Am I the only one who actually really thinks this is a good idea?
Sure, Christian got screwed out of a long-title run, but as I pointed out before, the only reason I believe he got the strap anyways was because of Edge's retirement, and a point that I forgot to mention, that they needed for him to win it so one of the big belts could remain on Smackdown.
Anyways, let's face it, like I've said before also, that Mark Henry - Christian feud that had been rumored to lead up to the next PPV would have been awful to see. Is anyone really going to believe Mark Henry's going to go from a lump of dog poo to world title contender in two weeks? I doubt it.
It's about selling PPVs and making that money, that's all Vince cares about it. Whether the IWC wants to admit it or not, Christian is no draw. Neither is Mark Henry. I said this also that they should add Orton into it as a triple threat match at the PPV to at least get some interest in the match, and look at what happened.
Not only is it good for those purposes, but look at what it was reported that happened after the Smackdown taping was over. Orton told the crowd something along the lines of "When you go home tonight, remember that I now own this belt." That sounds like a small heel cut to me, something that would suggest that Orton would be turning heel.
Pretty much everyone has to admit that Orton's character is ten times better as a heel than as a face. Sure, everyone thought he was moved over to SD to replace Edge as the top face in the company, but if you turn Orton heel, then you have the PERFECT opportunity to MAKE something out of Christian as the top face on that brand.
I honestly don't see any better of a way to establish Christian, who always in the E has seemed to lack the ability of "getting over" and moving up to the next level of being a main event guy. It takes a pretty damn good heel to establish someone as a big-time face. Smackdown just doesn't have that right now.
If you turn Orton heel again, let him start punting some of your faces, turn him into the Randy of old, you have a perfect opportunity for Christian to try and get revenge by taking down the Viper, and bringing the title back to the good guys. I really don't see what the problem is here if in fact Orton turns like it appears he might. Christian finally can claim fame with a WHC notch under his belt in the E, and you see an Orton-Christian feud in the future that might establish him even further as that brand's top monster face.
Plus, Vince winds up profiting in the VERY near future as you can't help but notice that the next PPV, each major championship match will feature two huge draws. Cena and Orton.
Can't really complain about this.