Reach for the (Minus) Stars: Sky's Collection of Bad Matches

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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #874
Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns
for the WWE Universal Championship

WWE WrestleMania 34 - April 8, 2018

Oh yeah, there's another match that's remembered pretty poorly from this Mania. This match. This damn match. The one that stuck the WWE Universe (let's call them that, in case WWE sees it and is inspired to keep the archive up) between a Brock and a hard place. Either Brock would win and continue his run as absentee champion, or their most hated figure Roman Reigns would take it home, triumphing at the end of a third Mania in a row. Neither seemed desirable. So what did they do about it? Let's find out.

It's so weird when people call Roman's reception in 2018 "mixed". It's just a wall of boos. What Brock gets for this match, now that's mixed. We start off with power on power until German Suplexes #1, #2, and #3 from Brock. Roman then uncorks Superman Punch #1 and #2, then when Brock rolls out he comes off the steps for Superman Punch #3. Roman then clotheslines Brock back TO THE OUTSIDE and tries to go for the fourth but eats Belly-to-Belly Suplex #1. We soon get Belly-to-Belly Suplex #2 and Roman seems to land on his head. The crowd unleashes a "CM Punk" chant. CM Punk who, I remind you, had not wrestled a match in the past 4 years.

Brock strips an announce table and uses Belly-to-Belly Suplex #3 to toss Roman head-first on to another one. Back in the ring, German Suplex #4 and #5. The "boring" chants serenade Belly-to-Belly Suplex #4, then Brock slowly walks up to Roman before Belly-to-Belly Suplex #5. Roman lands shoulder-first on the outside and Brock tosses him into the barricade. He's about to hit an F-5 on the outside but Roman shoves him into the ring post. Roman then does Spear #1 on to the announce table, which doesn't break. Crowd pops for the first time - not because anything has happened all match, but because someone got a beach ball out. Then there's loud booing as staff take it away. Story of this match right there. "Delete" chants.

Okay, back in the ring, Roman fists his cock for Superman Punch #4 and Spear #2. Brock's still on his feet, so Spear #3 but Brock still kicks out at two. A brief attempt at a "Let's go Roman/Roman sucks" dies when a second beach ball comes out. OOH AHH but a spear attempt is countered by a knee for two. F-5 #1 and then #2, but Roman kicks out of both. Crowd isn't even paying attention, they're just playing with their balls. The biggest boos come when one goes missing. F-5 #3 gets less than zero reaction and Brock says "motherfucker". "Boring" chants return. Outside we go again as F-5 #4 breaks the German announce table that Brock stripped earlier. No one cares.

Back in the ring for German Suplex #6 and now F-5 #5. And yet Roman still kicks out. Brock takes off the gloves and busts Roman's head open hardway like he did for Randy Orton. The chant that now dominates this match? "This is awful". And... yeah! F-5 teased again but a bloody Roman brings out Spear #4 and #5, but Brock still kicks out at two. Roman is trying for another spear, but F-5 #6 comes out and Brock just wins. Those other F-5s didn't do it, but this one, that's the finish.

The record in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter will show that Dave Meltzer, at one time considered the premier wrestling journalist, gave this match three stars. Anyone who actually watched this match, however, will understand how dreadful an experience it was. If anyone asks you to define cynical, finisher-spamming wrestling-hater Brock Lesnar in just one match, this is the one. It was just an endless cycle of "do a move, do a move, kick out, do another one". It was entirely devoid of structure, just spot after spot after spot, without even being exciting like most spotfests can be.

And what story are they telling here? "Roman Reigns is awesome and he can survive things regular humans never could", or something? The story I get from it is that all those other guys who face Brock or Roman are total weaklings! They went down to one F-5 or one spear! And you need to live through a whole handful if you want to beat one of them! And if you wanted to say that Roman's awesome, HE SHOULD HAVE WON! Roman was rejected wholesale as a champion, but at least he was there! This just ensures that absentee champion Brock will trundle on and on, no title or defence even mattering until Roman comes along again - for it is Roman that you've established as the only man who can take on Brock - and we hope for it all to end. Whether that be this run, the company as a whole, or our miserable lives.

