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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWF Royal Rumble 1992 - Royal Rumble Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship: The Barbarian vs The Berzerker vs Big Boss Man vs The British Bulldog vs Col. Mustafa vs Greg Valentine vs Haku vs Hercules vs Hulk Hogan vs Irwin R. Schyster vs Jake Roberts vs Jerry Sags vs Jim Duggan vs Jimmy Snuka vs El Matador vs Nikolai Volkoff vs Randy Savage vs Repo Man vs Ric Flair vs Rick Martel vs WWF Intercontinental Champion Roddy Piper vs Sgt. Slaughter vs Shawn Michaels vs Sid Justice vs Skinner vs Ted DiBiase vs The Texas Tornado vs The Undertaker vs Virgil vs The Warlord

Numbers one and two haven't even came out and Heenan is already freaking out :lmao Bulldog is out at number one to a huge pop from the crowd. Number two is DiBiase, with Sherri but she'll have to leave as managers aren't allowed. These two go right at it to start, very fast paced. DiBiase gets eliminated early after throwing Bulldog over, taunting, then getting clotheslined to the floor since Bulldog only went to the apron. Out at number three is- THAT'S NOT FAIR TO FLAIR! Heenan is a GOD on commentary for this :mark: Sags of the Nasty Boys is out next at number four. Bulldog throws Sags out, but he hangs on, then taunts on the apron, only to get dropkicked off by Bulldog, and fuck this just isn't fair to Flair. Haku comes out at number 5. This isn't fair to Flair. Bulldog eliminates Haku as well right as Shawn Michaels comes at at number 6 and this isn't fair to Flair. Michaels gets clotheslined over the ropes onto the apron, but hangs on and if I remember correctly that was the first of like 60 times he does that during this match. El Matador is out at number 7 as Michaels hangs on to the ropes again. Flair low blows Bulldog and Heenan goes "I'd do that to my grandmother if I had to." :lmao Number 8 comes out and it's The Barbarian. Out comes The Texas Tornado at number 9. Repo Man comes out at number 10, I love this guy. Greg Valentine comes out at number 11. Flair is taking such a beating here, and that's just not fair to Flair. Nikolai Volkoff is out at number 12 to some boos despite him being a USA supporter now. Valentine locks on the Figure-4 to Flair and THIS JUST ISN'T FAIR TO FLAIR! Volkoff gets eliminated by Repo during that ordeal. Lucky number 13 is next and it's the Big Boss Man. Valentine gets eliminated now, shame. Michaels is just hanging upside down over the turnbuckle now, and Boss Man eliminates Repo and this guy acts clueless :lmao Flair just eliminated Bulldog and THE HEAT HE GOT :mark: Flair eliminates Tornado too, what a guy. Matador and Michaels eliminate each other as Hercules comes out at number 14. Barbarian tries to eliminate Flair, but Hercules comes from behind and eliminates him as Flair holds on. Boss Man then eliminates Hercules, and we're down to just him and Flair. Flair ducks a cross body block and Boss Man goes over the top rope and Heenan starts screaming that Flair wins it as Flair flops in the middle of the ring :lmao Flair gets to rest for a second, but OH SHIT PIPER COMES OUT AT NUMBER 15 AND THIS ISN'T FAIR TO FLAIR AT ALL! Heenan is flipping his shit on commentary as Piper is killing Flair, which isn't fair to Flair at all. Number 16 is out and it's Jake Roberts in his GOAT heel run with a feud with Savage after bitch slapping Elizabeth. This is so unfair to Flair, but the exchange between these three and Heenan's commentary is AMAZING :mark: Jim Duggan is out at number 17, with his 2x4. Man, this is not fair to Flair, but either way IRS comes out at number 18 to a lot of heat since it's tax season I guess. The countdown begins and out at number 19 is Jimmy Snuka. The Undertaker comes out at number 20 with his amazing slow walk. 