Sky "enjoys" the TNA Immortal Era

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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Impact February 17, 2011 - The High-ly Anticipated Rematch

Yeah, this thing is legit back. No false dawns here. Opening package has a reminder of that jarrett/Angle storyline (god I hate it) and Hardy being hurt but cocky. Tonight RVD finally gets his return title shot!

Big all-Immortal promo to kick us off! Bischoff gives Jeff Hardy his own entrance. He then insists the members of Immortal who lost are still good too. Including implying that Gunner and Murphy are better athletes than anyone. Nah. Business soon turns to Ric Flair (but not before simping for his attorney), and Bisch doubts where he stands. Benefits of a geriatric man who needs assistance coming into the ring: more SoCal Val appearances. Old man rambles, takes off his jacket, and calls himself GOD. And basically he'll be back later. No decision yet. What was the point of that segment?

The jarretts are getting couple's massages. Jeff seems to think Karen is the sexiest woman in the world. I do not want to think about Jeff jarrett in the bedroom. We get a clip from last Sunday where Hernandez hates white people. AJ Styles and Matt Hardy are brawling in the back, get backed up by Fortune/Immortal respectively, and get broken up by security. Hernandez links up with Sarita and Rosita, and Mexican America is starting to take shape. Not one of these people is Mexican.

Match 1: Hernandez vs. Douglas Williams

Hernandez attacks Williams mid-entrance. Sarita (who's out here taunting everyone in the vicinity along with Rosita) gets a chant, even though she's not a babyface or even a competitor. Velvet Sky shows up to brawl with Sarita, Rosita starts choking her, and Angelina Love makes the save. While this is all going on, an entire match starts and finishes in the background. Border Toss ends it in what is effectively a Hernandez squash.

Bischoff making a call to MYSTERY PERSON at the Network. He isn't happy with RVD getting a title shot.

Pope segment time! There's some Polynesian-looking faces on the ring posts and a roast beast on a table. Pope's money rain rating: very good. What lies before us is, apparently, a Sloppy Joe. Mid-promo, Jesus texts Pope to say he believes in him. Pope offers the hog to everyone for 10 dollars a pop, so noted food lover Samoa Joe shows up. Okato helps Joe beat up Pope, and Muscle Buster through a table. This is just a humiliation for one of the highlights of 2010. What happened?

Last Sunday, Kaz was a fighting champion, and he thinks Fortune are awesome.

Robbie E's in the ring with Cookie, and says Sunday didn't count, and he wants a rematch. Wonder why "Jersey's in the house, bitches" didn't catch on as a catchphrase? Kaz gets a good luck kiss from TRACI BROOKS! It's been a while since we saw her, huh? He takes a shot at how much foundation Cookie is wearing. "Here's the Situation, okay?" -Kaz watches Jersey Shore, apparently, by the power of Impact being taped. Cookie sent to the back, and match on.

Match 2: Kazarian (c) vs. Robbie E - for the X Division Championship

Robbie actually does well on his own, getting a near fall off what appears to be a Saxtonation. Maybe Cookie was holding him back? Kaz does take control though, as is the natural order of things. Cookie shows up again with a large handbag and clocks Kaz with it for the DQ. Traci Brooks runs out to the ring and engages catfight mode with Cookie! Mixed tag feud seems to be on the horizon.

Flair reunites with Fortune, and he's acting like they're still on the same side. They chug on vodka.

Match 3: Matt Hardy vs. AJ Styles

AJ's got those Rey Mysterio trousers going on. He hits a Tope con Hilo early. Matt manages to punch AJ off the ring apron, and takes control. Soon enough out comes Flair, in the mid of a cravate rest hold. AJ's Styles Clash gets countered. Flair calls for AJ to go to the top rope... then pushes him off! Flair isn't with Fortune at all! Guess he'll be chummy with anyone if it gets him alcohol. Twist of Hate wins it, and Matt and Flair beat AJ down until Fortune makes the save.

Mr. Anderson is ready to kick someone's ass. Meanwhile, the jarretts are enjoying strawberries by the pool.

Out comes Mr. Anderson, who calls out Bisch. Anderson wants the rematch, not RVD. "Triple threat" chants. The Impact Zone tourists are better bookers than Russo, who knew? It's out of Bisch's control, because the Network is interfering now! What the hell was all that talk about power and control for the past few months, then? Bisch wants Anderson to be more PG... needless shot at WWE! Anderson is defending the rights of the word "asshole". Bisch compromises by making Anderson the special referee for the main event tonight! Crowd BOOS this, for some reason. Anderson shakes on it, then gives Bisch the Mic Checkl Anderson's becoming more Steve Austin-like by the minute.

Velvet Sky wants Winter not interfering and sabotaging the BPs' match. Winter has scissors. She's also super yandere for Angelina. Madison is acting like she won legit, but the business with Mickie is far from over. Mickie is frustrated, and she wants the title still. AJ is in the back suggesting a singles match with Flair. What could possibly go right there?

Match 4: The Beautiful People (Angelina Love/Velvet Sky) vs. Sarita/Rosita

Sarita gives the noogie of doom to Rosita, who's clearly not happy. Match starts on the outside. Velvet and Sarita's chemistry is improving. "Really just drilling Sarita from behind" -Taz doesn't know phrasing. He also doesn't know how Sarita's low blow hurts Velvet. Velvet hits a headscissors/DDT on both heels. Structure rapidly breaks down. Velvet and Sarita collaborate to make the worst headscissors takedown I've ever seen outside of AAA old man matches. Rosita trips Velvet and Sarita puts the feet on the ropes for the pin. Velvet wants another match, but Sarita says she'll have to put her career on the line! So random roster members can just make career threatening matches now?

The jarretts are still being lovey dovey and talking about their dinner. Angle's apparently en route to the same location. Madison Rayne has issued an open challenge to any woman in the world for next week. Scott Steiner apparently has a posedown with Rob Terry next week. Jeff Hardy cuts a brooding promo about finishing RVD off. Back to the jarretts, and apparently the dinner was lame. Karen is an absolute Karen about the wine. Angle shows up and chases them off. RVD thinks the title is secondary to beating up Hardy.

We get Tenay and Taz talking a bit about the Bully/Devon match. Spike won't let them rebroadcast the footage of Bully beating up the kids. Bully shows up to... well, bully the commentators. He only regrets that he didn't have a second table to cripple the other one. Taz stands up to him, so he smacks Tenay. Not just Bully Ray, but Coward Ray.

Match 5: Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Rob Van Dam - for the World Heavyweight Championship

Anderson is now from "Title Town, USA". Hardy comes out of an egg, like his hero, the Gobbledy Gooker Lady Gaga. "RVD" chant dueling with one guy chanting "sucks". RVD crotches Hardy on the ropes and kicks him off. Hardy doesn't not land on his face. The nasty outside leg drop still makes me cringe. There's an extended bleep and I have no idea what it could be for. Hardy seems to be focusing on messing up RVD's ribs and midsection. So, what rest hold would you go for? A rear waistlock, right? Some sort of bodyscissors? Not if you're Hardy, he slaps on a headlock! Whisper in the Wind misses and RVD takes control. Maybe if he'd just used the right rest hold.

