Reviewing every WWE PPV in order from worst to best

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Nov 17, 2022
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Kind of appropriate that John Cena would main event the final PPV before WrestleMania instead of the two World Champions considering he would main event WrestleMania instead of the two World Champions.
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WrestleMania 32


You know what, fuck the haters. This was great.

Match 1: Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match - Zack Ryder def. Kevin Owens (c), Sami Zayn, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Stardust & Sin Cara (15:22)


Talk about starting with a bang! There was not one moment where this match slowed down. This was fast paced all the way through. And it feels like they went through every spot that they could’ve thought of. I’d be here all day if I went through all of them, so I’ll just talk about the ones that stood out the most to me. Owens back body drops Sami onto a ladder resting on the top rope. Sami pushes the ladder with Sin Cara standing on it, and Sin Cara springboards off the top rope for a senton on a crowd of wrestlers on the outside. Stardust brings out a polka dotted ladder to pay tribute to his dad. Owens hits a frog splash onto Zayn laying on a ladder. Zack Ryder hits an El-Bro drop on Miz from the top of the biggest ladder they could find! Sin Cara gets pushed over on a ladder again, but lands on Stardust who was laying on a ladder set up between the ring and the barricade, snapping the ladder in half! Then at the very end, Miz is standing on top of a ladder, facing hard cam, but Zack Ryder climbs up from the other side, shoves Miz off and grabs the title and WrestleMania starts off with a huge shock! I was only joking when I said Zack was gonna win! Awesome match and an awesome winner. It’s just a shame they only did it for the pop… But you can really tell all of these guys wanted to steal the damn show! And this was gonna be tough to beat… But one match was able to do it.

My Rating: ****1/4

Match 2: Chris Jericho def. AJ Styles (16:59)


A great match but the wrong man won. But don’t let that sour this match for you. Now I wanted to be excited for this match, but this was the 4th match these 2 had since AJ debuted which was only 2 months earlier, but this was the best of the bunch. It was back and forth. It starts with AJ frustrating Jericho with his superior athleticism, but Jericho is able to turn it around when he hits a mid-air dropkick on AJ who flew over the ropes. Jericho is able to get the Walls of Jericho on not once but twice, the second time after Jericho catches AJ’s foot on a pela kick. AJ escapes and puts on the Calf Crusher, which Jericho escapes. AJ goes for a Phenomenal Forearm, and Jericho dodges it, and AJ turns back around into a Codebreaker, and AJ kicks out! Jericho tries to AJ’s own Styles Clash, but AJ reverses it and does the move himself! Jericho kicks out. Jericho goes for a Lionsault, but AJ gets his knees up, then goes to the apron to hit a springboard 450. Then he gets on the apron again for a Phenomenal Forearm, only for Jericho to counter it into a Codebreaker for the win. To this day, I don’t know what the thought process was for Jericho winning this match, especially since AJ would be in a World Title match at the next PPV.

My Rating: ****

Match 3: The League of Nations (Sheamus, Rusev & Alberto Del Rio) def. The New Day (9:50)


Don’t let this match’s cagematch rating fool you. This was perfectly fine. A perfectly solid match. The Lads as they called themselves for whatever reason, isolate Xavier from his corner, but Kofi gets tagged in and injects some life into the match, hitting a double boom drop on Sheamus and Rusev. Big E. gets tagged in and hits overhead suplexes. Sheamus and Rusev are standing on the apron with Barrett behind them, and Big E. hits a double spear to the outside. At the end of this match, Xavier is hit with a Bullhammer from Barrett behind the ref’s back, and then Sheamus finishes him with a Brogue Kick.

My Rating: ***

The aftermath of the match, Barrett grabs a mic and says that no “three man combination” specifically, can take them on. So immediately, you know someone’s about to come out. It’s Shawn Michaels first, then Mick Foley and finally, Stone Cold. Now normally, I would roll my eyes at old guys beating on the new stars, but I have a soft spot for all 3 guys and the lads just had a match. So it’s whatever to me. New Day pull Barrett out to make it 3 on 3. Shawn hits Del Rio with a superkick, Foley puts Mr. Socko on Sheamus. Stone Cold stuns Rusev out of his boots (hell of a sell for the Stunner). Then New Day get back in to try to get the legends dance with them. Shawn tried to twerk which was funny as fuck. Austin snaps his fingers with Woods before he stuns him, which is probably the dream of every modern wrestler to take a stunner from Stone Cold.

Match 4: Street Fight - Brock Lesnar def. Dean Ambrose (12:50)


(Sigh) This match wasn’t terrible in my opinion. But goddamn it should’ve been so much more. The hype I had for this match was so high. There are times when the PG rating of WWE holds it back and this is one of those times. Now if you hadn’t fooled yourself into being excited for this, it goes pretty much how you’d expect. Suplex, suplex, suplex, suplex, Ambrose gets his licks in, but it isn’t very much. Dean throws a bunch of chairs into the ring and tries to use one on Brock, but Brock overhead germans Dean… over the chairs and lands on them himself. Brock goes for an F5 onto the pile of chairs. Ambrose hits a DDT on Brock onto a chair for a 2 count before he goes outside to grab a barbed wire baseball bat. But if you think he’s hitting Brock with that, you’re out of your mind. Brock ducks under the swing and picks Dean up for an F5 onto the pile of chairs… This isn’t a bad match but fuck, this could’ve been match of the night if not for the PG restrictions. This should’ve been a bloody war.

