new Worlds title rumoured

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Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
*slow clap as I stand*

Great discussion. But I gotta say my piece and I'm out.

As of right now as we speak (Wednesday, Sept 30 2009), there is NO BLACK WRESTLER worthy of a title, that isn't premature or forced upon.

MVP was the closest but shit happen, he had a small push when he got moved but nothing happen. When he was on SD! and HHH was champ, I think was his closest opportunity but no title shot. Boo on the writers there.

Mark Henry, when he was feuding with Angle, that was his closest opp to being champion. At that time I saw him as champion but they made Angle have a cheap win then he got thrown into that Casket Match and it was pretty much down hill. Then he won the ECW Championship.

As for CT, Shelton, Kofi, Killings and whoever else I'm missing they just have that "It" factor like their past brothas have, The Rock.

CT is too stereotypical to be on a WWE poster, Shelton's time as come AND past numerous times, Kofi... hahaha... he's too fuckin happy! Everytime I see him he's smiling! Maybe they should have a gimmick of him being a Jamaican gangsters, they're worse than the ones in the US. If he was african, he could play an african rebel (ie. the ones you saw in District 9). Killings? He needs to change something about his gimmick, maybe stop doing a live performance EVERYTIME he's introduced. Sure it's fun watching the white people sing-along to his theme but like a kicking a can on your way home, it gets boring after awhile and you just ignore it.

Charisma, charisma, charisma. My brothas got the wrestling skill down, I've yet to see one do bad *besides Lashley*, they got alright mic skills but they need charisma. Sure it might be a little gimmickey but it works dammit!

Don't believe the hype! © Public Enemy.


Sep 14, 2009
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Who's CT? its 3:13am so thinking isn't easy at this time...


What if their #1 guy is holding it (Cena at least twice!)?

It's how the cookie crumbles. However in this case, they stil didn't care for the belt, they cared way more for Cena and what they can do for Cena to make the comeback special.

Headfirst For Hardcore

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Feb 8, 2007
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King Booker was World Heavyweight Champion in the Summer of 06 (Holy Shit, that seems like forever a go.) He was really over as a heel from what I remember, he beat Mysterio after that horrible run he had. The King Booker character was gold.

you can't really compare the wrestling landscape in the 80's to today. Most of the black wrestlers has stereotypical gimmicks. and because wrestling then appealed to a demographic of white americans,(generalization, sorry) you can't really put a black or any race as the supposed face of the company. heel and face were way more defined, and the only way that would've worked is with a gimmick that would be 100% anti-American, not anti-White, like the Iron Shiek.


Sorry.... the following passed me by at some point.

Had Rock not outshone him with-in his own group then Farooq would've gotten a push of sorts... he certainly had the look and ability of a Champion,

BUT(!) someone better came along; which ties in with my general opinion that most of the viable black guys were simply in WWF at a time when either the top guy was an 'unshiftable' guy like Hogan or they were simply being outperformed (The latter in the case of Simmons in WWF).

and his reign as WCW champ was not a failure at all.... he became the first afro american to hold a mainstream world title AND he held it for 5 months in '92... so how is that a failure???

Look at the state of WCW at that time... The whole company was a mess.

The whole 'first black champ' thing means nothing in terms of how much he and the bookers made of said reign - The night he won wasn't a notable drawing success or anything and moving forward from that point his reign can only fairly be judged upon what came from the morning after onwards....

They had fuck all guys to challenge him and I challenge someone to mention anything positive about the reign itself.

Lashley did indeed have a huge push which then got holted and would no doubt be a World Champion now had he not left.

Aye, the Lashley situaton should speak for itself.

Butch Reed should've gone all the way

As already touched upon, Butch was Butch's problem, not racism.

Others who could've had a shot if booked correctly:

Monty Brown - Cor Von? Saw so little of him whilst with WWE Care to reccomend any matches?
2 cold Scorpio - Unfortunately for him Vince already had a highflying babfyface ME-er in the golden boy Shawn, BUT like most guys like that I don't ever expect the to climb above mid-card champ. That said, I'm not that in tune with the charisma/character side of his skill-set.
Abdulah the Butcher - Wrestled in WWE?
Zeus - He was booked fine... i.e. The beast that not even Hogan could handle (Look at the results... Foreign object beat him @ SSlam 89, DQ'd for choking the hell out of Hogan @ SSeries '89, Foreign object beat him in the NHBarred cage match.) and if you believe the rumours he was originally planned to face Hogan 1 on 1 @ WM6. Wasn't his 'released' cos he was causing shit backstage?
Barbarian - WCW tried, HE failed... No real knock though, I though he was awesome for a guy in that 'size-bracket'.
Bad Boy Leroy Brown - Who's that? Guessing he wasn't ever in WWF either (google comin' up with nothing wrestling related, just Jim Croce song lyrics!)

If your total package [see earlier posts] is whats needed to be a champion then Hogan had Zero wrestling ability... and Warrior has even less in ring ability and possibly cut the worst promos in WWF history yet was the biggest star and draw at one time.

Well my bad, for assuming things to be commonly acknowledged (gotta cut down on my word count somehow! lol), but as has been proven, a shit load of charisma and drawing power can overcome any mat-based deficiencies (also see Cena, ME-Austin, Rock...)

re: Ahmed Johnson towards the WWF title?

He was a fucking ididot and a very dangerous guy in the ring and hurt many who worked with him.... so no I don't think he'd have ever gotten a push.... I liked him back then, but I was a kid then... he had a cool look!

He was like the next generation Ultimate Warrior... So green he was dangerous, but pushed V.HARD regardless (remember the gauntlet matches against The Nation?)... Look where the former Mr Hellwig ended up. :roll:

NinoBrown said:
As for CT, Shelton, Kofi, Killings and whoever else I'm missing they just [insert here?] have that "It" factor like their past brothas have, The Rock.

...I'm praying that the word "Don't" was accidentally emitted from your original post!?!?!?!?!?

As for Booker T: Never really been a fan, but worth noting he wasn't made WWE champ (He was WHC).


I said bad REIGN. No reflection on the guys abilities as such, but he didn't really make anything of the hand he was dealt.

Care to site any specific positives from his reign?

That link is blocked here, but...

This guy?

Never heard of him... Doesn't look to have had the most remarkable of careers, tbh.


Lol at the bringing up of the old Hogan can't work a match.

The most famous wrestling match only had Hogan in it. He might not have been the best ring wise, but he's one of the best storytellers i've ever seen.


Sep 14, 2009
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First off... for the doubters of this "fake rumour" ..... I don't wanna say i told youy so but.... woooo ..... i told you so!

MAkes me feel old that nobody else remembers Leroy Brown!! But it is a long way back.... in the days of Crockett Promotions NWA.... he was a pretty big star back then, who had a couple of decent pushes...

couple of educational clips to enjoy!