RVD goes to the top but Hardy shoves him off and RVD totally eats shit on the guardrail. Swanton Bomb... RVD kicks out! RVD reclaims control, Five Star... Hardy gets a rope break! Hardy collides with Anderson, and uses the ref's distraction to get a cheeky kick to RVD's nuts. Twist of Hate ends it. And now... Mic Check for Hardy! RVD complains about the nut shot so... Mic Check for RVD! Definitely not beating the Stone Cold allegations. See you next Impact!
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Impact February 24, 2011 - Asshole on a Mission

I think my zen is 2011 TNA at this point. Opening package is about Anderson really, really wanting a title shot and hurting people to get it. Immortal is in what? 5 different feuds at this point? Fortune, Anderson, the Network, I'm sure there's some others.

We kick off with Anderson, who's got a chair and sits down. Why don't the Network like him? Because he's an asshole. He's about to reference RVD being a weed user... until RVD shows up, noticeably late. What is it with drug users being late to their own appearances in 2011? RVD calls out Anderson on being a backstabbing dick. Anderson is unrepentant and then they start fighting each other. Also apparently RVD has a bit of Chinese in him? I don't know. Immortal show up and Eric Bischoff announces it's Anderson vs. RVD tonight... until Jeff jarrett gives him an idea! That idea involves adding Kurt Angle into the mix! Those two's chances of winning just drastic went down!

Tonight it's Scott Steiner vs. Rob Terry in a Roids vs. Roids POSEDOWN. Steiner isn't too fussed, enjoying James Storm's beer while Eric Young flexes behind him. EY's great, even though I never forgot that this character started because he got a concussion. "Go find a boyfriend" -Steiner, probably knowing that EY's scheduled to team with Orlando Jordan.

Meanwhile, the jarretts are at a wedding outfitter, who has no idea what he's doing as he holds the dresses upside down. Karen isn't being as bridezilla as you'd think. Some dick tries to interview Kurt Angle about how he feels about that segment. How the fuck do you think he feels?!

Match 1: Eric Young/Orlando Jordan vs. Gunner/Murphy

How EY got into this Mid Vortex since summer '10, I'll never know. Beer Money are here to watch on commentary, as if these guys are in any way credible Tag Title challengers. Despite Gunner and Murphy being the actual next challengers. Murphy goes for a double leg but Jordan thrusts in his face and EY rolls him up. For the first time ever, the rope-running criss-cross and the OVW Rope Running Thing manage to happen at the SAME TIME. EY makes a good face-in-peril, when he's not dropping his shorts. A sidewalk slam/elbow drop combo wins it for the Immortal goons.

Angelina really doesn't want Velvet to put her career on the line. Sarita > Madison Rayne, according to Angelina's power rankings.

Devon's out to promo now. He wants to apologise to his kids for being in a feud with a man who's known for hurting family. He blames himself for not protecting them... but the twins got involved of their own accord. Bully comes on the screen, and he's beating some random dude down with a table set up. He gloats about the murder and threatens to put one of Devon's "brothers" through a table. The poor murder victim is black, by the way. It's getting uncomfortably racial. Tommy Dreamer comes in for the save and they brawl out to ringside. Devon's trying to fight off security so he can get at Bully, but hits Dreamer by mistake. He's even more remorseful, now!

Madison wants to prove she can defend her title without help (for the first time ever, as far as I remember), and demands that Tara stay in the back.

MOMENTS AGO, AJ Styles was promoing on Ric Flair and how he was Going To Win The Upcoming Match.

Match 2: Crimson vs. Magnus

One of these guys is a future World Champion, and he's getting a jobber entrance and about to be murdered. Magnus grabs a mic and basically calls Crimson Kurt Angle's bitch boy. "You're a wanker" chants. Magnus gets exactly two moves in this minute-long match: a neck snap over the rope and a big boot. He teases the Mag Daddy Driver but Crimson counters into his finisher, the Red Alert (a spicier Flatliner) for the obvious win.

RVD wants to hurt Anderson over being screwed for the title, and then he's focusing on getting title shots. Is it just me or is Hardy/RVD/Anderson the only main event now?

In a clip filmed on the night of AAO, Pope's happy that he exposed Joe and sent a message. By losing. What the fuck happened to you? Joe's being kind of vague but I think he's happy that he won. This isn't over though.

"Match" 3: Scott Steiner vs. Rob Terry - Posedown

Terry comes out with hand weights. They don't look too big to me. He takes a mic and tells us that he's Going To Win The Upcoming Posedown. Steiner is out in a suit. He's calling out Terry for calling himself the genetic freak. Steiner wants Terry to be called Chernobyl because he's close to a chemical disaster.. He doesn't want to pose, and he says he'll leave and come out in his wrestling gear for a math. Terry goes the "fuck Americans" route, and when that's riled Steiner up he attacks from behind with the weights. He then uses some sort of training cord to choke Steiner. At least THIS match doesn't make it to Victory Road '11!

Winter wants to kiss-and-make-up (probably not literally?) with Velvet. She says that she doesn't doubt Velvet's abilities (like everyone else). That was backhanded as fuck!

The jarretts update! They go to meet the priest whom they're getting to officiate the ceremony. Priest hates the storyline as much as I do, right down to the fact that they put up custody of children in a match. It's all blasphemy, according to him. "No it's not, it's non-denominational!" -Jeff.

Ric Flair's out in a suit. So he gets a promo AND a match against AJ? Sweet Zombie Jeebus. He flirts with a woman plant in the crowd, ick, and calls himself God a few times. Before the match happens, Flair wants AJ to apologise. AJ's refusing to let Flair get to him, while Flair is acting like AJ is being ungrateful. "Oh yes, I am so grateful about that time you betrayed me last week, Ric" -AJ, apparently. This ends in a fight, where HERNANDEZ comes in and attacks AJ. So Mexican America is part of Immortal now? During the beatdown Flair both blades and loses his trousers because that's apparently a contractual obligation. Fortune and Matt Morgan make the save, because that feud is still a thing. Guessing the announced AJ/Flair just isn't happening. Small mercies.

Anderson is focused on getting past Bisch and running for the title.

In a clip from the night of Against All Odds, RVD says that he won because of being able to prep for Matt Hardy. He's not heard of anything else in his path but Bisch will probably put it there anyway. Speaking of Matt Hardy, he says he's hot shit even though he lost and wants a rubber match.

Long package about the BUSINESSLIKE INTRIGUE of Immortal taking over TNA. Oh yeah, the court verdict is happening next week! And that means Hogan gets to be back in TNA!

Time for the open challenge. Wait, I thought it was for the title, but Borash said it had been made non-title. So Madison can't defend without help, still. Good to know. She's acting like she's beaten everyone legit. And she does an even more obnoxious than usual Southern accent while mocking Mickie James. The challenger is... the returning ODB! She is now what the hell's happening to the KO Division!