This, more than anything else, is a microcosm and an indictment of WWE's absolutely stinking booking at the time, and even with six and a half years of hindsight, as everything seems to be on a more stable and watchable path, it doesn't get any better. This is 2018 WWE. And there's no competition. Eat shit and like it. See you on Monday.

I'm so tired.


Dreams are Endless
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That match was very exhausting
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #875
Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Van Hammer
WCW Monday Nitro - May 24, 1999

It's in these last days of the Network that I take the opportunity to review the most random shit. LIke this! Who knew Chavo and VAN HAMMER wrestled on Nitro? There's no way this can be anything other than awful, because it's Van Hammer. Let's have a look.

Double jobber entrance! And there's a HUGE height difference between these two. Hammer throws forearm clubs and a clothesline, disrobing all the way. Elbow drop for two. Chavo manages to slide under Hammer's legs and gets a dropkick and a drop toe hold. Hammer cuts the promising offence off with an eye rake. Gorilla press but Chavo slips through and gets a sunset flip. Mounted punches by Chavo but he gets lifted off and tossed off the top. GROUND CHOKING! Vertical suplex. Chavo gets a double leg takedown but Hammer reverses with a choke. Leg drop by two and a cobra clutch slam for the same result. Chavo tries to Thesz press a larger man, gets caught and hit with the Flashback (Alabama Slam) for three.

Squash of a good worker in favour of a crappy one. Van Hammer certainly passes the eye test especially when put against a cruiserweight, but he's fucking awful. He's also abandoned his hair metal gimmick in favour of being, apparently, just a "big strong badass who beat you up". Which will inevitably fail because he sucks.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #876
David Flair vs. El Dandy
WCW Monday Nitro - May 24, 1999

But that wasn't the match I turned on this Nitro for. That would be this one! The mismatch of the century. One of the greatest technical wrestlers of our age against one of the downright worst wrestlers to ever enter the squared circle. Can Dandy save David Flair? Well, I'm not one to doubt El Dandy, but...

David kicks off with a shove. They do what I think is meant to be an OVW Thing, except David shoulderblocks so hard he trips over himself, then he ignores the rules of wrestling momentum and turns 90 degrees for no reason, and hits a clothesline. Dandy tries a drop toe hold and David falls down perfectly straight. Then we get a Dandy dropkick, and David doesn't realise he's meant to sell, so he just stands an inch away from Dandy's foot. Back body drop by David, followed by a suplex for two. David doesn't even carry himself like a wrestler. Dandy smacks David down, but Ric Flair distracts the ref and Arn gives Dandy a spinebuster, handing David the match by Figure Four.

One minute of embarrassment. Is there, realistically, a worse wrestler than David Flair?

Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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Entry #873
The Bar (c) vs. Braun Strowman/Nicholas
for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championship

WWE WrestleMania 34 - April 8, 2018
For me the worst thing about this, besides taking a dump on the best thrown together Tag Teams they ever had, was that it's WrestleMania and they even had, if I don't misremember it completely, at least a short build around Braun having no partner or that he'll get a mystery partner and then it's a Referee's kid nobody has seen before, instead of maybe just throwing some jobber Wrestler from the past in there for a nostalgia pop like Hurricane or whoever. ... I mean come on, Hurricane was in the Rumble three months earlier even.
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #877
WCW Cruiserweight Championship #1 Contender's Battle Royal
WCW Monday Nitro - May 24, 1999

Finally, let's take a look at some cruiserweights. You know the cruiserweights! They're the cornerstone of WCW! This isn't worthy of a rating on Cagematch yet, but it's been rated twice with a 1 and a 0. Can it really be that bad? Let's look at our field of 12.
  • Juventud Guerrera (trips on the ramp)
  • Villano V
  • Damian 666
  • Lash LeRoux
  • Psicosis
  • Evan Karagias
  • Ciclope (or should I credit him as Halloween here? He's wearing his old Halloween mask)
  • Blitzkrieg
  • Billy Kidman
  • Kaz Hayashi
  • Johnny Swinger
  • Prince Iaukea
We kick off with the main problem with reviewing battles royal - too much going on. At least since it's a cruiserweight battle royal there isn't a bunch of fat guys who just wander around and do forearm clubs. Kidman almost dumped out by Iaukea early. Psicosis scraps with Karagias - two very different classes of cruiserweight there. Damian and Ciclope team up for a bit, theyre just mistreating Johnny Swinger. Kidman drops Villano V off the corner. Juvi gives mounted punches to Psicosis and gets crotched. Blitzkrieg skins the cat and survives long enough to take out LeRoux. The Damian/Ciclope alliance has apparently ended. Juvi does a hurricanrana pin, forgetting the rules.

