Screw this forum

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It's hilarious because I remember XBA and I got into an argument once and the same people that were flaming me and sticking up for XBA are the same ones saying HE'S SUCH AN ASSKISSER, WHAT A FAG.

I still don't understand it. I think I am a tweener.


To be fair, LHR is more of a legend than most. Like, who the fuck is Kassidy?


I'm a legend killer.



I still don't understand it. I think I am a tweener.

I don't know, I don't see why other people dislike you so much. I think you are fine, at least from what I have seen.


I don't care, I just lulz at how angry some people are over this. It's well known that Monk and I didn't get along at times, we kinda smoothed things out at the end, but, in general, he wasn't THAT good of an admin. He took away my VIP status just because he had a grudge. He would randomly insult me for no reason at all and give me an infraction for any little thing. He spent one afternoon spamming my profile with about 100 red reps. A lot of that, I didn't even provoke, he just took it upon himself to do it. It seems that the only people who think he is amazing are the people he didn't bother. I had the e-balls to speak up whenever I didn't agree with something so he made me a target while a bunch of other people sucked his dick.

I don't know what he actually did for the forum, if anything, so I can't comment on that but he didn't act like an admin should. He is suppose to eliminate trouble, not cause it, and his idea to enforce no rules was a terrible idea. Some people mentioned increased activity but a new person still wont join when they look at the forum and see nothing but spam posts. They come here for an actual discussion, not to read a bunch a posts that say UR GAY, UR A FAG, LOLOLOLOL.

No rules is fun for about 5 minutes and then you realize how stupid people start acting just because they can and it ruins the forum.


I don't know, I don't see why other people dislike you so much. I think you are fine, at least from what I have seen.


I don't care, I just lulz at how angry some people are over this. It's well known that Monk and I didn't get along at times, we kinda smoothed things out at the end, but, in general, he wasn't THAT good of an admin. He took away my VIP status just because he had a grudge. He would randomly insult me for no reason at all and give me an infraction for any little thing. He spent one afternoon spamming my profile with about 100 red reps. A lot of that, I didn't even provoke, he just took it upon himself to do it. It seems that the only people who think he is amazing are the people he didn't bother. I had the e-balls to speak up whenever I didn't agree with something so he made me a target while a bunch of other people sucked his dick.

I don't know what he actually did for the forum, if anything, so I can't comment on that but he didn't act like an admin should. He is suppose to eliminate trouble, not cause it, and his idea to enforce no rules was a terrible idea. Some people mentioned increased activity but a new person still wont join when they look at the forum and see nothing but spam posts. They come here for an actual discussion, not to read a bunch a posts that say UR GAY, UR A FAG, LOLOLOLOL.

No rules is fun for about 5 minutes and then you realize how stupid people start acting just because they can and it ruins the forum.

Agreed LHR

Mike chaos, XBA, WORDLIFE and Noumenon are the best choices for the guys at the top if you ask me.

Mike Chaos

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Don't forgot This Guy :)

Also very we'll said LHR. he would just use the admin powers for his ammusement. changing peopls names avatars signatures to something degrading. neg repping people for personal vendettas. I know rep means nothing but if it means nothing why waste time neg repping some one? the antics he did were very unnecesary for what a professional admin. ofcourse it would be fun to fuck with peoples accounts and be immature and do things to mess with people. but you have to have enough self control and will power plus social maturity to do so.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

Unless it's April fool's day.

*CTG realizes he may have given the admins a bad idea*

Go on nothing to see here. *whistles*


This is the way I look at it; Mike and Alex (XBA & Wordlife respectively) obviously do deserve there positions, Mike Chaos is a great admin and obviously he saw something in them that warrented a spot as IWF staff. They have been contributing members to the forum from what I have seen (as A matter of fact they were two of the first members I actually had a conversation with) so all this truely is is a bunch of complaing and crying about them deserving/not deserving there spot. Like honestly what I have noticed is whomever the autorities are on this forum they are not going to please everybody. I am sure there were plenty of people who didn't like MS as an admin much like others don't like XBA. Both imo are fine members/admins.


No prob Alex it had to be said.

This place is almost like a fucking high school at times; you have people who do nothing but bash each other and talk shit about people they do not like (or in this case see ""fit"to run the forum.) It's fucking stupid, seriously I mean sure there are a few members that are still ih high school but for the most part (I am sure I am making a generalization here) the member ages on here are generally (not counting the people younger & older then this just the majority of what i've seen) range in ages 18-28. Now I know there are people younger/older then this but the most of us are adults and should act as such not go around whining because we don't like who is in charge.



It seems as if power makes people revolt. Wait till you get to college and take Politics class, I'm in it now, and we're learning about Socrates and him being arrested for "disagreeing with the government/laws"

sorta like this forum, everyone seems to disagree with power/laws...

It's like a high school bitchy drama, everyone has their opinion and its always bitchy and annoying and makes no sense and tends to piss people off.... frustrates me!