Match 4: Madison Rayne vs. ODB

ODB comes in like a house on fire until she misses the bronco buster and suddenly it's every Madison heat segment ever. Madison does the weirdly sexual headscissors thing and ODB WIPES HER MOUTH! She's GREAT. ODB blocks a second attempt at the headscissors thing and then she's on top of things. She's about to hit the BAM but Madison knees out and hits the Rayne Drop for the win. That's Madison's first clean win as champ. ODB buried six feet under already.

Velvet brings a camera to Sarita and Rosita's dressing room to accept the challenge. One-on-one. Sarita promises to wrestle legit, then immediately goes back on it as soon as Velvet's gone. Forgetting the camera's still there. Rare example of heel idiocy. "I'm gonna screw her so hard, she's gonna have trouble walking" -PHRASING.

Matt Morgan is mad at Hernandez for screwing him out of the title, and is Going To Win The Upcoming Match next week.

Jeff jarrett is being fitted for a tuxedo, and Karen's actually going bridezilla to the point that it's pissing Jeff off. I HATE THIS STORYLINE.

TNA FLASHBACK to when JWoww showed up on TNA. We then get a clip of Robbie E and Cookie announcing Angelina Pivarnick is going to show up on TNA, officially to feud with JWoww, but realistically because she's the only Jersey Shore member that no one cares about enough for TNA to be able to get her. Also, another reminder that Jersey Shore airs Thursdays at 8pm, so TNA is cross-promoting with a show that's RUNNING AGAINST THEM. This company.

Match 5: Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle - World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender's Match

Anderson is the target of both opponents early on. They're just doing tag team moves on him. Anderson dodges a corner charge and Angle takes a stupid bump to the floor. I don't know what to tell you, this is just some decent stuff. All three guys doing their hits. The plants in the crowd are chanting "sucks" when an RVD chant starts. RVD wipes everyone out with a dive to the outside as we go to break. By the time we come back Anderson is still there. Anderson's a very okay wrestler but he works well in these multi-mans.

Angle's hidden outside until both men are down, and then he does his spots. RVD gets dropped almost on his head. Angle counters both the Five Star and the Mic Check into suplexes. Ankle lock teased but he's distracted by wedding organs as Jeff and Karen come out. He's distracted enough to walk into the Mic Check and Anderson gets the win and the future title shot. This has not been a good year for Kurt Angle.

Next up: The March 3, 2011 Impact

Final Verdict Between Hulk Hogan and Dixie Carter
The jarretts Renew Their Vows
Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode/James Storm) vs. Gunner/Murphy (c) - for the World Tag Team Championship
Velvet Sky vs. Sarita - Velvet's Career On The Line
Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez
Angelina Pivarnick Calls Out JWoww​

Oh yeah, and there's this.

And right after WWE failed to deliver Sting, too. Rare TNA W. See you next Impact!
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Dreams are Endless
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This is my favorite of your projects if I haven't said that before
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I hope for you to eventually get to summer 2012 when impact was shockingly good television for such a fleeting moment that it won the Observer award for best TV show despite the company still winning worst company
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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I hope for you to eventually get to summer 2012 when impact was shockingly good television for such a fleeting moment that it won the Observer award for best TV show despite the company still winning worst company
I was only planning on this going to April of that year (as it's the time Eric Bischoff got booted ending the Immortal storyline) but I could def continue because the Aces and Eights era has wild shit happening
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Dreams are Endless
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I was only planning on this going to April of that year (as it's the time Eric Bischoff got booted ending the Immortal storyline) but I could def continue because the Aces and Eights era has wild shit happening

Yeah I can't think of much being worthwhile after the Aces and Eights death but that's still a couple more years
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Impact March 3, 2011 - On The Road Again

We've escaped the Impact Zone, for the first time since BFG! This is one of many abortive attempts to put TNA back on the road that sadly never made any money. And this feels like one of those "PPV-quality episodes". I'm sure it's not going to be PPV-quality, but it's going to be a red-letter night. Even more red-letter than the current TNA logo!

We kick right off with a cold open on Dixie Carter! Also can I just say I LOVE the three-rising-screen setup that TNA were using for their road shows at this time. Dixie's emotional that the legal proceedings didn't go as she hoped, which kind of spoils the result. Out come Eric Bischoff and Immortal's B-team. The smiling fucking mug isn't smiling, he's mock-crying. Ric Flair implies that he offered Dixie a night of geriatric passion on January 4. To be fair, he'd be one of the few signings she hadn't tried it on with. "We get them [the fans] off" -Flair. Too much info.

Hogan comes out to reveal the court's decision... Hogan now owns TNA, and Dixie's out, and yet she is responsible for providing the money still. Come on. If you were going to put legal drama in my wrestling, you wouldn't make up laws on the spot like that. "They talk about me being an egomaniac?" -Hogan. There's a reason for that. Fortune show up. They aren't going to start a beatdown when there's a woman in the ring. "And he's not talking about you, Bischoff" -Kaz. AJ gets a pop by saying North Carolina. It's not just for Kenny Omega entrances. Roode gets more mic time, and it's clear they were high on him at this point. He trashes Hogan, then Flair comes out and calls himself God some more.

Immortal are now walking backstage when some handegg guy shows up and pals around with them. I do know that the NFL exists. I just don't care. Matt Hardy goes to show him some prostitutes, apparently, but they meet Dixie, AJ and Kaz. Dixie bolts as this kicks off a brawl. Security scramble to pull apart. The jarretts head past, looking like the smuggest shits. That segues perfectly into a recap of this fucking godawful storyline I hate it I hate it so much please make it stop please make it stop. That entire paragraph was a quarter of Impact, by the way. A backstage segment and a recap. Russo!

Bisch and Hogan backstage and they reveal that Jeff Hardy's scheduled to defend his strap against a MYSTERY OPPONENT! I wonder who? Could it be related to 3.3.11?? No way!

Match 1: Beer Money, Inc. (Robert Roode/James Storm) vs. Gunner/Murphy (c) - for the World Tag Team Championship

Jobber entrance for the challengers. They're not even pretending these dudes are credible. Storm's got his cooler cart. Condensed form of the basic tag formula, the goons wipe out Roode to make Storm the face in peril. Storm pretty abruptly, a minute or in, gets a hot tag and lets Roode get his shine. Spinebuster gets two, and then Murphy holds Roode back so Gunner can take a shot but You Know How This Spot Goes. DWI on Gunner finishes it. Out come Ink, Inc. for Shannon Moore to get the local North Carolina pop. He invokes the Book of DILLIGAF (encouraging the crowd to shout "FUCK" which gets beeped) to challenge Beer Money at Victory Road. A rare example of a good match at that show!

The jarretts are preparing and Karen reveals she's got a 10-foot wedding cake (which no wrestlers will be thrown into, honest). Eric Young opens his toilet cubicle and requests to be the best man. He negotiates down to maid of honour, then ringbearer. I quite like EY showing up in other guys' segments.

Angelina from Jersey Shore is here, apparently. Who cares? One ad break later, Kurt Angle arrives with his son. Presumably one he didn't have with Karen, so he gets to see him.

