Lucha Underground on El Rey

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Filthy Creep
Jan 14, 2014
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Smallman Section
05/13/15 Results

- We see a recap of the issues surrounding the number one contendership. Vampiro andMatt Strikeralso hype a debut coming tonight.

- Cueto is at his brother's cage and says he's bought medallions that can make one man as strong as his brother. His brother doesn't seem happy about it.

Aerostar vs. Jack Evans

Evans is in the ring doing gymnastics and Aerostar dropkicks him to stop it. He follows up with a rope walk huracanrana that gets a two count. Evans misses a big dive, and Aersostar hits one of his own as Vampiro warns fans to not try any of this. Keep in mind Vampiro wasn't trained for a long time. Evans is working as a heel as he lands a throw and a big kick to the back of the head.

Evans locks on an STF, but Aerostar is able to get to the ropes. He follows up with a corkscrew splash for a two count, then a German suplex. He's launched over the top rope and Aerostar dives out. Evans still manages to hit a beautiful 450 splash off of the guardrail-balcony area. Back in the ring, Aerostar hits a Canadian Destroyer for a win. This match was all out.

Winner: Aerostar via pinfall (Canadian Destroyer)

- Mack is shown asking Big Ryck how he got his money. Ryck says big fancy moves like Mack's didn't win them the titles, and business and business. Ryck says he only cares about money.

- There are a lot of people in the ring, and Dario Cueto tells them they're competing for one of the Aztec medallions, which means immortality.

Aztec Medallion
Cage vs. Killshot vs. Sexy Star vs. Pentagon vs. Fenix vs. King Cuerno vs. The Mack

Well, this isn't going to be easy to cover. Pentagon and Fenix go at it and Pentagon scores with a Slingblade for a quick two count. Fenix answers with a huracanrana that sends Fenix down to the floor. Back inside the ring, Cuerno and Killshot are battling until Cuerno hits a dropkick.

Cage hits a 619 of all things on Killshot, and he and Cuerno then hit suplexes on Killshot and Mack. This is all out mayhem. Fenix and Pentagon score with double foot stomps in stereo, while Cuerno and Cage double team Sext Star as well. Cuerno hits his finish on Killshot, but Star breaks it up. This result in Pentagon kicking the hell out of her.

Mack with a moonsault for two, Fenix with a big plancha, Cage with a discus clothesline, and the action is non-stop. Fenix ends up caught in a Cage suplex, but Killshot jumps out on to Fenix, and it ends up being a suplex/bodypress onto the floor. Cuerno hits the Arrow of Death on Killshow. Back inside, Fenix hits a standing moonsault for the win.

Winner: Fenix via pinfall

- Cueto meets with Ivelisse, Angelico and Son of Havoc. Cueto says that The Crew will get another shot. This doesn't bother Ivelisse, who has a broken ankle. She says she only needs her hands to beat them up. Cueto says that isn't the case, as it will be a ladder match.

- Fenix is backstage and encounters Catrina. She says that he fell into her trap, and Fenix winning the medallion gave Muertes the life he seeks. A bunch of masked guys converge on Fenix. This was weird.

Number One Contender's Match
Alberto El Patron vs. Hernandez

The two both work each other into the corners, but each makes a break. Patron moves out of the corner and hits a few clotheslines, followed by a backstabber that gets a two count. Hernandez responds by brawling back with clubbing blows before choking Patron.

Patron comes back with a superkick for two. He goes for an armbar, but Johnny Mundo comes and DDT's him on the arena floor. Mundo gives Patron the ol'Marty Jannetty into Cueto's office. Hernandez gets an easy pin.

Winner: Hernandez via pinfall

Patron is shown getting medical attention to close the show.

Results taken from Wrestling Inc.

Yet again, it was incredible. This has to be the best wrestling show on TV. I want to pick a MOTN, but it's kind of impossible as I thought they were all great.
I'm already dying to watch next week's episode, the Trio's ladder match should be awesome.


The Architect
Mar 23, 2014
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That may have been the best episode that I've seen of the show yet since I started watching. Loved pretty much everything and the ending with Alberto being busted open after being thrown through the glass window (costing him his title shot in the process) was pretty awesome. I don't know if they've ever divulged before that Dario Cuerto's office was right there in the middle of all the action, but if not, that was a pretty swell way of suddenly revealing it on the spot.

