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Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
Stability and visibility and a lengthy reign = prestige. Good matches don't matter to how prestigious a belt is, it's just a prop. But Miz mongering it for about 9 months and he being a very visible part of the Raw roster boosted the prestige of that belt.

Hometown Kid

Apr 29, 2008
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Columbia, Tennessee
Didn't Miz not defend the US title for 3 months when he was champ? That title was at an all-time low as far as prestige was concerned until Bryan brought it out of the toilet. (Not Miz's fault, but still) I don't know about Montana but I thought they could have booked Miz better recently.

Loss to Bryan at NoC
Loss to Bryan and JoMo at HIAC
Loss as captain of Raw
Losses to Orton/Cena between

He's easily in the top 5 least credible Raw champs of the decade in my opinion. At first I thought this reign would end at TLC, but the pub they've gotten for it may stretch it out to EC. But it'll be by cheap wins and in this will just be a wasted opportunity. I don't mind them coming out of left field with a title swap, but not when I have little faith in them to actually put the champ over as a legit contender.

And for the record, i'm personally not a fan of Miz, but like G1 said, Miz cashing in is WAY better than any more of yet ANOTHER failed Orton title reign. 5 is enough, guys, time to let it go.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2010
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Ok, I'm only going to say this one more time. NO ONE IS DOUBTING HIS MIC WORK! He hits his finisher, he definitely does, but at least up until a couple months ago, it looked really sloppy. And don't even get me STARTED on his old finisher, "The MIZard of Oz" I think. That was an absolute crap finisher that he hit cleanly maybe once. He was so bad at it that he dropped it from his arsenal altogether.
What exactly is your point, if anything? All you've proven is he DOES hit his finisher well (never seen him botch it, still) and he DOESN'T have shitty moves in his arsenal now... don't understand. And Kaedon among a couple others were doubting his mic work in calling him 'just annoying', so yeah, and insinuating he can't carry a title reign doesn't make sense when a man is cutting consistent promos and is staying over as top, most over heel (over guys who are actually in the main event).


John Cena fueded with Undertaker in 2005, Randy Orton also feuded with the Undertaker, Angle, ROck and Sock...HBK was fueding with Diesel before his first title reign. Batista was groomed with Evolution, and fueding with Rock and Sock connection. HHH was paired with HBK. Bret Hart was fueding with Roddy Piper. .... Edge, and Ric Flair... Need me to go on???

But you are right. Miz did wrestle John Cena at "the bash" which is now no longer a ppv, in about a 5 minute squash match over a year ago.

Long story short, he just doesn't feel like a main eventer yet. A lot of superstars had major fueds with main event talent before winingn their first world championship. And yes, Miz had a ton of promos with Orton/Cena... he was never built up to be equal to them. He was always booked like a midcard wrestler getting squashed by guys like Cena.
News flash dude, NONE OF THOSE GUYS ARE AROUND ANYMORE. The WWE doesn't have the versatility it did back then, fucking look around. Even Chris Jericho has left. This just proves even more so how good Miz is that he can get over without those guys. They put Randy Orton up against every single WWE veteran and legend and the guy still took years to get his first real title run. If anything, Miz did it RIGHT, like Enzo said, rose up slowly, and I guranfuckingtee you will all see just even more so how good he is and will all eat your words. Sheamus and Swagger were the same deal, they don't have much leniency to get over nowadays with Triple H out, Undertaker leaving soon, HBK gone. Who the fuck's gonna put them over? It's WWE's fault for digging themselves in this hole and creating like 3 new stars in the past 5 years with their awfully horrendous booking and terrible product. Be happy there's a guy like Miz who trumps all of that shit and gets over on his sheer ability.

By the way, you completely left out JBL's reign too, not sure how you felt about that, but here's a guy who came STRAIGHT out of mid-card, tag-teaming and was insta pushed and had ALL the skills Miz had and even less, as he'd cut like ONE promo with his new gimmick, and he was champion for nearly a year.

Also, your argument for Swagger's money in the bank win being more legitimate than Miz's due to which PPV they won it on is also moot for another reason: the competitors, look who Miz beat out in his match over Swagger.