My Rating: ***

Match 5: Women’s Championship Triple Threat Match - Charlotte def. Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch (16:01)


Time for the showstealer. This was awesome. These ladies deserved this spot (yes, even Charlotte). This was an awesome athletic match between 3 women who wanted to change the game. Rapid pinfall attempts early. Halfway through the match, Sasha hits a suicide dive on Charlotte after ducking a clothesline from Becky. Ric on the outside tries to berate Sasha, but Becky dives on him, then the 2 of them take each other out on the outside, allowing Charlotte enough time to get to the top rope and hit a picture perfect moonsault onto both women. She rolls them back in and hits a double Natural Selection but unable to pin either of them. Becky rolls out while Charlotte gets Sasha up for a powerbomb. But Sasha turns herself around into a Doomsday Device position for Becky to dropkick Charlotte from the top rope and both Charlotte and Sasha tumble back. They then take turns putting a submission on each other. Becky putting the Dis-Arm-Her on Charlotte, Sasha putting the Bank Statement on Becky, and Charlotte putting the Figure 4 on Sasha. Becky makes the save. And then they all get into a chopfest in the ring with Sasha and Becky laying into Charlotte, before they hit each other at the same time, then Charlotte hits a hell of a spear on Sasha! Becky hits a superplex on Charlotte from the top rope, leaving her and Sasha in the ring, but Sasha flips out of a back drop and hits the backstabber to transition into the Bank Statement, but Charlotte runs back in, tosses Sasha out of the ring before she applies the Figure 8 to Becky. Sasha tries to get back in, but Ric holds her back, while Becky taps out in the ring and Charlotte takes the W. Great fucking match! At WrestleMania, these girls needed to deliver and they stole the damn show!

My Rating: ****1/2

Match 6: Hell in a Cell Match - The Undertaker def. Shane McMahon (30:05)


Wow… This storyline made absolutely zero sense. I didn’t like this match the first time I watched it, but rewatching it here. It wasn’t that bad. Sure, the pace is pretty slow and boring at times but I do like an underdog story, and Shane was an underdog through and through in this match. Even though Undertaker was a lot older here, it’s still The Undertaker, at WrestleMania and at Hell in a Cell. Undertaker hits a Last Ride early in the match which was weird to me. Like holy shit, let the beatings begin. Undertaker hits a Chokeslam on the steel steps, and Shane kicks out. Shane pretty much lucks his way into going 30 minutes, surviving through his wits more than anything. He does get to hit Coast to Coast. Undertaker picks Shane up and drives him through the wall of the cell and now they’re outside. The next several minutes are pretty much nothing, but then Shane gets Undertaker laid out on an announce table. And it isn’t a Shane match until he jumps off something high. So he climbs the cell, which has to be 20 feet high. And then… FOR THE LOVE OF MANKIND!!! Shane jumps off the cell and hits the table and not Undertaker. Undertaker gets Shane back up, and Shane tells Taker to bring it. Undertaker brings Shane back in and gives him a Tombstone to end the match… So Shane doesn’t get to run Raw sadly… Except yes he does because nothing matters. The story for this match was that if Shane won, he would get to run Raw. But he lost. But Vince hilariously renders this entire storyline and this match pointless by putting Shane in charge anyway.

My Rating: ***1/2

Match 7: Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal - Baron Corbin won by last eliminating Kane (9:40)


This is where we get that Big Show and Shaq match. That’s pretty much the one spot of the match. They grab each other by the throats before everyone else works together to get them out. And then the other spot is the end. Yeah, this is a pretty unexceptional battle royal. Corbin eliminates Kane from behind.

My Rating: *

Match 8: The Rock def. Erick Rowan (0:06)


Oof. Okay, so The Rock comes out and gets a big entrance, which was admittedly pretty sick. He announces an attendance record. Then The Wyatt Family make their way out a record setting crowd has the fireflies out and it’s such a cool sight. And Bray cuts a promo saying he’s gonna “eviscerate” The Rock. Rock basically claps back and says they’re going to have a match. And you could actually tell how quick this was gonna be because it wasn’t Bray or Braun, it was gonna be with Rowan. Rock Bottom, 3 count. That’s it. Then The Wyatts surround the ring, and John Cena would make the save. It’s cool and all… just wish it wasn’t at the expense of The Wyatts.

Main Event: WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match - Roman Reigns def. Triple H (c) (27:10)


Good god…. Holy fuck… What the hell…. How is it that the Hell in a Cell Match go longer and somehow feel shorter. Everyone knew Roman was winning. Why drag this out? There is one spot during this whole match where the crowd pops. One spot! I will say that I was one of the people who wanted a Roman vs HHH match… but not in the main event of WrestleMania for the World Title. The time to do it would’ve been at SummerSlam 2014 in my opinion. Roman Spears Triple H through the barricade at one point and nobody pops for it. At some point during the match, Stephanie gets in the ring and Roman ends up spearing her and that’s where the crowd pops. Then HHH hits the Pedigree, for Roman to kick out of it. Roman gets superman punch in, I think. I don’t know, I didn’t care. Stephanie hands Triple H a sledgehammer, and misses with it. Roman Spears HHH to win the title and send the crowd home miserable. WWE once again made the mistake of putting Roman in the main event when nobody wanted it, only this time, there was no Seth Rollins to save us. Is it the worst Mania main event? No, there’s been much worse. But damn is it up there.

My Rating: **

Cagematch Rating: 5.45

My Rating: 8/10

Yeah… the last hour and a half is what brings this show down. However… The first 3 hours were awesome. This show provided some amazing and memorable moments and some great matches. The only low point of the first 3 hours I’d say was Brock/Ambrose, but even that was just a decent match even if it was disappointing. This show has its flaws for sure. But the first 3 hours by itself was better than any other show I’ve watched so far.

Next up, we're going back to a weird time... the 90s, with SummerSlam 1990.
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Dreams are Endless
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All the good matches on this show had the wrong winners and all matches with right winners sucked lol


Nov 17, 2022
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Let me count the times Roman Reigns was in the main event of WrestleMania that was a subpar match and/or the wrong man one: 31 (subpar until the Rollins cash-in), 32, 33, 34, 38, 39 (37 was good and it did make sense for Reigns to win). Not to mention it felt ridiculous that Triple H was the champion and had to put himself in the main event of WrestleMania. WWE's attempt to get Reigns over as a babyface by putting him against the big bad Authority that tried to screw Daniel Bryan two years earlier.

