NXT - Weekly TV Show Discussion

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Leo C

Backlund Mark
Apr 7, 2012
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São Paulo, Brazil
Fixed! :eek:tunga:

This one... Towards the end I really felt like it could have been better, because dude. Bull Dempsey. DUDE.
Haha, man, it was awesome. I thought they were going to run longer with the sillier style they did the first time, but Bull showing any kind of charisma at all would already be astonishing, let alone this piece of greatness that is bull-fit.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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This week on NXT TV:

- Tye Dillinger vs Crowe was a fine show opener. Diggin' Tye's new "Perfect 10" gimmick.

- That Broski/Mojo segment was hilarious.

- Baron Borebin match... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I hope Joe beats his lame ass at TakeOver.

- Breeze is backstage cuts a nice promo. [HASHTAG]#TheFaceOfTheRisingSun[/HASHTAG]

- Bálor vs Louis was OK.
Also, I can't help, but LOL at how hilariously bad Louis' new gimmick is.

- Bayley vs Becky was a really good ME.

They did a nice job of hyping TakeOver. Wondering what will air next week, b/c to my knowledge, they haven't taped an episode to air on August 19th.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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You know an episode of NXT is a winner if you start imagining a little cheerleader chick running down the ramp just to have a wooden box fall on her head, then a dude who looks like Luigi driving a forklift to lift the box up, drive out of Full Sail, and drive it off a cliff.

Oh, stupid NXT characters. Never leave us again! :yay:
Last edited:

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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This week on NXT TV:

- The contract signing 'tween Sasha and Bayley was a decent opening segment.

- Apollo Crews hype vid is aired. Looking forward to his debut at TakeOver!

- Breeze squashed some jabroni. Post-match was hilarious, Breeze put a Liger mask on that jabroni and proceeded to Beauty Shot him.

- Hype Bros & Certified Gs vs Jabroni Squad was rushed, but still watchable, I guess.

- Samoa Joe squashed Steve Cutler in like 30 seconds. Corbin attacked Joe post-match and hit him with the End of Days.

- New and improved Bull Dempsey is coming next Wednesday. [HASHTAG]#ItsTimeItsBullfitTime[/HASHTAG]

- Blake & Murphy vs Dawkins & Fulton was OK for what it was. The Vaudevillains came out after the match and tried to cut a promo, but Alexa slapped it out of them. Welp, then.

- KO cut an excellent in-ring promo. It was highlight of the night by a mile!
Bálor's music hit and he basically teleported himself to the corner! [HASHTAG]#Finntaker[/HASHTAG]
They started brawling, then Bálor delivered a Pelé Kick and Owens ran away to end the show.

Overall, this was an OK episode. Doesn't hurt if you skip it. KO's promo was definitely the best, non-skipworthy thing from this ep.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Sometimes I wonder why I like this show so much. This show full of jobber matches is my favorite thing in wrestling, why?

Then it came to me during - go figure - the Bayley/Sasha segment. Often times, contract signing segments don't work but this one did, and three things get credit for that... Having a storyline I really like, Sasha being the biggest non-Owens star on this show by a large margin, and above all else, the reason this show works so well... Is that I'm watching characters do things because they want to instead of doing the stuff the writers want. Between battling her confidence struggles (huggles?) and trying to close the "gap" between her and Sasha she wants to fight. Sash kills her promo and makes Bayley feel like shit and she's had enough and... I can't wait for this. Can't. Please go ahead and do this match and play it during Snack down (not fixing that)!

Speaking of inferiority complexes and lack in self confidence, BULL DEMPSEY IS BACK NEXT WEEK!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: Holy crap do I never expect to see those words come off my fingers but here we are! Yes! Can't wait. Amazing how in 2015 we saw this fat turd become an inspirational hero, we saw the annoying Son of Havoc/Angelico feud turn into The Unlikely Trio which was GOAT, that horrendous black preacher group on Raw is now the best thing by a country mile... Good lord, am I going to be singing the praises of Robbie E in October? Wrestling is awesome.

