I don't think so... Losing in less than 10 seconds at mania and attacking someone from a handshake doesn't equate properly imo. A big win over him at a PPV for the MITB feels like revenge to me. I get what you're saying though.
Is there really a need for such a "revenge"? This isn't late 90's WCW were everyone tried upping one another for a backstage sense of pride. I honest to god don't think Bryan wants any sort of "revenge" on Sheamus. The 18 seconds is a defining moment in his WWE career. He's one of the top guys, maybe #5 or 4 on the top active guys list now 5 years into his active career. A former world champ, tag champ and US champ with defining reigns.
Some sort of revenge on Sheamus isn't needed in my opinion. There's no reason digging up something that is by now left in the road dust.