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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE No Mercy 2002 - Rob Van Dam vs. Ric Flair

Talk about your clash in styles. Van Dam charges and hits a flying thrust kick and Flair ends up in the front row as a result. Rob guillotines him on the railing and they head in, where Rob gets a missile dropkick and handspring moonsault for two. Flair comes back with chops, but gets sent into the corner and messes up yet another Flair Flip. Rob pounds away and gets a springboard dropkick for two. Flair goes low, and clips him, and goes to work on the knee early. Back to the chops and some choking, and some more chops. Man, the moveset is getting a bit limited. Rob fights back, but gets kicked in the knee again, and chopped again. I sense a pattern here. Figure-four, but Rob escapes and gets a sunset flip for two. Backslide gets two. Dropkick misses and Flair tries another figure-four, reversed for two. Flair goes up, gets slammed off, and Rolling Thunder gets two. Spinkick and frog splash finish. Unwatchable. *


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE No Mercy 2002 - Cruiserweight Title: Jamie Noble (w/Nidia) vs. Tajiri

This came together with Jamie Noble and Nidia having a boyfriend vs. girlfriend match on Smackdown with Tajiri as the special referee. After the match though both Noble and Nidia attacked Tajiri, love conquers all I guess. Tajiri hits him with a quebrada for two to start. Noble comes back with a knee to the back and kicks away, but Tajiri shows him how THAT is done. Kneedrop gets two. Tajiri blocks a sunset flip and kicks him again for two. Noble blocks a victory roll with the Electric Chair for two. Backbreaker gets two. Noble goes to the surfboard, but Tajiri reverses. His crucifix is countered for two, however. Noble pounds him down for two. Tajiri gets a sunset flip for two, but Noble keeps on the back and goes back to the surfboard. Noble works on the back in the corner and they head up, but Tajiri misses a moonsault. He immediately recovers with a vicious tornado DDT, and both guys are out. Tajiri makes the comeback and gets a SWANK series of martial-arts strikes, which leads into the handspring elbow and a crescent kick for two. A kind of swinging Gory Special and german suplex gets two. That was unique. Tarantula sets up the Big Kick, but Noble ducks and goes for the powerbomb, which Tajiri reverses to the Big Kick. The ref is busy making out with Nidia, and the Tiger Bomb gets two for Noble as a result. Another try is blocked by Tajiri, and they reverse until Nidia trips up Tajiri and gives Noble the pin. *** Solid match which had a difference of styles that worked well especially well with Jamie Noble’s in ring personality being entertaining mixed with the always exciting offence of Tajiri. With those components its guaranteed to at least be a decent match.



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE No Mercy 2002 - World Title vs. Intercontinental Title: Triple H vs. Kane

I am sure everyone can remember the disastrous storyline that went along with this match. Being that apparently Kane had killed a friend of his called Katie Vick in a car accident. Included in this build had Triple H in a Kane mask have sex with a life size doll in a casket. Sorry about reminding those who forgot. If there was any match that didn’t need an over the top angle in it, it would be one involving two titles. HHH tries slugging away, but gets nowhere with that. They do an awkward bit where they shove each other in the corner, and Kane gets a backdrop that nearly wasn’t to send HHH bailing. Back in, Kane gets a lariat for two. He slugs away and gets a corner clothesline, but misses a charge and HHH gets a neckbreaker. Kane no-sells and gets a powerslam for two. That was a pretty ugly sequence, too. HHH tries the facebuster, but even the POWER OF THE KNEE can’t slow Kane down…since he’s pretty slow to begin with. Kane heads out and gets sent into the post, and the arena is silent due to all the suspense. Back in, another neckbreaker gets two. Another one gets two. I see he’s been learning “Moveset Diversification 101” as a part of his training sessions with Flair. He slugs away in the corner, but runs into an elbow. He comes back with a Main Event Spinebuster for two. Choking follows. Kane comes back, but gets caught with the Main Event Sleeper. That drags on for a while before Kane escapes with a backdrop suplex and goes up for the flying lariat. Ric Flair runs in to break up the monotony, and the ref gets wiped out. Kane hits HHH with the big boot and fights off Flair, but gets clocked with the belt for two. The crowd boos as though anyone actually gets pinned with a belt anymore. Hurricane runs down to pretend like he means something, but a Pedigree on the floor ends his night. Back in, Kane comes back again with a powerslam for two. He runs into an elbow and they head up, but HHH ends up jumping into a foot. Kane boots the referee into dreamland for our second ref bump, and chokeslams HHH through the Spanish table. Back in, he stops a potential sledgehammer attack from Flair, but HHH goes low. Kane shakes it off, but HHH hits him with the hammer. Kane ignores that too and chokeslams him, but there’s still no ref. Another ref runs out and gets bumped (three ref bumps, for those keeping track), and Kane chokeslams Flair again, but the KICK WHAM PEDIGREE finishes it. I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT. *