'Taker eliminates Snuka as soon as he comes in, then unfairly starts choking Flair. Number 21 is Savage and he's sprinting down to go right for Roberts, but JAKE THE GOAT IS HIDING OUTSIDE THE RING :mark: Savage eliminates Roberts with a big knee, then in his rage jumps over the top rope to go after Savage. 'Taker goes out and attacks him though, then throws him back in to the ring, and the refs make a judgment call to let Savage back in since he wasn't thrown over. Flair hits a low blow on 'Taker, and 'Taker actually sells it some :lmao Out at number 22 is The Berzerker. Flair is on the apron now and Heenan like fucking dies on the inside :lmao 'Taker and Piper both choke him now, and that's not fair to Flair. Virgil is out at number 23, k. Number 24 is Col. Mustafa. Rick Martel comes out at number 25, too bad he won't repeat his GOAT performance of last year. Savage is able to eliminate Mustafa thank the gods. Number 26 is Hogan and he comes out to a huge pop, and guess who he goes right for, THAT'S NOT FAIR TO FLAIR! Heenan starts praying to God on commentary to please let Flair win :lmao Hogan clotheslines Undertaker over, but he lands on his feet like a boss, still out though. Hogan is also able to eliminate Berzerker right after that. Duggan and Virgil eliminate each other YES! YES! YES! Out at number 27 is Skinner. Hogan almost eliminates Flair and Heenan is fucking crying :lmao This isn't fair to Flair at all and Sgt. Slaughter is out at number 28. Martel is able to eliminate Skinner now. Flair just broke Martel's record for longest time in the Rumble, and that's not fair to Flair because he shouldn't have to be in this long. Out at number 29 is big Sid Justice, who gets a pretty big pop too. The Warlord comes out at number 30, to literally no reaction lol. Flair and Hogan are brawling outside of the ring now, which isn't fair to Flair. Slaughter gets Irish whipped into the corner by Justice and FUCK that was a sick sound when he hit the corner, and he's out now because he went all the way over. Flair's been in there over an hour now, and that's not fair to Flair. Piper eliminates IRS using his tie :lmao Hogan and Justice eliminate Warlord YAY! Justice then eliminates both Piper and Martel. We're down to Flair, Savage, Justice, and Hogan. Justice eliminates Savage with some help from Flair. Hogan almost eliminates Flair, but Justice comes from behind and eliminates him :mark: Hogan is pissed now, and he grabs Justice's hand, and this allows Flair to flip him over FLAIR WINS! FLAIR WINS! FLAIR WINS! :mark::mark::mark::mark::mark::mark::mark::mark::mark::mark: GOAT RUMBLE! I could watch this match all day, so many angles going on during it and Heenan's commentary is GODLY!
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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Naomi VS. Rosa Mendes WWE Superstars 19/07/14