Match 2: Velvet Sky vs. Sarita - Velvet's Career On The Line

Sarita's entrance happened during the break, apparently. Starts with a taunting and shoving match. Both of them do their moves (well, let's be honest, Velvet does a greater proportion of her moves, because she had fewer than Sarita to start with). Rosita and Angelina Love brawl into the ring then get sent to the back. Sarita dominates a bit, until she's a bit too slow on the Tiger Driver and Velvet counters into a DDT for the win to salvage her career.

Post-match, oh sweet Christ, it's the Shore, with Angelina. Robbie trips on the ramp. Angelina challenges JWoww to a match. Her response to Velvet calling her a shank is to shake her ass. #SkankPride apparently. Angelina (Pivarnick) prevents Velvet from letting pigeons, and there's a four-woman brawl also involving Cookie and Angelina (Love). The challenge is laid down for a six-woman tag. They're actually having her wrestle. TNA are true pioneers, they were weeks ahead of Snooki in WWE.

Anderson is walking and talking about his title shot.

EY goes to his friend Orlando Jordan announcing that he's ring-bearer, and suspects OJ has stolen the ring. Turns out he kept it in his shoe. I hate that EY actually made me smile with that.

Ric Flair wants Jeff jarrett to talk about how he's going to shag Karen... but the honeymoon is planned for Universal Studios. Flair thinks that's a stupid idea. So did everyone who watched Victory Road, because that's on Victory Road.

Angle is in the back taping his fists in front of his son.

Hogan's trying to talk the Network out of doing the surprise title match.

Time for the jarretts' renewal! The guy officiating has weird eyes. Orlando Jordan is playing flower girl, in a black cocktail dress. Jeff shows up but Angle comes in to brawl with him. Cake smash teased a few times early on, with Karen finally preventing Angle from doing it. So Angle shoves Karen into the cake. Simple. Effective. Had no actual ceremony, but that would have dragged, honestly.

Hogan wants Jeff Hardy to stop doing ladder matches, and talks to him about defending the title. It's still a mystery, because the Network wants a mystery opponent to get them THE RATINGZ. Hogan says he'd have had the opponent taken out if he knew who it was. Which is a big part of the point of a mystery opponent in the first place!

The jarretts are upset with Bisch and Flair and want the ceremony tonight no matter what. Karen is in maximum scream mode. It'll have to take place tonight, says the boss. Wonder what awesome X Division match was cut for that, huh? This drama is not good for Bisch's health. Hogan asks Bisch if he knows who the mystery opponent is. No idea, apparently. Flair's got to deal with matters.

Match 3: Scott Steiner vs. Rob Terry

Roids vs. Roids fight time! Steiner starts strong, tossing Terry out, but Terry gets the edge with BOTO focused on the ring post. Steiner unleashes some of his moves (German suplexes, elbow drop and push-ups, fallaway slam) before finishing it fairly quickly with the Steiner Recliner. This is a very wrestling-light show and that doesn't look like changing.

Flair and Handegg Guy meet Angle. Handegg Guy big leagues the gold medallist. Apparently if Angle interferes in the ceremony later tonight he's going to get punched by a non-wrestler. I'd take those odds.

An MMA guy is on commentary to hype up Bellator.

Match 4: Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez

I forgot this match was happening. Morgan's absolutely destroying. MMA guy wants to become an Olympic gold medallist in 2012. Hernandez tries to bail but Morgan walk-and-brawls him back in. Morgan becomes the first man to not only counter the T-shirt choke toss but to steal it for himself. Hernandez gets clotheslined out, and to ringside we go. Hernandez begs for mercy but then grabs Morgan by the dick and tosses him into the steps. More step bashes until both men get counted out. Morgan blades for this. Hernandez up the ramp, arguing with the referee.

Hogan REALLY wants to know who's in the main event. He gets a meeting with Anderson. Anderson wants to know why he's being screwed all the time. Hogan pulls out a back brace to avert a fight between him and Anderson. "You disgust me" -everyone Anderson to Hogan. Hogan brings up the Andre match because that's all he's got.

Wedding renewal ceremony, Take Two! Karen still has cake remnants on her face as she comes down the aisle. Kurt Angle has the most pained smile on his face. When the officiating guy says the "speak now or forever hold your peace" part, the entire crowd loudly objects. They both read their own vows. "A custom promo, that's pretty cool" -Taz. They both use their vows to shit on Angle, who's right there behind them, trying not to break down PLEASE END THIS STORYLINE NOW PLEASE. My ears are bleeding. Especially when Karen talks with her cakey face. EY lost the ring... oh no, it was in his shoe again. I can't even enjoy his antics. The ring, the kiss (which is far too sloppy for my taste), and it's official.

Angle comes to the rescue after it's made official, pulls an axe from under the pulpit, and trashes the set. Me too, Kurt. Bisch shows up and brings out the Handegg Guy, who challenges Angle for a bit but gets put in the ankle lock. Taz wants him to stop because it'll ruin his favourite team's defence. "The New York Jets have been tapping out since 1969" -Tenay. I don't get it, but it's funny nonetheless.

Promo by Jeff Fucking Hardy, who's confident that he can beat whoever it is. Blacked-out limo shows up with the title challenger.

And now it's time for our main event! We get a bit of blackout as the guy changing the screens fucks up and fails to put Hardy's tron on. His opponent... it's 3.3.11! IT'S STIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!

Match 5: Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Sting - for the World Heavyweight Championship

Sting teases Scorpion Deathlock early so Hardy tries to bail. After he's back in, he doesn't get much offence before Sting is back at it, and very nearly makes Hardy tap. To the outside where Hardy takes a suplex on the ramp. Sting tries a Stinger Splash on the guardrail but Hardy dodges. Back in the ring, Hardy's doing a rest hold because he's a heel! Twist of Hate teased, but Sting's no-selling (He's Stinging up!) and eventually gets 2 with the Scorpion Death Drop. Hardy dodges another Stinger Splash then goes for a Whisper in the Wind but Sting catches him and hits a rope-hung Death Drop. A third of the same move finishes it! New World Heavyweight Champion - Sting!

Nice way to finish what was honestly, a pretty shit show. Too many Z-listers and too much jarrett garbage, but it ends with Sting holding up the crayon-in-ass belt. New design when? See you next Impact!
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That match going the way it did is what made me thinking Victory Road could have been a shitty work for like 5 minutes until everyone said it was a shoot
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Impact March 10, 2011 - We're On The RoOoOad To Nowhere

A new era in TNA! The Sting era. Wait, that's not new. But it's the go-home show for Victory Road '11, so I have to find the positivity. Our opening package recap: Hogan's officially the owner of TNA and is stealing Dixie's money; the jarretts renewed their vows despite Angle's best efforts; and Sting is back and champ. Let's go!

And Sting is the one who kicks us off! He's thankful for the fans helping him win the title. He's also thankful for Jeff Hardy, who needs to get his head right and apply his talents. That's FAR too prophetic for my liking. Out come Hogan and Bischoff who give us a bit of sarcastic applause. Hogan basically recaps how Sting warned everyone about him and then immediately fucked off once Hogan was in power. Sting comes across as making excuses. He didn't want to have to deal with Immortal, so he left. Throwing his allies under the bus in the process! But now the fire's back in him when TNA doesn't need him anymore and Fortune and Anderson are doing just fine.

