Let the Past Die: The Skywalker Saga - A Star Wars Mafia Game Thread

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Tiffy Time
Dec 7, 2019
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You guys are completely misinterpreting my point. Or, perhaps more accurately, I explained it shittily :heston:

My point is if that Tweet and Jeff are both town, it would be awkward for a scum EV to inject himself into the discussion.

In other words, if Tweet and Jeff are both town, I LIKE EV as town.

Because it would be unnecessary for him to inject himself to quite that level; much easier to leave the pair to their own devices.

4. I think I did on WF once but not sure. Either way I understand KIF may be an unconfident or whatever word you want to use player, but these players can still be read and that was my initial read. I feel town guys in KIF's position would probably just keep quieter rather than post lots of filler.

Your attempt at explanation is admirable but I feel your intentions aren't genuine. Sorry.

Also, KIF has been banned from WF for 5+ years, so no, you haven't played against him on there.


Goes kweh a lot
Aug 21, 2019
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Well considering I've made a new point and you've either not read the post or you're misdirecting it here as leading me back to a conversation we had last night when the new point came about from something Odo mentioned doesn't help at all.

1) Can you explain why a hider/commuter is an investigative role?

2) I believe that you'd be looking for Barry to prove the role as a townie as opposed to joking around about lynching him and backing over yourself when questioned over joke posts that you made, especially as an investigative role.
1) Hider is an investigative role. It just is. It's a weaker Cop.

2) Proving his role accomplishes nothing as far as discerning his alignment goes, cause as Odo has pointed out Smark has used scum Hiders before.

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Yes. It's why it can be deemed investigative if the hider plays a clever game. For example, CP i think it was said he was going out for curry for dinner. CP died. We worked out he breadcrumbed Curry as his target, and got the lynch. Claiming it so matter of fact like Barry has done is just giving scum an advantage and possible 2-for-1 like what happened with Banez and I in a previous game.

Correct. And Barry knows this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
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@Lethal to clear up a couple other things you said about me:

Jeff is just word vomiting on d1 which is what he has tended to do regardless of role in the games i've played with him. Whereas I've noticed a significant difference between the manner of Tweet's aggressive D1 posting today vs last game.

CP - Read back last game of my reads on him - I called him out from D1 for not feeling like his usual D1 trolly self, instead actually trying to contribute. I've seen the same thing so far hence my read.

Town lean for OMB is cryptic for now but will make sense in time in relation to the post of his I have referenced. I know that's not very helpful but in hindsight you will understand what I'm saying.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
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Your attempt at explanation is admirable but I feel your intentions aren't genuine. Sorry.

Also, KIF has been banned from WF for 5+ years, so no, you haven't played against him on there.
When was he banned though? I played a game or two on WF before they did that whole site change thing.

I genuinely think I did play with him once before but I may be confusing him for OMB :draper2

Also re: your read, whatever, if that's your gut read, that's your gut read. I'm unlikely to convince you other wise so eh.


Goes kweh a lot
Aug 21, 2019
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You think his town meta is not being very amicable but claiming as soon as he gets votes and nodding along to others’ cases makes him..... town?
Multiple people are starting to bring this up so I'll explain. When I made this read of Barry I hadn't completely analyzed what had actually gone down between Jeff and him, I'd just noticed his early posts as well as an unprompted Hider/Commuter claim and my first instinct was to not touch that one for now cause well, it's a Hider that could potentially give us results to work with. But then I looked at what actually lead up to Barry claiming and it did look pretty iffy that he claimed a good role with almost literally no pressure, and obviously him disappearing immediately afterwards and not returning yet doesn't improve his situation.

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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I really dont think Jeff goes back to the well of TRAPZ as scum after his last experience lmao
Reading this again is hilarious :heston

Jeff busts in voting his teammate Magic, he’s asked why and he says ask Sky, she said he was off, and then he clearly realised how terrible this is and tries to back-pedal it into a reaction test


on a serious note tho, that’s probably not as transferable a case as I thought it was, but I still like Jeff more than Tweet so :draper2
You beat me to the punch Jeff, that was the question I had planned lmao

@E-V these are the posts where I felt Odo was making it obvious why he read me town. I didn't feel they were particularly hard to pick up on. Maybe I'm being harsh, but I dunno. Seems quite cut n dry :draper2 .

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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like that first post i quoted was his liek 3rd post in or something lol


Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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I have returned :pals: I was playing with friends and couldn't find the time to come back and join last night. Time to address a few elephants in the room as folks seem to be missing the forest for the trees or are ignoring a few facts.

1.) This whole willingness to claim situation. I've literally pulled both ways. I've been a hard-ass who refuses to claim, and then I'll literally just claim to not deal with it. I've done both as town and there's several games wheres that's an example. I've given up and claimed as vigilante before, and the whole informed townie situation, was because I was actually doing well for once and folks just wanted to see me die for "???" reasons.

2.) Everytime I've been made to claim early on, you should be looking at who's been pushing me at the time. Do you honestly think, once Jeff has made up his mind, he's going to just change it based off of some half-cocked idea that because I wouldn't just blindly follow him with a vote on E-V, that automatically makes me scum? I don't just blindly follow folks anymore, dude. :reigns3 When is the last time I've ever truly blindly followed someone without a motive behind it? I literally know I'm not going to win in an argument between one of Odo, Poyser, or Jeff, and frankly, I'm just not going to bother with it. They're persuasive as shit and I don't have time to deal with it.