Smooth match, with a logical structure and lively performances from each girl. Naomi worked the crowd nicely also.



WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Ryback VS. R-Truth WWE Superstars 19/07/14

If you watched the first half of this match you would be quite bored, but if you watched the second then it suddenly kicked into life and was a solid filler match. Ryback looked better on the defence than offence.



Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WCW SuperBrawl II (1992) - WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Lex Luger (c) (with Harley Race) vs Sting

They trash talk for a bit before any action happens. Okay, they trash talked for awhile. Still trash talking, OH SHIT LUGER PUSHED HIM THANK THE GODS! We finally get a lock up here, and the ref has to break them up in the corner. Luger then takes control with some big strikes on Sting. Luger misses a shot in the corner though, then Sting hits the Stinger Splash early, but Luger no-sells it and hits a big clothesline out of the corner. Luger hits a powerslam, then goes for the Torture Rack early, but Sting flips out of it, and hits a German suplex. Sting locks Luger in the Torture Rack now, but it was sloppy and he drops out of it pretty quick. Sting hits some kind of jumping DDT thing off the ropes, catching Luger with his head down, and Luger rolls out of the ring. Race now distracts Sting for Luger to pull him outside the ring, however Sting is able to slam Luger into the rail. Back in the ring, Sting is still in control, hitting a back body drop for a two count. Sting locks on the Scorpion Deathlock now, but Luger is able to get to the bottom rope quickly before taking any damage. Luger takes a cheap shot to the eyes from the corner, to get something going again. All Luger has really done is strikes, some weak looking kicks and stuff. Luger is stalling now, and he looks really gassed actually. Sting fights out of the corner now with a blatant choke, then Luger hits a low blow as the referee was trying to get Sting off. Luger hits a big inverted atomic drop, then stalls some more catching his breath. Luger then hits a military press slam, followed by some more taunts. Race signals for the Attitude Adjustment, so Luger goes for it and is able to hit the piledriver, then taunts a little before the pin, and this match has killed the crowd. Sting kicks out of it, but Luger stays on offense. Luger lets Sting back to his fet, then hits some more strikes. Sting tries to fight back now, and is able to get some strikes of his own now, and finally this crowd comes back even if it's just a little. Sting is in full control now, and slows down the pace now. Sting guillotines him over the top rope, then rakes his back a couple times. Sting hits some weak punches, then goes for a crossbody block, but Luger ducks it and Sting oes over the top, but lands on his feet. Race goes for a piledriver outside on Sting, but Sting reverses it, then quickly hits a crossbody on Luger inside the ring to win the championship. This match was not good at all, and I think most of the blame should fall on Luger as he was just really off his game tonight. He was gassed after hardly any work and his offense was absolutely terrible. These two have had much better matches than this shit, and the crowd was so dead (rightfully so).


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWF WrestleMania VIII - Hulk Hogan vs Sid Justice (with Harvey Wippleman)