Speaking of Anderson, he's here and he wants his rematch YESTERDAY. Rare footage of the Asshole actually angry. Someone should tell him his rematch is against Jeff Hardy, who isn't the champ anymore. He hasn't been formally introduced to Sting so he does his intro thing. Now out comes Jeffy who is whining that he had no time to prep for Sting. THAT'S THE POINT, YOU DRUGGED UP MORON. He calls himself the Morning Star, which is a cool little reference. Now RVD is here talking about how he never lost and how Anderson screwed him. Then he runs down Sting for being too big for his boots after dipping since October. Too right. All this leads to the announcement that it's Hardy/Sting 2 at the PPV, RVD/Anderson Number 1 Contendership, and on tonight's show it's Sting/RVD vs. Hardy/Anderson. Seems oddly logical for Russo.

The BPs are prepping for their match tonight when Sarita and her vapid, talentless friends show up. Angelina mouths off about how they are Going To Win The Upcoming Match until Winter shows up and sends them off. Velvet lets us know Winter is going to have to behave or the BPs will be on a collision course. Just like when they were on one last year?

Match 1: Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero

Joe/Pope again? And not on the PPV? OKATO is out with Joe. That is, until Pope comes out of the crowd and smashes Okato with a chain-assisted punch. He tries to give the same treatment to Joe until he counters. Ric Flair may have been teaching Pope how to flop. This is all Joe until Pope catches him coming off the ropes. Pope tries to leapfrog but Joe gets him with an inverted atomic nutshot. Pope's already begging for mercy. He strips the turnbuckle but fails to put Joe into it. The distraction lets Pope counter a Muscle Buster attempt and get a chain punch to the head in one of those lovely decoy-cheating finishes. Still kind of buries Pope though.

Someone wants to know where Bully Ray's going, and he takes exception to that question before ranting at Tommy Dreamer. He challenges Dreamer to meet him in the car park.

Time for another Madison open challenge! This time we know the strap is on the line, but she's got Tara with her so it's clear she really can't do this on her own. She does her usual promo style of SHOUTING ALL THE TIME, screams at the crowd, and says she's bored of the competition. Her challenger is... the returning Roxxi! Very TNA to forcibly retire two women and then bring them back within a year. But also, very pro wrestling.

Match 2: Madison Rayne (c) vs. Roxxi - for the TNA Knockouts Championship

Madison hits some "vicious" knees that miss by a mile. Roxxi is obviously better in ring, even though the match is booked as pretty even. She tries to hit her finisher, whatever it's called, before Madison counters into a Rayne Drop. She chokes Roxxi until Mickie James makes the save (and foregoes a bra). This match isn't happening at the PPV, by the way. None of these women is on the PPV.

Dreamer is sick of Bully Ray's bullshit, and goes into the car park to challenge him. By the time the break is over, Bully's suddenly there alone, and Devon jumps him. Bully's soon left begging for mercy. "Think about it" -Bully. Devon hits him and says "I thought about it". Dreamer has to stop Devon from clocking Bully with a sledgehammer. "Devon, this isn't you" he doesn't say, but he should say. A security guard goes to help Bully, but Bully beats the shit out of him with a guardrail. Just psychopath things.

Match 3: Velvet Sky/Angelina Love/Winter vs. Sarita/Cookie/Angelina Pivarnick

Winter screws up the BP entrance. She tries to let the pigeons loose but Velvet isn't convinced. Angelina (the Jersey Shore one) does a pathetic mounted choke but Velvet shows how it's done. All the other four catfight out of the ring. Robbie E shows up, holds Velvet back for Angelina to hit her, then Cookie says she's got this. Winter briefly considers hitting Velvet but wipes out the two heels and bites Robbie. She distracts Angelina enough for Velvet to put her into the worst roll-up ever. Just a recap: Sarita did nothing in that match, despite having more wrestling skill in her pinky finger than the entire rest of the field put together. Why was she here? At least Velvet gets to smack her ass some more.

Recap of the Handegg Guy getting wrecked by Angle. Clip of an interview with Angle where he basically says "talk shit get hit". Anderson bitches out NFL guys who want to try wrestling. Angle challenges Handegg Guy for the runback. This never happens as far as I know.

Anderson is in the Immortal Situation Room asking what the hell they're thinking tagging him with Hardy. Both guys threaten to take each other out pre-match, until Bisch reminds them they're tag partners and Sting/RVD will be on the same page.

Recap of Flair turning heel and AJ being tired of being in some old dude's shadow. Cool package, honestly.

Match 4: Ric Flair vs. AJ Styles vs. Matt Hardy - Street Fight

Out comes the Immortal duo for a promo first, who call out AJ. They raise the important question of who has jurisdiction over the ring: Flair County or TNA, the House that AJ Styles Built. AJ wants Flair to shut up and fight. Matt tells a story about how he became disillusioned and decided to just go with what the System wanted. Is that why you drink? Matt? I think it is. Funny to see how Matt's stance on the System has changed in the intervening decade.

Okay, now the match. It's billed as a three-way, but it's very much a handicap match. It starts during the break and apparently what we miss is AJ beating the shit out of Matt. Matt gets a clothesline and now Flair's stomping. AJ pulls off a Figure Four just for added disrespect, and Matt has to come in for the save with a leg drop. We've not been on the outside for 10 seconds and Flair has already bladed. Matt uses a ladder but gets whipped into it eventually by AJ. Flair flops after some cornered punches. AJ counters a chair shot with a superkick. Pele on Matt, he's about to hit the Styles Clash on the chair, but AJ gets a nut shot and Matt can hit the Twist of Hate on the chair. He lets Flair take the pin. Why is this old man being allowed to bleed like this>

Sting is trying to be bros with RVD, but RVD basically calls him dumb for thinking he was the Impostor after being locked out of the title scene.

Match 5: Ink, Inc. vs Generation Me

Beer Money are once again out on commentary to scout the next contenders. These two teams could produce a fun spotfest match if they were given the opportunity to cook. However, they're in PiP because we've got to see Beer Money's faces. Also, one team are heels so they Must Always Do Headlocks. The Bucks start blind tagging and there's a bit of dissension there. Hot tag to Jesse Neal, whom Taz misidentifies as Shannon. Beer Money puts Jesse over, and they should, because he's cool and should have gotten a better opportunity. Bucks try to do a double-team move but Jesse Neal spears one out of the sky. Untitled Samoan Drop/Mooregasm Combo wins it. Bucks are arguing .Both the punks and Beer Money grab mics to say they're Going To Win The Upcoming Match.

Hardy and Anderson are in the back, staring each other down. Hardy again warns Anderson not to turn on his own partner tonight. Anderson refuses to rule anything out.

Pope is sick of Joe's bullshit and threatens to beat him up at an upcoming show. Whether Victory Road or Lockdown, it's unclear which.

Recap of the FUCKING AWFUL jarretts' renewal ceremony. Stabbing myself in the eyes so I never have to watch any of this again. Jeff jarrett says everything's going to be fine and they're going to have their honeymoon in Orlando. Where they are every week. And it's going to be on the PPV.

Hype package for Ultimate X and Kazarian, names that are pretty much synonymous as Kaz has been in five of them already. Then Tenay and Taz run down the card.