Speaking of awesome wrestling, Baron Corbin. I've never seen such a strangely perfect way of booking someone ever, the dude just wrestles the same match every week until it's so dull and repetitive, and somehow I actually feel legit heel heat towards the guy. If this was Raw zero people would care at all, but after Joe got in this dude's face and laid him out it felt like his presence had impact for the first time. Like Samoa Joe is more than just a memory from 2005 ROH getting nostalgia pops. This was a badass scary motherfucker and when Corbin beat HIM up it meant something, too! HOW IS THIS HAPPENING

Speaking of things happening, Two Dudes beat up a couple of dudes and I fast forwarded, and Hi Jesse Sorenson again while HyderCazZo beat up more dudes as three dudes an one guy with the worst catchphrase ever practiced looking at the TV for their eventual callup to be Divas... I'll put legit money down on Cass, Enzo, and Carmella being on Raw this Monday, and I've been dreading that for a while, BUT... It is for the best for one thing: these WWE on YouTube clips that are usually pretty great. If we get the return of the incredible Enzo we all know and love... Hell, if they feud with New Day that's a license to print money, but now that LU is gone WWE can just sign Chavo and Hernandez to ruin that, too!

Breeze an Liger should be a tag team called Thunder Breeze.

Anyway, the final segment was magnificent! I have very little to say about it (other than "Come on dude you know you wanted to missile dropkick Steen off the ladder!") But this is best if you just watch it... Then again, I can listen to Owens insult Floridians " the John Cena of Fans" all day. This is the perfect setup to seeing Owens win that championship on Saturday and I can't wait for that either! YAY TAKEOVER! SO HYPED! This show on its own though? Eh
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Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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This week on NXT TV:

- This week's episode starts with a video package showcasing highlights from NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn.

- Enzo, Big Cass & The Hype Bros vs Gable, Jordan & The Mechanics was a good, fun show opener!
The crowd was on fire here. Zo & Cass got a freakin' insane pop, I got goosebumps, man!
Had Enzo & Cass competed for the tag gold and won 'em, the place would've exploded.
Oh, and Enzo has blond hair now. That man is simply marvelous!

- Mr. Regal is shown backstage and reminds everyone about the 'Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic' tourney starting next week. Neville comes up to him and says he wants a spot in the tourney, in honor of Dusty. Regal decides to make it happen for everything Neville has done for NXT.

- They air a video package showcasing highlights of Bálor vs KO in a NXT Title Ladder match.
A post-match interview where Bálor talked about the win is also aired.

- A special look at Emma is shown, as they hype the divas fatal four-way main event.
The video package featured some #EMMAlution stuff, but then turned to highlight #EMMAHeelTurn.

- Charlotte and Becky are interviewed backstage by the gorgeous Devin Taylor.
Charlotte talks about the awful one, Dana Brooke, and Emma being her lap dog.
Becky then makes some jokes and they go to talk about tonight's main event.

- A Becky Lynch hype vignette is shown.

- Eva Marie vs Carmella was a DUD. Shouldn't have bothered watching this match.
Eva's performance was worse than in her return match. What sucks even more is that she'll keep winning.

- Prince Pretty cuts a promo about Liger beating him.
He basically calls JTL the loser, 'cause he gets to walk around looking the way he does, while Liger has to wear a mask everywhere he goes. Breeze says he isn't done with Liger and will be bringing a new idea to Regal. Interesting!

- Dana Brooke and Emma are shown talking backstage, and this is the part I'll gladly skip.

- We see more TakeOver highlights.

- Skipped the video package hyping 'The Awful One', Dana Brooke.

- A recap of the show stealing (and weekend stealing, as well) Sasha vs Bayley match is shown, followed by post-match comments from Bayley, who is legitimately crying. She says she doesn't want Sasha, Becky and Charlotte to leave her. She wants them around all the time. Then her family comes up to hug and congratulate her.

- Regal is being interviewed backstage by Devin Taylor. He says he has some incredible news regarding the tourney. Corbin interrupted because he wants in and wants to win, despite not playing well with others.
Regal decides to pair him with Rhyno, who also doesn't play well with others. They will compete against The Ascension in the opening match next week.

- 'The New And Improved' Bull Dempsey hype video is shown.

- HHH says 'Are you ready?', followed by the hype video for the NXT UK tour.

- They tried to get a word with KO, but he said he'll break Cesaro at SummerSlam.

- Bull Dempsey vs Elias Samson was OK and did a fine job of bringing Mr. Bull-Fit back on track and in somewhat better shape.

- After a highlight of Samoa Joe vs Corbin match, we get Joe's comments.
He promises to continue to beat up the biggest and the baddest till he gets a championship.

