
No but think about it like this.
How much differently would Eminem be judged if he was black?
How much differently would Eminem be judged if he was black?
Co-sign to a million, and to back Nino up on his argument.Am I really playing the race card when most black hip hop heads don't mention him in their top 5? Unless he drops something recent then they'll do it. People will pick who they like based on what the artists does lyrically and what they talk about.
Black people don't really wanna hear about the artist' stepdads raping them.
That's kind of unfair because Biggie didn't have time to reach his peaking point during his career.
How many girls have you drugged, raped and have complianed about your small dick?
Biggie > Eminem.
White people lovvvvve Em, that's why they put him above everybody else.
You know it's true.
True. Biggie was the highest selling artist in rap before his death and outsold Pac 2:1 while they were still alive. Without Biggie for him to make a name off of Pac wouldn't nearly be remembered as he is today. He's over rated as much as Selena and Curt Cobain, they're biggest successes came from their deaths.
That's not true. Music is as subjective as wrestling, different strokes for different folks. But do you realize how many white rappers ghost write for black rappers? Apathy, Esoteric, Atmosphere make probably as much money ghostwritting as they do rapping themselves? What's that say about black rappers?
BTW, did you know that Biggie thought the sickest rapper he ever heard spit it was white? When he heard R.A the Rugged Man spit " I thought I was the illest..." and RA raps some nastier shit than Em. Go youtube Cunt Renaisane. Big was down with that sick rap.
Watch it bro. Kurt Cobain was as loved by his REAL fans when he was still alive. When he died, people pretended to like Nirvana's music to make themselves seems cool.
Ok those are true fucking lyricist that Em can't see. I'm not playing the race card. My arguement is that Em is just not as lyrical as BIG. Say what you want. Give me and Em song, and I can give you a Biggie song ten times better in flow and lyricism
you can tell because those guys only listen to Smells Like Teen Spirit