So Justice attacks Hogan as soon as he gets in the ring. Hogan comes back at him and sends him out of the ring, and this whole time his music has been playing :lmao Hogan taunts like normal, and the bell rings with Justice still outside the ring, and finally Hogan's music stops. Both men meet eye to eye in the center of the ring now, and Justice hits him with some kicks that Hogan sells like he's dying. More kicks by Justice as this crowd is chanting for Hogan insanely loud. Hogan starts making his comeback, and in a mirror spot of the exchange from the beginning, Justice ends up back outside the ring. Justice is outside the ring for at least 30 seconds before slowly getting back in. Justice calls for a test of strength and tells the crowd to shut up as they're extremely loud. I think Hogan just said something to God, no joke, but now they start the test of strength. Justice is winning the test of strength at first, but the crowd gets Hogan back into it. Hogan finally gets back to his feet after working that for a while, but Justice just pushes him back into the corner to hit him with some big knees. Hogan is able to come back though and hit a clothesline to Hogan in the corner. Wippleman distracts him however, and Justice is able to hit a chokeslam, but then he taunts for like 4 minutes, then goes and talks to the fucking camera :lmao Justice finally goes back to Hogan, and hits some more strikes, aiming at Hogan's lower back mostly. Justice then sends Hogan outside the ring and follows after him, hitting him with Wippleman's bag that's implied to be loaded. Back in the ring, Justice locks on the ever interesting nerve hold. This lasts awhile and Hebner starts checking Hogan's arm, but Hogan gets it up before 3 and then starts to fight back. Justice is able to hit a sidewalk slam to end that though, then taunts some more and signals for the powerbomb. Justice hits it, and Hogan sels it like a seizure then kicks out at two and starts Hulking up. Hogan hits his strikes, and the big boot. Justice doesn't go down though, so Hogan taunts a lot because that's smart, then scoop slams him . Hogan hits the leg drop, but Justice had to kick out because Papa fuckin' Shango missed his cue to come in :lmao completely improvisation by Justice and Wippleman here as Wippleman gets in the ring, and Hogan goes after him, and the ref calls for the DQ even though Wipplemen didn't touch Hogan. :lmao Shango finally gets to the ring, and they start attacking Hogan. The Ultimate Warrior then makes his return to save Hogan and holy shit the crowd is going crazy :mark: So that match was absolutely terrible and the sad thing is that the original finish was even supposed to be a DQ, Shango just missed his cue so it was a shittier DQ finish than it would have been. Warrior's return was awesome though, but fuck that match.



WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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The War Games The Midnight Express, Road Warriors and Dr. Death Steve Williams VS. The Freebirds, The Samoan Swat Team and Terry Gordy The Great American Bash 1989

This is one of my fav ever War Games, because of the novity of seeing the Midnight as faces, and because it features some of the hottest teams of the day. It is a really fast paced match, with some good power moves, and great crowd heat too. The action builds perfectly, and is back and fourth a lot of the time, with both heels and facing really working the crowd perfectly. Thrilling stuff, and would have been a worthy main event in its own right.



Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WCW WrestleWar 1991 - WarGames: The Dangerous Alliance (Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, Larry Zbyszko, WCW United States Heavyweight Champion Rick Rude, & Steve Austin) (with Madusa & Paul E. Dangerously) vs Sting's Squadron (WCW World Television Champion Barry Windham, Dustin Rhodes, Nikita Koloff, Ricky Steamboat, & WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting)

Austin and Windham start it for their respective teams and they go all out from the start :mark: They go back and forth for awhile in some nice exchanges. Windham ends up hitting a DDT to really take advantage now, then tries to slam Austin into the cage, but Austin blocks it, then clotheslines him between the rings. Autin then hits a big clothesline hitting him and sending both guys into the other ring. :mark: Windham takes control back after a miscue by Austin off the top rope, and now he's able to send Austin into the cage a couple times, then rakes his head across the fence. Austin is busted open now as Windham takes it to him. Windham shoves Austin's face into the camera and bites him saying "Here's a postcard for mama." OH SHIT :mark: The first period ends and the Dangerous Alliance wins the coin toss, which sends in Rude. Rude takes it right to Windham, giving Austin a breather. Just as Windham starts to comeback, Austin is up and the double team starts. They send Windham right into the steel support beam, and continue to take it to him. Steamboat is then able to come in for his team and the crowd goes crazy. He takes it right to Austin and Rude, hitting a couple of big DDTs. Austin is bleeding like crazy now. Windham is bleeding now too as Steamboat uses the top of the cage for an aided dropkick on Austin then a hurricanrana on Rude. Sting's Squadron are in full control now as there's 30 seconds left in this period. Anderson comes in for his team, and goes right for Windham with a big DDT. Anderson then hits the Double A Spinebuster on Steamboat :mark: I LOVE THIS GUY! Rude and Anderson lock on a double boston crab on Steamboat now, but that gets broken up. This is so intense as everyone is just throwing hands. Rude is able to hit a piledriver on Steamboat. Steamboat gets sent over both ropes into the other ring now, and they end up double clotheslining each other as Rude comes over. Rhodes come in now, and him and Anderson go right for each other. This crowd is going nuts now as Rhodes is taking it to Anderson and Austin. Rhodes hits an inverted atomic drop on Austin, and hits his head on top of the cage during it :lmao Rhodes hits a big electric chair drop on Austin as Windham has Anderson's head stuck between the rings :mark: Steamboat has Rude locked in the Figure-4 Leglock in the other ring, but Rude is able to turn it over, only for a few seconds before Steamboat turns it back. Zbyszko comes in next for the Dangerous Alliance, but Rhodes meets him and takes him out :mark: Madusa then climbs up on top of the cage and gives Anderson Dangerously's phone. Sting climbs the cage, and forces Madusa back down, but Anderson is destroying everyone with the phone. The Dangerously Alliance has control for the most part now, but then Sting comes in for his team and this crowd explodes. Sting goes right for Anderson, then takes out Rude, and presses him against the cage a few times before slamming him down. Sting then back body drops Austin into the cage :mark: FUCK that Stunning guy is taking a beating. Anderson is busted open now, and Sting just rubs his face into the cage. Rude's head is between rings now, I really don't get how that hurts to be honest. Eaton comes in last for his team. I think Rhodes is bleeding worse than everyone else by this point. Eaton is able to take it to everyone since he's so much fresher. Rude starts fucking with the turnbuckle, but Sting stops him before he can do anything. Oh shit never mind he loosened it so the ropes are all loose now :lmao The Dangerously Alliance is in full control now, but Koloff comes in now and The Match Beyond has begun! Koloff takes out Anderson first, slamming him into the cage. He then takes a shot for Sting, showing that they're on the same page since there was some question of that. Koloff and Sting then take out The Enforcers and the crowd is going absolutely crazy. Rude starts messing with the turnbuckle again, as Sting locks on the Scorpion Deathlock on Anderson, but Eaton breaks it up pretty fast. Rude has now broken the fucking turnbuckle :lmao one ring has all but no top rope at this point as Rhodes has Zbyszko in a Figure-4, using the ropes for leverage. Rude breaks that up, though but then Koloff takes it to Rude. Steamboat has a sleeper locked on Rude now as Zbyszko goes to use the turnbuckle post on Sting, but he ducks and Zbyszko hits Eaton right in the arm with it. Sting then locks on an armbar on Eaton right after it and he has to submit. That match was awesome, probably the second best WarGames match ever outside of the one at WrestleWar '91. The first half was probably better, but I enjoyed the second half of WrestleWar '91 much more.
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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Terry Funk (W/Gary Hart) VS. Ric Flair NWA The Great American Bash 1989 Glory Days