Lesnar vs Ambrose could have been better even withing the PG parameters. It just felt like more Lesnar BS. Ambrose should have one. Yeah, the storyline going into Hell in a Cell made no sense. Especially since fans wanted to cheer for Shane so he would be in charge, but fans also wanted to cheer for Undertaker in general, then especially with the stipulation that if I recall it Undertaker lost he would never compete at WrestleMania. Rock vs Rowan was dumb. If they wanted to get Wyatt Family involved they should have tried to get them in something that could lead to more instead of a one-off segment with The Rock. That was (to date) The Rock's last match.
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May 8, 2023
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SummerSlam 1990


This PPV was more interviews than it was wrestling. There had to have been close to 30 interviews on the entire show. And if you think I’m exaggerating, go watch it for yourself! Be warned though, it may cost you your sanity!

Match 1: Power & Glory def. The Rockers (6:00)


This is pretty much a Handicap Match. Hercules uses his chain on Shawn’s knee before the match starts, so that leaves just Marty. Every time Shawn tries to get in the ring, Herc or Roma kicks his knee out. Marty gets a few shots in but this is still just a squash match. Hercules superplexes Marty and Roma splashes him to win.

My Rating: **

Match 2: Intercontinental Championship Match - Texas Tornado def. Mr. Perfect (c) (5:15)


It’s a shame they had to cut time for this match to make room for the 6 interviews they have to do after it, but it’s a worthy sacrifice (it isn’t). For real though, this match could’ve been great if they had just given it time. This match for the time it did have, wasn’t bad. Tornado overpowers Perfect, but Perfect is a better wrestler and cocky so he mistakenly plays with Kerry. Kerry slingshots Perfect over the turnbuckle, into the ring post, then puts the claw on him, before spinning and hitting a punch to win the title.

My Rating: **1/2

After this is supposed to be a match between Sherri and Sapphire, but Sapphire no shows and Sherri wins by forfeit. Shortly after this, they do an interview (because of course they do) with Dusty Rhodes, talking about how Sapphire has been receiving expensive gifts lately… Gee, I wonder who she could be getting that from. They for real might as well have said “it’s Ted DiBiase” in big bold letters at the bottom of the screen.

Match 3: The Warlord def. Tito Santana (5:28)


Warlord throws his weight around and Tito gets hardly any offense in. Tito does hit a flying forearm and gets a 2 count, but Warlord gets his foot on the bottom rope. Warlord picks Tito up and drops him with a powerslam to win.

My Rating: **

Match 4: WWF Tag Team Championship 2 Out of 3 Falls Match - The Hart Foundation def. Demolition (Smash & Crush) (c) (14:24)


Demolition had 3 members now instead of 2 which really ruined their dynamic. This is the best match on the show, but the overbooking at the end sours it slightly. This match is fast paced all the way through with some nice teamwork from both teams. Demolition wins the first fall after their finisher that I still don’t know the name of. Demolition then isolates and beats on Bret from his corner. But I love that when Bret is reaching for Neidhart, Smash is clutching at him and trying to keep him away from his corner. But Bret tags in Neidhart, and he goes nuts. The Foundation hits the Hart Attack on Smash and Bret makes the cover, but Crush like a dummy tackles the ref instead of breaking up the pin. The referee DQ’s Demolition and The Foundation win Fall 2. Demolition jump Bret before the 3rd fall begins and while Neidhart is out there trying to recover Bret, Ax runs out, goes under the ring… and I’m thinking what the hell… Then Smash goes under the ring while Ax comes back out and gets in the ring and starts fighting Bret… They pulled the twin magic trick… with Ax and Smash… Two guys who, even if they looked the same, which they don’t, Smash’s facepaint is nearly gone from the sweat, while Ax’s facepaint is entirely fine. They only way they look the same is in their build. You basically have to not look at their fucking face to be fooled by this. But whatever. The chaos in the finish is fun at least. Ax and Smash eventually switch back, and The Road Warriors come down, drag Ax from under the ring, and beat his ass, before making Smash lose his balance on the top rope. Neidhart leaps into the ring over the top rope, shoulder bumping Crush into Bret, who was waiting behind him. Crush trips over Bret, who rolls onto the downed Crush to win the titles. Good match that gets ruined because Vince McMahon thinks I’m blind and stupid.

My Rating: ***3/4

It’s a fucking eternity after this match before we get another one because we have to watch 6 interviews and an in-ring segment. Brother Love brings Sgt. Slaughter, because we haven’t heard enough talking on the show already. This promo sucks just like this show.

Match 5: Singles Match with Big Boss Man as Special Referee - Jake Roberts def. Bad News Brown via DQ (4:44)


So… This match had a dumb story going into it, it looks like. Jake likes to bring a snake to the ring with him. So Bad News apparently thought, that the equivalent to snakes… were sewer rats, which aren’t actually rats, there opposums… Well those “sewer rats” don’t come into play at all during this match. So there’s literally no point. They each try to hit their finishers early, and then the match descends into Bad News beating on Jake. He has to use a steel chair twice before Boss Man finally DQ’s him. Then hilariously, Bad News tries to drop a legdrop on Damien, but Boss Man saves him. So Bad News jumps Boss Man, but while thats happening, Jake gets in and whips out his massive snake (which legit tried to choke him in an interview earlier). Bad News runs for the hill… That sucked.

My Rating: DUD

Match 6: Jim Duggan & Nikolai Volkoff def. The Orient Express (3:22)


Another bad match, but not as bad as the last one at least. It’s so short which is thankful. Volkoff gets double teamed by the Express for a minute before he reaches Duggan, who goes ham on them. He clotheslines one of them and dives on them to win the match.

My Rating: *

Match 7: Randy Savage def. Dusty Rhodes (2:15)


Oh my god, this is annoying. Before the match starts, they have the big reveal that Sapphire had sold out or bought in depending on who you are, to DiBiase. Then they have the match… Which happens to be the shortest match on the card, what the hell. You have Macho Man and the American Dream and you give them the shortest amount of time? Are you kidding me? Or was it one of those situations where they had to cut it for the 60+ interviews I still need to watch?! The match isn’t much because it’s 2 fucking minutes! Savage hits Dusty with Sherri’s purse behind the referee’s back and he wins. This show fucking sucks!

