Lucha Underground on El Rey

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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Literally any human being behind that cage will be a massive disappointment. Even a freakin' Yeti come to life may not be enough after all this build...

Well, maybe, if he's big enough. Actually lifelike and twice the size of Chewbacca.
The least I'll accept is a giant chicken or maybe a big ass spider.


The Architect
Mar 23, 2014
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Anyone know where I can watch every episode of the show from the very beginning (in perfect or near-perfect quality, of course) ? Tried going back and watching the very first episode on WatchWrestling, but going that far back gets me the "Content Rejected" disclaimer.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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So effin' rad!


The Architect
Mar 23, 2014
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Literally any human being behind that cage will be a massive disappointment. Even a freakin' Yeti come to life may not be enough after all this build...

Well, maybe, if he's big enough. Actually lifelike and twice the size of Chewbacca.
The least I'll accept is a giant chicken or maybe a big ass spider.

Is it even a given that they'll ever reveal what's actually inside the cage? It may seem disappointing to build up to something this much and then never reveal it's contents, but then some things are better left a mystery.

If I were to guess, I'd say the cage is merely the place where Dario conjures up the presence of one (or many) of the deities in Aztec mythology. There's been a lot of subtle/not-so-subtle references to Aztec mythology on the show before (and if I recall, there was even a bright light when The Crew were shown what was inside the cage a few weeks ago... gigantic bright lights in fiction are usually symbolic of the spirit world), and Lucha Underground's own website ( has a long-ass article that you can read that covers all of it pretty thoroughly:

We have been covering the Aztec mythology that is becoming more and more pervasive inside Dario Cueto’s temple for some time now, yet still several mysteries remain hidden to our crack team of investigators:

– What monster or other-worldly creature does Dario Cueto have captive in that dungeon?
– How did Dario Cueto obtain the gold from the 7 different Aztec tribes?
– What great ancient Aztec magic did Vinnie Massaro use to last an entire minute inside the ring with Pentagon?
– Does Cueto’s giant key unlock the dungeon or something else?
– What exactly is Black Lotus talking about and why did the guy from the first episode lock her in his trunk?
– What does Konnan know about Prince Puma’s family lineage?

A couple of weeks ago Cage handed the Lucha Underground Championship belt back to Cueto. As Cueto was handling the championship belt (the belt that had been ripped in two by Cage) he spoke to himself out loud and said “The Gods will not be happy about this”. Another reference to the Aztec mythology that is increasingly serving as the blood running through the veins of Lucha Underground.

If Dario Cueto is in fact communicating with Gods, a few suspects emerge:


One of the main Gods of the Aztecs, Huitzilopochtli was the deity that first told the Aztecs to settle near what is now Mexico City, the hub of Lucha Libre.

As the main Diety of War and Sacrifice the Aztecs believe that if Huitzilopochtli were to die in battle then the Aztec people would be defeated as well, so they made sure to offer him exquisite tribute and human sacrifice.

If Dario Cueto is communicating with Aztec Gods it would make sense that Huitzilopochtli is one of those deities. And if that is the case everyone near the temple is in real danger. Huitzilopochtli has a long history of violence and victory in battle. Even during his birth he reaked havoc on all who threatened him. Born as the son of the goddess Coatlicue, whose name translates to “She of the Serpent Skirt”, Huitzilopochtli had 400 siblings also born to Coatlicue. When her 400 children learned that she was pregnant once again they, led by Coyolxauhqui, decided they were going to kill Coatlicue, I guess sensing that 400 kids was already enough.

Huitzilopochtli was still in his mother’s womb when he heard of this plan and emerged from Coatlicue’s vagina fully armed with weapons and slaughtered his 400 brothers and sisters to save the life of his mother. Now that is pretty bad ass. The only other person ever to emerge from his mother’s womb fully armed is the man pictured below:


It is said that every 52 years Huitzilopochtil needs the nourishment of human blood to find the strength to fight off darkness and postpone the end of the world. Dario Cueto might believe that his success is tied to the strength of Huitzilopochtil, and if so Cueto might be looking to offer a human sacrifice. Watch out Ricky Mandel!