Super heated back and fourth match, with both leaving it in the ring. Some logical build, with hot pay offs, and also storytelling from Funk/Flair and the announcers. The finish was novel as well with Funk trying to beat Flair at his own game, and the post match brawl involving Sting and Muta was an exciting way to close a great PPV and to set up the next.



Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WCW Beach Blast 1992 - WCW World Tag Team Championship: The Steiner Brothers (Rick & Scott Steiner) (c) vs Steve Williams & Terry Gordy

Gordy and Scott start things off for their team, and we get some nice amateur stuff to start here. Scott is getting the best of Gordy with that, so Gordy decides to bring it back up, and they start slapping :mark: We've got a brawl now FUCK YEAH! The ref breaks it up which is even better because it's Pee Wee Anderson. Gordy tags out to Williams, and they go back to the amateur work, with a slow pace since this one is going to last a while, which is fine by me. Williams is the first to take a cheap shot in the corner with some knees, then Scott comes back and goes for a German suplex, but Williams just hits him with a legit elbow to break that up. Scott is back at it with a quick sunset flip for a two count, then keeps control of Williams with a side headlock. Rick gets the tag now, and it's time for him and Williams to go at it. Rick goes for a takedown, but Williams is able to keep it blocked. More amateur work, but not for long as Rick hits a big belly-to-belly suplex. Williams regroups outside with Gordy, and the pace is still pretty slow, but they're working the crowd well. Back in, Williams hits a scoop slam, then a few 3 point stance shoulder tackles to the knees. He goes for a third, but Rick catches him with a big Steiner-line for two. Williams is able to get the tag to Bam Bam Gordy, who comes in and hits a crazy Saito suplex for a two count, and we're already 10 minutes in. Back up, Rick is able to hit a Saito of his own, and Gordy is able to tag in Williams. Rick tries to fight back, but Williams throws him through the ropes onto the ramp. Rick gets back up, but Williams just comes at him with a shoulder block through the ropes :mark: Rick gets back up and hits a sunset flip over for a two count. Williams quickly tags Gordy back in who locks in a modified half Boston crab. Gordy drops it down into ore of a knee lock, but Rick is able to fight up to his feet, but a cheap shot form Williams takes him right back down, and Gordy locks on a spinning toe hold now. Rick just kicks him right in the face to get out of it, then hits a big belly-to-belly suplex and tags in Scott. Scott goes right to Gordy, hits a big take down, but Gordy kicks out at one. Odd exchange by those to after that, but Gordy tags in Williams, who is able to keep Scott down with some boots. Gordy takes a cheap shot on Scott, and this allows Williams to stay in control. Gordy gets tagged back in, but Scott ducks his clothesline and hits a crossbody block for two. They exchange some punches now, but Williams and Gordy get in some double team to keep the advantage. The attention then goes back to Scott's knee with Gordy working on it. Gordy lets it go just to hit a huge clothesline :mark: Williams gets the tag now, and continues to work on the knee. Scott fights out just like Rick did with kicks to the face, but Williams is right back on him with some tough shots to the ribs. Williams misses an elbow in the corner though, but right as Scott is getting something going, Williams kicks him in the knee, then tags in Gordy for some more double team. Rick has to break up the pin, but Scott's knee is really taking a beating. Williams goes for a bow and arrow stretch, but decides to tag Williams back in now. Scott starts fighting back from his knees this time, but Williams takes him back down and locks in a sick half Boston crab. Doc tells the ref to ask him :mark: Gordy gets the tag once again, and continues the work on the knee of Scott with a half Boston Crab of his own, though he doesn't have it in as good. Gordy pulls Scott back into their corner, then tags Williams back in, who locks on a full Boston Crab this time, and Scott's face is like the only thing on the mat in this :mark: Scott starts hand walking towards his corner, and ends up barely making the tag. Rick comes in and hits Williams with a big powerslam for two. That should have been a much better hot tag. Rick hits his second rope bulldog now, then takes out Gordy. The Steiners were going to hit their Steinerizer, but Gordy knocks Scott down to the floor with a vicious clothesline. Williams then hits a big clothesline on Rick, then puts him on Gordy's shoulders who hits a big powerslam from the second rope, but Gordy wasn't the legal man, so by the time Williams gets the pin, Rick is able to kick out. Gordy gets in now and hits a dropkick (kinda) for another two count as Scott is selling the knee and his fall still. Williams gets the tag again, and they hit a great double team football tackle as there are 5 minutes remaining. Scott finally makes it to his apron, but he's still hurting. Gordy gets tagged back in, and just kicks Rick right in the head. Gordy hits a back suplex for a two count. Williams gets tagged back in, and continues the beating on Rick. Rick finally starts a little comeback, but Williams ends it with sit-out gutwrench powerbomb. There are two minutes left, and the pace quickens somewhat, and Williams goes for the Oklahoma Stampede, but Rick slips off, and they hit a double clothesline on each other. Williams is able to tag in Gordy pretty quick, but Rick hits another Steiner-line out of the corner now to take out Gordy too. Rick is able to tag in Scott now, but there's only 30 seconds left. He hits a couple back body drops and scoop slams on both men, then a tiger driver. He hits the Frankensteiner right when the bell rings. It's a 30 minute time limit draw. The booking of this one was just weird, it was as if Williams and Gordy were the champions instead of the Steiners because why else would the fans care or the Steiners be disappointed that the 3 count after the Frankensteiner didn't count? The action in this match was pretty good, but I think this would have been better if they didn't try and go 30 minutes and picked up the pace more with some more brawling. Really weird booking, but these four definitely made the best of it.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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WCW Beach Blast 1992 - WCW World Tag Team Championship: The Steiner Brothers (Rick & Scott Steiner) (c) vs Steve Williams & Terry Gordy