My Rating: DUD

Match 8: Hulk Hogan def. Earthquake via countout (13:16)


This was better than I expected, but it seems like every Hogan match I watch, finds a way to annoy me in some way. Earthquake wears down Hogan’s back for a lot of this match. But I should mention that Boss Man blatantly hits Earthquake while the referee’s watching, then while he’s not looking, Dino Bravo hits Hogan and Vince on commentary goes, “come on ref, turn around”. I don’t think he gives a fuck Vince. Towards the end of the match, Earthquake does his finish which apparently put Hogan on the shelf for a bit, he takes a run before he jumps and sits his ass on his chest. But that’s not enough, so Earthquake does it again… making Hogan look even more like a jerkoff when he powers Earthquake off him. Hogan lifts Earthquake and body slams him, which he teases the whole match. They end up going outside, and Jimmy Hart accidentally hits Earthquake with his megaphone after Hogan dodges. Hogan then picks Earthquake up and body slams on a very conveniently placed table and gets back in the ring while the ref counts out Earthquake.

My Rating: **1/4

Main Event: WWF Championship Steel Cage Match - Ultimate Warrior (c) def. Rick Rude (10:05)


Yes, finally another good match. I’ve said before that Rick Rude was one of the few people who could get a good match out of Warrior. Warrior tosses Rude into the steel cage a few times and opens him up early. But Rude does the same to Warrior. Rude hits the Rude Awakening, but instead of leaving, he opts to beat on Warrior some more. Rude climbs to the very top of the cage and hits an axe handle, then tries to do it again, but Warrior punches Rude in the gut on his way down. Can’t believe Rude didn’t blow out his knees. Warrior tries to leave through the door, but Bobby Heenan throws the door in this face. Rude covers Warrior, who kicks out. Heenan gets in for some reason, what the hell’s he gonna do? He’s gonna get his ass kicked is what he’s gonna do. So after Heenan takes his licks, Warrior goes him on Rude, and drops him in a military press position. Then Warrior climbs up and over the cage to retain his title. Not the best match in the world, but it’s one of the best things on this fucking PPV.

My Rating: ***1/4

Cagematch Rating: 5.49 (HOW?????)

My Rating: 2.5/10

How the fuck is this show rated as high as it is? This show was nearly 3 fucking hours and on a card with 9 matches, the longest match was 14 minutes. So when I tell you that this PPV was more talking than it was wrestling, I am not fucking kidding. I’m starting to sound like a broken record at this point, but I know times were different, but the talking should be done to build up the PPV, not at the PPV! Even the best match on the show has some atrocious booking sprinkled in there. I need cagematch users to get on there and vote this show to hell because that’s where it belongs!

The next show is an Attitude Era PPV in 1998 but I will gladly take it after what I just watched. In Your House: Judgment Day
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It's possible that after the Tag Team Championship match was intermission. No action in the arena for a while, meanwhile interviews are done backstage. It's usually followed by a rundown of the remaining card to hype the remainder of the show. Not sure when they stopped doing that. Shawn Michaels talks about it on his "Mr. WrestleMania" DVD about how his WrestleMania VI match with the Orient Express went on right after intermission in what he referred to as "The popcorn spot" meaning fans are still returning from concession stands.

If I'm correct I think Ax may have been dealing with some health issues. WWF was slowly replacing him in Demolition with Crush. Survivor Series would be his last match in WWF and he would take on a much lighter, part-time schedule in other companies in the following years.
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May 8, 2023
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In Your House 25: Judgment Day


Match 1: Al Snow def. Marc Mero (7:13)


It’s always nice to get some head at the start of a show. This was an okay way to start the show. Jeff Jarrett tries to come out and take Mero’s place, and Mero jumps Al before the bell rings and Jarrett just leaves. I guess to set up a feud between them. Al has the early advantage in the match, pops off a moonsault early. Jackie gets on the apron to distract Al and the referee, so the ref doesn’t see Mero low blow Al. Mero boringly wears down Al for a few minutes, with the exception of a nice moonsault of his own. And at the end, Mero goes for the TKO, but Al lands on his feet and hits the Snowplow for the win.

My Rating: **3/4

Match 2: LOD 2000 (Hawk, Animal & Droz) def. The Disciples of Apocalypse & Paul Ellering (5:55)


Everytime I hear the DOA’s music, I groan. They are not good even a little bit. Also why the hell did Paul Ellering look better than them? Ellering was honestly the most jacked dude in the whole match! What can you expect from this match other than sloppiness. DOA isolate Droz. Ellering gets tagged in once the whole match. Droz eventually makes the hot tag to Hawk who goes wild on the other team. Then they pick up Chainz or Skull, couldn’t tell ya which, for the Doomsday (not devastation) Device. And despite Hawk being the legal man, Droz makes the cover and the referee counts it. Okay, then…

My Rating: 1/2*

Match 3: Light Heavyweight Championship Match - Christian def. Taka Michinoku (c) (8:34)


I’m not big on people getting a title match in their debuts, but I won’t focus on that. Solid match here, especially for Christian. This match could’ve been terrible considering that this was Christian’s first televised match in the company and he could’ve choked, but kudos to him for looking good under that pressure. Taka is also great of course. Really one of the most underrated wrestlers ever. Taka flies around the ring while Christian holds his own, but with the experience going to Taka, he clearly has an edge (no pun intended) on Christian. After a tornado DDT, Taka signals that that’s it, and goes for the Michinoku Driver, but Christian rolls through it into a pinning position to win the Light Heavyweight Title, which should feel like a big deal, but does anyone remember that reign?

My Rating: ***

Match 4: Goldust def. Val Venis (12:07)


This match might legitimately have the best finish ever. No. I am not kidding. Before the PPV began, on Heat, Goldust gifted Val Venis a golden cup, and Val is angered by this. By the end of this match, he’s gonna wish he had been wearing that cup. This was a lot better than their match at Breakdown where Goldust was just Dustin Runnels. Sure, the middle portion of the match is boring, but other than that, I thought this was a pretty solid match here. Terri gets on the apron, to try and distract Goldust, and does for a moment. But Val goes to clothesline Goldust, which Goldust ducks, causing Val to nearly hit Terri. While the referee’s back is turned, Goldust soccer kicks Val right in the fucking junk and then pins him. For any other rivalry, I’d think this was lame, but this was perfect. Val boned Goldust’s wife. Goldust gifted Val a cup. Val chose not to accept it and he paid for it. Legitimately hilarious, but so good.