Kidman and Juvi are fighting on the apron. LeRoux and Blitzkrieg are still scrapping on the outside. Kidman takes Iaukea out with a clothesline. Just when we're in danger of having a match, out comes Hugh Morrus to attack Iaukea. He then starts to take on the cruisers by himself! Out goes Damian, Swinger, Psicosis, Ciclope, Villano! The ref is gone! Hayashi is gone! Karagias is gone! Juvi heads over the top rope rather than face this guy. Kidman manages to get some offence but Morrus sends him flying. Then successfully powerbombs him. If you're powerbombing Billy Kidman, that counts as burying him. No Laughing Matter hit, Morrus goes up for a second, and Rey shows up to dropkick him to the floor. No winner.

The hallmark of WCW, eh? The trademark high-flying offence doesn't matter if you job out a dozen of them to one irrelevant heavyweight. A real sign of things to come. I guarantee this was a Kevin Nash call.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #878
Bray Wyatt vs. Matt Hardy
WWE Monday Night RAW - January 22, 2018

Just when I thought I was out, they suck me back in! While doing research for another curiosity I was planning on doing today, I found that this had received a low rating that tipped it to the 2.00/10 mark. Which means... it's ANOTHER low-scorer I have to review! Reviewing every bad match in wrestling history is surely a fool's errand, and I am the fool. This match is taken from the infamous 25th Anniversary of RAW, or as I like to call it, "WrestleMania 2 again but worse and with less wrestling somehow". It's also the revival of "Woken Matt" after that one trademark dispute with Anthem was resolved. Let's have a look.

In the midst of Bray's entrance, as Lawler insists that no one dares speak, the fans kick up a "We want something" chant. Because this was the first instance of something they'd gotten - a televised something, at least, as all they'd got were brief glimpses of cruiserweight "action" during the ad breaks. Or maybe they're just really big fans of then-indie standout Jake Something.

Bray teases Sister Abigail early but Matt brawls out. Matt pounds with forearms in the corner, and then out of it hits a Russian legsweep. JR calls Bray Wyatt a "road grader with a Mercedes engine", which feels like a step down from what they called him as Husky Harris. We go to an ad break as Bray goes flying into Matt shoulder-first. Post-match Matt has control and goes for some turnbuckle bashes and a corner clothesline. Bray counters a bulldog and misses a corner charge, allowing each of them to do their taunts. Side Effect for two. Twist of Fate teased but Bray sends Matt to the ropes. Sister Abigail, that's it.

The first televised match that the Manhattan Center crowd paid through the nose to get, and it's a flat nothing of a match that was mostly during the ads. Fuck's sake.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #879
Heath Slater/Rhyno vs. Titus Worldwide
WWE Monday Night RAW - January 22, 2018

Oh hey, this match also happened on that RAW! It's too short to rate but I remember it being ill-received for good reasons. Titus O'Neil and Apollo Crews are representing Titus Worldwide here against the former SmackDown Tag Champs.

Titus and Rhyno square up early, and Titus unleashes a big slap in the corner. Titus tags in Apollo who immediately loses the advantage because he's Not Tall. Heath and Apollo go at it to abject silence, even when Apollo finishes an OVW Thing with a cool dropkick. Crowd wakes up for a stalling suplex, which speaks to the power of stalling suplexes. We go to a break... and suddenly it's a 4-man brawl and the ref has just thrown it out. Out come the Dudleys to provide a nostalgia pop, chase everyone out of the ring... and the other three (including Rhyno!!) throw Heath to the wolves for a Wazzup and a 3D through a table. Unbelievably, despite effectively turning on him, Rhyno's team with Heath lasted another year and a half after this. The mind boggles.

