No More Happy Endings - Once Upon a Time Mafia Game Thread

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Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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It wouldn't surprise me - if Grim has multiple day shots.
I thought about that. But (from my limited understanding), if someone has multiple day shots, there’s a contingency on them. Such as “you have one day shot each day until you shoot town.” I can’t imagine we’ve got a role where an Indy has multiple day shots just use at his/her discretion with no recourse for killing town. But I may be overthinking.


Blood Moon
May 18, 2021
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E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Logically it doesn't hold st all. However I don't think he out much thought into his justification. I just don't see how any scum player has viable shots on Ekko/Pein/me and Pein looking the worst for him, and shoots Pein anyway. Of course there is WIFOM here but to be frank, T-Pein isn't the calibre of player to tank all thread credibility over.
None of his logic holds. He shot Pein after literally saying that he wasn’t worth shooting.

The timing makes no sense if it was for any other reason than to divert. I do not think Grim would have been a mafia kill candidate because people were sussing him and he wasn’t being forthcoming in the thread, intentionally so. If anything, his act of shooting Pein and showing (supposedly) part of his hand is more likely to put him in their crosshairs if he is a threat to them?

Grim is a much smarter player than this. I also think that Pein would have jumped on the McHenry lynch and it could be a method of taking out a number that would be voting McHenry out. I can definitely see them both being on the same team here.
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Stay Fluid
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I thought about that. But (from my limited understanding), if someone has multiple day shots, there’s a contingency on them. Such as “you have one day shot each day until you shoot town.” I can’t imagine we’ve got a role where an Indy has multiple day shots just use at his/her discretion with no recourse for killing town. But I may be overthinking.
Limited to one per day.


Blood Moon
May 18, 2021
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im not going to read 80 pages. lets start here

who r currently our top 5 scum leans?

Sister Abigail

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2021
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I'll extend good faith back given you extended one
can u pls give me some recap if u r caught up with the thread? like some highlights
Sorry buddy, I'm twelve pages behind. Maybe someone else can give you one or I can when I'm all caught up. I did have a quick MAIN points to Phenom last night but I'm sure lots of happened since.
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Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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You sitting back purposefully and taking random shots, killing town players is more helpful than someone who is consistently active in the thread and trying to piece things together?
Well let me ask you something. You notice a certain high post count player not really saying anything. They posted once after my day kill and dipped. Now usually this player would be all over me or contributing theories.

I believe it might have been Sister Abigail who mentioned that they haven't really presented their town game much this game. I feel like they'd be well over this right? Or at least post something more than what they did. Wouldn't they be rallying the charge and trying to steer town back towards McHenry? Or at worst try to get down my throat?

You and Tommy are doing more than enough with the discussion after my day kill. It's been a nagging feeling the last day or so, and I think you might find it interesting that Jeff is not very vocal atm, and Dynamite isn't on right now, I don't think.

Town Jeff is all over scoping shit out with a fine tooth comb and all he can really do is go "wtf" and not really say much?

Let's also note Juice going kinda silent as well.

WIFOM sure but I could bet the scum team is now sitting back and letting the fireworks go. John's pretty quiet too, isn't he?
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Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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Well now Juice has kinda started to pick up actually

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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Good morning everyone

Vote Shade

for being in the player list twice


Vote: Jeff (Silent Bite)

Random voting stage over.


Activating Detective Mode: 10% Brain Usage Confirmed

Theory a) Part of this disagreement has been orchestrated by the mafia to argue amongst each other

Theory b) Lethal want to be a vote magnet and attract votes - and therefore might be the Jester

Theory c) Everyone town and this is just day one nothingness

Vote lynch Sky



I've kept my joke page 1 vote on too long
Let's do it.

Vote Sky
I think it's fairly implicit that the vote was random, dressed up with a shade of reasoning because... it's essentially random. Whether you dislike the random voting stage or not, attacking the reasoning of the vote when it's obviously not made based on anything strong doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

I don't know why you needed to excuse your absence? Do you do this regularly (explain your activity status)?

At the risk of playing both sides here - with Sky's vote being random, I don't know why you felt the need to answer? If the purpose is obviously to promote discussion, Sky could have partook in this but you're answering questions that you don't actually need to answer.

I'm not sure why you needed to qualify this with "but I've not seen it from Sky" when you haven't played with them. If it were out of character, someone more familiar would have pointed it out, or could have been asked at least (you haven't done this), so all this really serves is to softly defend the vote (correctly, but still) and then couch it. Scum lean.

Except not really. It's a valid part of the discussion, dismissing it as semantical doesn't help your position on this.

I dislike how you've assumed emotions on Lethal's part here. The rest is fine, and I like how you've done the reverse of what Manda did because you start with a position that it's NAI but then explain why it could lean town.

I would be concerned if you had a strong read on pretty much anyone at this point, without a strong grasp of meta.

Tfw I came into 19 and then 20. Not much of it worth it, either.

I find it somewhat interesting that you see this as "white knighting", because you kind of remove the possibility that there is scum motivation at play. I was reading it as potentially scum wanting to look good defending a townie (not a lean really, it just plausible in my mind) so for you to just work right past that angle and into it being personally motivated strikes me as... odd. Perhaps even TMI indicative.

I don't think this helps the atmosphere you purported to want to see here?

Pathos. I appreciate that I may come across as rather tasteless here, but the "why I didn't want to play any more", whether it be intentional or not, invokes an emotional response.

