Pretty sure that barry post hadn’t been made by the time you made your post that I quoted (I still haven’t seen it and I’m pages later) so how are you using a post that came later to justify your post that came before lolEh, no.
Barry has just posted in this thread about how he knows he's gonna get policy lynched and he's fine with dying if it helps town. Why does that not transfer to that game in a situation where him dying, helps town?
Sure he's not tier 5, but I think there's a chance he might have tried his hand at doing better at what got him caught as scum last time as a matter of pride and simply failed again.
Pretty sure that barry post hadn’t been made by the time you made your post that I quoted (I still haven’t seen it and I’m pages later) so how are you using a post that came later to justify your post that came before lol
I've pretty much answered this with Odo.
I felt the direction over your weird traps was a stronger play than the WIFOM around Tweet being irritated (and saying as much) and trying to direct a vote on him over his meta which I had no confidence in. I questioned his points and Tweets is still pretty much null, going into a slight scum lean for me on readbacks.
re: the last paragraph: What? Show me that post please. I can't find it on a quick glance back at my posts. I've called the whole bickering silly on both sides lol and obvs you've posted this a bit early as I've just unvoted you and given reasonings. I also addressed this with Odo that I was going to be reading back and asking you more questions from said read back now that it's not 5am in the morning and I'm awake & fresh.
Because before or after the point, it still validates it?
If you're referring me to me unvoting and asking questions from more experienced players then this is a bit of an exaggeration don't you think?
Pretty much what you did last night to try and undermine questions at you lol.
That's why people are reading you scum![]()
Wait, hang on a sec lol
When specifically did the bold and underlined happen?
Alright lads, I'm off to bed.
When I get back to the game I'll see where Ace has got up to, if Jeff/tweets have stopped bickering, and if we get something from Mitch/TKOK/Brutus (Alco has proven his weekday ability #pal )
Where did this confidence come from jeff? It’s obviously interesting now I’ve noticed you voted for him so wanna know where this read came from originally
Like I just don’t see a scum tweet here at allGonna be going to sleep soon anyway, let others weigh in on this a bit. I wanna say if Jeff is scum then so is CP cause the way he chimed in on this whole ordeal is perfectly reminiscent of how he played around me as his scum teammate last game.
Why are you using the reads of other people rather than your own, which in your previous post, you now claim to have?