Gordy and Scott start things off for their team, and we get some nice amateur stuff to start here. Scott is getting the best of Gordy with that, so Gordy decides to bring it back up, and they start slapping :mark: We've got a brawl now FUCK YEAH! The ref breaks it up which is even better because it's Pee Wee Anderson. Gordy tags out to Williams, and they go back to the amateur work, with a slow pace since this one is going to last a while, which is fine by me. Williams is the first to take a cheap shot in the corner with some knees, then Scott comes back and goes for a German suplex, but Williams just hits him with a legit elbow to break that up. Scott is back at it with a quick sunset flip for a two count, then keeps control of Williams with a side headlock. Rick gets the tag now, and it's time for him and Williams to go at it. Rick goes for a takedown, but Williams is able to keep it blocked. More amateur work, but not for long as Rick hits a big belly-to-belly suplex. Williams regroups outside with Gordy, and the pace is still pretty slow, but they're working the crowd well. Back in, Williams hits a scoop slam, then a few 3 point stance shoulder tackles to the knees. He goes for a third, but Rick catches him with a big Steiner-line for two. Williams is able to get the tag to Bam Bam Gordy, who comes in and hits a crazy Saito suplex for a two count, and we're already 10 minutes in. Back up, Rick is able to hit a Saito of his own, and Gordy is able to tag in Williams. Rick tries to fight back, but Williams throws him through the ropes onto the ramp. Rick gets back up, but Williams just comes at him with a shoulder block through the ropes :mark: Rick gets back up and hits a sunset flip over for a two count. Williams quickly tags Gordy back in who locks in a modified half Boston crab. Gordy drops it down into ore of a knee lock, but Rick is able to fight up to his feet, but a cheap shot form Williams takes him right back down, and Gordy locks on a spinning toe hold now. Rick just kicks him right in the face to get out of it, then hits a big belly-to-belly suplex and tags in Scott. Scott goes right to Gordy, hits a big take down, but Gordy kicks out at one. Odd exchange by those to after that, but Gordy tags in Williams, who is able to keep Scott down with some boots. Gordy takes a cheap shot on Scott, and this allows Williams to stay in control. Gordy gets tagged back in, but Scott ducks his clothesline and hits a crossbody block for two. They exchange some punches now, but Williams and Gordy get in some double team to keep the advantage. The attention then goes back to Scott's knee with Gordy working on it. Gordy lets it go just to hit a huge clothesline :mark: Williams gets the tag now, and continues to work on the knee. Scott fights out just like Rick did with kicks to the face, but Williams is right back on him with some tough shots to the ribs. Williams misses an elbow in the corner though, but right as Scott is getting something going, Williams kicks him in the knee, then tags in Gordy for some more double team. Rick has to break up the pin, but Scott's knee is really taking a beating. Williams goes for a bow and arrow stretch, but decides to tag Williams back in now. Scott starts fighting back from his knees this time, but Williams takes him back down and locks in a sick half Boston crab. Doc tells the ref to ask him :mark: Gordy gets the tag once again, and continues the work on the knee of Scott with a half Boston Crab of his own, though he doesn't have it in as good. Gordy pulls Scott back into their corner, then tags Williams back in, who locks on a full Boston Crab this time, and Scott's face is like the only thing on the mat in this :mark: Scott starts hand walking towards his corner, and ends up barely making the tag. Rick comes in and hits Williams with a big powerslam for two. That should have been a much better hot tag. Rick hits his second rope bulldog now, then takes out Gordy. The Steiners were going to hit their Steinerizer, but Gordy knocks Scott down to the floor with a vicious clothesline. Williams then hits a big clothesline on Rick, then puts him on Gordy's shoulders who hits a big powerslam from the second rope, but Gordy wasn't the legal man, so by the time Williams gets the pin, Rick is able to kick out. Gordy gets in now and hits a dropkick (kinda) for another two count as Scott is selling the knee and his fall still. Williams gets the tag again, and they hit a great double team football tackle as there are 5 minutes remaining. Scott finally makes it to his apron, but he's still hurting. Gordy gets tagged back in, and just kicks Rick right in the head. Gordy hits a back suplex for a two count. Williams gets tagged back in, and continues the beating on Rick. Rick finally starts a little comeback, but Williams ends it with sit-out gutwrench powerbomb. There are two minutes left, and the pace quickens somewhat, and Williams goes for the Oklahoma Stampede, but Rick slips off, and they hit a double clothesline on each other. Williams is able to tag in Gordy pretty quick, but Rick hits another Steiner-line out of the corner now to take out Gordy too. Rick is able to tag in Scott now, but there's only 30 seconds left. He hits a couple back body drops and scoop slams on both men, then a tiger driver. He hits the Frankensteiner right when the bell rings. It's a 30 minute time limit draw. The booking of this one was just weird, it was as if Williams and Gordy were the champions instead of the Steiners because why else would the fans care or the Steiners be disappointed that the 3 count after the Frankensteiner didn't count? The action in this match was pretty good, but I think this would have been better if they didn't try and go 30 minutes and picked up the pace more with some more brawling. Really weird booking, but these four definitely made the best of it.