The Aztec God most associated with evil and sorcery Tezcatipoca is said to be able to see and punish any evil act on Earth. As a result of this the Aztec Kings were all seen as Tezcatlipoca’s representatives on Earth, as they would often be in charge of doling out punishment to those who have committed wrongful acts.
Kings would have to perform long rituals to prove to the God Tezcatlipoca that they were worthy of acting as his representative.

Tezcatlipoca’s true dark nature is best explained through the stories of his battle with his brother Quetzalcoatl in the mythical city of Tollan. Both Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl were sons of the God Ometéotl, one of the main creators of the world. The two brothers were opposite of one another, good and evil, and yin and yang. Tezcatlipoca wanted to rule Tollan through sorcery, violence, and human sacrifice, whereas Quetzalcoatl wanted to rule justly and without violence. Through deception and sorcery Tezcatlipoca forced his brother into exile from the city of Tollan, allowing himself to rule through darkness and violence just as he wished.

Three theories as to what Dario Cueto’s relationship with Tezcatlipoca could entail:
1) Like the Aztec Kings Dario Cueto feels he must perform rituals and prove to Tezcatlipoca that he is worthy to be the King of Lucha Underground.
2) Dario Cueto is fearful of Tezcatlipoca’s vengeful nature against wrong doers, and fears that if he does not please the God he will become a victim of his wrath.
3) Dario Cueto admires Tezcatlipoca and the way he deceived his brother and ruled over the mythical city of Tollan. Cueto may simply wish to please this God, in the hopes that he might guide him towards the same success.


Dario Cueto is certainly not the only person in Lucha Underground who is associated with Aztec Gods. We have covered both Prince Puma’s Family Lineage, and Mil Muertes’ and Catrina’s association with the afterlife in previous Feature Articles, but have yet to touch on King Cuerno’s relationship with Mixcoatl.

Mixcoatl is often associated with Tezcatlipoca, and is sometimes worshipped as the “Red aspect of Tezcatlipoca”, the God of the Hunt as well as the inventor of fire. Mixcoatl is often depicted carrying a bow and arrow. One of King Cuerno’s favourite moves is his “Red Arrow”.

Mixcoatl was the father of the 400 children that Huitzilopochtli killed to protect his Mother.

King Cuerno and Dario Cueto were seen together last week, when both agreed that Cuerno would battle Johnny Mundo in a cage match. Is there more to the relationship between Cuerno and Cueto? And what relationship do they both have to MIxcoatl?


Tlaloc, the Aztec God of Rain, could send storms, hurricanes and hail if made angry. Last week we saw video of a determined-looking Konnan surrounded in a thunderstorm. Has Konnan summoned Tlaloc to help him get revenge on Cage?

It’s clear that we have more questions than answers regarding Dario Cueto’s relationship with the many Aztec deities, but our team of researchers are working night and day to uncover this mystery and report it through

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Episode #30 was highly enjoyable and awesome on so many levels, I loved it!

- Liked the intro the episode.

- Jack Evans vs Argenis was a damn good and a damn fun match.

- That backstage segment featuring Daivari, Big Ryck, The Mack and Cage (fighting) was cool.

- The Black Lotus segment was cool, too. Chavo, you sleazy bastard!

- Angelico, Ivelisse & Son of Havoc vs Daivari, Big Ryck & Cage was highly enjoyable. Nuff said.

- Prepare to meet Matanza, Black Lotus! This is gonna be good!

- Pentagon vs Sexy Star was a good ME!

- Oh, hell yes! Vampiro has reawakened the beast. What a way to close the show! Feed me more!
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Feb 2, 2012
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Bada Bing, New Jersey
Episode 30
aired: 2015/6/3

Previously on LU, with a video package focusing on Sexy Star vs. Pentagon saga and the Trios Champs.

Dario and Chavo are having a sitdown in the office. Chavo is a sneaky fuck, a true Guerrero. Dario's acting was insanely spot on.