My Rating: ***1/4

Match 5: European Championship Match - X-Pac def. D’Lo Brown (c) (14:37)


Another good match. D’Lo spends much of the match wearing down X-Pac, who has to fight from down under, and wait for an opening. But for a lot of the match, any comeback X-Pac tries is thwarted by D’Lo. There is one point where Pac tries the bronco buster, but D’Lo counters by getting his foot up right into Pac’s dick, which totally should’ve been a DQ. The referee gets bumped outside at some point, which allows D’Lo to go out and grab the title and hit X-Pac with it. But of course, X-Pac kicks out and keeps fighting. And the finish is just… Mwah! Chef’s kiss! D’Lo goes for a Frog Splash but X-Pac catches him in an X-Factor to win the match and the title!

My Rating: ***1/2

Match 6: WWF Tag Team Championship Match - The Headbangers def. The New Age Outlaws (c) via DQ (14:01)


I thought this match was gonna suck, and it isn’t that good, but it’s a better match than I usually get from these teams. Headbangers jump the Outlaws while they’re doing their shtick, but the Outlaws fight back and make the Headbangers regroup. After a while, they’re able to isolate Road Dogg from Billy for a few minutes, but then he makes the tag to Billy, who is able to turn the tide ever so briefly before he’s also taken out and isolated by The Headbangers. At some point, Billy is fighting and crawling and looks like he’s about to make that hot tag, until Thrasher comes in and knocks Road Dogg off the apron. The Headbangers set up Billy for their finish, but Road Dogg comes in and knocks Mosh out with a boombox, causing the DQ. The Headbangers win the match but not the titles.

My Rating: **3/4

Match 7: Intercontinental Championship Match - Ken Shamrock (c) def. Mankind (14:36)


The best match of the night for me. Not a fan of the finish, but I’ll touch on that in a bit. Shamrock very much tries to outwrestle Mankind early, but soon finds out that Mankind isn’t a slouch when it comes to wrestling. Shamrock avoids the Mandible Claw like the plague after Mankind gets it on him once during the match. Of course, the match does get boring at some point, but it picks up when it looks like they’re about to brawl outside. Shamrock definitely used the chair in front of the referee at one point, but the refs are feeling generous tonight I guess, aside from the one in the last match. Towards the end of the match, Shamrock powerslams Mankind into the steel steps, with Mankind’s leg hitting. Then Shamrock throws Mick back in the ring, stomping on Mick’s ankle and then putting him in the ankle lock. Mick reaches the ropes, but Shamrock brings Mick back to the center of the ring, and because he’d rather pass out than submit to the ankle lock, Mankind puts the Mandible Claw on himself forcing himself to pass out and the referee to declare Shamrock the winner. Now, I’ll admit it’s in character for Foley to do something like this, but why it doesn’t work for me is because they didn’t really make it a point for Shamrock to weaken Foley’s ankle the whole match, he only does damage to it when we’re nearing the finish. If Shamrock had been relentlessly attacking Mick’s ankle the whole match, then this finish would’ve worked, but for the match being what it was, it doesn’t work for me.

My Rating: ***1/2

Match 8: Mark Henry def. The Rock (5:02)


Wow. What… What was the point in this? The Rock is still the number one contender after winning the Triple Threat Cage Match the previous month, The Rock is still supposed to be getting a shot at the world title, but they have him lose to Mark Henry here, who was doing nothing other than suing Chyna. The Rock obviously gets his shots in, and takes it to Henry early and even hits a suplex on the big man.. Henry gets in the rest holds and wear down period in. D’Lo Brown comes down, and gets a sucker punch from Rock. But Rock turns around to get dropped by Henry, who hits the splash and pins Rock, while D’Lo slides in to hold Rock’s feet down. So Henry doesn’t beat him clean, but if you weren’t going anywhere with Henry, why have him beat your number one contender? It just doesn’t make any sense to me.

My Rating: *1/2

Main Event: Singles Match for the vacant WWF Championship with Steve Austin as Special Referee - Kane vs. The Undertaker ended in a no contest (17:41)


What a pile of suck this was. It’s never a good thing for your main event to be the worst match on the card. Austin is the referee because Vince wants him to humble himself by crowning one of these 2 guys the champion or he will fire (fire) fire (fire) his ass (ass). Austin decides to have some fun in the beginning (not counting Kane at all but counting fast for Taker), but for the most part he calls it down the middle. This match was so shitty. They had Austin shenanigans in the beginning and the finish and that’s pretty much all that’s worth talking about. Taker and Kane for whatever reason start beating up Austin, unless I missed something because I looked down at my phone for a split second, but they legit just start beating him up just for being there. While Austin’s down, Paul Bearer comes down with a chair and swings at Kane, Undertaker gets back up and hits the Tombstone, and covers Kane. Austin flips him the double birds and hits him with the Stunner and counts both their shoulders down. So Austin grabs a mic and declares himself the winner. He calls out McMahon, who is wheeled into the safety of a little lobby behind the titantron. He fires Austin and Austin promises that Vince has not seen the last of Stone Cold Steve Austin… So Austin is fired… for at least a day. If anyone knows how long it actually took for Austin to get rehired, I’d like to know, because there’s no way it lasted any longer than 2 weeks.

My Rating: 1/2*

Cagematch Rating: 5.48

My Rating: 6/10

This may be just because the show I watched before this was a pile of dog shit, but I thought this show was solid. None of the matches really stand out, but that string of matches in the matches was at least consistently solid. If only that main event wasn’t absolute trash.

Up next is a show in a better year during the Attitude Era. Survivor Series 2000.
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Yeah, Austin wasn't gone long. He was rehired by Shane McMahon only to get screwed by Shane at Survivor Series in the WWF Championship tournament. I find it funny that Goldust and Val Venis were feuding over Terri, then a few months later in early 99, they were feuding over Ken Shamrock's sister. I think Christian's title reign is most famous for the fact that he lost the belt to Gillberg.
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I'm pretty sure Austin was rehired the next night after pulling a fake gun on Vince.
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I'm pretty sure Austin was rehired the next night after pulling a fake gun on Vince.
I think you're right, because Austin says before they go off the air that he might start hunting season tomorrow. And he goes on a hunt for Vince right?
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I'm pretty sure Austin was rehired the next night after pulling a fake gun on Vince.
Is that the one where a little flag came out of the gun that said "bang" and McMahon pissed his pants?
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Survivor Series 2000


Odd show, to say the least.

