So I'll start by not including you on the list for clarity and fairness.
John at the moment would be my top vote, but like you said, your read of me would complicate your lean on him. If I'm ascertaining your position right, my push on him would really muddy your willingness to vote for him.
I'm still open to Wang, Juice, or Blaine, but they're not my very first option.
Blaine more so because he's done the least thus far to actually establish any reads and such. He's probably the one player thus far that's the hardest to get a read on atm. I still want Blaine to participate or at least give some reads if he can.
Not interested in Sully, Tommy, or Lethal at the moment
SS is a light shade of blue but less certain now as the game goes on.
Gip I could be convinced if push comes to shove. The same goes to Sky too but I don't see her as a priority at the moment. I do get Sully's concerns on her but I also think Sky is just playing paranoid.