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Entry #884
Roman Reigns vs. The Undertaker
No Holds Barred Match
WWE WrestleMania 33 - April 2, 2017
Roman Reigns vs. The Undertaker
No Holds Barred Match
WWE WrestleMania 33 - April 2, 2017
You may have noticed a lack of Undertaker in the thread recently. The fact is, he's "fallen off". He's in his "flop era". Or, given the context of this thread, he's fallen on and he's in his anti-flop era. The point is, I've not been able to find as much Taker tripe as I have, say, Lex Luger. But there are still some famously disappointing Taker matches. Often, they happened at WrestleMania! Like this one, when Taker was just so fucking old and had to put over Roman Reigns who was still at the peak of his unlikeable top babyface powers. Cagematch says 3.92/10 which is DIZZYING heights for this thread, but people talk about this as one of the worst Mania mains. Let's see why, shall we?
JR's on commentary for this one, as he's elevated a bunch of shitshows in the past. He can't save godawful PG Cole or JBL, though. Time to time those entrances! Reigns gets out in 3:21. Taker comes out through a trapdoor in the middle of the ramp, because you know if you asked him to walk all the way down that massively long Mania 33 ramp, he'd take 10 minutes and blow up along the way. Even with only half the journey to make, he takes an exceptionally long 5:23! Thankfully no in-ring entrances because they're projected to finish at over 5 hours as it is.
Taker goes in immediately with his Best Pure Strikes in the corner. He tosses Reigns out and says it's his yard. When Reigns is back in he gets pounded and tossed again. Reigns manages a neck snap across the ropes which lets him get a bit of offence and clothesline Taker out. Taker drags Reigns TO THE OUTSIDE to whip him into the steps. "Roman Sucks" says the crowd. He doesn't suck for long enough to hit a Samoan Drop, though, and sends Taker out with stomps and headbutts. Back outside, Taker's struggling for air already. He's about to do Snake Eyes but Reigns shoves him into the post, followed by a Drive-By kick. A couple of guys chant "We don't like you" for Reigns. Reigns is slugging in the corner and Taker does that walk-away sell I trash guys like Hawk for.
Yay-boo punches, Reigns gets a boot to Taker's face but he no-sells. No one told me Taker was Samoan! He's even doing headbutts! Snake Eyes, big boot, leg drop, for a fall that was BARELY two. Chokeslam teased but Reigns goes outside and tries a Superman Punch before Taker plucks him out of the air. Taker strips an announce table then bashes Reigns into a different one. Reigns does a dropkick on the unstripped table and hurts his back. Another Superman Punch attempt is countered into a chokeslam on the unstripped table. Taker strips the third table and signals that he'll try a Tombstone on top but Reigns spears him through the table! Very standard "high spot" in this WWE era. Reigns wanders back to the ring and Taker does his sit-up.
Crowd is thoroughly pro-Taker, and Reigns is basically working heat by stomping him in the corner. He does mounted punches but Taker catches him into the Last Ride, which just looks like the shitty powerbomb of an exhausted old man. It gets two. Taker goes for a chair, panting all the way. Reigns tries to grab it but Taker just boots him down. Taker unleashes chair shots at a rate of about one per year and teases the chokeslam but Reigns rolls out to stall. Oh, fuck off. He hits two Superman Punches, the second of which notably looks bad, but his third is caught into a chokeslam on the chair for two. Tombstone but Reigns kicks out.
There's a really awkward sequence where it looks like Reigns is trying to counter into a Tombstone, but either kayfabe can't get Taker up or legit can't get Taker up. Would not be surprised if Taker's just so tired he's sandbagging. Reigns hits Superman Punch #4 for two. Fans are just so quiet. Reigns lines up the spear and goes for the cover but Taker counters it into the hold that used to be Hell's Gate. He can't do the smooth transition into Hell's Gate anymore though. Reigns manages to roll to the ropes, and the ref does a rope break. No Holds Barred but there are still rope breaks. "DQ or pinfall has to happen in the ring" -do you know people still say JBL was a good commentator? Those people shouldn't be trusted with a computer.
Chair's in no man's land but Reigns gets it and lays it in. Shots to the back and the ribs, because they keep trying to make chair shots work without allowing ones to the head. Maybe all chair shots are trash. Reigns hits a spear but Taker kicks out. Slow get-up, another spear, but Taker still kicks out. Fans wake up for a yes chant as Taker rises. Wait for Taker to get to his feet... Reigns just hits a Superman Punch. Taker tries to do his sit-up but he's just too damn old for it. When Taker eventually crawls to hits feet, Reigns hits some uppercuts, runs the ropes, and hits a spear to win to widespread derision. Then we get the 10-minute sequence of Taker leaving his stuff in the ring and seemingly retiring. (His last match will be three years later.)
Yeah, that was a slog, wasn't it? Taker looked every one of his years, and the finish sequence was just finisher spam on Reigns' part as Taker could do nothing. I can see why he didn't want to retire on this match.