
Yeah but V1 they would have no reason to turn him down...Where as Osama is hated and shit so thats the reason why they would turn him down 

Having a coma?
You know....I was thinking the same thing when I read that....
I'm not trying to take sides here, WS, but for someone who tries to come across as an intelligent doctor, you should know that you can't "have" a coma, you're "in" a coma.....
It's also bullshit that a doctor picks and chooses who they save. A life is a life and everyone has family so you shouldn't pick and choose who to save and who to turn away. I know that if anyone in my family went to the doctor and he turned them down, I'd be right in there stabbing the fucking doctor. You get paid the big bucks to save lives so do it.
I'm sorry but if someone is a doctor making the big bucks, what the fuck are they doing in an online wrestling forum?
Did you know that its illegal for doctors to refuse to treat someone.....like, jesus h fucking popsicles get a fucking sence of rational thought.
I also notice that no one calls me out on my being here with my degree. Why is that?
The guy's first language isn't english, how many times does this need to be said before its understood by the most dense of us? Fucking christ.
Perhaps they know no one who enjoys discussing wrestling. Its why I'm here. Why are you here, and what difference does it make if he makes more money and has a better job then you? Sounds like petty jealousy to me. I also notice that no one calls me out on my being here with my degree. Why is that?
Perhaps in some countries that is the case but nowehere in the modern version of the Hippocratic Oath does it say that one must treat.
You people need to get yourselves an education before you go shooting your mouths off.
What the FUCK is your problem? You've had some kind of issue with me since that damn drug thread. Just fuck off with it already.
I wasn't saying anything bad to the guy so fucking relax. I am VERY happy with the money I make AND with the job I have. You don't know my life so don't try to assume things. Money also doesn't mean anything to me. I don't live for money so I don't give a shit how much someone else makes compared to me so piss off with the jealous bullshit. I don't get jealous over fucking paper.
I don't know WS very well. I don't know where he is from so fuck off with the "how many times does this need to be said" shit because this is the first time I'm hearing it.
Christ, take a fucking pill or put me on ignore if you're still hurt over a fucking drug thread.
I don't really care what you think of me or whether you like me or not.
I wasn't trying to insult the guy yet you flip right the fuck out. AWESOME!
YOU took it as a stab towards him when it wasn't. I generally like WS, he knows it, so I have no reason to lash out at him. I just put myself in the situation that if I were loaded, the last place I would be is online. It wasn't a jab, it wasn't bait for a fight, I was simply letting out my opinion. I never called him a liar, never implied anything bad, yet you felt the need to type up a post as if I just raped him.
Good for you. Please continue to assume that my job sucks and I make shitty money because you obviously know me so well.