Also, this wasn't in the Manhattan Center despite being an ECW nostalgia pop. This entire show just showed a contempt for the fans.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #880
The Revival vs. The Good Brothers
WWE Royal Rumble - January 28, 2018

Okay, this is what I was here for. This match on the overextended kickoff show to the 2018 Rumble, which no higher authority than Vince McMahon himself called the worst match he'd seen in his entire life. Worse than Goldberg vs. Lesnar at Mania 20? Worse than the Kennel from Hell? Worse even than Cole vs. Lawler? Somehow I doubt that. But on that strength I'm putting it in this thread! This match was built by a match on that very same RAW 25th Anniversary show we just talked about, where the Revival got murdered by the Kliq. Let's watch the state of tag team wrestling in 2018 WWE.

Revival fail to back Anderson into a corner. Dawson instead backs him into a neutral corner and they do some cornered stuff until Anderson comes back with uppercuts. OVW Thing ends in an Anderson dropkick. Gallows in for a double back body drop and Revival go to the outside to consult. Dash tries to tag in but he can't because Dawson is outside the ring. The ref distraction lets Dawson do an eye rake. Dash and Gallows are pretty even until Gallows starts slamming both of Revival. Dawson pulls Dash out to rest outside again.

One ad for the Mixed Match Challenge (god, remember that, that was awesome) later, Anderson is dealing with both Revivals until Dawson hits a dragonscrew from the apron. Naturally, Dawson's now starting to target that leg. And then Anderson's bald head with a kick and an elbow. Tree of Woe beatdown! Dash is continuing to wreck the leg, and then Dawson does the same, despite Anderson trying to kick off. Eventually Anderson gets a kick to the face but Dash blocks the hot tag. Fast tags and Dawson tries another dragonscrew but Anderson drops down for a rana pin for two. Hot tag still blocked.

Anderson manages to kick Dawson to the outside and eventually gets to Gallows. Big Man Stuff, big splash to Dash, and a kick nearly tears Dawson's head off. Magic Killer teased but Dawson breaks it up. Anderson hits the signature Anderson spinebuster for two. Gallows tries to charge Dawson on the outside but eats ring post. Anderson trips Dawson on the ropes but Dash chops out that knee again and rolls Anderson up for the three.

Perfectly fine match that didn't deserve the lack of crowd reception it received, and doesn't belong in this thread. In fact, I'm calling it a green match because fuck Vince McMahon. Proof that this man is senile.

Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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We all know how much Vince hates Tag Team Wrestling so this one is by default worse than the Matches you mentioned. I guess we can be lucky, that there always was at least one or two teams, who were over with the fans so Vince couldn't just phase out the Tag Division as a whole. ...I mean, he still could've, but he at least somewhat listens to reactions and merch-money.
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #881
Diesel (c) vs. The British Bulldog
for the WWF Championship

WWF In Your House 4: Great White North - October 22, 1995

Of course, Vince didn't only hate that perfectly fine tag team match. Just over 22 years earlier, he'd seen a PPV main event so bad that as soon as it was finished, he told his champion, his top guy, that he was "fucking horrible" and made a note to take the title off him ASAP. I am of course talking about the main event of the worst In Your House, Diesel vs. Bulldog. Somehow, this has avoided my eye until now, due to getting one star from Dave and a shockingly high 3.41/10 from the hivemind. Let's see if it's really that bad.

Pre-match Bret Hart comes on to do commentary and chases Jerry Lawler off, because oh yeah that was a feud wasn't it? His opponent at Survivor Series will be the champion after this show. Diesel shoves Bulldog about. Bulldog gets a headlock but is sent running the ropes, dodges two forearms but eats a third, Bulldog tries to crossbody a larger man. After being slammed Bulldog rests on the outside. He tries to crotch Diesel on the post but Diesel drags him into it instead. Back in the ring Diesel's dominating in full Kevin Nash style, with his knees and elbows in the corner. Cornette causes a distraction so Bulldog can attack the leg.

There's an awkward moment where Diesel thinks he's about to catch Bulldog off a crossbody but Bulldog just floats behind, goes for a roll-up, but Diesel grabs the ropes. Bulldog dropkicks Diesel out where he shoves Bret on the desk. Then Bulldog follows outside to hit the leg again. Gonna be a limbwork match, okay. Back in the ring Bulldog works the left leg. Diesel goes for the neck forcing Bulldog to change off his hold. He does a sit off the rope. He briefly forgets which leg he's meant to be working before going for a leg drop to the correct one. He tries to turn Diesel over for... I don't know if that's a cloverleaf or just a botched Sharpshooter. Bret buries the hold. Diesel elbows out of it but gets rolled to the outside where CORNETTE ELBOW DROPS THE LEG. HOLY FUCK. Still on THE OUTSIDE Bulldog does some furniture-bashing and attacking the leg.