A recap of Sting's career, with a lot of early pictures, segueing to Hogan taking over TNA. Seems like the feud is between Sting and Hogan, right? Wonder what happens there.

Borash interviews Sting, who reiterates that he is Going To Win The Upcoming Matches, before Anderson attacks him and demands his rematch! What an asshole!

LONG series of recaps that's mostly clipped out of TNA Reaction interviews, about the big two matches at Victory Road. Hardy/Sting and RVD/Anderson. Wonder how those go? Well, I bet! Genunely glazed over throughout all this. "He's thicc" -Anderson. That's all I got from that.

Match 6: Sting/Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy/Mr. Anderson

Oh hey, SoCal Val! Couldn't exactly have Borash around after Anderson just bumped him, after all. This is the last non-drugged appearance of Another Me (though with the way Hardy's dancing it's hard to tell). No Sting for his entrance, so it's a handicap match for the second time tonight. Fans want Sting. RVD's doing a spirited job nonetheless. Anderson tags Hardy in by slapping him on the back of the head. He then calls for a tag and then leaves Hardy high and dry. So a single against a tag team who don't like each other. Hardy SMACKS Anderson to put him back in. That almost doesn't matter as Hardy pins RVD. Anderson has to correct the referee, then give Hardy a corrective Mic Check. Lights out, Sting's theme plays, Sting's in the ring, Scorpion Death Drop and Five Star wins it for Sting and RVD!

Post-match Sting and RVD stare down and then put each other over. They're faces! See you at... oh no.

Next up: Victory Road 2011 (wait, again?)
Sting (c) vs. Jeff Hardy - for the World Heavyweight Championship
Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson - World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender's Match
Beer Money, Inc. (c) vs. Ink, Inc. - for the World Tag Team Championship
Kazarian (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Max Buck vs. Jeremy Buck - Ultimate X Match for the X Division Championship
Angelina Love/Winter (c) vs. Sarita/Rosita - for the Knockouts Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles vs. Matt Hardy
Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez - First Blood Match
Bully Ray vs. Tommy Dreamer​
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Victory Road 2011 - Gone In 89 Seconds

We're doing this again, are we? I'll be glad to have a bit more context from the previous Impacts, as it'll give me something to cling on to when I trudge through this shitshow one more time. Opening package is about Sting being Awesome and Back and also Hogan officially controlling TNA again. Only one of these things directly relates to a match on the show.

Match 1: Bully Ray vs. Tommy Dreamer - Falls Count Anywhere

Bully (after abusing SoCal Val) gets on the stick pre-match and basically verbally sucks off Hogan and Bischoff. Almost as if they knew they'd need a new name talent in Immortal soon, huh? Dreamer comes out to listen to Bully's abuse, and waits until Bully calls him "fatass" to attack. Dreamer hits a crossbody. To the outside where Dreamer BOTOs for the fans. He takes a fan's chair, gives it to another fan, and rams Bully into it. He spits water into Bully's face and he sells it like blinding green mist. And he grabs a MINION DOLL which gets a big pop. Taz has no idea what it is because it's from back when Minions weren't ubiquitous on middle-aged women's unfunny and mildly racist Facebook posts.

Extended segment in the crowd where Dreamer uses a fan's walking stick, then runs down the stairs for something as innocuous as an axe handle. More BOTO now. Bully has a kendo stick but instead of taking the obvious step of attacking Dreamer with it, attacks Val with it to get a chair. Which he doesn't even get to use. Road stuff from that Literal Street Fight earlier this year comes into play. Then Dreamer yanks out a SEX DOLL! WHY IS A SEX DOLL UNDER THE RING? I don't know why, but I love it. Dreamer waffles Bully so he's 69ing the doll! "Not a three-way match" -Tenay. After a superplex Bully attacks the doll and fails to pop it!

Dreamer eventually retrieves a table but can't piledrive Bully through. Bully starts destroying Dreamer then grabs a mic and calls out Devon at the top of his voice. Team 3D music hits and out come Devon's boys... to provide a distraction to let Devon himself show up and do a 3D through the table along with Dreamer! Dreamer wins, which is a little silly given how you're going to push Bully in the future, but that's fun stuff.

Tenay and Taz are here to talk about what's coming up (or rather, what's not coming up) while the staff clean the sex doll etc. out of the ring.

Christy Interview #1 with the BPs and Winter! Winter insists the help she gave was proof that she and Velvet can be Friends. She says Angelina's seeing the light, and Velvet is very much not happy to hear this. The disintegration continues!

Match 2: Angelina Love/Winter (c) vs. Sarita/Rosita - for the Knockouts Tag Team Championship

Sarita on the mic beforehand. She's Going To Win The Upcoming Match, discusses the Velvet/Angelina/Winter "kinky love triangle" (her words not mine) and goes on a Spanish rant about how Mexicans are awesome. Neither of these women is Mexican. Winter comes out with a kink blindfold. The shine of the faces(?) early on is largely at Rosita's expense. "Oh what the fuck" -Sarita when Winter lunges at her from the corner. "Mexicans" are getting nothing until Sarita pulls the hair. "USA" chants where the most American woman in the match is Rosita (born in Queens and of Puerto Rican heritage). Rosita holds Winter back for Sarita but You Know How This Spot Goes.

Even when the cousins cheat all they're doing is missing. They look so weak. Bicycle kick/Samoan drop but Sarita breaks it up. The ref's distracted by Angelina, Sarita goes for the belt, but the two roll out. Ref's distracted again, Rosita prepares a belt shot... for half a year because Velvet misses her cue to run in and take the belt away. Winter roll-up, Sarita reverses the roll, and then the REF misses his cue so the microbe Rosita has to hold down Winter for another half a year. Still, whatever works. New Knockouts Tag Team Champions - Sarita/Rosita. The botches aligned there. Velvet is not happy but Winter's blaming her. The collapse continues.

The jarretts' honeymoon time. And it's... taking their kids to Universal Studios! You know, the place where Jeff and Karen are every week anyway! Jeff's trying too hard to impress Karen who does not like this. Neither do I, to be fair. The kids want to ride the rollercoaster again.

Christy Interview #2 goes to Matt Morgan. Morgan's mad at Hernandez for screwing him out of the title, and doesn't understand why Hernandez might have a grudge with the guy who kicked his head into steel less than a year ago. He's going for the title. (Pretty sure he never gets another shot.)

Vignette about Hernandez helping Immortal because he hates white people. Immortal as a stable is entirely made of white people. Except maybe Hulk Hogan. He's an orange person.

Match 3: Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez - First Blood Match

Big intense punchfest to start. Morgan's primarily attacking Hernandez's face, noticing that this is the area from which most wrestlers bleed. This is where it pays to do BOTO. Morgan strips the turnbuckle but not enough because there's still a pad there. Whatever worked in Nemeth vs. Alexander, I guess. Hernandez tries to stab Morgan in the eye with a broken kendo stick. He continues to target the eyes. "We want blood" chants from fans who want this to be over already. Remember that non-stripped turnbuckle? Yeah, the inner pad just fell off on its own. Everything works out in the end. Morgan comes back and grabs the kendo spike but can't put it to use.

