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Mar 29, 2010
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...Miz has to wait 10 years before he is champion. I just stopped reading there. Do that, and do that to every single young talent in the company and you will kill the company and the business in the process. Who will be the champion until all these youngsters have a decade working for the company? Cena, Orton and, well nobody else, because in 10 damn years practically everybody else will be retired.

Not only this, but if we go by that logic, Undertaker shouldn't have had most of his title reigns, since he didn't become "eligible" until 2000.

I seriously thought you just didnt like The Miz, that would have made more sense. But apparently, is just some ridiculous deal of overly paying dues.


Jul 27, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan
^^^^^ Exactly CMS.

A decade??? Seriously??? Look, Im not a fan of how WWE puts titles on people so quickly, but a decade is far too long. And judging by how much you've said, the WWE has done something right. By hating this title change so much you either have 2 choices. Don't watch at all, which I don't know will happen on your end, or tune in weekly to see if Miz gets the tar kicked out of him. Title changes will never make everyone happy. Hell, when I was younger, I couldn't stand the fact Yokozuna won the strap, but oh well, out of my hands.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Who is qualified to have it right now?

John Cena - 9 years
Randy Orton - 10 years
Daniel Bryan (if he was more over) - 11 years
R-Truth (if he was more over) - 13 years
CM Punk - 11 years
Triple H - 18 years

The only one on that list who would be almost totally unrealistic as champ is Bryan, but all of those guys have the chops, meaning they've worked with enough people in and out of the ring to be a good to great champion because they've been in almost every conceivable situation.

Here are the wrestlers Miz has had REGULAR matches and programs with (enough to learn not just this one off shit)

CM Punk
John Cena

That's 6, count em SIX BIG FEUDS HE'S BEEN IN IN HIS LIFE!!!! THATS IT!!! He hasn't done shit with ANYONE. All of those guys MADE HIM look good, unless you want to tell me any of those guys are worse in any way than some reality show hack.


Mar 29, 2010
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I'm sorry, but that case is just idiotic as hell. Under the notion of tenure, Funaki would be a better world champion than anyone.

I understand paying dues, but you cannot expect not only everybody to do so, but also to that perioid to be as long as 10 years. Besides, to think that R-Truth is more qualified than any rookie to be a champion just because he has been wrestling longer is dumb. It is the quality of what you've been doing in those years that get you ready to be a champion, and Ron Killings has done nothing to do that. Miz on the other hand, was considered a worthy enough succesor of Chris Jericho in running around Smackdown and Raw with The big Show. They centered practically 2 seasons of an entire show around him. He even carried on his back for almost 2 years.

Miz is ready to be the champion at this point in time. And not only is he ready, but he damn sure deserves it. He has been gunning for this moment his entire life, and has paid his dues. Yeah, maybe not for the insane amount of 10 years, but for 4 years, in which he has been so damn good that he has gone from almost getting fired, to comedy act, to even in your ridiculous hate for him, being accepted as a main eventer by yourself. He's over, has the mic skills to carry a program with anyone and will put a solid match with anyone. I don't care if you think he will get carried, some guys cannot even do that.

Besides, let's not fool ourselves, it isn't as if Miz will be carrying Monday Night Raw, even though he is more than able to do so. The John Cena saga will continue to do so.

I just wrote this because I was bored, because seriously, you saying R-Truth is a worthy WWE Champion should have caused this thread to be closed
May 12, 2010
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I understand what you're saying Kaedon. Given your list, though, the only people that could have the belt right now are Cena and Orton (since HHH and Punk are injured). The majority of the last two years of Raw have been Cena or Orton as the champion, with a little Batista and Sheamus thrown in there. I think the product would just get plain stale if it just kept getting recycled between Cena and Orton over and over again. Giving people like Sheamus and Miz the belt, even if for a short time, provides the audience with something new and interesting to get excited about.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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I'm sorry, but that case is just idiotic as hell. Under the notion of tenure, Funaki would be a better world champion than anyone.

Notice I didnt include guys like Goldust or Mark Henry (who got scarily close once) because they were never over nor will they be over enough. And in Henry's case, he's pretty much garbage.

I understand paying dues, but you cannot expect not only everybody to do so, but also to that perioid to be as long as 10 years.
Why not? If you have a healthy cycle of talent, you shouldn't have a problem. And 10 years isn't THE cut off, but more experienced wrestlers are better fit, as long as they have the whole package (can work and can talk) than younger ones.