- A Nia Jax vignette is shown.

- We see the footage of Apollo Crews' debut and we get his post-match comments.
He said he debuted on his 28th B-day, the Apollo Nation was born and he enjoyed every moment of it.

- Footage of The Vaudevillains winning the tag gold is shown.
Afterwards, BAMF are shown backstage and they're pissed off about their loss.
Alexa is furious about Blue Pants and questions if she's even on the roster, then challenges her next week.

- Footage of the #DivasRevolution match at SummerSlam is shown, followed by a Charlotte video package.

- Emma vs Becky vs Charlotte vs Dana was meh. I just couldn't get into it at all.
LOL, the finish looked as it was botched.
Post-match, Charlotte takes out Emma with a Spear and Natural Selection. She then pins her, as fans count to three.
Dana comes in and attacks Charlotte, but Becky makes the save.
Both Charlotte and Becky apply their submission finishers on Emma and Dana to end the show.

That's all, folks!
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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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well, can you guess if I liked this show or not? :haha:

Glad I didn't catch this live, and knew it was just dark matches. This was kinda fun for dark matches I suppose, but... Sheesh!

Can I go ahead and get my constant tag match rant out of the way? Please... nah, don't bother. :) I enjoyed the opener quite a bit. The heels really seemed to go out of their way to make sure to keep Enzo grounded and made it more believable, the combo-finish spot on Wilder was cool... Ya know what, screw this analysis. ENZO AMORE HAD A DAMN LIGHTNING BOLT IN HIS HAIR. OH. MY. BROTHER. :yay: Also I'm sure he has his own barber who has perfected the art of making every single hair on his head a different length. Golly geez, this dude is something else. He looks like a damn badger half the time.

Also...The more I see of Colin Cassady, the more he feels like the Shield badass version of Roman Reigns, minus the "it factor", which is a good thing since these guys should NEVER EVER BREAK UP EVER. Not until the end of forever. Dude is a legit powerhouse with a freaking brutal hot tag, love it every time!

I'll leave my thoughts on the Emma video package in my dreams, but hot damn did I ever LOL at the interview with these two backstage. "You'll be the biggest joke in the entire division" says Emma. "Move over, because the most talented Diva in NXT is taking over" says Dana Freaking Brooke, before later on calling herself "The most beautiful Diva ever" (HAHAHAHA) as well as her typical stupid crap... I still don't know if this is some intentional troll job or not but holy bataroni is ever it coming across that way. Please, keep this going!

Speaking of being a self-parody: Carmella vs Eva Marie was actually booked because someone backstage lost their mind! :yay: Anyway this was a lot better than I was expecting - pssht that's some faint praise if I've ever heard it - but Eva's proved she's a much better athlete than I gave her credit for, so something positive came out of this! Yay! Still Eva has as many facial expressions as Garrett Bischoff and looked really damn robotic out there while Carmella's clearly still training with her Thesz Presses complete with little forehead taps as she thinks of her next move and... They got through it okay, progress?! Yay!?

But seriously, why bother with Eva Marie? That goes for both sides. This fan backlash to her just feels so forced, like they're imagining things happening in the future and giving the heat for now. Really, she's just a chick they keep off of TV, and people are giving her Roman Reigns heat. It doesn't make any sense. For the company... Eva, if you want to train to get better, that's great. Be my guest. But WWE doesn't have much of a reason to treat her as an investment, she's already 30 and several years away from being main-roster ready and will likely never be as good as Sasha/Paige are at 23. If they are so fixated on her looks. would they feel the same way in a few years? They probably should, it's not like you'll never find a good 35 year old woman that's for damn sure and she probably won't look any worse at all, but this is VKM we're talking about... Also, why not just make her a valet/manager? She can do all the things you like without having to watch her wrestle. Win/win.

(Post-edit: Three sides, including me for the longest paragraph of this whole article being about Eva Marie. Fail)

Speaking of getting through things okay, It's Time To Get Bull-Fit!!!! Fat dudes patting their bellies to get the crowd behind them - Buys! But really, Bull Dempsey is still not anything in the ring, and... okay, I marked hard for the hulk-up. :lol1: Corey Graves yelling "He's bulling up!!" was totally rad, too, and a top-turnbuckle butt bomb will never not be awesome... No need to see Elias Samson and his ass on a plate gimmick again, but Bull is still the best!