3.) I'm trying to play nice and not go into automatic flame mode so forgive me for being terse and frankly just not dealing with it normally. I'm not sorry for claiming. I'm also not sorry if you don't believe me. That's your damn prerogatives.

4.) Jeff laying traps is a well known strategy as either alignment, but it feels so tacky when it's such a lazy trap and based of such a lazy factor as whether or not someone just blindly jumps on or not. :francis I'm sorry Jeff, it just felt like shit, mate. Your entire motive for the trap could basically boil down to "Let's see if someone follows hum dee dum". It's :trash and you should admit that the trap was predicated as much on such. Yes, I claimed, but again, I also know when you make your mind up, you're hard-pressed to change it and will push someone to the death.

5.) Odo's not wrong. Since I've claimed, I'm essentially a policy lynch waiting to happen and I'm okay with that. If it helps Town, so be it. I just absolutely hate getting pushed for no reason on D1 over, and over, and over again, god dammit. It fucking blows and some days makes it hard to want to play when I know I'll just be cannon fodder repeatedly.


Goes kweh a lot
Aug 21, 2019
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How have I switched sides? I've been asking you questions around your posts pretty much all game?
I've unvoted Jeff based on his interactions since last night and don't feel the need to push that way anymore.

I've not voted you nor have I outright said "TWEETS IS SCUM" - I've said you're null going into a scum read with the way you're trying to misdirect posts with questions that make the other player look bad and this post as an example, accusing me of switching sides because I'm giving thoughts about you.
You not voting me there is actually part of why I think you smell. You got lots of questions for me and unvote Jeff and you're starting to scum read me as well as saying that "that's why people scum read you" but you seem unwilling to actually put yourself out there and tie yourself to this notion as if you're waiting for others to make the first step.


I can be your long lost pal
Nov 24, 2019
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@E-V these are the posts where I felt Odo was making it obvious why he read me town. I didn't feel they were particularly hard to pick up on. Maybe I'm being harsh, but I dunno. Seems quite cut n dry :draper2 .

I saw those posts and they didn't really do much for me and if you read Odo's responses to my questions about why he is town reading you, he doesn't cite them. Now I'm not saying that they're not reasons for why he is firm about your town read, but if they were that important - they'd have been mentioned as one of his first responses - if that makes sense?

Also look at it this way Jeff, you were my vote at the time. Why wouldn't I question someone calling you town when I am voting you as potential scum?

Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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You not voting me there is actually part of why I think you smell. You got lots of questions for me and unvote Jeff and you're starting to scum read me as well as saying that "that's why people scum read you" but you seem unwilling to actually put yourself out there and tie yourself to this notion as if you're waiting for others to make the first step.

well this, sir, we agree on.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
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I also don't believe for a second that Jeff suddenly sees the need to come up with fancy traps when his regular playstyle has served him well recently, in fact it's more reminiscent of what he's done as scum in the past, see WS Mafia Reloaded.
The "is this your best" argument is clearly based on previous town games of yours where you've been very effective without having to resort to TRAPs that you abandon as soon as they've sprung. This all reminds me of WS Reloaded way too much for me to let it slide.
Yes, I'm saying you're "resorting" to towny looking plays that serve no purpose and are unlike anything town Jeff would actually do. It's not a secret that you struggle to reproduce your town game as scum, for all I know this could be your next attempt at having a successful scum game.
Two games ago I got worked up as the SK when people pushed me, the following game as scum I didn't get worked up and you thought I was town for it, what makes you think this meta read is accurate? If anything it's the complete opposite of accurate.
Dude I was scum last game, me allegedly not reading the OP was an attempt at making people think I had less info about the setup than I did. I ALWAYS read the OP.

You still haven't explained why you think that I would default to thinking that this game was somehow no night posting even if I hadn't read the OP, because as I explained, EVERY SINGLE GAME I played here or over on WF had night posting. There is literally no logic in suggesting that Tweet didn't read the OP, therefore he thought night posting wasn't allowed in this game. There is no correlation between the two.

To give you an analogy, Magic says he never reads OPs. Does that mean he defaults to thinking that night posting isn't allowed over here? Hell no he doesn't, cause he knows full well that it is allowed and always has been allowed.
People do. Jeff doesn't. He never has and the one time he tried he was scum.
@Odo @Lethal Banks @E-V and anyone else who was asking about my read on Tweet.

See the posts I've quoted above. I liked the consistency with which Tweet has been bringing old games, player meta, etc into a coherent argument, particularly considering the contrast in last game where rather than focusing on facts, scum Tweet got emotional.

To me this is indicative of a more town playstyle at the moment from Tweet. I by no means mean by this that I agree with Tweets' reads/posts etc but the nature of the posts is solid enough to me.


I can be your long lost pal
Nov 24, 2019
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You not voting me there is actually part of why I think you smell. You got lots of questions for me and unvote Jeff and you're starting to scum read me as well as saying that "that's why people scum read you" but you seem unwilling to actually put yourself out there and tie yourself to this notion as if you're waiting for others to make the first step.

Because I'm not fully sold on the fact you're scum and nor am I rushing in a 48 hour day phase when we're still waiting on other players to show up.

I'm asking you questions as you've got the 2nd highest post count in the game and trying to cause waves with when someone asks you a question, instead of answering you're dancing around it and asking loaded questions back instead.
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