Leo C

Backlund Mark
Apr 7, 2012
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São Paulo, Brazil
That may have been the best episode that I've seen of the show yet since I started watching. Loved pretty much everything and the ending with Alberto being busted open after being thrown through the glass window (costing him his title shot in the process) was pretty awesome. I don't know if they've ever divulged before that Dario Cuerto's office was right there in the middle of all the action, but if not, that was a pretty swell way of suddenly revealing it on the spot.
They have said before it is his office.

And his reaction to Alberto being thrown through his window was gold, lol. Doesn't care one bit.

On other news, this show involved a CANADIAN DESTROYER FROM THE TOP ROPE. Insanely awesome. Also looking forward to Fenix's death.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Awesome show. This was a 10/10. Although Alberto El Patron vs Hernandez was not that great, Johnny Mundo's attack on Alberto saved it for me.

Loved Jack Evans vs Aerostar. I am not really too familiar with Evans, only really seeing a little bit of him back in the early days of TNA, but after that match I am definitely a fan. He moves very fluidly and perfectly, a lot like Angelico. I always enjoy a cocky attitude if the wrestler can back it up.

The seven man match was outstanding.

The scenes with Dario Cueto were great as always. He is an excellent authority figure. Undoubtedly the most interesting authority figure in wrestling, (I love HHH and Steph but Cueto was born to do this).

Absolutely wonderful show. I can't stop bragging on it so I better quit. :)

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Episode #27 was astonishing, I loved it! This may as well be the best episode LU has put out so far!

- Liked the intro to the episode. Dario Cueto is easily the coolest man in pro-wrestling right now. Dayumn, I'm still anxious to see who that guy that's locked up in the cage is...

- Aerostar vs Jack Evans was a fun, fast-paced contest. I loved every bit of it! The finish to the match was incredible. Evans sold that Avalanche Flip Piledriver like a baws! BAH GAWD HE KILLED HIM

- Fenix vs Pentagon vs Cage vs Cuerno vs The Mack vs Sexy Star vs Killshot was such an awesome Aztec Medallion match. There were so many outstanding moments! This is an interesting concept and I'm looking forward to seeing more!

- The Trios ladder match next week will be excellent, I'm so pumped for it!

- That Fenix/Catrina segment was cool. Looking forward to seeing Mil Muertes back and have him go on a rampage!

- El Patrón vs Hernandez was a good ME. Dang, Mundo coming out, attacking El Patrón and then throwing him into Dario's office head first was brutal. Dario's reaction was priceless. :lol1:

Thank you for this wonderful episode, LU! I love you!


Feb 2, 2012
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Bada Bing, New Jersey
Jack F'N Evans:

"I invented lucha libre"
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Reactions: Jacob Fox


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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I still remember Jack Evans from one TV match on Impact from 2011, and so do many other TNA fans I've talked to since then. "Who'd you like to see on Impact" "That Jack Evans dude, remember him?" "Yeah! From the X-Division... thing!" Just shows how over that guy got (and also a fun remember of how much 2011 sucked!)

four years later hot damn was it fun to see him again, hasn't missed one step!

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score
Episode #28 was so effin' superb!

- Prince Puma vs Marty The Moth was a good, entertaining match. This was such a good way to kick off the show!

- That Vampiro/Mundo segment was good. Damn, Mundo decided to take a shot at El Patrón saying "Maybe he thought I was just some dude in catering he could slap around." SHOOT JOHNNY SHOOT :lol1:

- I liked that Cueto/The Crew segment.

- Daivari vs Texano was solid till the DQ happened. Now this feud 'tween Texano and Daivari is getting more and more interesting.

- Dario Cueto/Catrina was a cool segment. Dayumn, Fenix vs Mil Muertes in a Death Match next week?! Oh, hell yes! I'm positive they'll outdo their Grave Consequences match!

- Black Lotus says she's ready? I think it'll turn out she ain't. lol

- Chavo's back? Nice.

- Angelico, Son of Havoc & Ivelisse vs The Crew was an awesome Trios ladder match! What a main event!
There were so many awesome moments, like when Angelico threw Mr. Cisco off the ladder and through Cueto's window, then Mr. Cisco comes back with a dive through that same window and hits Son of Havoc!
And last but not least - ANOTHER CRAZY STUNT BY ANGELICO! I think he might've topped that huge dive from a couple of weeks ago with this diving dropkick from above Cueto's office.
All in all, awesome stuff!