Okay, back in the ring Bulldog knees the leg and puts on a single leg crab. He releases it after 30 seconds or so to bash the knee again, then goes for a full crab. Diesel's a bee's cock away from the ropes but he somehow goes a full minute without realising he can grab them, choosing to kick off instead. Bulldog works the leg more but Diesel stops it by attacking Bulldog's leg. Leg drop by Bulldog for two. More leg holding but Diesel punches out. Bulldog chops out the leg again though. This is coming across as less limbwork and more of a rest hold. BOOT CHOKING! Diesel gets a punch off but Bulldog trips him. Back to the leg rest hold! Bulldog goes for another sit against the ropes but Diesel boots him off. Time for a limping Diesel to make his comeback... wait, no, he misses an elbow and Bulldog continues lazily hugging the leg.

Diesel breaks out by using his less damaged leg, then blocks a suplex and hits one of his own. Sidewalk slam by Diesel leads to a double down. Bulldog does some forearm clubs for two. He's got the Sharpshooter on now, and Bret IMMEDIATELY buries him saying he's got it on wrong. That lets Diesel kick off. Bulldog tries to slam Diesel but he's too heavy and it's a two-count. Diesel drops off the Bulldog running powerslam and does a big boot for ANOTHER double down. Jackknife teased but Cornette is on the apron, Bulldog's about to attack from behind but Bulldog attacks Cornette by mistake. At least Cornette does a nice bump. Body guillotine by Diesel and we go TO THE OUTSIDE. Bulldog shoves Diesel into the post, then slaps Bret who attacks him for the DQ. All that nothing for a fuck finish, huh? Diesel/Bret brawl is the last we see.

Yeah, fucking horrible! An absolute drag of a match to watch. Whose dumb idea was it to have Diesel fighting from underneath? Oh yeah, it was Vince's, because every top babyface has to be Hulk Hogan. Bulldog lazily holding a leg for 14 minutes and then a non-finish. I completely understand Vince's position on this one.
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #882
Alex Wright vs. Paul Roma
WCW SuperBrawl V - February 19, 1995

What happens when a wrestler has been told the day of the show that he's putting his opponent over, but doesn't want to? Well, you get this, one more visit to SuperBrawl V. Paul Roma is not as big a fan of Alex Wright as I am, and he takes the news that he's going to be losing this match really quite badly. I've heard this match breaks down as a result. Let's find out, shall we?

Wow, Roma's face. People say that you can tell Mercedes Mone is going to lose a match simply by her facials, but Paul Roma absolutely overcomes that standard. You can just see the misery in him. He attacks Wright mid-dance (MEGAHEEL) and pounds away. Someone has an "I love the Wondercunt" sign. Decidedly mixed reaction for Roma mocking the dance, which is interesting. Wright gets some punches off but Roma eats them up and uses a knee. Sunset flip by Wright for two (or 1.9999), then some armdrags, but Roma looks nonplussed by them. Wright does some acrobatics to get out of wristlocks but Roma cuts him off immediately, including with hair drags. Wright kips up three times in a row then does a rope-walk armdrag. That blew MINDS in 1995.

Hip toss gets sandbagged badly by Roma. Wright works the arm but Roma just ignores it. Out comes Paul Orndorff to remind everyone the original behind Roma's cheap imitation. Ref has already started fast counting as he's noticed Roma is up to shenanigans. Wright gets a fireman's carry takeover and goes to the same arm hold while Roma whines about his tights being pulled. Of course immediately after he drags Wright by the trunks. Two elbow drops land right in Wright's face, then Roma does a series of backbreakers. To be fair, good backbreakers.