Swagger's victory - Jack Swagger defeated Dolph Ziggler, Shelton Benjamin, Drew McIntyre, Christian, Montel Vontavious Porter, Matt Hardy, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston and Kane

Miz's victory - Miz defeated Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Evan Bourne, Ted DiBiase, John Morrison, Edge and Mark Henry

Swagger beat a group of jobbers, while Miz beat Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, and Edge, ceritified main eventers. Enough said I guess.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
Great on the mic, average in the ring. Just like most of these so called "champions" in the WWE right now. I'm not really mad or happy about this, just glad there's some new champions. Despite their in-ring abilities.

Still don't like the name or his finisher, yeah I know Jericho had the same finisher but that's Chris Jericho numbskull.


Nov 1, 2005
Reaction score
Didn't Miz not defend the US title for 3 months when he was champ? That title was at an all-time low as far as prestige was concerned until Bryan brought it out of the toilet. (Not Miz's fault, but still) I don't know about Montana but I thought they could have booked Miz better recently.

Loss to Bryan at NoC
Loss to Bryan and JoMo at HIAC
Loss as captain of Raw
Losses to Orton/Cena between

He's easily in the top 5 least credible Raw champs of the decade in my opinion. At first I thought this reign would end at TLC, but the pub they've gotten for it may stretch it out to EC. But it'll be by cheap wins and in this will just be a wasted opportunity. I don't mind them coming out of left field with a title swap, but not when I have little faith in them to actually put the champ over as a legit contender.

And for the record, i'm personally not a fan of Miz, but like G1 said, Miz cashing in is WAY better than any more of yet ANOTHER failed Orton title reign. 5 is enough, guys, time to let it go.

That's about how i feel. I understand he had to drop the belt to Bryan. And it was good for him to be captian of Raw, but again just his win/loss ratio against the top guys.

News flash dude, NONE OF THOSE GUYS ARE AROUND ANYMORE. The WWE doesn't have the versatility it did back then, fucking look around. Even Chris Jericho has left. This just proves even more so how good Miz is that he can get over without those guys. They put Randy Orton up against every single WWE veteran and legend and the guy still took years to get his first real title run. If anything, Miz did it RIGHT, like Enzo said, rose up slowly, and I guranfuckingtee you will all see just even more so how good he is and will all eat your words. Sheamus and Swagger were the same deal, they don't have much leniency to get over nowadays with Triple H out, Undertaker leaving soon, HBK gone. Who the fuck's gonna put them over? It's WWE's fault for digging themselves in this hole and creating like 3 new stars in the past 5 years with their awfully horrendous booking and terrible product. Be happy there's a guy like Miz who trumps all of that shit and gets over on his sheer ability.

By the way, you completely left out JBL's reign too, not sure how you felt about that, but here's a guy who came STRAIGHT out of mid-card, tag-teaming and was insta pushed and had ALL the skills Miz had and even less, as he'd cut like ONE promo with his new gimmick, and he was champion for nearly a year.

Also, your argument for Swagger's money in the bank win being more legitimate than Miz's due to which PPV they won it on is also moot for another reason: the competitors, look who Miz beat out in his match over Swagger.

Swagger's victory - Jack Swagger defeated Dolph Ziggler, Shelton Benjamin, Drew McIntyre, Christian, Montel Vontavious Porter, Matt Hardy, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston and Kane

Miz's victory - Miz defeated Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Evan Bourne, Ted DiBiase, John Morrison, Edge and Mark Henry

Swagger beat a group of jobbers, while Miz beat Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, and Edge, ceritified main eventers. Enough said I guess.

Yeah, most of the veterns are no longer around, but they've been there in the past 4 years though. Miz was around with talent like Jericho, HBK, HHH, Undertaker, Cena. I think the WWE used Cena to help give Miz more visibility. The problem with the booking was Cena squashed 6 times over the course of years, and Miz got one cheappp win on Raw. In their biggest match, at the Bash in 2009 Cena won in 5 minutes. At least give Miz some time, so we feel he belongs with that type of talent. Is it Miz's fault, Heck No. WWE's booking...yeah. Like i said, he was brought up better than most of the talent recently. He wasn't perfect though. I actually perfered Randy Orton's push to the belt a bit better. He felt a upper mid card kinda guy.