I'm not sure if I can get through the main event... :please: seriously there's so much and not much to say at the same time.Everyone got their time to shine, and they were building to a big comeback and then it ended. Rumor is that Dana was supposed to break up the pin but fucked up - shocker - and it's not like the ref could just not count the three so great job by him. Seriously, I thought the whole point of this Dana/Emma pairing was to keep Emma off the mic and Dana out of the ring, so then after Emma talks you stick Dana in the ring and congrats, you have a fucked up finish. Great job!

Obvious biases here aside, I'd love to see them run with this. Say Emma can be the first (filler) feud for Bayley for winning the four-way, and show a little improvisational skill like we don't see on the main roster - right, Survivor Series 2014? - that keeps the smart fans happy with NXT after Eva Marie dropped a giant deuce on the division by doing the title belt pose.

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Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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well, can you guess if I liked this show or not? :haha:

Glad I didn't catch this live, and knew it was just dark matches. This was kinda fun for dark matches I suppose, but... Sheesh!

Can I go ahead and get my constant tag match rant out of the way? Please... nah, don't bother. :) I enjoyed the opener quite a bit. The heels really seemed to go out of their way to make sure to keep Enzo grounded and made it more believable, the combo-finish spot on Wilder was cool... Ya know what, screw this analysis. ENZO AMORE HAD A DAMN LIGHTNING BOLT IN HIS HAIR. OH. MY. BROTHER. :yay: Also I'm sure he has his own barber who has perfected the art of making every single hair on his head a different length. Golly geez, this dude is something else. He looks like a damn badger half the time.

Also...The more I see of Colin Cassady, the more he feels like the Shield badass version of Roman Reigns, minus the "it factor", which is a good thing since these guys should NEVER EVER BREAK UP EVER. Not until the end of forever. Dude is a legit powerhouse with a freaking brutal hot tag, love it every time!

I'll leave my thoughts on the Emma video package in my dreams, but hot damn did I ever LOL at the interview with these two backstage. "You'll be the biggest joke in the entire division" says Emma. "Move over, because the most talented Diva in NXT is taking over" says Dana Freaking Brooke, before later on calling herself "The most beautiful Diva ever" (HAHAHAHA) as well as her typical stupid crap... I still don't know if this is some intentional troll job or not but holy bataroni is ever it coming across that way. Please, keep this going!

Speaking of being a self-parody: Carmella vs Eva Marie was actually booked because someone backstage lost their mind! :yay: Anyway this was a lot better than I was expecting - pssht that's some faint praise if I've ever heard it - but Eva's proved she's a much better athlete than I gave her credit for, so something positive came out of this! Yay! Still Eva has as many facial expressions as Garrett Bischoff and looked really damn robotic out there while Carmella's clearly still training with her Thesz Presses complete with little forehead taps as she thinks of her next move and... They got through it okay, progress?! Yay!?

But seriously, why bother with Eva Marie? That goes for both sides. This fan backlash to her just feels so forced, like they're imagining things happening in the future and giving the heat for now. Really, she's just a chick they keep off of TV, and people are giving her Roman Reigns heat. It doesn't make any sense. For the company... Eva, if you want to train to get better, that's great. Be my guest. But WWE doesn't have much of a reason to treat her as an investment, she's already 30 and several years away from being main-roster ready and will likely never be as good as Sasha/Paige are at 23. If they are so fixated on her looks. would they feel the same way in a few years? They probably should, it's not like you'll never find a good 35 year old woman that's for damn sure and she probably won't look any worse at all, but this is VKM we're talking about... Also, why not just make her a valet/manager? She can do all the things you like without having to watch her wrestle. Win/win.

(Post-edit: Three sides, including me for the longest paragraph of this whole article being about Eva Marie. Fail)

Speaking of getting through things okay, It's Time To Get Bull-Fit!!!! Fat dudes patting their bellies to get the crowd behind them - Buys! But really, Bull Dempsey is still not anything in the ring, and... okay, I marked hard for the hulk-up. :lol1: Corey Graves yelling "He's bulling up!!" was totally rad, too, and a top-turnbuckle butt bomb will never not be awesome... No need to see Elias Samson and his ass on a plate gimmick again, but Bull is still the best!