Roma tosses Wright out and plays to the crowd, making out like he's the babyface here. Dick. He does one of those clubs against the ropes before kicking Wright out again. Wright slingshots back into the ring but Roma gets a knee right up. He really delays the pin before covering for two. Wright goes for a backslide but Roma just totally deadweights him before slipping in to the pin and kicking out at one. Small package for two and now back to Roma roughing Wright up again. ON GOES THE CHINLOCK for two long minutes, the only action in that time being Roma repeatedly putting his feet on the ropes for leverage. Arm-drop routine but Wright's livin'.

Wright goes for a dropkick but Roma grabs the ropes. He then seems to float around the ring, hitting an elbow (to Wright's face again). He runs around celebrating, high-fives Orndorff, goes for the pin... and pulls Wright's hair up at two denying him even the dignity of kicking out. Roma misses a corner charge and time for Wright to recover with uppercuts. Wright tries a hip toss and Roma doesn't even bother with it, just falling to the side to make him look like a botcher. Wheel kick for... one, as Roma gets right back up and cuts Wright off. Wright hits a crossbody but Orndorff drags Wright through the ropes. Roma asks advice from Orndorff but gets a dropkick to the back and rolled up. And even WITH the fast count the ref is applying, Roma still kicks out before the three. At least the match is over.

Is it any wonder Roma got fired by FedEx after this shocking display? Unprofessional conduct at its highest, and it really wrecked the match.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #883
Scott Steiner (c) vs. Stevie Ray
Title vs. Career Match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

WCW Monday Nitro - November 27, 2000

From 1995 WCW we head back to... ugh... 2000 WCW. Why did I put this match on my schedule again? This match is, I guess, just a TV defence. They need a TV challenger for new champ Steiner to get through and give him some heat, and Stevie Ray, despite sucking and being broken down, has some name value, and he likes Booker again after feuding with him earlier in the year. So let's see what went wrong here.

Stevie attacks Steiner mid-entrance. We get a bit of a brawl in the aisle. Midajah is brandishing a lead pipe, and for some reason doesn't take the opportunity to use it until Steiner's already taken a bit of a beating. Furniture bashing and forearm clubs follow, as that's the extent of Steiner's in-ring by 2000. The worst part is that Stevie takes the bumps into the guardrail ridiculously gently. We're finally in the ring and Steiner keeps laying in forearms. Stevie eventually gets to use a weak looking pump kick but takes an inverted atomic nutshot (loosely speaking, as the shot was nowhere near his nuts. Classic Steiner bit where he drops the elbow and foregoes a pin to do push-ups. More cornered beating, Stevie reverses but Steiner punts him right in the cock.

Back TO THE OUTSIDE as Stevie takes another terrible guardrail bump, and a few chair shots. Back in the ring, it seems Stevie has blown up as he has to rest in the corner while Steiner does stuff to him. He avoids a corner attack and only capitalises with a couple of forearms (during which he leans on Steiner for a bit too long, as he can't stand anymore). Seems to be going for a German but Steiner elbows out and does a belly-to-belly. Stevie looks dead on his feet after a side kick, and the following knee and DDT are just so lethargic. Midajah grabs Stevie's leg and he limply grasps the air around her. Steiner unleashes a BRAINBUSTER of all things, mainly because Stevie doesn't have the energy in his legs to go up properly for the planned suplex.

Steiner hits the backbreaker (sidebreaker) and goes up top but Stevie catches him into the Book End! Family moment! Except that he's so gassed the move looks lame, and he probably legit needed to rest before going for the pin for two. They botch a kick-catch-lariat spot because Stevie's so useless Steiner has to lift his leg up for him. Mark Madden's burying Stevie for his conditioning. Back to the outside, Steiner gets whipped into the guardrail and a chair shot. In-ring Steiner gets a gutwrench suplex for two. Stevie finally hits the Slapjack but lifts his cover off at 1 for no reason whatsoever. He's looking to go up top (while commentary buries him) but Midajah distracts him so Steiner can get an electric chair suplex and the Recliner to suck whatever modicum of life Stevie has left out of his body. Then Sid Vicious returns, because oh yeah TV title defence.

A reminder that age and death come to us all. Stevie Ray had absolutely nothing left and he showed it for seven long minutes.

Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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Entry #882
Alex Wright vs. Paul Roma
WCW SuperBrawl V - February 19, 1995
If anyone wants to take a deeper dive into this Match (including Roma and Wright talking about it in interviews) AFTER you've read Sky's review:

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