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE No Mercy 2002 - Vacant WWE Tag Team Titles, Tournament Finals: Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle vs. Edge & Rey Mysterio

Last time i watched this match was when it happen Live so it ws 10 years ago. FUCK ME!. Stephanie was sick of Raw dominating the tag scene, so she created a new set of tag titles. This would be the finals of an excellent tournament to crown new champs. Angle and Benoit were still feuding, but Stephanie demanded they get along or get suspended. Angle starts with Edge and dominates on the mat, then tosses him into the corner like a lawn dart. Rey won’t give him the satisfaction of tagging out, however. That’s a cool bit of storytelling. Angle goes back to it, but Rey stomps on his foot to break a go-behind, and gets a seated dropkick and a flying headscissors. He takes a powder while Angle fumes. Now Angle gets Edge, and they take it to the mat. Edge hiptosses him and dropkicks him, and Angle is still frustrated. Benoit gets his shot at Edge, and they go to the mat and trade armbars. Good stuff. Benoit works a headlock, but runs into a knee and takes a gutbuster for two. Backbreaker gets two. Edge works him in the corner, but gets chopped WITH AUTHORITY. Edge flapjacks him to stop that, and an Oklahoma roll gets two. Angle knees him in the back to turn the tide, but Edge spears him off the apron to retaliate. Rollup on Benoit gets two, but Angle gets the last laugh with a necksnap that allows Benoit to clothesline Edge for two. Dig that crazy teamwork! They work him over in the corner and Kurt makes with the choking, but Edge fights back. Kneelift gets two for Angle. Angle grabs a chinlock/bodyscissors combo to keep Edge grounded, and then a belly-to-belly. Back in the heel corner, Benoit comes in and unloads the CANADIAN VIOLENCE, and wears him out with knees to the gut. Rolling germans and Benoit stops to send Mysterio flying before heading up. Edge blocks and follows him up with a superplex, and tags abound. Rey is on fire with a headscissors on Benoit to set up a seated dropkick in the corner, and a dropkick that sends Angle out. He guillotines Benoit between the ropes, for two. Edge and Angle slug it out and hit the floor, and Benoit blocks the Rube Goldberg Bulldog and slaps on the crossface. AWESOME. Edge saves that, but Angle sends him out again. Benoit gets sent into the ropes, but the 619 is blocked by Benoit ala Smackdown, but Edge reverses THAT with a missile dropkick for two. Wild! Rey heads up but falls victim to the Pop-Up Superplex, and Benoit gets two. We go back to standard tag format again, as God’s Team works Rey over in the corner and Rey is YOUR midget-in-peril. See, that’s extended Rock N Roll Express formula, as there’s one hot tag 15:00 in, and then you switch off the face-in-peril role and do the other half of the match. Backbreaker gets two for Angle. They do a double-reversal of a suplex, but Angle gets an overhead suplex for two. Benoit gets the proverbial backdrop with icicles on it for two. Backdrop suplex gets two. More Canadian Violence but he charges and hits boot. Rey uses a headscissors to send him into the turnbuckles, and it’s hot tag to Edge. Backdrop for Angle, faceplant for Benoit, Edge-o-Matic for Angle, and it’s the old Chinese Fire Drill. That actually sounds like a finisher in Japan. Edge spears Benoit in the corner to set up a Broncobuster from Rey Rey, and Edge puts Angle on top and alley-oops Rey into a top rope rana. Angle hits him with a german and Benoit goes for the crossface, but Edge makes the ropes. Rey breaks that up with the 619, but gets hit with the Angle Slam, and that leaves Edge and Angle. Anklelock is reversed to a rollup for two. Spear gets two. Either of those could have been the finish. Edge tosses Rey onto Benoit from a powerbomb position, but walks into the Anklelock. He can’t make the ropes, so he reverses to his own, but you’re playing with fire doing Angle’s move, so Angle reverses for the submission. If you’re a fan of tag team wrestling, you NEED to see this match. This brought all the elements of a great tag match (convincing last second saves and loads of buildup to an excellent finish) that over the previous ten years except for perhaps a select few matches in WCW, you could only see in Japan and they brought it to the US where it went over like crazy. It was good to finally see some people work hard in a tag match even when they weren’t the legal man. ****3/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
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WWE No Mercy 2002 - Women's Title: Trish Stratus vs. Victoria

There was actually an angle here, as Victoria claimed Trish slept her way to the top of the fitness model world. It was supposed to make Victoria seem like a whiny heel, but all it did was make young guys wish they owned fitness magazines. Trish gets in some impressive kicks on Victoria. It doesn’t take long before it spills to the outside, Trish is rammed into the post by Victoria. Back into the ring Victoria catapults over the ropes hitting a leg drop on Trish. Trish ducks a clothesline attempt and hit’s a chick kick but only for two. Trish goes for Stratusfaction to finish it off but is pushed off, after a blocked roll up attempt Trish gets a pin on Victoria for the win. The crowd was dead in this match mainly due to the AMAZING TAG MATCH BEFORE THIS. *1/2