Match 1: Crash, Molly & Steve Blackman def. T&A & Trish Stratus (5:06)


A nice way to start the show with a nice quick opener. It’s mixed tag rules so Molly can only be in with Trish. But that rule gets deliberately thrown out a couple times. Albert holds Crash in place while Trish tries to low blow him, but Crash kicks up and she low blows Albert instead. I don’t remember Blackman doing a whole lot here other than getting in the brawl at the end. Crash is more athletic than I remember, leaping into the ring and hitting a hurricanrana on Test. Molly and Trish get in the ring and Test and Albert hold Molly while Trish lays into her. But Crash has enough when Albert picks Molly up in a military press, and chop blocks Albert. And while the men fight amongst themselves, Molly sunset flips over Trish to pin her.

My Rating: ***

Match 2: Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match - The Radicalz def. Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, K-Kwik & Chyna (12:41)


DX has changed quite a bit it seems. For those who don’t know, K-Kwik is R-Truth and he was by far the best part of this match. Chyna is eliminated early after Eddie hits her in the back with the Intercontinental Title. Some time passes before Eddie Guerrero gets eliminated by Billy Gunn. Next up is K-Kwik who goes nuts and shows off his skill. Truth was so much more athletic at this point and he amps up the pace. But he’s eliminated by Benoit after a German Suplex. Road Dogg is eliminated next after a Northern Lights Suplex from Perry Saturn. Leaving Billy with the remaining Radicalz members. The thing that drags this match down is that it goes for a while now. It just feels inevitable that Billy loses and I’m not invested enough to care if he makes a comeback. Still Billy manages to eliminate Malenko and kick out of a diving headbutt. But the match ends after Billy tries to suplex Benoit back in the ring and Saturn trips his legs. Benoit lands on top of him and Billy loses.

My Rating: **1/2

Match 3: Kane def. Chris Jericho (12:35)


A match with a boring pace but with a good enough story to be solid. Jericho nearly ends his own career on a dive where his foot hooks the top rope and Kane saves his life. Jericho is able to bring the fight early, but Kane soon takes control and beats on Jericho, wanting to rearrange those looks. This goes on for a few minutes, but Jericho dropkicks Kane into the air after Kane tries a diving clothesline. Jericho stays in the match by any means necessary. Even manages to get the Walls of Jericho on him. But Kane reaches the ropes. This match had a hell of a finish with Jericho hitting a bulldog and attempting a Lionsault, but Kane catches Jericho by the throat on the Lionsault and Chokeslams him win the match.

My Rating: ***

Match 4: European Championship Match - William Regal (c) def. Hardcore Holly via DQ (5:06)


This match really stunk out the joint. I can sum this match up very quickly. Regal throws Holly’s shoulder into the ring post. From there, Regal works over Holly’s shoulder for basically the whole match. Then Holly gets a few shots in, then goes outside to grab the title and hit Regal with it like an idiot. This must be why Holly never won any titles that wasn’t the Hardcore Title.

My Rating: *1/4

Match 5: The Rock def. Rikishi (13:00)


I wasn’t a fan of this match. It starts off pretty good though. The Rock’s music hits and he full on sprints to the ring to layeth the smackdown on Rikishi. Unfortunately, the rest of the match belongs to Rikishi. The Rock goes into this match with an injured chest and Rikishi exploits that the whole match. The referee gets bumped outside, and Rikishi goes and grabs a sledgehammer, but Rock is able to avoid the hammer and hits Rikishi with a Rock Bottom. It takes the referee 17 years to get back in the ring while Rock is covering Rikishi. Surprise, Rikishi kicks out and the beatings continue. Now Rikishi has been whooping Rock’s ass for so long that you can tell that The Rock is winning, but any lingering doubt is gone when Rikishi stinkfaces The Rock. The Rock isn’t taking a stinkface and losing, there’s no way. The Rock comes out of the corner, hits Rikishi with a hard clothesline, and Rikishi does the inside out bump. The Rock hits the People’s Elbow and sells his chest for a long time before he covers Rikishi. So naturally you think Rikishi will kick out. But nope, that’s the end of the match. Rikishi then whoops Rock’s ass after the match and gives him not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 Banzai Drops onto The Rock’s chest.

My Rating: **1/2

Match 6: Women’s Championship Match - Ivory (c) def. Lita (4:55)


I bet it was gonna go this long anyway, but Lita ends up getting by her left eye very early in the match and she is not looking good. I can’t tell if she’s just selling or if she’s legit fucked up. The match is very sloppy, I will say. Lita tries a Moonsault, but Stevie Richards pulls her out of the way. Then while the ref is dealing with Stevie. Ivory goes out to grab the title, but Lita hits Ivory with a Twist of Fate, then goes back up for another Moonsault and sort of hits it, but Ivory gets the title up when Lita lands and Ivory pins a bloody Lita to retain. I truly think that if not for injuries holding her back, Lita would’ve been considered the greatest female wrestler of her generation instead of Trish.

My Rating: *1/2

Match 7: WWF Championship Match - Kurt Angle (c) def. The Undertaker (16:15)


What in the blue hell was up with Undertaker’s snakeskin pants he had on here. If he was going for a new look, it wasn’t working. This match is a far cry from the classics they would have together later. And the overbooking in it kind of sours it. But I don’t know, I thought this was a solid first defense for Kurt, as this match showcased his strengths and weaknesses. Undertaker is the American Badass and pummels Kurt while Kurt has to be crafty and strategic to stay in the match. Edge and Christian run down at some point to provide a distraction while Undertaker is pinning Angle. Taker chases them down. And not a whole lot happens. I really like the story in this match of Kurt Angle trying to prove that his title win wasn’t a fluke. But of course, Kurt figures out that at least on this night, Undertaker was too much for him. Kurt goes under the ring and Undertaker pulls out somebody who is definitely not Kurt Angle, and not because you can see his face, the camera man was very good about this. You can tell by the build. But Undertaker Last Rides this man and Hebner counts the pin before he realizes that this man is not Kurt Angle. Undertaker gets up and corners Hebner while Angle runs in and rolls up Undertaker from behind to retain his title. And Kurt is so afraid that he doesn’t even bother grabbing his title before he runs away and out of the building.