Think the booking may have been because the feud carried on post-this PPV, although this was their only meeting on an actually PPV. Since it was the main event I like that they went 30 minutes, and made it feel like a spacial match.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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But they still could have booked a draw better because at the end no one cared since the Steiners were keeping the belt regardless. Gordy/Doc should have got that almost pin at the end before time was over instead of the Steiners, that or the titles should have been on the other team.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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ECW Hostile City Showdown: The Pitbull v.s The Tazmaniac.

A back and forth brawl that continues the rise of Taz in singles action. It was a chain match but that didn't seem advertised beforehand so I didn't add it to the description. Still, it was rough, tough and pretty darn fun. It was short and didn't escalate much. Good way to put over Taz in this sort of environment. Of course, after the match Pitbull #2 shows up according to Joey Styles. He was spoutin' off garbage that didn't seem to ever happen to hype the interference and reemergence of such person. I just liked that the match didn't go overboard and felt both wrestlers were portrayed like they should have been at least durin' the duration of the match, not the aftermath. I don't plan on ratin' and reviewin' most of the show but I may pick out a couple more matches for this thread.

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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WCW The Great American Bash 1992 - NWA World Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals: Barry Windham & Dustin Rhodes vs WCW World Tag Team Champions Steve Williams & Terry Gordy

Windham and Wiliams start this one out for their teams. The crowd is completely dead for the beginning of this one, and nothing really happens. Gordy gets the tag now, and Windham is able to tag in Rhodes. Gordy is able to get a waistlock takedown, and we get our first real move of the match. Rhodes comes back with some Bionic Elbows and finally the crowd starts making some noise. Rhodes tags in Windham who goes for a Figure-4, but he isn't able to get it on all the way before Gordy gets to the ropes. Williams gets the tag now, and is able to hit a belly-to-belly suplex on Windham. They roll around on the mat now, and I can't tell who's winning or what. Windham takes control and has the arm now. Ventura tries to say that the crowd is still just stunned that Vader beat Sting earlier, and that's why they're so quiet. Williams fights back to his feet and tags in Gordy, who hits Windham with a big clothesline in the corner for a two count. Rhodes gets tagged back in, and him and Gordy just kind of get tangled up on the mat. Rhodes then starts working on Gordy's knee and ankle. Gordy is able to make the tag however, and him and Rhodes go with some chain wrestling now. The pace has been extremely slow so far with both guys obviously tired from their matches earlier in the night. Gordy gets the tag now, and he's able to take Rhodes down and locks in his Oriental Twist, which is an STF. Rhodes gets out of it and quickly locks on a sleeper, but Gordy makes the tag to Williams who breaks it up quickly. 10 minutes have gone by so far and there's been like two interesting things to happen in this match. Rhodes starts to fight back, but Williams stops him from making the tag, and Gordy gets the tag instead. Gordy locks on a Boston Crab now, but Windham comes in to break it up. Williams gets the tag and keeps Rhodes from making the tag again though, and hits a big powerslam for a two count. Rhodes is able to get the tag now, which got an okay crowd pop that lasted for a total of 5 seconds. Windham takes out both guys, and hits a suplex on Williams for a two count. Ole Anderson's count takes like 10 seconds to get 2. Windham locks on a sleeper now, and Williams gets out of it by slamming him into the turnbuckle, and Windham goes all the way over and hits the ring post with his shoulder. Gordy gets in now, and gets a two after another suplex. Williams gets tagged back in. Windham catches him off the rebound with his head down, but Windham bumps for Casper after taking out Williams. This allows Gordy to get tagged in and keep Windham down. Gordy and Williams double team Windham, and this brings Rhodes into the ring to break it up. Williams and Windham are legal now, and Williams locks in an abdominal stretch. Gordy gets tagged in again. Windham and Gordy ends up hitting their heads together off of the ropes. Williams gets the tag and so does Rhodes and this hot tag has hardly any crowd reaction. Williams catches him from behind anyway while he was working on Gordy so it didn't last long. Oh yay we get another rest hold FUCK THIS. Half the crowd is just sitting here with their arms crossed. Williams hits a knee, and sells it like it hurt him as he tags in Gordy who hits a big clothesline for a two count. Rhodes tries to fight his way out of the corner now, and takes out both guys, but once again Williams catches him attacking Gordy. Williams goes for the Stampede now, but Windham comes in and dropkicks Rhodes onto Williams for a two count. Windham and Gordy brawl outside now as Rhodes goes for a bulldog, but Williams slips out of it. Williams then hits a huge clothesline out of a 3-point stance to win. Thank God that's over.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Loved the team of Rhodes and Windham, but loved Windham's heel turn and team with Pillman even more.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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The random teams between fairly popular guys during this era of WCW were usually pretty fun even if they didn't last too long.