JBL's reign??? Is that a joke. Smackdown lost about a million viewers during his lengthy reign. Why? The reasons you mentioned. Forcing the belt on a midcard guy. I hate to blame JBL for this, because he did a great job, but the put the belt on him, before he was ready, AND kept it on him. I even stopped watching SD for most of 2005. JBL is a bit like Miz. Great on the mic, but the title matches won't seem important, unless Miz has a lengthy reign like JBL. The WWE tried to make JBL legit by keeping the belt on him. I think the WWE to do that now, Miz would have to hang onto it until Wrestlemania, and i just don't see it.

I think ENzo will agree with you on how now you guys picture "Money in the Bank" as this New PPV, so it's a big deal. To me, it's another In Your House, "MOney in the Bank" Miz didn't headline that show. Hell, he even wasn't the only one to win the MITB on that show. Kane won it too. So Miz was the third person to win a MITB breifcase in 2010. 3 is too many for one year in my opinion. To me, defeating 8 guys at Wrestlemania, means more than 8 guys at the mITB pPV, even if it does include Orton/Jericho.

Stability and visibility and a lengthy reign = prestige. Good matches don't matter to how prestigious a belt is, it's just a prop. But Miz mongering it for about 9 months and he being a very visible part of the Raw roster boosted the prestige of that belt.

I would say good matches and fueds add value to the title. You see how Daniel Bryan has defended the championship on every PPV since winning the belt? Miz did bring visibility to the belt, but no more or less than any other US Champs, with the exception of maybe an orlando jordan. And how does stability differ from a lengthy reign? Typically when i look at a title reign, i look at who he's fueded with and who he's beat.

I'm kinda done with the Miz and debating about it. If he holds onto the belt until Wrestlemania I'll eat my words. I like the idea of Miz as champ, which you guys don't seem to get, i just would have perferred it to not be a short transitional run, for his first reign.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2010
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I was just asking what you thought of JBL's reign. I thought he did a good job as well and even you said it wasn't his fault. If JBL can carry a show, I'm sure Miz could. With Cena moving out of the picture right as Miz moves in I won't be surprised at all to see him hold the belt until Wrestlemania. I just hope to god he isn't going to inevitably feud with shitty Nexus + Wade Barrett, Randy Orton, and Sheamus for the next 2-3 months. PLEASE give Morrison (or a returning Punk) a chance to have the huge program years in the making with Miz.


Nov 1, 2005
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HHH will be back soon too. I think Miz is great for TV. He just needs to start having ppv matches that go over 10 minutes, now that he will main event.


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Apr 26, 2010
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Alright, alright, maybe I'm not giving the guy a fair shake. To be fair, I haven't watched a complete WWE show in months, so I haven't seen every single Miz match like some of you have. I'm just going on what I've seen, which ain't a lot in the grand scheme of things. I just can't bring myself to be happy with it. I'll just agree to disagree.

Witth all due respect, your opinion on this topic doesn't count for much then does it.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2010
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^^^^Awwwwwwwww.... No perma-ban? Shame!

That's fine, I expected a douchebag comment or two.

Yeah... That's right, I'm the douchebag. :roll:

Seriously; wdf do you expect when by your own admission you've barely watched the guy who's work you're commenting on.

Your opinion of Miz is so blatantly based upon his early days in WW-ECW.
Sep 7, 2010
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And I stated that my opinion may have been biased, I understand that. That's why I also said "I'll agree to disagree". Meaning I wasn't going to argue anymore. We could have just left it at that, but you had to come in and shoot your mouth off like an asshole. So yes, you are a douchebag.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2010
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And I stated that my opinion may have been biased, I understand that.

A biased comment is not the same thing as an ignorant one.

That's why I also said "I'll agree to disagree". Meaning I wasn't going to argue anymore.

That's awfully big of you considering your arguments were fundamentally flawed. lol

We could have just left it at that, but you had to come in and shoot your mouth off like an asshole. So yes, you are a douchebag.

We're gonna get on famously! Welcome to the board.... LOL


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Yeah, a guy who is as big as Rey Mysterio with less moves is sooooooooooooo credible. And yes, Rey WAS a credible champ because he had the chops to carry a company. Rey was pretty much a legend in wrestling BEFORE HE EVER SNIFFED THE TITLE, the Miz is the flavor of the week. When this guy crashes and burns due to a lack of experience like Shemus, Swagger, and so many others before him, you'll see I was right. You may not admit it because you people can't get off his jock, but i'll still be right. He got the title too soon, and when guys get the title too soon, they fail, PERIOD.