Evans/Argenis was good, Jack was good once again at putting over his cocky character. Argenis got to display his skills in a manner I've never seen before, about damn time someone gave him some spotlight. Neat opener.

Daivari and Ryck are in the locker room and Daivari informs him they got a shot at the Trios Title, all they gotta do is find the third guy. Obviously The Mack is the option, but Cage storms in and disagrees, and he beats the shit out of Mack in front of Daivari and Ryck. That was sooo well filmed.

Fuck me, we got another locker room tussle, this time it was Black Lotus taking on the turncoat Chavo and The Crew minus Bael (RIP), this was another extremely well filmed angle. Kung-fu, motherfuckers!

The Trios Title match was good enough, Angelico was the undisputed MVP with all the awesome knees and innovative positioning, as well as that crazy tope in the end. Ivelisse still can't wrestle due to injury, but I'm happy they're finding the ways to keep her involved somehow.

Chavo, Castro and Cisco bring Black Lotus into Dario's office and Dario's very pleased. Black Lotus is in big trouble. El Dragon Azteca's rescue mission is inevitable now, right?
Main event, unfortunately,wasn't any good. Matter fact, it was totally mediocre. It did have some nice sequences and transitions, but overall it was awkward to watch Sexy Star taking the most out of the match and dominating Pentagon on quite a few occasions, it felt so weird because she already beat him before and Pentagon was dominating that one. Logic dictates that Pentagon's fury will lead to him going batshit crazy and tossing Sexy here like a rag doll. Instead, all he got was few holds and superkicks, he didn't even hit the dive. On top of all that, he was about to tap out when Super Fly interfered and turned on Sexy. I don't know if I'd call it weak booking, but it's awkward and head-scratching at least. Eh, at least he won and started the feud with Vampiro, which is something I'm looking forward to.

Somewhere backstage, Vampiro is having a meltdown.
  1. Jack Evans vs. Argenis ***1/2
  2. Lucha Underground Trios Championship: Delavar Daivari, Big Ryck, Cage vs. Ivelisse, Son of Havoc, Angelico (c) ***
  3. SUBMISSION MATCH: Pentagon Jr. vs. Sexy Star **1/4


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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okay that was hella lame... UNLIKE ANOTHER LUG!

I wonder if these Aztec medallions are just impending doom on whoever wins them. Fenix won one and the next time we saw him he got powerbombed into oblivion... Maybe next week Jack Evans will get Pentagoned? :eek:tunga:

Then Daivari can win the next one! :bodallas:

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Episode #31 wasn't a great show as far as in-ring competition goes, but it was good as far as storytelling goes.

- Drago is back, baybay!

- Good opening segment. Dario talks about the Ultima Lucha happening 8 weeks from now and being the biggest LUG event. Alright! Can't wait for it!

- Chavo vs Blue Demon was meh, sloppy, boring. But, I'm not really mad at this, 'cause it felt like this was more of an angle than a match, they reintroduced Blue Demon and further cemented Chavo's relationship with El Jefe & The Crew.

- Drago/Dario segment was cool. I was curious to see how Drago would be brought back and this loophole deal worked just fine.

- Disciples Of Death vs Bengala, Sagrada & Pimpinela was a bit sloppy, but still watchable...
I was hoping for a more brutal, impactful debut for Disciples Of Death, but this was OK, I guess.

- Johnny/Dario segment was cool. Holy smokes, we're gonna get a 60 minute Iron Man match 'tween Puma and Mundo next week?! Hell yeah!

- Drago vs Hernandez vs King Cuerno vs Cage was a good, enjoyable ME!

- What a way to close the show with Catrina/Dario. So, I guess Mil Muertes will defeat Drago in two weeks and then go on to wreck Prince Puma at Ultima Lucha. And then the slobberknocker, Mil Muertes vs Matanza! I mean, Catrina did say that Dario's monster brother in a cage isn't a match for Mil Muertes. So, the battle of the monsters has to happen at some point!