My Rating: ***

Match 8: Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match - The Hardy Boyz & The Dudley Boyz def. Edge, Christian & Right to Censor (Bull Buchanan & The Goodfather) (10:05)


An okay match, but its pretty boring. Honestly, RTC brings it down. There is a sweet spot where Jeff and Matt take off their jerseys to reveal Dudley camo underneath. I thought that was cool. Matt Hardy is the first man eliminated after Val Venis hangs Matt on the top rope and Edge hits the Edge-O-Matic to eliminate him. D-Von Dudley is out next, after an Unprettier by Christian. Jeff and Bubba show good teamwork. Bubba eliminates Buchanan and Edge. But Bubba is eliminated after a Pimp Drop from Goodfather. Jeff survives however and eliminates Christian after a Swanton Bomb. But Jeff eliminates Goodfather after Val accidentally clotheslines him from the apron after Jeff ducks. Jeff is the sole survivor, but the RTC jump Jeff after the match. But Matt and The Dudleys run down to even the odds. Buchanan eats a 3D. And what’s a Dudleys match without some tables? Matt legdrops Val through one table while The Dudleys powerbomb Stevie Richards through the other.

My Rating: **1/4

Main Event: No DQ Match - Steve Austin vs. Triple H ended in a no contest (35:09)


After an underwhelming show, this match needed to deliver and boy did it. Now Triple H apparently has something going on with the Radicalz, but Foley makes it clear they are to stay backstage. So very early in the match, HHH tries to bring Austin back there, but Austin knows what he’s doing and brings him back. This match could’ve easily been ass because it goes so long. But Austin and HHH know exactly how to work this match, because they knew exactly what the people wanted. They wanted to see Austin beat the shit out of Triple H, and that’s exactly what happens. Triple H gets a few shots in, but Austin dominates this entire match pretty much. He drags this out to make HHH suffer. He cuts Triple H with a TV monitor. He takes a beer break. Triple H tries to Pedigree him onto the steel steps, but Austin backdrops him through the announce table. Triple H tries to beg off Austin, but Austin mercilessly stomps a mudhole in him in the corner, before he hits a Stunner. But Austin isn’t done. He goes out and grabs a steel chair, wraps it around Triple H’s ankle. But then decides thats too good for this son of a bitch. Then wraps it around Triple H’s neck. Austin goes up, but HHH escapes and runs to the back, prompting Austin to chase him. Which leads to the trap set by the Radicalz, who jump Austin. A bunch of referees show up to try and stop them while HHH runs out of the building. Benoit lures Austin outside and we see Triple H sitting in a car. Benoit tries to lure Austin out into the open, but notices Austin didn’t follow him. So Benoit runs back inside to try and find him. Leaving Triple H by himself. But what he doesn’t know is that Austin is forklift certified! Stone Cold lifts the car Triple H is in, like 15-20 feet in the air with the forklift. HHH begs Austin not to do it and Austin yells to him “now you’re history you son of a bitch.” HHH yells holy shit before Austin drops the car and Triple H dies… Sike. He was back the next night. Totally fine probably. Then the show just ends immediately. Triple H dies and shows over. I bet that was a hell of a closer for people who bought this show.

My Rating: ***1/2

Cagematch Rating: 5.51

My Rating: 6.5/10

What an odd Survivor Series this was. This was fun just because it was chaotic, but not a whole lot stands out from it aside from the main event. But that was the most interesting part of the show. There isn’t enough juiciness from this show for me to rate it very high.

We’re sticking with Survivor Series and this time, it’s an iconic one. The show remembered for the debut of one of, if not, the greatest of all time… The Gobbledy Gooker! You know it! It’s Survivor Series from 1990!
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Survivor Series 1990


Match 1: Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match - The Ultimate Warriors (Ultimate Warrior, Texas Tornado & The Legion of Doom) def. The Perfect Team (Mr. Perfect & Demolition) (14:20)


WWF decided to do Survivor Series with a twist. The surviving members of every match will be involved in one final match at the end of the night. Cool idea as a concept. Not so good in execution. Still, this was an okay way to open the show. If I’m not mistaken, I think this was the first WWE PPV where the world champion started the show. “Why is your hair so nice” Ax is eliminated first by Warrior. Mr. Perfect sells like crazy for everyone of his opponents. Perfect is the best man in the match, which isn’t a surprise. The remaining members of Demolition and LOD are all disqualified for fighting in the ring, leaving Perfect with the Warrior and Kerry Von Erich. Perfect and Kerry go at it for a few minutes. Kerry hits the exposed turnbuckle, and Perfect eliminates him with the Perfect Plex. Perfect leans back against the same corner, and Warrior tries to splash him into it. But Perfect dodges and Warrior ends up hitting the buckle. Perfect follows that up with a Perfect Plex, but Warrior kicks out of course. After a few more more minutes, Warrior takes out Perfect to win and advance to the grand finale.

My Rating: **3/4

Match 2: Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match - The Million Dollar Team (Ted DiBiase, The Undertaker & Rhythm & Blues) def. The Dream Team (Dusty Rhodes, Koko B. Ware & The Hart Foundation) (13:54)


This PPV is remembered for one thing and one thing only… The debut of the Deadman… with Brother Love as his manager weirdly enough. Taker starts the match with Bret Hart, who quickly tags out to Neidhart, who tries to his hand at Taker. Neidhart tags in Koko, who tries to use his speed to throw off Taker. But Taker catches him and hits the first Tombstone to eliminate Koko within a minute of the match. Some time passes before another elimination, this time it’s Honky Tonk by Bret Hart. The next man out is Neidhart by DiBiase. Dusty Rhodes momentarily gets his hands on DiBiase, but DiBiase tags out to Undertaker, who eliminates Dusty after a dive from the top rope. Undertaker tags out to Valentine. But Dusty chases Brother Love up the entrance way, after Brother kicks him while he’s down. Undertaker chases Dusty up and attacks him, and Taker gets counted out despite not being the legal man… remember that because it’ll be important in the next match. Bret Hart eliminates Valentine in the ring, leaving him with DiBiase. The last few minutes between these 2 are pretty good. Bret seemingly has DiBiase’s number. But DiBiase takes it after Bret hits a crossbody and DiBiase rolls through it to pin the Hitman.