Besides, to think that R-Truth is more qualified than any rookie to be a champion just because he has been wrestling longer is dumb. It is the quality of what you've been doing in those years that get you ready to be a champion, and Ron Killings has done nothing to do that.

Why? He's as over as Miz is. Try and deny the crowd goes apeshit for him when he's out there, i dare you. If you say so, YOURE A LIAR or you need your ears checked.

And what did R-Truth do, well he was champion in TNA, worked and learned from guys like AJ Styles, Kevin Nash, Raven, Scott Hall, Jeff Jarrett, Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, and Sting, guys who have either been all over the world, or been to the mountaintop and back.

Miz on the other hand, was considered a worthy enough succesor of Chris Jericho in running around Smackdown and Raw with The big Show. They centered practically 2 seasons of an entire show around him. He even carried on his back for almost 2 years.

Miz is ready to be the champion at this point in time. And not only is he ready, but he damn sure deserves it. He has been gunning for this moment his entire life, and has paid his dues. Yeah, maybe not for the insane amount of 10 years, but for 4 years, in which he has been so damn good that he has gone from almost getting fired, to comedy act, to even in your ridiculous hate for him, being accepted as a main eventer by yourself.
And Miz was in a tag team for most of his career and while I'm not degrading that, he didn't work with the talent that Truth did or for anywhere near as long or as REGULARLY.

He's over, has the mic skills to carry a program with anyone and will put a solid match with anyone. I don't care if you think he will get carried, some guys cannot even do that.

Let's see him carry that piece of shit The Great Khali like John Cena and the Undertaker did, or carry that fat injury case Mark Henry like so many others have, and then maybe I'll agree he can carry anyone. He can barely hold his own with the "lowly" Daniel Bryan.

Besides, let's not fool ourselves, it isn't as if Miz will be carrying Monday Night Raw, even though he is more than able to do so. The John Cena saga will continue to do so.

So that means being the champion is meaningless. If he isn't THE CENTER of the show, then the title is worthless. Remember when RVD and Edge were fighting over the title and they put that garbage Spirit Squad/DX shit over it on a PPV? That makes the title look like garbage. This is the same thing.

I just wrote this because I was bored, because seriously, you saying R-Truth is a worthy WWE Champion should have caused this thread to be closed

Using your logic of "he's over" mean's Santino is a candidate for WWE Champ. Santino has been as over if not hotter, than Miz for a while. SINCE HES OVER, WHY ISNT SANTINO WWE CHAMP!???


Mar 29, 2010
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Why not? If you have a healthy cycle of talent, you shouldn't have a problem. And 10 years isn't THE cut off, but more experienced wrestlers are better fit, as long as they have the whole package (can work and can talk) than younger ones.

There isn't a healthy cycle of talent. That is exactly the point. WWE cannot afford the luxury of letting younger guys work 6 years away from the main event. If they get hot, you need to test the waters and see if they can handle the pressure.

Why? He's as over as Miz is. Try and deny the crowd goes apeshit for him when he's out there, i dare you. If you say so, YOURE A LIAR or you need your ears checked.

And what did R-Truth do, well he was champion in TNA, worked and learned from guys like AJ Styles, Kevin Nash, Raven, Scott Hall, Jeff Jarrett, Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, and Sting, guys who have either been all over the world, or been to the mountaintop and back.

Well then I guess I will be called a liar, because R-Truth isn't over. His theme song is over. The only time he gets the crowd involved is when he gets them to scream what's up. See how bored the crowd is when he cuts a promo. Or how bored they where with his other theme song.

I am pretty sure Ron Killings never actually worked a program with some of the names you mentioned in there, and if you just mentioned them because they were in the same locker room, then by that notion Miz has learned from the likes of Bret Hart, HBK, HHH, Taker, etc. Besides, mentioning Daniels, AJ Styles and Joe in that list is beyond ridiculous.

And Miz was in a tag team for most of his career and while I'm not degrading that, he didn't work with the talent that Truth did or for anywhere near as long or as REGULARLY.

Again, I am not going to lie because I don't know most of Killings career on early TNA, but the part that I do know, was him working the lower card with talent nowhere as near as the talent Miz has worked with. And in WWE, he was a jobber in his first run, and a midcarder in his second. And nothing even remotely comparable with Miz's feuds with DX, Cena and his MITB run.

