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Hometown Kid

I used to think Kofi was just a no talent "black Morrison", but the guy has some skills on the mic. I can't say I am a big fan of his ring work, but he can still improve there. Anytime someone engages in car bashing, it'll get a reaction though. It's up to booking to make him a true player in the main event scene, which I can't say I have too much confidence in. But he has some potential for now...


^^^Indeed. I was never really a fan - I found his ring work overly exagerated, but even though they wrote jack shit for him, I was pretty impressed with how he carried himself as US champ. At this juncture I'm trying to stay rational about his 'push' and have simply added him to my list of guys - MVP, Swagger, JoMo... - who'm I'd like to see if they can truly cut it alongside the ME-ers.


^^i dont see it in Kofi yet. maybe a SINGLES match or two with some notable M-Ers, his match with Orton would push me to believe hes ready was a 6man tag


You're kidding right? Of course he can go with people in the main event right now.
Let me put it this way...if the fucking Big Show is in the main event getting a title shot what would stop someone who is as good as Kofi from putting on a match 10x as good as that.
The only thing I'm concerned with is that Kofi won't get the chance to ever face Orton one on one and it will be confined to him at most pinning him in the Survivor Series match due to Legacy's neglect leading to the split angle. Either way, until there is a credible HEEL challenger for the WWE title Kofi stands no chance of making it into the main event as it seems it's going to be all Cena for the rest of the year.
This is kind of why I'm questioning their decision to push him before Swagger.


^^I know he has the potential. I just want to see him in bigger matches. JoMo impressed me with his matches against Punk AND Jeff. I just want see something like Kofi v Orton or Kofi v HBKorHHH or even Kofi v Cena. I think he should put on hold until Swagger gets his shot and IF he wins, and wins rematches (this post has turned hypothetical lol) then a program with Kofi. I know Kofi can put on a good match I just want him to show me more before hes M-Eing


@ Noum.... Big Show's a convenient example really innit... How about comparing him to HBK, HHH or Edge for a little balance? : P

Seriously though, I just can't recall seeing him in any 1-on-1 matches that are even approaching 10 minutes and am intrigued how his matches would hold up over a longer period of time... Especially if he's not being led by a Hunter or Shawn-type worker.


Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
Kofi is one of the best workers in the WWE right now imo. He had decent matches with the likes of MVP, Swagger, Miz, etc. I think if u wanna compare him to HBK, go right ahead. 2/3 years into his career, was HBK any further along as a wrestler. Sure you could argue he was probably more marketable, but in referance to in ring ability and mic skills, Kofi' leading that for me.

Give him a good programme with someone, and there's no doubt he can hold a longer matches!


^^^LOL... Was HBK even in AWA at that point in his career?

On a more seious note, career progress is another matter to be fair - Kofi was being directly comparred to todays main event (A main event that contains some of the top workers of the last 20 years!)...

BUT regardless, and without a second thought, I'd rate pretty much all of them (besides maybe Big Show due to entertainment factor) above Kofi based on their PROVEN ability.

Working matches that demand that bit more mental stamina, emotion, psychology and such (i.e. The main event) doesn't happen over-night... Ring generalship, if you wanna call it that, takes time to develop and it's my opinion that we've yet to see whether Kofi has it yet or not.

I get that peeps all of a sudden have a hard on for Kofi, but as Noumenon said (i think it was in this thread), peeps need to calm down and not scream "main event" every time WWE shows us a little character development.... This shit SHOULD be the norm from week to week rather than seem like a "ZOMG" moment! Seriously, just using this scenario as an example, how many cars and such did we see smashed up during the Attitude era? ...In fact Cena & CT bashed up JBLs limo just last year and most peeps on here pissed all over that segment.

Re-watched Kofi's clips from Raw last night and in all honesty, his mic work wasn't that hot any way. (I don't think the likes of Cena, Edge or Jericho will be quaking in their boots just yet.)

Hometown Kid

To be fair if Kofi sprayed "Orton is Poopy" on Orton's car, that would have gotten rejected by fans and whatnot too.


@Airfixx... I used Big Show as an example because he's pretty consistently a guy who hovers around the upper mid-card and main event scene and gets title chases. Let's face it... Big Show is terrible and a very large waste of space. Just one example of a spot that would be better occupied by a young up and coming talent. Just like it could have been Miz ego tripping with Jericho right now...just saying.


I agree with Airfixx on this one (OMG shocker). We need more from Kofi before we catapult him into the M-E scene. If we push him tooo early, its like meeting a hot girl and fucking her that night (not that im against this). It takes away from the development of the relationship.