Morgan sets up the Carbon Footprint but a fan runs out to stop him. Knowing that this is the guy who goes on to be Anarquia, it makes a tiny bit more sense that he's kept on-screen. Hernandez chains his fist but Morgan reverses. Hernandez blades on camera. This, naturally, doesn't end the match, because that fan from earlier BUMPED THE REF OFF-SCREEN. Hernandez towels off and whips out what, as far as I can tell, is a ketchup squirter, and covers Morgan's chest in it. Jackson James (of course it is) sees Morgan first and calls this match for Hernandez. What a silly match with a silly finish. And not in a good way!

Christy Interview #3 with the Bucks, who are both in the Ultimate X. Matt's birthday is today and he insists that Nick had the idea of carrying him to the win. Nick has no idea about this.

Meanwhile, Borash Interview #1 is with Kaz. Kaz quizzes JB on his Ultimate X history and insists that he is Going To Win the Upcoming Match. Just like Charlie Sheen, he's WINNING. He hasn't got tiger blood though. That'll be in a couple of years when Tigre Uno debuts.

Earlier Today, Robbie E is trying to get something from catering and Cookie is having a loud, annoying panic attack. She wants vodka from there. I doubt she'll get it somehow.

Package about Kazarian, Ultimate X matches, and Kazarian being awesome in Ultimate X matches. Then the X Factors, basically confirming what we know. The Bucks are two people, Robbie E is a former champ, and Kaz is better than all these guys at Ultimate X.

Match 4: Kazarian (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Max Buck vs. Jeremy Buck - Ultimate X Match for the X Division Championship

Cookie kicks off by clinging to Kaz's leg while leaving Robbie to get beaten up by the Bucks. That's a babyface turn for Cookie in my book. Or is it a heel turn for Kaz? Who knows. Early on Kaz gets very close. The Bucks are generally looking worst out of this in terms of booking. Kaz leg drops Robbie in the cock. Nick hits a springboard X-Factor which is very cool. Robbie gets tossed out and fucks both his ankles. "I saw Max come in the back door there" -Taz. Like the fist on Robbie's ass. Matt basically monkey flips Nick to the outside and on to the other two. Just let them do spots like that! It's not hard to book the Bucks. Just don't give them creative control.

Both Bucks go to the wires, with Nick doing a big old leap up. Kaz downs them both, hitting Matt with a cutter. Robbie checks under the ring and finds nothing. You'll notice I'm not talking about who's on the wires and who isn't because I'd be saying "he pulls him off" every five seconds and I'm not sure the world is ready for that density of innuendo. Kaz tosses Matt and he gets his head stuck in the steel structure. Tower of Doom and Robbie E's the beneficiary. Kaz pulls out the Flux Capacitor! Bucks drag both their opponents down and superkick them. The disagreement begins though as Matt disagrees with Nick on the finish. They both climb individually, Robbie shows up with a ladder, and Kaz climbs the scaffold to walk the wires! The great big pile-up ends with Bucks on the floor and Kaz with the belt to retain!

Back to the jarrett honeymoon, ughhhhh. Karen's too hot and tired of the kids' shit. Jeff teases champagne but gives the kids pizza. Karen is miserable. So am I.

Christy Interview #4 with Beer Money! They're buzzed already. They want Christy to join in the Beer Money chant but Christy realises that would cause her to bend down in front of them. Roode spins that into a talk about respecting former tag team champions that they've beaten. Basically they're Going To Win The Upcoming Match.

Package about Beer Money being awesome and the punks being the hot young challengers. Tag Lines are essentially "Challengers challenged, champions accepted, champions are champions". There's really no story here.

Match 5: Beer Money, Inc. (c) vs. Ink, Inc. - for the World Tag Team Championship

The headband on Jesse Neal makes it look like a mohawk hat rather than his actual hair. This starts as a really Japanese-style match in terms of its structure, with both sides looking even and having counters of counters for counters. Storm and Neal have a little slap fight. Shannon Moore is the quickest and most agile in the ring, which allows him to do things like really bump for a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. And apparently, whip his partner into the corner by accident. And miss a dropkick into the corner and mash his balls. Both the punks go for chinlocks a couple of times, and it very much feels unearned.

Roode's really getting over. We get a bonzo gonzo loss of control pretty early on, I'd think. That doesn't stop Beer Money doing their wheelbarrow lungblower move. Moore kinda botches a moonsault block but Roode saves the spot by coming to meet him. Untitled Samoan Drop/Mooregasm Combo is teased but Roode escapes and starts to clear out. Moore hits a corkscrew whatever-the-fuck then goes a mile in the air on a uranage. Two differnet bits of athleticism. BEER! MONEY! DWI attempt but Neal saves with a spear! Moore tries using the Book of DILLIGAF to cheat but Neal stops him... which leaves Moore a sitting duck for the DWI! Beer Money retain in the match of the night so far. Show of respect by Neal but Moore spits in Beer Money's face, so they're disagreeing now! Tag Teams Must Split!

Christy Interview #5 is with Ric Flair and Matt Hardy. Flair opines that Matt Hardy is Going To Win The Upcoming Match. Both of these guys like the name "cold blooded" for Matt. You can feel the glimpses of the Broken character in the melodramatic nonsense he talks.

Match 6: AJ Styles vs. Matt Hardy

This starts as another end-to-end clean match, refreshingly. Maybe this show is starting to look up! After a skirmish on the apron, AJ throws Matt out, and Flair denies us a dive. Right after that AJ sells a clothesline like murder. After some Matt offence they're on the apron again and AJ does a moonsault block off it. Matt could easily win by count-out but rolls out again. This leads to the best spot of the whole show, where Matt whips AJ to the guardrail, AJ slides under, and does a Phenomenal Forearm off it! He's always been awesome. Matt suplexes AJ uncomfortably into the buckle. He tosses AJ out so Flair can attack... which leads to an OLD MAN SHOVE FIGHT between Flair and Earl Hebner! Who says sports entertainment can't coexist with real graps?

Matt slaps on the Ice Pick which I LOVE as a submission. It targets the neck, shoulders and torso all in one. He's even building to it with his moves, working the neck. Flair sneaks in the DEADLY TESTICULAR CLAW! Matt's working a cravate with purpose. AJ's chops are so forceful even Hebner's bobbing and weaving a little. PELE PELE PELE for a double down. AJ pulls out an Ushigoroshi, a rare move that makes Matt's Side Effect feel slightly less impressive. Only slightly. After some finish counters, AJ bungles an Asai DDT, but no pin anyway as Flair's distracting the ref. Flair pokes AJ in the eye which earns a Pele. Matt gets two off a moonsault. He goes up top again but eats a Pele and SPIRAL TAP to give AJ the win. Post-match AJ uppercuts Flair in the nuts for good measure. Shockingly good match that's going to stand as the highlight of Matt's first TNA run.

jarretts again! Karen is tired of all these rides. Just like I'm tired of this angle. Jeff thinks what's missing is Kurt Angle, which sets up something for the next Impact! The kids are missing, then suddenly they're not, and then the jarretts get soaked by some sort of theme park gimmick. I'm hoping that's it.