Let's see him carry that piece of shit The Great Khali like John Cena and the Undertaker did, or carry that fat injury case Mark Henry like so many others have, and then maybe I'll agree he can carry anyone. He can barely hold his own with the "lowly" Daniel Bryan.

In the ring? No, he won't get a good match out of Khali or Mark Henry. On the mic, building to the actual match? Oh hell yes. Besides, just because Cena and Taker do something, it doesn't mean every other main eventer has to be judged with the same measuring stick. Under that notion, let's judge Cena with Austin or Hogan's stick and watch him fall short on every category.

So that means being the champion is meaningless. If he isn't THE CENTER of the show, then the title is worthless. Remember when RVD and Edge were fighting over the title and they put that garbage Spirit Squad/DX shit over it on a PPV? That makes the title look like garbage. This is the same thing.

This isn't ideal booking. Is what happens. Is how WWE books it.

Using your logic of "he's over" mean's Santino is a candidate for WWE Champ. Santino has been as over if not hotter, than Miz for a while. SINCE HES OVER, WHY ISNT SANTINO WWE CHAMP!???

You are ignoring every other statement I did about why Miz deserves to be champion. Where did I say being over is the only reason? I more than clearly said he has the mic skills to carry a program with any main eventer and the ring skills to put a good match with any main eventer.

Again, I understand the tenure thing, but it's just wrong. Midcarding for your entire life doesn't get you more ready than a guy who if anything, has had more top programs than midcard ones.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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There isn't a healthy cycle of talent. That is exactly the point. WWE cannot afford the luxury of letting younger guys work 6 years away from the main event. If they get hot, you need to test the waters and see if they can handle the pressure.

John Cena, Randy Orton, The Big Show, Edge, Rey Mysterio, and Kane are all active wrestlers who have put in the time and know how to work a program better than anyone else. Punk, Christian, Triple H and Undertaker are all (while injured) qualified. And you're telling me if the WWE told Jericho they'd give him the strap he'd have left? Please. There is MORE THAN ENOUGH TALENT TO CARRY THE TITLE and give the Miz enough time to develop into a better all around worker.

I am pretty sure Ron Killings never actually worked a program with some of the names you mentioned in there, and if you just mentioned them because they were in the same locker room, then by that notion Miz has learned from the likes of Bret Hart, HBK, HHH, Taker, etc. Besides, mentioning Daniels, AJ Styles and Joe in that list is beyond ridiculous.
Yeah Joe, AJ, and Daniels are nobodies. Where did they ever wrestle, what venue did they ever sell out....URRRR PLENTY!!

Again, I am not going to lie because I don't know most of Killings career on early TNA, but the part that I do know, was him working the lower card with talent nowhere as near as the talent Miz has worked with. And in WWE, he was a jobber in his first run, and a midcarder in his second. And nothing even remotely comparable with Miz's feuds with DX, Cena and his MITB run.
Miz's DX feud was a fat lot of 5-10 minute matches of him getting little more than squashed. Granted, he CAN LEARN from that, but that's like saying "Yeah he learned SOOOOO MUCH FROM JOHN CENA BY HIM GETTING HIS ASS KICKED FOR WEEKS ON END!!"

In the ring? No, he won't get a good match out of Khali or Mark Henry. On the mic, building to the actual match? Oh hell yes. Besides, just because Cena and Taker do something, it doesn't mean every other main eventer has to be judged with the same measuring stick. Under that notion, let's judge Cena with Austin or Hogan's stick and watch him fall short on every category.
Austin carried his fair share of talentless workers in the ring, starting in the territories, continuing into WCW and the WWE. Here's the stick everyone gets measured to "can you carry a match with a shit challenger if need be." Miz can't do that.

You are ignoring every other statement I did about why Miz deserves to be champion. Where did I say being over is the only reason? I more than clearly said he has the mic skills to carry a program with any main eventer and the ring skills to put a good match with any main eventer.

Yeah, he'd sure "carry" a program with John Cena, HHH, Randy Orton, or Edge. Bwahahahahaha. You also said he "earned" it. He hasn't done SHIT compared to Killings. Bryan, or hell even KAVAL in terms of earning it. HHH EARNED IT being the whipping boy and coming out smelling like roses on the other end. HBK and Bret Hart EARNED IT by helping to elevate other worthless wrestlers when they were on the undercard and when their time came, it came.