I'm not sure if I can get through the main event... :please: seriously there's so much and not much to say at the same time.Everyone got their time to shine, and they were building to a big comeback and then it ended. Rumor is that Dana was supposed to break up the pin but fucked up - shocker - and it's not like the ref could just not count the three so great job by him. Seriously, I thought the whole point of this Dana/Emma pairing was to keep Emma off the mic and Dana out of the ring, so then after Emma talks you stick Dana in the ring and congrats, you have a fucked up finish. Great job!

Obvious biases here aside, I'd love to see them run with this. Say Emma can be the first (filler) feud for Bayley for winning the four-way, and show a little improvisational skill like we don't see on the main roster - right, Survivor Series 2014? - that keeps the smart fans happy with NXT after Eva Marie dropped a giant deuce on the division by doing the title belt pose.


You LOVED it? :smirk2:

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score
This week on NXT TV:

- The episode starts with a video, saying we're gonna celebrate Dusty with the start of Tag Team Class tournament tonight.

- Rhyno & Corbin vs The Ascension was a fine show opener. It was nice to see The Ascension back in NXT, even for a moment, and Full Sail was appreciative.
Rhyno and Corbin picked up the win when Rhyno hit Konnor with a Gore.

- Devin Taylor interviews Neville and Crowe backstage. Neville says Dusty was instrumental in his career, while Crowe is really excited to be teaming up with the greatest NXT champ of all time. Neville seemed to be weirded out at the end.

- An ad promoting the upcoming NXT UK tour is aired.

- A Nia Jax vignette is aired.

- Alexa vs Blue Pants was meh, but Alexa's doing her bitchy role well.

- JOHNNY GARGANO & TOMMASO CIAMPA are backstage with Regal! I hope to hell they have their NXT contracts signed.
Anyhow, Breeze interrupts and wants a worthy partner for the Tag Team Classic. Regal puts over Gargano and Ciampa as the hottest free agents in the industry today. Next week, they will face Breeze and... Wait for iiit... Bull Dempsey! Breeze is pissed about his partner, but says he will win regardless.

- A recap of Emma's win in Brooklyn is shown. We hear post-match comments from her, saying there's no #DivasRevolution without Emma.

- Apollo Crews vs Martin Stone was a nice squash.

- Jordan and Gable are backstage and cut a nice, cocky promo, saying Neville and Crowe will fall and fail tonight, because history is written by the winners.
'Your guys' American Dream is gonna become a nightmare, when you run into the boys that are always READY, WILLING... and GABLE.'

- Bálor is interviewed backstage by the gorgeous Devin Taylor. He says he'll be defending the NXT title on the upcoming NXT Texas shows.
Then, Samoa Joe shows up and is revealed as Bálor's tag partner for the tag team classic tourney. Joe considers the tourney important and wants to win, so they shake on it.

- Gladly skipped Eva's match.

- Certified G's and Hype Bros are shown backstage after last week's match in Brooklyn. They put over the Brooklyn crowd and then argued about where to party.

- Bálor and Joe will face The Lucha Dragons next week.

- Jordan & Gable vs Neville & Crowe was a good ME. Gotta love J&G's finisher. That assisted Back Suplex combo is sweet.

All in all, OK episode. The ME was highlight of the night.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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This week on NXT TV:

- Carmella vs Peyton Royce was an OK little match.

- Joe and Bálor are backstage and Joe asks Finn if he's ready. Joe makes sure Finn doesn't forget his NXT title.

- Highlights of the other first round matches are shown... Enzo & Big Cass over Dawkins & Fulton and The Mechanics over Samson & Knight.

- A Nia Jax vignette is shown.

- Gargano & Ciampa vs Breeze & Dempsey was decent.
I marked out for Gargano and Ciampa. Hopefully they can stick around.
Post-match, Breeze attacked Bull Dempsey.

- The Lucha Dragons cut a promo backstage. They say they'll win the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, and they also tell Bálor and Joe to not underestimate them.

- Dana Brooke talks... And this is the part I'll gladly skip.

- Tye Dillinger's 'Perfect 10' vignette is aired.

- Dana vs Billie Kay was meh.

- Apollo Crews is backstage and calls his fans the Apollo Nation and it's about to take over NXT.

- A video of Bayley's fan, Izzy, reacting to Bayley's title win and getting a tour of the WWE PC is shown.

