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Nov 7, 2011
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Vagina Hills
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Batista vs Triple H - Wrestlemania 21


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Nov 7, 2011
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Vagina Hills
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WWE Smackdown - 5/4/12 - Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus


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Nov 7, 2011
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Vagina Hills
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WWE Smackdown - 5/4/12 - Hunico & Camacho vs. R-Truth & Kofi Kingston


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Nov 7, 2011
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Vagina Hills
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WWE Smackdown - 5/4/12 - Jack Swagger vs Brodus Clay


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Dec 6, 2010
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Ryan Cruz vs Darin Corbin - CHIKARA: Young Lions Cup VII - Night 2


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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Ring of Honor Double Feature: Tag Title Classic - ROH Tag Team Titles: The American Wolves (w/Shane Hagadorn) vs. Bryan Danielson & Tyler Black

The champions are accompanied by Shane Hagadorn. Larry Sweeney is officially done with the company by this point. Former ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness has joined the commentating team. Edwards and Black start the match. They go toe-to-toe for a bit, and then Edwards tags in Richards. Soon after that Black tags Danielson, and he and Richards get aggressive with each other right away. Black and Edwards get in on the anger too, and a four-way shoving match disrupts the flow of the match, and Todd Sinclair has trouble breaking them up. Danielson and Edwards wind up in the ring and aggressively chain wrestle. I love the tone of this match. Edwards takes control and brings Danielson over to the corner and tags in Richards. Danielson makes the tag to Black, and he takes Richards down with a series of armdrags. Richards backs Black into the corner and the Wolves go to work on him. Edwards tags in and Black and Danielson regain control on him. The action in this one is happening pretty fast. The challengers overwhelm the champions, who threaten to leave the match and get counted out. Danielson and Black don't wait around, dragging the champions back and battling them on the floor. Back in the ring Edwards takes a beating. The battle spills to the floor, where the Wolves take control. They beat on Black for several minutes until he makes the hot tag to Danielson, who unloads on Richards. Danielson has his way for several minutes before the Wolves comeback and double-team him. This is really hard to keep up with. It breaks down to a brawl again. Black goes up for a Phoenix Splash on Richards, but Edwards kicks him off the top rope through the timekeepers table! Richards locks Danielson in the Texas Cloverleaf and Danielson reaches the ropes. The Wolves viciously attack Danielson's leg, as Black is out on the floor, after a good solid 5-10 minutes of leg work. Black finally recovers and Danielson makes the tag. He's all over the champions, wiping out Edwards on the floor with a somersault dive. Richards follows him out and overshoots Black, endangering the audience for the second time tonight. Danielson leaps out into the crowd as well, and the people are going banana. Richards and Black make it back to the ring and slug it out. Black hits the Paroxysm for two. Edwards breaks it up and then hits an awesome Code Breaker on Black for two. We've got less than 10 minutes left at this point. Danielson grabs Edwards and sets up for the super back suplex, but Edwards blocks it. Richards tries to suplex Danielson, but Danielson counters it to Cattle Mutilation. Meanwhile, Edwards climbs the top rope and crashes down on Danielson's injured leg. That was cool. Black comes back and hits Edwards with the Buckle Bomb and the superkick but Edwards barely gets his foot on the bottom rope! He goes up for the Phoenix Splash as we've got about five minutes left. Richards runs up the ropes and nails Black with a German Superplex and a running boot. The Wolves hit the Superkick/German/Jackknife Pin combination but Danielson breaks it up! The champs try the Doomsday Ace Crusher but Danielson avoids it. Danielson goes up and drops Richards with the belly-to-back superplex. All four men get back to their feet, and the Wolves lock on stereo Cloverleaves on their opponents. The challengers reach the ropes. They come back and hit stereo elbows to the faces of their opponents. DOUBLE CATTLE MUTILATION! Only 30 seconds, though! The Wolves don't tap out. GOD'S LAST GIFT! But time expires at 45:00 before Todd Sinclair can count the pin. The champs escape with their titles. Loved the All-Japan style of match down the stretch with first Danielson and then Black having to go it alone and then a series of brutally close last-second saves. This was the best ROH tag match sinse MCMG/Briscoes from Good Times Great Memories back in 2007. I would call it a serious MOTYC for 2009. ****1/2 - ****3/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Unforgiven 2002 - Kane, Booker T, Goldust, and Bubba Ray Dudley def. The Un-Americans (Test, William Regal, Lance Storm & Christian)

This was Kane's return to PPV after disappearing for a good couple of months, i think the NWO put him out. It was probably injury-related. Anyway, Goldust starts out with Christian, and gets a butt-butt for two. Bubba tags in and we get a double flip-flop-and-fly. Bubba sets up Lance in the Tree of Woe (nearly dropping him on his head), and the faces do some fast tags and beat on Test. Sidekick gets two for Booker. JR notes that all the Un-Americans have been IC champion. Yeah, for like a WEEK combined. Bubba & Booker do their version of the Wazzup Drop on Regal and Booker is sent to get the tables, which JR declares to be everything good about America. I’ll think about that next time I sit down at a table. The All-American Table is dropkicked into Booker’s face, however, and Test hammers on him in the corner. So are the tables traitorous turncoats now in JR-World? Regal slugs away on Booker for two. Suplex gets two. Christian hits the chinlock and gets a kneelift for two. Booker comes back with a sunset flip for two. MAIN EVENT SPINEBUSTER and he makes the hot tag to Kane. He’s a HOSS AFIRE. Literally. And you thought I couldn’t work that joke in. Kane gets a tilt-a-whirl on Christian for two, and it’s BONZO GONZO. Kane fights off various Canadians, but gets pumphandled by Test. Booker hits Test with an axe kick and a spinarooni, but Christian DDTs him. Kane fights off the champs, but Christian goes low and Stormkick gets two. Booker sidekicks Storm and fights off Christian again, but crotches himself. Christian dumps him, but gets hit with a BubbaBomb. Goldust adds the Shattered Nuts, but walks into the Rockette Kick from Test. Kane nails HIM with the flying clothesline, chokeslams Storm, and that’s it. This match was highly enjoyable and even tho it had the “18 people hit finishers in 2 minutes” sequences during the ending I can look past it cause it was an opener and got the crowd hot. **3/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Unforgiven 2002 - Intercontinental Title: Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair

This was a transitional year for Y2J. He was overshadowed by Stephanie McMahon vs. HHH during his Undisputed Title reign and was destroyed by HHH thrice. It didn't help that HHH vs. Y2J followed the classic Hulk Hogan vs. Rock dream match at WrestleMania XVIII (X-8). He also dropped matches to some rookie named John Cena (it was Y2J's decision. Kudos to him.) and an aged Nature Boy (Woo!). It would be a long time before Y2J ever got another one-on-one World Title shot (SummerSlam 2005). But atleast he has the GREATEST BREARD In the WWE at the time. They slug it out to start and Flair goes for the figure-four early, but Flair ends up on the floor. Jericho nails him with a springboard dropkick as Lawler gives a speech about veterans stepping aside for youth. Funny, I bet Undertaker wasn’t listening. Jericho gets a missile dropkick for two. Jericho chokes him out and stalls, leading to an abdominal stretch, which Flair escapes. He chops away, but Jericho goes to the eyes and Flair yet again can’t pull off a proper Flair Flip. Jericho goes over the top and meets the post, and back in Flair drops the knee and goes to the middle for another one. Man, he’s feeling energetic tonight. That gets two. See, now if he’d just stay on the MIDDLE rope and not go to the top, he’d never get slammed off. Kneecrusher sets up the figure-four, but Jericho cradles for two. He comes back with an elbow, but the Lionsault misses, and Jericho “blows out” his knee. See, now the Kevin Nash Precedent teaches us that if the ref doesn’t make the “x” sign, it’s a work. Jericho pleads for time, which Ric Flair would NEVER fall for, and after extended stalling, he pops up and puts Flair in the Walls for the submission win. The match was horribly rushed and quite unenjoyable. **


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Unforgiven 2002 - Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge

I sure miss Latino Heat. Guerrero was hot on the comeback trail in 2002, overcoming his demons to become one of WWE's most popular stars. Sadly, there's a difference between clean in real life and clean in the wrestling business, as Guerrero passed away due to heart failure in November 2005. He wasn't a main eventer in 2002, but his rise in popularity would peak in 2004 when he beat Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title. Edge on the other hand, wasn't quite a main eventer either. Unlike Guerrero in 2002, WWE was grooming Edge for an eventual main event run. It was just that something seemed to be missing in his character. He was likable, had good looks, and his matches almost always delivered. But that "it" factor wasn't there yet and he wouldn't fully arrive until he became the "Rated R Superstar" in 2006 nearly four years after this PPV. A neck injury suffered in 2003 sidelined him for a year and would serve as the catalyst for his retirement in April 2011.

Eddie stalls for a bit and then gets a quick rollup for one. He lures Edge into a chase and stomps him down, but gets backdropped and flapjacked. They slug it out and Edge gets a powerslam for two. Suplex gets two. He runs into an elbow, however, and gets SPIKED by Eddy with a tornado DDT. That one makes me go “OUCH” every time I see it. Eddy goes after the neck with a vertical suplex for two. Into a really nasty full-nelson submission on the mat, but Edge kicks out of it. Eddie hits him with a backdrop suplex for two, and into a front facelock. I missed the psychology here first time through. Edge fights out, and runs into an elbow to cut off the comeback. Eddie stomps him down (as Cole is actually right on top of the psychology for once) and continues working on the injured head. Edge slugs him out of nowhere to end the onslaught, and we get the double KO spot. Edge is up first, but runs into the corner and knocks himself silly again. Eddy pounds the head again until Edge is down. Eddie “apologizes” to the ref, and gets rolled up for two. Cradle gets two. Neckbreaker, but that hurts himself. Eddie keeps slugging him, but Edge comes back with an atomic drop and faceplant, as the crowd seems to be cheering EDDIE. So Eddie tries a brainbuster, but it’s reversed to the Edge-O-Matic for two. Eddie hits him with a jawbreaker to put Edge on Strange Street again, but Edge counters a ropewalk with a powerbomb for two. Tazz thinks the tank is empty now. Edge does a great job of selling the concussion, and puts Eddie into the corner, but misses the spear. He gets the Implant DDT, for two. Edge goes up, but misses the missile dropkick. He spears Eddie in the corner and puts him on top and hits the MurderDeathKill powerbomb (onto the head) to give Eddie the pin. ***3/4

The New F'n Show

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Jun 3, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
Ken Patera vs Pat Patterson IC Title

Match where Patera won the title. Very good back and forth contest, both guys at their best here. Controversial finish worked for feud. ***

The New F'n Show

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Jun 3, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
Bret Hart vs Ric Flair WWF Title

Always really enjoyed this match. Solid mat work, although it didn't lead to much loved Bret working over the arm. Big upset. ***3/4.

The New F'n Show

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Jun 3, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
Christian vs Shawn Michaels 1/17/05

Great TV Match. Match was in Toronto with Tomko and Edge in Christian's corner. Michaels wins a pretty good bout and Edge takes him out afterwards. Start of Edge going crazy heel storyline. ***