Again, I understand the tenure thing, but it's just wrong. Midcarding for your entire life doesn't get you more ready than a guy who if anything, has had more top programs than midcard ones.

It gets you experience, which is more valuable than being as hot as Santino for just as long.


Jul 27, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan
So Bryan Danielson, whom I love as a wrestler, is qualified to carry the WWE Championship because he has 11 years total in wrestling and less than 8 months in a WWE ring??? Hmmmm, I guess. And I gotta agree with CMS. Ron Killings as WWE Champion??? While I like the guy, he reminds me of kids that used to try to use fancy moves in wrestling matches instead of just trying to win the damn match. Sure the kid might look good getting a guillotine or attempting a spladel, but do fancy acrobatics really mean you're qualified to carry the big title??? Oh wait, his years in the business qualify him. That criteria is about as useful as MMAth.


Mar 29, 2010
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Yeah Joe, AJ, and Daniels are nobodies. Where did they ever wrestle, what venue did they ever sell out....URRRR PLENTY!!

Yeah, they sold out ROH events, and they managed to jam pack the iMPACT zone. You dont even have to pay to enter it btw. TNA doesn't even sell their house shows. You mentioning their names is a joke.

Miz's DX feud was a fat lot of 5-10 minute matches of him getting little more than squashed. Granted, he CAN LEARN from that, but that's like saying "Yeah he learned SOOOOO MUCH FROM JOHN CENA BY HIM GETTING HIS ASS KICKED FOR WEEKS ON END!!"

Getting his ass kicked for weeks on end? You do realize Miz got heat on Cena's behalf, while still beingnothing more than a lower midcarder, for a time span of 3-4 months and only jobbed to him 3 times? And yeah, working a program with Cena on that caliber, and even the month build up WWE gave DX vs Morrison is far more benefittial and helpful on the "carrying a company" experience than R-Truth feuding a nobody on TNA.

Austin carried his fair share of talentless workers in the ring, starting in the territories, continuing into WCW and the WWE. Here's the stick everyone gets measured to "can you carry a match with a shit challenger if need be." Miz can't do that.

That is not the stick, since you apparently insist on the existance of one against every main eventers need to be measured. Unless you haven't realized, WWE sells us main events based on storylines, not on how good the actual match will be. The stick is "how good can you handle the build up leading into the match".

It gets you experience, which is more valuable than being as hot as Santino for just as long

Stop mentioning Santino, seriously, you are the one who brought him up. And no. Midcarding for life doesn't serve for nothing once you become world champion. Val Venis, if given the title tomorrow, would flop, as he doesn't really know how to do it. Eddie Guerrero, failed as a champion, because all the so called experience you mention as vital, didn't serve him for nothing.

Nobody is even trying to put Miz on the same league as Bret Hart, HBK, Austin, Taker and all those other legends, but seriously, ruling Miz out because he cant do the same Austin did? By all means then, rule out all of our current main eventers then.
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
Badstreet, USA
No, the Rock left when he got famous. He left ON TOP, Goldberg and Lesnar left with one of the worst matches in the history of the WWE and the only reason they got any reaction in that match was because they were in MSG and because Austin was there and stunned them like the chumpstains they are. If they came back now, they'd not get anywhere NEAR the same reaction they got back then. The Rock, however, would get the same reaction no matter what because he's better than all of them, hands down.

Another awful argument and an ever poorer diversion tactic. What does the Rock have ANYTHING to do with anything I said or what you originally said? Nothing. And way to try and trivialize two of the most successful careers of the era. It doesn't matter what you think of them as wrestlers, and in case you didn't notice, Lesnar carried the Smackdown main event scene the entire two years he was there, so you got nothing there. And the Mania match? Big fucking deal. The match was planned to be one of the main events, then weeks before the event it got leaked that BOTH guys were leaving the company, Lesnar for football and Goldberg's contract was up. They brought in Austin to put the company over since there's no point in putting either over since they'd be leaving. And of course the match sucked, both were obviously unmotivated and the New Yorkers shat all over it because they are the smartest fans in the country and knew what was happening. Again, Austin was inserted, not as you claim, but to salvage a bad situation.