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE No Mercy 2002 - WWE Heavyweight Title, Hell in a Cell: Brock Lesnar (w/Paul Heyman) vs. The Undertaker

Taker's hand is in a cast from an earlier Lesnar attack. Lesnar ducks a swing and takes the Undertaker down on a go-behind. Brock gets a powerslam to start, for two. Undertaker uses the cast to come back, however. Brock bails, but pounds away on Taker. He goes after the hand and goes to an armbar, but gets nailed with the cast again. Brock bleeds as a result. They head out and Taker sends him into the cage and jumps on his head. Taker gets two on the floor and keeps introducing Brock to the cage. Paul tries to reach through the cage and help, but Taker sends him into the railing, and HE blades, too. Brock meets the stairs, but comes back to send Taker into the cage and take over. More brawling out there. He pounds away with a STEEL chair, and works on the hand with it, although you can pretty clearly see that the actual hand was out of the cast. He tries to pull the cast off, but Taker fights him off. He finally gets it off and works on the hand, but can’t get a superplex. Taker walks the ropes and drops an elbow (falling on the “broken” hand) for two. Brock heads to the apron, but gets sent into the cage, and Taker follows with a dive. Brock hits him in the face with the stairs a couple of times, and Taker does a GORY bladejob off that, hitting 0.9 Muta within seconds. Back in, Brock gets a Main Event Spinebuster for two. Brock slugs away, but Taker fights back with his “broken” hand (I guess you could call that reverse psychology), showing no ill effects. Man, can’t you at least punch the guy with your OTHER hand? He starts stomping on Brock’s hand, but Brock pulls him down to block the ropewalk. Taker is gushing blood all over the mat, and Brock goes for the F5, which Taker reverses to the chokeslam. for two. Taker charges and hits boot, but Brock’s attempt at a powerbomb is reversed. DDT gets two for UT. Brock stupidly pounds away in the corner, and UT powerbombs him for two. Taker drips blood by Brock’s mouth while covering, giving us our yucky spot of the night. Tombstone is reversed to the F5 1-2-3. ***1/2

The New F'n Show

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
Randy Orton vs Chris Benoit World Title Summerslam

LOVE THIS MATCH. Has a little bit of everything. As JR says at the end "What a Hell of A Wrestling Match." ****3/4

The New F'n Show

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
Val Venis vs Ken Shamrock IC Title Ref: Billy Gunn In Your House: St Valentines Day Massacre

This was too much about Gunn and Ryan Shamrock. Title change though. *3/4.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
WWE House Show 07/09/1994: WWE Title Match: Owen Hart v.s Bret Hart(c).

Hell of a match enjoyed the way both worked the match from the opening arm work from Bret that kept subduing Owen who kept trying to escape but even hitting stuff like monkey flips wouldn't release the hold at points. Then after a few more attempts to get Bret, Owen was able to hit a knee to the gut to start his own series of offense which had Bret trying to find to regain control pretty much the entire time. Owen was able to keep getting Bret down for a good period of time here to show his dominance. However after some really quick nearfalls by Bret, Owen was having trouble keeping control. Then out of nowhere Bret falls forward with a pin attempt shades of SummerSlam '92 to gain the first fall. Bret stays on the offense for a little while after this until Owen decides it's time to go after Bret's legs. It changes the tide drastically as it leads to the second fall and Bret giving up in the Figure Four something I didn't expect at all but it was nice to see Owen tie it back to add to the intrigue of the match. Owen continues pounding on Bret's leg to try to finish him off before the end of the rest period and reapplies the Figure Four which leads to Bret to submit for a SECOND time. Didn't expect the first one and didn't expect that. The tables turn, though as Bret in the next fall ties it back with a submission of his own after fighting back as Owen seems to get complacent having taken the lead. It's now tied 2-2. It's not until this fall Owen gets desperate it seems and goes back to work on Bret. He hits a Tombstone and a Diving Headbutt but can't put away Bret like this. He slaps on the Sharpshooter for himself until time runs out... It's a draw but Owen acts like he won. What I find interesting, though when Owen was up 2-1 you know things about wrestlers from the 70s and 80s who have said they take it seriously when someone get the first fall in a 2 out 3 falls match it's like they are already champion. Seeing as Owen was never champion, I wonder if this was a national broadcast if this would be looked at in a different light. Either way, it's OVERTIME! A good ending with Owen trying everything in his power to prove he should be champion but alas he also submits for the second time in the match. Hell of an encounter. If you argue about the quality on YT, you just aren't a real wrestling fan because this should be seen by any true fan. Even if that makes it hard to judge with a couple FAKE comments by the people that filmed it in the crowd.

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