Yeah what happened? Did you Monk it up? j/k
Nope, this time I did the right thing.
She started getting mad clingy on me, but I was like, whatever, as long as I'm chilled it's all good.
So this past Sunday we were driving back from her place and she starts talking about her exes. That's cool, you share that kind of stuff eventually.She disclosed that she went out with a few Muslim men and then went on this absolutely ridiculous racist diatribe against Muslims. Now, I know we heap a lot of shit on people here but I don't think any of us are actually seriously racist. This chick was.
So I'm getting more and more furious as we drive and as she keeps babbling on. Eventually she clues in that I'm not talking at all and I'm sitting there seething. So she backs off with, "I was just kidding. Just being a shit disturber". Bullshit.
So I get out of the car at home and tell her I'll call her the next day. At this point I'm like, this is done. Now do I break up with her before her birthday or do I hold out until afterwards.
So I decide that I'll wait. I'll be nice.
Next morning I have a bunch of texts basically saying that we're in different places in life but she stops before actually saying I don't want to see you any more but I'm seeing my opening so I'm just like "I know where you're going with this so okay, fine."
A few hours later, I'm at work and I get a message saying I don't know what I was thinking, blah, blah, blah and I'm ignoring her. So I get like 5 more texts in a row followed up by "Please talk to me sweety." I respond back with "I'm busy right now" thinking fuck, it was so close to being that easy.
About 45 minutes later I get one more text (if you recall above she was a former boozer) saying "I just bought a bottle of tequila" so I'm pretty pissed at this point and I'm like what the fuck is your problem and she's like I'm reaching out to you.
I called bullshit and told her if she was reaching out to me she would have done so before buying the bottle, that she was using emotional blackmail and that I never wanted to hear from her again.
She responded to that by telling me I was an asshole, that she didn't need me, she was going to drink the bottle and invite her considerably less stable than me ex over. I guess she thought that might hit my sympathy button but sadly for her I was already super pissed so I told her to enjoy herself, but this is done now, leave me alone.
She followed that up with another few texts running me down telling me that I couldn't handle her, that if I didn't care for her the way she did me I shouldn't have fucked her the way that I did and the basic fuck off, you're an asshole, yada yada yada.
Haven't heard from her since then but goddamn was I happy she made that so easy. So free again now and pleased about it.
So that's two strikes now for dating sites. One more and I'm going caveman style.