even mention how he rose through the ranks as a tag champ, mid card champ (adding some prestige AND stability to an often misused US title) and guy who wins the big match to get his first title shot. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but isn't that how a proper rise through the ranks is supposed to go? And not to mention that his character went from goofy, cocky ass to cocky, serious ass who became more focused in the ring. And then he was always kept in the fans minds that he was the #1 contender for the belt through Cole's verbal slurpings, through miscarried cash ins and basically the best promos on the Raw brand.
Again, there is nothing to substantiate your belief that they just "threw the belt" on him. No they didn't, he's been raising through the ranks since he joined the company, he won the namesake match of an inaugural PPV, won titles in the order of their importance and was slowly burned into the fans heads as he waited for his shot. Your requisite that a guy have main evented or feuded with top card guys before they are champ is wrong. Your assertion that the "meaningless" title that Swagger held before he won the MITB at Wrestlemania trumps Miz holding a mid card title that was on more PPVs than the ECW belt and he winning the MITB at the first MITB ppv is even further off base. Who did Swagger feud with as ECW champ? Matt Hardy? Miz at least had a one off with Cena and held tag straps with Big Show and had matches with DX, that alone trumps ANYTHING Swagger ever did before they just threw the belt on him. Miz is in a better position and booked better than Swagger has ever been, and they just didn't "throw the belt on him." A 5 month build and a 4 year rise through the ranks is anything but.
BTW, when good booking, I meant booking that draws money, not just the same fanboy audience.