My Rating: ***1/4

Match 3: Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match - The Visionaries (Rick Martel, The Warlord & Power & Glory) def. The Vipers (Jake Roberts, Jimmy Snuka & The Rockers) (17:42)


I thought this match stunk. It’s the longest match on the show, and it’s incredibly boring. 5 minutes pass before the first elimination at the hands of the Warlord, who eliminates Marty Jannetty. Shawn Michaels comes in and gets beat up for a few until he makes the tag to Snuka, who beats on Martel and nearly turns the tide for his team. But Martel rolls through a crossbody, the same way DiBiase beat Bret, to pin Snuka. Jake comes in and he wants Martel. But Martel tags out. Shawn comes back in and he gets eliminated by Power and Glory. Leaving Jake Roberts alone. And he nearly eliminates The Warlord after a DDT, but Martel breaks up the pin, so Roberts grabs Damien and chases Martel to the back and Roberts gets counted out… but not Martel, because he wasn’t the legal man… even though Undertaker got counted out when he wasn’t the legal man… Because reasons. Anyway, this was apparently the first team a Survivor Series team got a clean sweep.

My Rating: **

Match 4: Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match - The Hulkamaniacs (Hulk Hogan, Tugboat, Big Boss Man & Jim Duggan) def. The Natural Disasters (Earthquake, Dino Bravo, Haku & The Barbarian) (14:49)


Another boring match. Wow, this stunk. And the worst part is, the show only gets worse after this. Haku is the first man eliminated, surprisingly, and it happens pretty early. The next man eliminated is Jim Duggan, because he’s a dumbfuck. Dude grabs this 2x4 and starts swinging on the opposite team and then is surprised when he’s disqualified. Dino Bravo is eliminated next after a small package from Hogan. Then Boss Man is next, eliminated by Earthquake. Hogan tags in Tugboat, who’s just getting in for the first time. And Tugboat and Earthquake tumble to the outside and both of them get counted out. Leaving us with Hogan and Barbarian. Barbarian takes the fight to Hogan, but of course, we know what’s coming… Hogan hulks up, big boot, leg drop, let’s move on.

My Rating: **

Match 5: Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match - The Alliance (Tito Santana, Nikolai Volkoff & The Bushwhackers) def. The Mercenaries (Sgt. Slaughter, Boris Zhukov & The Orient Express) (10:52)


This… this was ass… First of all, Sgt. Slaughter cuts one of the most long winded, anti-American promos I’ve ever heard. He just won’t shut the fuck up! And then after all that shit talk, his teammates get eliminated in 2 minutes. Zhukov and The Orient Express are eliminated quicker than I can take a shit. So Slaughter spends the remainder of the match beating on the other team and it’s boring as fuck. And you would think that The Alliance’s teammates would come in to break up the pin when Slaughter’s pinning them. But nah, Slaughter eliminates each member until it’s down to him and Santana. The referee gets knocked down. But while he’s down, Gen. Adnan comes in and hits Santana with the iraqi flag. But the referee sees this happen I guess because he DQs Slaughter when he gets back up. This match was god awful.

My Rating: DUD

Up next… a turkey hatches from his egg and dances with Mean Gene… yeah, that’s all I got to say about that.

Main Event: Grand Finale Match of Survival - Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior & Tito Santana def. Ted DiBiase, Rick Martel, The Warlord & Power & Glory (9:07)


And what a grand finale this was. Predictable outcome I gotta say. Warlord is eliminated immediately after a flying forearm from Santana. So it was nice of them to give Santana an elimination before he’s eliminated by DiBiase. Power and Glory get their sweet tag finisher in on Hogan… who kicks out of it of course. Hogan eliminates Paul Roma after a clothesline. Another minute or so passes until Rick Martel gets his ass kicked and then decides to leave cause he got hit in the face or something. And at the very end. Hogan hits a legdrop on DiBiase to eliminate him while Warrior hits his splash to eliminate Hercules. I am baffled by this result. What a Survivor Series.

My Rating: *1/4

Cagematch Rating: 5.51

My Rating: 3/10

If it weren’t for the Undertaker’s debut, nobody would remember this show. This sucked. Again, how is this show even this highly rated? There is one thing that makes this a better show than SummerSlam from this same year, in that its not filled with 80 interviews. Thankfully for this show, 1999 happened so it isn’t the worst Survivor Series, but it is a close second… at least for now.

From one debut to another, (in WWE at least). We go from the Undertaker to Goldberg, with Backlash 2003.
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Survivor Series 1990 is a nostalgia show for me. 1990 was when I first became a wrestling fan. Ultimate Warrior and Sting were champions of their respective companies. I suspect the reason for the bonus match was so that both Warrior and Hogan could go on last and close the show victorious. One of the ridiculous things about that was the idea that it was automatically going to be babyfaces vs heels. I don't recall there being a storyline explanation other than all babyfaces are friends and all heels are friends and can't team with each other.

The Undertaker/Brother Love pairing makes some sense since it was the idea of visual contrast. Undertaker being pale skin and black clothing, Brother Love being red faced and wearing white and red clothes. Plus the implication that Undertaker was evil because he represented death and Brother Love was a preacher.

I think the Gobbledy Gooker's debut was the other reason why people remember this show. I think I've heard that there were rumors backstage (possibly as a prank) that Mark Calloway was going to be inside the egg. Then a decade later Gooker would appear in the Gimmick Battle Royal at WrestleMania X-Seven in a cheaper, more ridiculous costume. For those who don't know the man in the costume at Survivor Series was Hector Guerrero, brother of Eddie Guerrero.