- Bálor & Joe vs The Lucha Dragons was a good, fun ME!


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Okay, full disclosure... Given how much I bitch about tag wrestling, it's really cathartic to say that this is now FIVE NXT tag matches in a row that have been really good. Even the clunky Corbin and Rhyno vs the Ascension one was fine. Thank you, WWE! Dusty should be proud!

Maybe Momma Runnels can call and ask for you to undo the Hashtag Divas Revolution.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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This week on NXT TV:

- The opening segment with Breeze, Bull and Rose was OK, I guess.

- Breeze cuts a selfie promo backstage and accepts Bull's challenge for next week.

- Tye Dillinger vs Danny Burch was an OK squash. It's nice to see Tye's "Perfect 10" gimmick over with everyone, it's entertaining.

- Rhyno and Corbin cut a promo on Ciampa and Gargano.

- Asuka vignette is aired. She'll be at the Full Sail next week! Looking forward to it.

- Apollo Crews vs Crowe was a short, but decent match. This could've been pretty good if it was given more time. I liked Crowe's aggression here, it suited him well.

- Ciampa and Gargano cut a promo about how their win wasn't shocking and they've earned their spots in NXT.

- Gladly skipped Dana and Emma's promo.

- Rhyno & Corbin vs Ciampa & Gargano was solid. Too bad Ciampa and Gargano lost.

- Devin interviews The Vaudevillains backstage. They say it'd be an honor to win the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, BAMF interrupt and Alexa says they are invoking their rematch clause next week.

- A Nia Jax vignette is shown.

- SASHA RETURNS! She defeated Sara Dobson in the ME.

- She was about to cut a promo post-match, but Sasha interrupted. And this is where Regal comes out and announces a 30 minute Ironwoman ME match for TakeOver: Respect on October 7th.

All in all, OK episode this week.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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You sound like you were so bored by this week's ep Prince! :lol1:

What a weird opening segment... This really sucked. It's just developmental so I don't wanna be to hard on the kid (and can totally change my mind, yay!) , but after everything they did to get Bull over with this incredible BullFit gimmick... I'm sorry, but he just does not have it. Maybe it was the dead crowd or whatever but this big scary-sounding threat from this menacing 300-pound madman couldn't have come across any more lame... and the beatdown was even worse. Breeze bails and this just came across as weird. Not the typical joyous NXT weirdness, just blah. Also, any Adam Rose segment can be made better by removing Adam Rose from it. Thankfully, it was followed up on by the fun NXT weirdness of a selfie-Instagram interview being recorded on camera. Never change!

...Sorry man but I'm not into Tye Dillinger. I love the idea of the "Perfect 10" always losing, though, there's plenty of ironic awesomeness in that. :lol1: But him getting a push? Victories? Is there an escape plan to seeing that?

Apollo Crews beat a guy. Yay

anyway this shows kinda been lack-OH SIGN GARGANO AND CIAMPA RIGHT NOW!!! These two guys are awesome! Hell, this entire tournament has been pretty great so far. SO thrilled to finally see some good tag action on NXT, as it seems like they've slightly modified the formula to where most recent matches I've seen have this opening "faces run wild" segment last a good long while so things are so exciting. Ciampa's kicking in everyone's faces and Gargano's double-toupeeing before that moonsault - are you kidding me!? This was SO much fun to watch, these guys are stars! After Rhyno came THIS close to putting me to sleep it got even better since Johnny may have the best Little Dude Hot Tag I've seen in a long, long time. Hot tags have randomly become all any WWE big guy is good for - Roman Reigns, Colin Cassady, Titus O'Neil, etc - so seeing this little dude doing duck-under flying enziguris to 7-footers was SO refreshing... Then Baron Corbin got a pin and all the fun left. :(

Oh my goodness... This. Where do I even begin?

Prince... go back and watch the end of the Dana promo. She did her little headpat thing at the end, and Devin just looked like her increasing annoyedness is turning into full-on disgust. Perfect facial, before Dana ran back in and patted her head with both hands before tapping her head like a DJ and patting it again and yelling "Remix!"... I had to stop the show to laugh out loud. This was SO TERRIBLE! This was so tremendously stupid that it needs to be observed and treasured and remembered for posterity. This was the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes of wrestling segments. This was the Yetayyyyy 2.0. This is what uptight assholes think of a Scott Steiner promo.

