Calling someone a Jew is not racist. Jews aren't a race. I've explained this whole concept of racism to you before fuckwit.
like srsly I posted dog porn and they kept going. You guys suck so bad at insulting each other that no one could close it and both parties srsly think the last word is going to win this epic debate of intelligence and this theory has been practiced for four pages. after having to put up with that thread for three days i'm pissed off at everyone involved at that. Just post an essay on why mcfly is a mcfag then just quote it everytime he size spams. He can reply to the same post 90 times and you still wouldn't have anything new to get him on. Should of just let him bury himself but you guys replied to his shit like it wasn't a steaming pile and that makes you the guy who yells at shit
-10 colin points
racist - discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion, its on google god damn it, it must be right! Btw that was joking but racism also stretches to religion so I have been told and it is on google.
lmao, JEW IS NOT A RACE FOR FUCK SAKES. I know you aren't really joking about it because you said something was racist before when it also wasn't racist, it was prejudice. You do not know the difference.
I've been called "the N word" numerous times on here. Why the fuck would fry offend me? Not seeing the relevance here.
Still doesn't excuse prejudice behaviour, I know it is allowed, you can do whatever the fuck you want here, but discriminating against people because of their religion is uncondonable, if that is even a word.
"3) As always if you can't handle it, get out. We as the staff do agree that some stuff is going to far, but if someone is going to do it, well this is the only place they can. And if you don't want to view it, or get involved in it then just stay out of here. They are going to keep flaming you anyways no matter what, so why give them more fuel. If you do choose to flame back and fight thats fine, but don't come crying to us if you suddenly feel offended because we won't help you. And you will be banned from this part of the forum."