Screw this forum

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I'm taking a Philosophy class so yeah I know what you are getting at. I just try to stay away from the bitchy drama and the like and it's evident being that I don't have any real "enemies" on here that i know of at least lol. With the exception of arguments I get into with people in the context of a specific thread, but I don't hold grudes on a fucking forum.


Please excuse the interruption.

Let me be the first to say WORDLIFE has the greatest sig on the forum at the moment.

That is all.


^To bad The Drew Brees avy takes a few points away imo lol but I don't follow hockey so it's all good :)



Shocking idea for some, I know, but there are actually forums out there where the members (regardless of age) are mature enough to not warrant moderators.


Airfixx like Axis has left the tiny pool of the wrestling section and is starting to moan about who is in charge. What does it matter to you? Does it involve your opinions on wrestling? No it does not Shut the fuck up and do what you do best posting the WRESTLING section and shut your mouth. This shit is getting boring now and repetitive. Go join Blaze's awesome forum if you do not like it.


Why the fuck do you think that every little argument concerns you? You always want to be the voice of reason and continuously think that you're 'in the know'? How about once you shut the fuck up and stop thinking you're needed in every single debate.


How about you shut the fuck up you stupid cunt. Look im not he voice of reason. And plus its a HIAT thread anyone can post what ever feelings they want. How am i in the know? I posted my opinion i think airfixx and axis are good wrestling posters. But now they are like boo hoo staff are rubbish boo hoo. Who gives a flying fuck? Stick to posting wrestling news and opinions on it and shut the fuck up. Sex power seriously dude go fuck yourself you stupid thick Aussie cunt. Plus you wanna go to war bring it im in the mood for a fucking verbal debate. Cmon little fuck face. I'm waiting......

Plus beer this old ^^^ agree or THIS is so 2009 get a new saying. Damn this forum has gone mental.


Nah, I really think that you're the one who should shut the fuck up here. And I know it's fucking HIAT, doesn't change the fact that you're a whiny little cocksucker who always has to chime in where he's not wanted and where he's not needed. Who the fuck are you to tell Axis and Airfixx how to post? Are you just jealous of them because they can string sentences together to write a coherent paragraph? Or are you still pissy about Axis getting legend status and you not? How about you stop sticking your nose in everything and pretending that everything concerns you. The world doesn't revolve around you, smurf. How are you in the know? What about you thinking you were directly involved with the MS situation and trying to be the voice of reason there as well. And I'm thick? Really? You're a fucking "27" year old who doesn't even know what an apostrophe is. Spare me from another babbling reply, you'll only embarrass yourself further. Just go back to sending me another hateful neg rep and thinking about me crying over it. Because they hurt oh, so much. :( :( :( But honestly, as much as I have enjoyed this I have a feeling this (very one sided) argument won't last long and you'll be sending me PMs saying 'im so sorry dude, we cool?' by tomorrow. smurf.


How about you stop sticking your nose in everything and pretending that everything concerns you. The world doesn't revolve around you, smurf. How are you in the know? What about you thinking you were directly involved with the MS situation and trying to be the voice of reason there as well

Sticking my nose in it? Really? Oh sorry everyone stop posting in this thread cause only sex power knows about the staff situation not us. Everyone one is involved you stupid idiot. And perhaps if i cannot do a paragraph properly maybe you can point out my first post's mistakes and i will sit down in class and learn of a young Aussie "smurf". Yes the word smurf how is that at all offensive. It means gay. Gay as in men loving men. Right ok...... Im 100% Heterosexual and i have a kid and a gf. Yeah that makes me a smurf. Look dude its a wrestling forum. Everyone has an opinion you do not like any or disagree? Then fuck off.
I will never ask if we are ok cause we are not. I would not waste my time on a cunt like you.


^^^Honestly, you argue like a child.

Airfixx like Axis has left the tiny pool of the wrestling section and is starting to moan about who is in charge. What does it matter to you? Does it involve your opinions on wrestling? No it does not Shut the fuck up and do what you do best posting the WRESTLING section and shut your mouth. This shit is getting boring now and repetitive. Go join Blaze's awesome forum if you do not like it.

In case you hadn't noticed I'm usually completely out of touch with the school-yard politics and bullshit on this forum (which is no accident) and reach my own opinions and conclusions about stuff whilst not feeling the need to buddy up(*) with anyone in weak-ass attempt to 'validate' anything I say or do.

(*or "dick-ride", if you'd prefer me to stick to the populist IWF forum-jargon.)

It's not even clear which of my comments you were supposedly responding to so please fuck off back to the stupid little "who I prefer as mod" debate that you were so gratuitously embroiled in....


i think airfixx [is a] good wrestling [poster]. But now they are like boo hoo staff are rubbish boo hoo.

Learn to fucking read (or at least shut your fucking mouth until you can.).


^^^ Legend it says haha no fucking way. Sarcastic guy with the Rock's Moniker. Damn iam in trouble now.