Christy Interview #6 goes to Mr. Anderson! He's being a real dick about screwing RVD. He says everyone's getting screwed. He also struggles to say Dixie's been screwed, in a way that doesn't make it sound like sex. There's a difference between being an asshole and being a douchebag, apparently. RVD is apparently a douchebag.

Video package about RVD vs. Anderson that I'm sure we saw on the go-home. Who's going to be in the main at Lockdown? I wonder who?

Match 7: Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson - World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender's Match

Staredown for instant big fight feel. The duality of RVD: misses with a somersault leg drop but does a pretty sick bodyscissors pin right after. Anderson really snaps into a headlock, which is worrying for RVD's neck. My second favourite spot on this show happens when RVD fails to leapfrog Anderson high enough and Anderson headbutts him in the testes. He insists he meant to do that. Fans aren't convinced. Generic heat, RVD fights back, then it's time to go to the outside. RVD planchas out and does his guardrail leg drop, but Anderson moves away and RVD wrecks his right knee. Which makes it weird when, right after, Anderson works the left leg. Didn't you see which one he hurt, Ken?

RVD gets heat, now selling the wrong leg. That is, if he's selling the leg at all. Anderson tries a Mic Check but RVD grabs the rope so Anderson just lands flat on his back. This shit is just so slow and unnatural looking. Clash of heads, and Anderson takes the collision worse (because he's got kayfabe and legit concussion problems). RVD sends Anderson out with a crossbody and there's a double down on the outside. RVD resets the count to fight up the ramp but Anderson hits the Mic Check. Both men are counted out. The dueling chants are "Restart the match" because the fans want a decisive finish, and "NO" because the fans don't want to see more of these guys wrestling. A damning indictment of a match that absolutely earned that scorn.

In lieu of an interview we get a pre-tape of Jeff Hardy, who's wearing sunglasses indoors for half of it. He takes them off to reveal he at least wasn't off his face during this promo.

Video package of Sting Gone and then Sting Back, wait wasn't this on the previous Impact? Tale of the Tape includes the prescient line "No excuses tonight for Jeff Hardy". It's as if they knew, isn't it?

Match 8: Sting (c) vs. Jeff Hardy - for the World Heavyweight Championship

Do I have to narrate what happens again? You know this one. Hardy takes nearly a minute to show up and is clearly not sober. No straight lines being walked here. He's stumbling on the steel steps. Sting's trying to salvage this but you know the number one thought in his head is "THIS MOTHERFUCKER". Ref Brian Hebner throws out the X on-screen and appeals to Val to go to the back and DO SOMETHING. Borash is stalling for time with the introductions. Hardy flips off the crowd. Bischoff shows up to totally improv a promo about why Hardy wants this to be made a No DQ match and call a few audibles before Sting decks him. Hardy paces around, teases throwing his shirt, digs his nails into Sting's neck, and then Sting decides to finish this in 89 seconds with a Scorpion Death Drop and shoot pin. Fans think it's bullshit. Sting agrees.

Tenay and Taz throw up highlights of every other match to get as much PPV time filled as possible. People call this a low for TNA, and I can't say I disagree. I hope you don't mind if I quote Bryan Alvarez.

Normally I wouldn’t rate this, but we’re on a roll with negative star matches so let’s keep this alive. (-*****) Yes, MINUS FIVE STARS. How do I justify this rating? Well, one of two things happened here. Maybe this whole thing was a stupid work. You know, the Pillman loose cannon deal with Hardy playing the role of wrestler-in-no-condition-to-perform, trying to get Internet fans talking. Well, if that’s the case, this is the best they could come up with? If this was a work, and you were going to do this one-minute finish, at least have it go on second-to-last and come up with some creative excuse to put something else in the main event slot. Isn’t that the point of having a CREATIVE TEAM? If this was a work they bent over and fucked in the ass their most die-hard, loyal-to-the-death fans with a 1:29 main event on a show they paid anywhere from $35 to $45 for. The other possibility is that Jeff was messed up, which was what people in TNA claimed Sunday night. In which case, why is Jeff Hardy in the main event? Years ago WWE fired Jeff because they were concerned with his behaviour and he refused to go to rehab. TNA immediately signed him. Then when he kept fucking up they let him go, and WWE signed him back. Then he left WWE a second time, and a week later he got busted and CHARGED WITH MULTIPLE DRUG FELONIES. It’s bad enough to bring a guy in who was having problems when working for the opposition (and believe me I am not defending WWE here because I thought it was wildly irresponsible when they did it as well), but to bring him in when he’s facing possible jail time on drug charges? For fuck’s sake. And it’s not like they took a chance on him, like WWE did, and he actually was on his best behaviour once he got there. Oh no. He had an incident just a few month back at another PPV where they were so concerned about his behaviour backstage that they nearly pulled him from the show and stripped him of the title (and, of course, in the end they didn’t, they just let him work, and then they gave the belt back to him again a month after he lost it to Mr. Anderson). HELLO? EARTH TO FUCKING IDIOTS. If this was legit, I have no sympathy for Dixie Carter whatsoever. In fact, I hold her even more responsible if this was real than if it was fake. If this was fake, they just did something ungodly stupid. If it was real, she continues to enable a guy with a real problem. She needs to get her fucking act together, like nine years ago. Not to mention that if he really was in no condition to perform, this was the best the creative team could come up with? A one-minute main event with a fluky finish? I mean, Jesus Christ, how long would it take you, the reader, to come up with something better, something that, I don’t know, DOESN’T INVOLVE JEFF HARDY? I mean, think about this. Let’s say he was under the influence of something. They actually thought – THEY ACTUALLY THOUGHT – that it would be better to PUT HIM IN THE RING FOR A ONE-MINUTE BULLSHIT MAIN EVENT than to, say, claim he got beat up by Kurt Angle and have Kurt replace him and do a 12-minute match with Sting. That decision right there, as a business owner, would cause me to swing low through this company in my sweet chariot, decapitating one member of creative after another with my flaming sword, so as to never see them again. Ideally everyone in the world would be employed, preferably in something they enjoyed doing, but for the love of God this company needs to die. Just die, Dixie can go back to being the friendly receptionist at Panda Headquarters in Texas, and if fate is such that there must be a “number-two” wrestling company in America, someone with a fucking brain will come by and pick up the pieces. And hopefully they can do it without rehiring everyone responsible for this Titanic of a company, unlike the current moronic brain trust who hired everyone responsible for killing WCW almost exactly ten years ago to the day. Over the years I have gotten one angry letter after another from the TNA diehards, trying to defend the utter bullshit nonsense that is Impact and the stupid decisions Dixie and her goofy crew make. This is what happens when you blindly support bullshit. You get this show, a show destined to be an entire chapter in a book someday.

People have speculated about a "Death of TNA" book to complement "Death of WCW", long before this show, and long after it. TNA has refused to follow the script just as Goldberg did on that fateful night in 2000, simply continuing to exist despite all those running it's best efforts. And that's admirable. I hope I never have to talk about Victory Road 2011 again. See you next Impact.


Dreams are Endless
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