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WWF Royal Rumble 1992 - Royal Rumble Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship: The Barbarian vs The Berzerker vs Big Boss Man vs The British Bulldog vs Col. Mustafa vs Greg Valentine vs Haku vs Hercules vs Hulk Hogan vs Irwin R. Schyster vs Jake Roberts vs Jerry Sags vs Jim Duggan vs Jimmy Snuka vs El Matador vs Nikolai Volkoff vs Randy Savage vs Repo Man vs Ric Flair vs Rick Martel vs WWF Intercontinental Champion Roddy Piper vs Sgt. Slaughter vs Shawn Michaels vs Sid Justice vs Skinner vs Ted DiBiase vs The Texas Tornado vs The Undertaker vs Virgil vs The Warlord
Numbers one and two haven't even came out and Heenan is already freaking out
Bulldog is out at number one to a huge pop from the crowd. Number two is DiBiase, with Sherri but she'll have to leave as managers aren't allowed. These two go right at it to start, very fast paced. DiBiase gets eliminated early after throwing Bulldog over, taunting, then getting clotheslined to the floor since Bulldog only went to the apron. Out at number three is- THAT'S NOT FAIR TO FLAIR! Heenan is a GOD on commentary for this
Sags of the Nasty Boys is out next at number four. Bulldog throws Sags out, but he hangs on, then taunts on the apron, only to get dropkicked off by Bulldog, and fuck this just isn't fair to Flair. Haku comes out at number 5. This isn't fair to Flair. Bulldog eliminates Haku as well right as Shawn Michaels comes at at number 6 and this isn't fair to Flair. Michaels gets clotheslined over the ropes onto the apron, but hangs on and if I remember correctly that was the first of like 60 times he does that during this match. El Matador is out at number 7 as Michaels hangs on to the ropes again. Flair low blows Bulldog and Heenan goes "I'd do that to my grandmother if I had to."
Number 8 comes out and it's The Barbarian. Out comes The Texas Tornado at number 9. Repo Man comes out at number 10, I love this guy. Greg Valentine comes out at number 11. Flair is taking such a beating here, and that's just not fair to Flair. Nikolai Volkoff is out at number 12 to some boos despite him being a USA supporter now. Valentine locks on the Figure-4 to Flair and THIS JUST ISN'T FAIR TO FLAIR! Volkoff gets eliminated by Repo during that ordeal. Lucky number 13 is next and it's the Big Boss Man. Valentine gets eliminated now, shame. Michaels is just hanging upside down over the turnbuckle now, and Boss Man eliminates Repo and this guy acts clueless
Flair just eliminated Bulldog and THE HEAT HE GOT
Flair eliminates Tornado too, what a guy. Matador and Michaels eliminate each other as Hercules comes out at number 14. Barbarian tries to eliminate Flair, but Hercules comes from behind and eliminates him as Flair holds on. Boss Man then eliminates Hercules, and we're down to just him and Flair. Flair ducks a cross body block and Boss Man goes over the top rope and Heenan starts screaming that Flair wins it as Flair flops in the middle of the ring
Flair gets to rest for a second, but OH SHIT PIPER COMES OUT AT NUMBER 15 AND THIS ISN'T FAIR TO FLAIR AT ALL! Heenan is flipping his shit on commentary as Piper is killing Flair, which isn't fair to Flair at all. Number 16 is out and it's Jake Roberts in his GOAT heel run with a feud with Savage after bitch slapping Elizabeth. This is so unfair to Flair, but the exchange between these three and Heenan's commentary is AMAZING
Jim Duggan is out at number 17, with his 2x4. Man, this is not fair to Flair, but either way IRS comes out at number 18 to a lot of heat since it's tax season I guess. The countdown begins and out at number 19 is Jimmy Snuka. The Undertaker comes out at number 20 with his amazing slow walk. 'Taker eliminates Snuka as soon as he comes in, then unfairly starts choking Flair. Number 21 is Savage and he's sprinting down to go right for Roberts, but JAKE THE GOAT IS HIDING OUTSIDE THE RING
Savage eliminates Roberts with a big knee, then in his rage jumps over the top rope to go after Savage. 'Taker goes out and attacks him though, then throws him back in to the ring, and the refs make a judgment call to let Savage back in since he wasn't thrown over. Flair hits a low blow on 'Taker, and 'Taker actually sells it some
Out at number 22 is The Berzerker. Flair is on the apron now and Heenan like fucking dies on the inside
'Taker and Piper both choke him now, and that's not fair to Flair. Virgil is out at number 23, k. Number 24 is Col. Mustafa. Rick Martel comes out at number 25, too bad he won't repeat his GOAT performance of last year. Savage is able to eliminate Mustafa thank the gods. Number 26 is Hogan and he comes out to a huge pop, and guess who he goes right for, THAT'S NOT FAIR TO FLAIR! Heenan starts praying to God on commentary to please let Flair win
Hogan clotheslines Undertaker over, but he lands on his feet like a boss, still out though. Hogan is also able to eliminate Berzerker right after that. Duggan and Virgil eliminate each other YES! YES! YES! Out at number 27 is Skinner. Hogan almost eliminates Flair and Heenan is fucking crying
This isn't fair to Flair at all and Sgt. Slaughter is out at number 28. Martel is able to eliminate Skinner now. Flair just broke Martel's record for longest time in the Rumble, and that's not fair to Flair because he shouldn't have to be in this long. Out at number 29 is big Sid Justice, who gets a pretty big pop too. The Warlord comes out at number 30, to literally no reaction lol. Flair and Hogan are brawling outside of the ring now, which isn't fair to Flair. Slaughter gets Irish whipped into the corner by Justice and FUCK that was a sick sound when he hit the corner, and he's out now because he went all the way over. Flair's been in there over an hour now, and that's not fair to Flair. Piper eliminates IRS using his tie
Hogan and Justice eliminate Warlord YAY! Justice then eliminates both Piper and Martel. We're down to Flair, Savage, Justice, and Hogan. Justice eliminates Savage with some help from Flair. Hogan almost eliminates Flair, but Justice comes from behind and eliminates him
Hogan is pissed now, and he grabs Justice's hand, and this allows Flair to flip him over FLAIR WINS! FLAIR WINS! FLAIR WINS! 

GOAT RUMBLE! I could watch this match all day, so many angles going on during it and Heenan's commentary is GODLY!
Numbers one and two haven't even came out and Heenan is already freaking out