All of that aside, one bad match can't nor doesn't decide how successful a wrestler was. Lesnar was a main eventer 4 months into his run and was a main eventer until he decided to walk away while he was ahead of the business and carried his promotion.
Then there's Goldberg. Are you going to try and tell me he wasn't a success? WCW's last round of high ratings came under his reign. He was easily the most over guy on the roster until the company went under. It's not his fault morons running the office didn't capitalize further on his success. He certainly isn't the reason WCW went under, he definitely is a reason they stayed afloat as long as they did. If you're trying to tell anyone with a straight face that either guy wasn't successful, then either you're severely ignorant or just trying to grab anything for arguments sake and it seems like you're doing both.

Yes, the WWE gave him the title to tap into the Indian market that makes perfect business sense. Lets give the title to Yoshi Tatsu so they can get that coveted Japanese market. He got the title for the same reason Miz did, he was hot for a second. He was, like Miz, the top of a pile of shit of mediocrity.

Basically that was one of the main reasons. I don't know if you are aware, but the E does a vast amount of business overseas, Khali is a celebrity in the Mid East. Makes sense, plus he was given a run because none of the other proven guys on SD were increasing the numbers, so why not Khali? And now guys like Orton aren't helping the numbers, so why not Miz? He's got the skills, in ring and on the mic to get it done, despite how you see it. This also relates to your Rey argument also because Rey was given the belt to exploit not only the death of Eddy but the Latino viewership. Rey is over, but you're trying to make it sound like he's Cena over, up north he's as over as any upper mid carder, but not to the point where he's a 3+ time champ, he's not and that's why he had to wait another 4 years before he got another reign, appealing to ONE constituency doesn't constitute global appeal the way a Cena does, or the way Miz can be hated across the board.

If it was so bad, why didn't Rey's popularity suffer? Oh yeah, that's right, because unlike MIZ HE DOESN'T NEED TO BE GIVEN A TITLE TO GET OVER!!
If it was so good, why did he have to wait 4 years and a broken nose on Taker to get another run? Oh yeah, that's right, HE'S NOT AS OVER AS YOU'RE TRYING TO MAKE HIM OUT TO BE. But whatever helps you're argument.

Yes, the fact that he had a classic match with the star of the company had nothing to do with him getting over. Riiiiiiiight.

It wasn't a classic. It was a good match, but not classic. If it got him over, then why did HBK have to toil in the mid card for another 4 years before he broke through with revolutionary ladder matches, a talk show segment and then finally getting a Mania main event with Diesel? Nash and Hall did more for HBK then Hart ever did and it's not even debatable. But cling to that, you don't have much left. But Miz, only having worked for 4 years has not only gotten someone over, but elevated them straight from rookie to mid card champ. He got Danielson over straight out the gate on NXT, continued with the feud after Dragon's suspension, then put him over like a motherfucker. And again, HE'S ONLY BEEN WRESTLING FOR 4 YEARS AND MADE A LEGIT MID CARD CHAMPION BECAUSE OF THE POWER OF HIS RUB.

So let's see, Bret in 20 YEARS: 2 guys who benefited from his main event status
Miz, 4 year mid carder made a solid mid card champ who lacks charisma. Hmmmmm....

And it's so funny how you keep bringing Bret into this. Bret wasn't that over, he was given the strap by process of elimination. Steroid scandal ring a bell? What about the mass exodus of bona fide main event talent? Warrior went awol again. Hogan was in Hollywood, Flair was on his way out, Piper was gone and Randy Savage had been put out to pasture and forced into the commentating booth by McMahon. The uppermidcard guys from the 80s were either gone or pushed down the card. Ted DiBiasie? Money Inc. Jake Roberts? Derelict and in WCW, one month from being fired. Rick Rude? WCW. Mr. Perfect? Shot back, couldn't do a full time schedule. So who was left? Taker and Bret and to try and counter the steroid scandals, they went the Bret Hart route. And if he was as over as you keep trying to claim he was, why'd they go back to Hogan, despite knowing Hogan was going to call it quits and Luger was in the pipeline? Because Hogan could get Yoko over and Bret couldn't.

And you talk about how good Bret's matches were, so fucking what. Wrestling skills really haven't mattered since the days of Thesz and wool tights. Know why Bret's return this past year didn't go over as much as say a return from Goldberg or even Warrior? Because HE WASN'T AS OVER AS YOU'RE TRYING TO MAKE HIM OUT FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR ARGUMENT. He never drew and his mic skills are sub par. But he could wrestle, but that doesn't make you a successful champ.