But... and this is the thing I can't believe... THIS IS ACTUALLY GETTING OVER. I can't believe I just typed that. This. This... inane... Dana Brooke headpat thing. Getting over... At the end, instead of just being annoyed by a dumb chick saying dumb shit, I was just waiting for Devin to just snap and pop Dana in the mouth and it would have been so great! Does Devin Taylor wrestle? I can just imagine her cute little face being FILLED WITH RAGE as she's chucking this chick over her head and on the ground with bloodshot red eyes while she Fujirara Armbars her in to oblivion... If she can do it, lets go! Devin Taylor for Women's Champ!

...speaking of women's championship contenders, ASUKA IS COMING NEXT WEEK! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Oh, and Nia Jax, too! Yay! These two girls better live up to every bit of the hype, this division needs them like a drowning Sonic the Hedgehog needs one of those random bubble generating thingies at the bottom of the map.

Then Bayley comes back out and... I love this show. I really do. It's so easy to remember that you have to try to get heat on everything, but NXT really showed us just how important it is to give babyfaces their moment. Yeah, Kevin Owens was there to ruin Sami's day, but you still got 10 MINUTES of emotional celebration and happiness and everything being great in the world. Now with the even better version of Bayley winning, there was the awesome tearful Curtain Call moment and now this, where the Full Sail fans and even Izzy got their moment and it was everything right with pro wrestling and everything adorable and lovable and awwwwwww. :please: Bonus points for Sarah Dobson being allowed to have a competitive match, too, and the perfect antagonist for stiffing the hell out of the girl who just made Izzy's dreams come true... But the coolest thing about this segment was Sasha, who just has this incredible coolness about her, moreso than anyone else. Every time she pops up it legitimately feels like a REAL STAR is in the building, and Bayley just seems even more dorky and goofy and... hey, that's why we like her. :) Awesome. Have to hurry and can't go through the multi-layered awesomeness of the final announcement of the final segment, but just... Yes on this!

Tale of two halves, but this was mostly a winner of a show once it got going!
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Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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You sound like you were so bored by this week's ep Prince! :lol1:

Prince... go back and watch the end of the Dana promo. She did her little headpat thing at the end, and Devin just looked like her increasing annoyedness is turning into full-on disgust. Perfect facial, before Dana ran back in and patted her head with both hands before tapping her head like a DJ and patting it again and yelling "Remix!"... I had to stop the show to laugh out loud. This was SO TERRIBLE! This was so tremendously stupid that it needs to be observed and treasured and remembered for posterity. This was the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes of wrestling segments. This was the Yetayyyyy 2.0. This is what uptight assholes think of a Scott Steiner promo.

Well, yeah. Bored is the perfect word.

I wish I could do that, but I can't. I loathe Dana.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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This week on NXT TV:

- Skipped the show opener, Eva vs Carmella.

- They air a Nia Jax vignette. "Greatness is my destiny." - Ah, I see, someone's been listening to EC III's theme!

- We see a recap of the historic announcement of Bayley/Sasha facing each other in an Ironwoman match at TakeOver: Respect, which will main event the show!

- Tyler Breeze vs Bull-Fit Dempsey was OK for what it was.
Bull as a big, fat goof is much better than his previous SeriousMania gimmick.

- Asuka is here and she's up next!

- A video package for Breaking Ground is shown. It'll premiere on October 26th.

- Footage from NXT's recent road trip to Texas is shown. It looked like a lotta fun.

- William Regal is in the ring and introduces Kana. He hypes her as possibly the greatest competitor ever signed to the NXT. Kana comes out with a mask from her vignette, and when the titantron changes the name to Asuka, she removes the mask. Asuka is happy to be NXT and she wants to become the NXT Women's champion. And, of course, Dana Brooke and Emma come out to kill all the fun. Dana verbally kicks Asuka out of the ring and Asuka obliges. But, when she reaches the top of the ramp, she turns around and smiles, making Dana and Emma a bit uneasy.

- Breeze is stopped backstage and is told that he'll be facing Apollo Crews at TakeOver. He doesn't care, but Apollo comes up to him. He acts friendly and when Breeze tries to walk away, he stands in his face, before saying he was just messing around and allowing Tyler to pass.

- Kyle Edwards recaps some of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic tourney.

- The Vaudevillains vs Blake & Murphy was a decent ME.