well I was making no refrence to quality....I was just explaining that if we compare anything about wrestling today vs. yesteryears it will always be different. Wrestling has evolved and always will. But for the record and keeping on topic, I think WSX sucks crap and is the worst thing that could happen to wrestling if it sucseeded.
All those people that watched and said it reminded them of the original ECW, obviously never saw the original ECW when it was actually on, on a regular basis. WSX is Garbage Wrestling. I make jokes about the X-Division in TNA being spot fests....the opening match on the debut show was a spot fest. 3 moves in he is already doing some crazy ass dive out to the floor. The broadcasting sucked. The wrestlers timing was ****. Yeah the Spots looked impressive but nothing on that show could actually be called wrestling. The main event that Royal Rumble/Double Ladder Match thing was kinda neat, except for the lame ass aditional gimmicks around the ring. (ie the tables, exposed electrical box and exploding fense) The match itself sucked as everyone was basically just hitting spot fest move after spot fest move.
Oh and the whole X-Pac was an original member of DX comment....do your homework morons, X-Pac was in WCW with the nWo when DX formed in 1997.
Bottom line is if WSX continues this will open the door to more morons in there backyards thinking they can do anything and live. TNA & WWE don't hire Backyard wrestlers...maybe WSX will, but I think that its bad for the wrestling buisness if idiots are making names for themselves because they can swing weapons and take weapon shots non-stop. MTV canceling WSX is the smartest thing they could do....hopefully its a perminant cacelation though I've heard they are back on next Tuesday.