I dislike you absolving your own agency on this. Lean scum.

Worse than dead... forgotten...

Earlier, now forgive me I've mixed you up here, but I believed that you agreed with Sky that it would be more likely to come from Town Lethal than Scum Lethal. Is there a reason you didn't mention that here? By which I mean, has that position changed, or did it slip your mind, etc.

The entire thread has been drowned in this "silly little rabbit hole", quite frankly.

I don't agree that it was fake, actually. If I came away with one thing here, it was that they are probably not scum buddies. The way the discussion escalated - if that was scripted, I'm fooled. Can you explain why it came across as fake to you?

Pathos, and also we don't really need to know why you're not posting. It was the same with Tommy earlier, unless you're concerned about how the thread perceives you I don't know why you care about not posting right away. I've been the example I want to make here.


I feel like the major discussions have gone nowhere really, and we are scraping the bottom of the barrel to get something talked about. Holistically, I haven't felt like anyone has tried to leverage the discussion to lean into suspicions or lynches, but I haven't got any further conclusion that that currently.

Vote: Mandolorian
So while the readbackers are reading back, time to put my money where my mouth is

Vote Juice
Call it retaliatory if you want.

Vote: Pendex

Purposeful omissions and recreations to push an extremely weak agenda. That’s scum if I’ve ever seen it.
That just sounds like a lot of nonsense to be honest.

Vote: T-Pein
My body is rdy

Vote lynch mandalorean
Fair enough. I've gotten what I wanted here overall I think

vote john mchenry

man dipped, I expect more
Based on 4 posts cause I dipped...
Maaaaan I hate that my gut is telling me to vote for Pendex. So I shall.

Vote: Pendex
Vote Ekkologix
Like I stated prior my only saying Ekko was because Abi directly asked who I'd be comfortable with last night catching up that was my choice. Reading back through now. Pendex has me more scum it's possible he's super aggressive town but it reads scum to me. He picks a target is unrelenting in that target and then just kinda stops and says oh well okay and picks a new target. It's not a discussion or trying to gauge it's attacks and when nobody jumps on the wagon with him he relents and finds someone else. Seems very wolf trying to get a train going.

Find Phenom jumping in on Ekko after every chastising me for mentioning him a little odd.

Vote Lynch Pendex.

You come in asking questions of Tommy, rereading they come off as more inquiring about how we handle things around here. Meh to target 1 I'll give you that one.

You vote Mando because he dismissed what everyone has taken as a joke vote. You also suggest that Jeff and Mando are scum together. 1 & 2

You do let the Jeff shade just linger and target Mando most of the time. But again the original targeting of Mando was weak.

That said i'll say I may have jumped the gun on Pendex.

Unvote Pendex

Because I've noticed that while everyone has acknoleged Sky's vote initially as a joke, Sky relented and has gone back after Juice several times and I think the Sky/Juice situation gives us more info. Sky seems the aggresor here and I don'tsee why Juice was the target again initially it seemed like a joke post but then later on Sky sticks with it even after unvoting claiming it was a joke just keeps going after Juice.

Vote Sky

This feels like you are trying to pocket me.

I do think you are coasting in this game though - and I actually think you are scum here playing a very calculated game.

VOTE: Grim
Unvote Pendex

I am not saying that this slot moves to town for me as there’s still some lingering doubts on it but I don’t think Pendex is where I want to go today.

McHenry has too many red flags on him and I am starting to not like OMB in this one either.
I'm gonna put a Vote: McHenry down.

I don't like how he did a fast Vote/Unvote/New Vote after pointing out someone else (I can't remember who) backing off someone.
I don't like how he keeps trying to get Jeff to come in (If McHenry flips scum, this is something that needs to be looked at)
I don't like how he keeps bringing my name in when he gets questioned on stuff, and honestly, after some thought, I think the whole "apples to apples" thing is weak. Several people have read me town as I've been doing what I can to solve stuff, and every time he gets some heat, he wants to pull in someone else's name.
I'm not crazy about how he's "certain" that either Sky or Juice are scum. TMI?
I didn't like his fast Ekko vote.
Sure thing given that it's already got more number than I can hope to get Juice to.

Vote John McHenry

All the votes.

Sky claimed I slipped not sure what cause nothing was referenced it was dropped and didn't vote until well after bringing it up.

Tommy yeah multi quote was a bitch hope they're all here.

Sister Abigail

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2021
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Well let me ask you something. You notice a certain high post count player not really saying anything. They posted once after my day kill and dipped. Now usually this player would be all over me or contributing theories.

I believe it might have been Sister Abigail who mentioned that they haven't really presented their town game much this game. I feel like they'd be well over this right? Or at least post something more than what they did. Wouldn't they be rallying the charge and trying to steer town back towards McHenry? Or at worst try to get down my throat?

You and Tommy are doing more than enough with the discussion after my day kill. It's been a nagging feeling the last day or so, and I think you might find it interesting that Jeff is not very vocal atm, and Dynamite isn't on right now, I don't think.

Town Jeff is all over scoping shit out with a fine tooth comb and all he can really do is go "wtf" and not really say much?

Let's also note Juice going kinda silent as well.

WIFOM sure but I could bet the scum team is now sitting back and letting the fireworks go. John's pretty quiet too, isn't he?
Day kill? Did you kill someone?

Not sure why you're mentioning me here or what I said? Can I help clarify something?


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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Mostly just something to think about. My day kill isn't totally worth it when we can still gauge reactions to it.