Yes and the face first russian leg sweep wasn't overused by...uh....everyone.
So, let me see if I'm understanding this're arguing against the sloppiness of the Zig Zag, which variations have been used by MVP and Shelton within the past three years, against how many people have used the Skull Crushing Finale, whom no one in the E has used in awhile? Sure. Keep clinging....

if by holding his own, you mean Miz pranced around and let Danielson sell like a motherfucker, because that's what he does, then yes. Danielson carried them both because, in reality they both kinda suck in the ring. Ziggler slghtly less than Miz.

If by "pranced around" you mean demonstrating his new, and totally above average, mat work which added to his repertoire and showed how he has improved and selling like a motherfucker, then yes, he did hold his own. Ziggler just took all of Dragon's spots and did little bumping, the only heat that he brought to the match was due to Vickie. And no, Ziggler hasn't shown ANY improvement in the ring, Miz has been improving every week since he started in ECW and an improving worker trumps a guy who relies almost exclusively on athleticism and a mouthpiece to get over.

I also like how you ignored the rest of your argument that I eviscerated, but whatever, it's your show Enzo.

I didn't ignore the rest of your argument, I just didn't have the time to continually drill something into you when all you do is argue with unfounded statements, blanket statements and blind bias. This has been a fun debate and if claiming you "eviscerated" my rebuttals with
ignorance and blind bias makes you feel that you have won, by all means go ahead. But it would just have been easier if you just said what you've been moaning about from the beginning; you hate the Miz. And for now, the show is over.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Hey Enzo, I'm not going to respond to you because while "I didn't ignore the rest of your argument, I just didn't have the time to continually drill something into you when all you do is argue with unfounded statements, blanket statements and blind bias."


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Yeah, they sold out ROH events, and they managed to jam pack the iMPACT zone. You dont even have to pay to enter it btw. TNA doesn't even sell their house shows. You mentioning their names is a joke.

Yeah, I guess them selling out places all over the world means nothing...

Getting his ass kicked for weeks on end? You do realize Miz got heat on Cena's behalf, while still beingnothing more than a lower midcarder, for a time span of 3-4 months and only jobbed to him 3 times? And yeah, working a program with Cena on that caliber, and even the month build up WWE gave DX vs Morrison is far more benefittial and helpful on the "carrying a company" experience than R-Truth feuding a nobody on TNA.

There was no "caliber" of a feud with Cena. Here's what happened for a few weeks "I beat Cena by default." Then when Cena came back, he kicked the shit out of him, squashing any momentum he had. Cena didn't just beat the Miz, he deflated the Miz,. And working with DX for a month makes you experienced enough to be WWE champion? Pshhh please.

That is not the stick, since you apparently insist on the existance of one against every main eventers need to be measured. Unless you haven't realized, WWE sells us main events based on storylines, not on how good the actual match will be. The stick is "how good can you handle the build up leading into the match".

Then why was Bret Hart over? The guy was god awful on the mic. It's because he was SO GOOD in the ring that it didn't matter. Miz isn't that good on the mic, I don't think anyone is.

Stop mentioning Santino, seriously, you are the one who brought him up.


And no. Midcarding for life doesn't serve for nothing once you become world champion. Val Venis, if given the title tomorrow, would flop, as he doesn't really know how to do it.

You don't have to midcard for life, you can work in the main event and not just be handed the title.

Eddie Guerrero, failed as a champion, because all the so called experience you mention as vital, didn't serve him for nothing.

Yeah, he carried the SD brand, HUUUUUUUUGE FAILURE.

Nobody is even trying to put Miz on the same league as Bret Hart, HBK, Austin, Taker and all those other legends, but seriously, ruling Miz out because he cant do the same Austin did? By all means then, rule out all of our current main eventers then.

Actually there are a lot of main eventers who can do what Austin, Bret, and HBK did, that's why they're worthy champions. Some guy's are on the bubble, and some guys should be given more time to develop.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Miz proved again to me tonight that he can really get the job done. He made people care about Jerry Lawler wrestling. They want to see him get his ass kicked so badly that they got behind a 61 year old man in what should have been an afterthought of a match. That right there is the mark of a good heel.