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The New F'n Show

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Jun 3, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon King of The Ring Final 1994

Neidhart interference helps ignite Owen Hart excellent Heel Run. Match was decent at best though and Art Donovan sucks as a commentator. **1/2


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Survivor Series 2002 - Elimination Table Match: Bubba Ray Dudley, Spike Dudley & Jeff Hardy vs. 3-Minute Warning & Rico

3-Minute Warning is Rosey (formerly Hurricane's SuperHero In Training) and Jamal (now known as Umaga). Rico had just come over from Smackdown after failing to get Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo to marry. The Dudleyz clean house to start and Spike gets pressed onto the samoans, and Jeff follows them out with a dive onto everyone. In the ring, Rico pounds on Bubba while Spike hits a samoan with a rana. They hit the Wazzup drop on both Rico and Jamal and get the tables. Rosie faceplants Spike and dumps Jeff, thus crushing the hopes of fans everywhere. He charges Spike in the corner, but misses and puts himself through a table. He then no-sells his own offense and hits Bubba with a spinebuster, then catches Jeff in mid-air in a terrible looking spot, and splashes him. Rico sets up a table and tries to suplex Spike through it, but it gets blocked. 3MW team up to put him through and eliminate him about 4:30. The remaining faces are set up to be splashed to death, but they make the comeback until getting overwhelmed by the awesome force of Samoa. Rosie drags Jeff into the crowd and sets up a table in the aisle, while heel miscommunication in the ring results in Jamal taking a BubbaBomb. Bubba saves Jeff from certain table-dom, and Jeff climbs over the exit and puts Rosie through the table at 8:00. Great, but we already saw that spot at Rumble 2000, in the same building no less. Back in the ring, Rico and Jamal double-team Bubba and Rico goes up for the moonsault, but takes forever and audibly calls out “C’mon Jeff goddammit!” while waiting for Jeff to trip him up. Of course, that’s just what happens, and Jeff hits Jamal with the corkscrew and Jamal bails. Jeff follows him out and does the most pathetic railrunner I’ve seen in a while, nearly slipping and breaking his neck in mid-move. Jamal puts him on a fresh table and splashes him through it to finish the elimination at 11:00. It was time for Jeff to go beddy-bye anyway. So Bubba is left 2-on-1, and he hammers on Rico in the ring and puts him on a table, but Jamal saves him, stalls for a while, and then follows Bubba to the top and gets powerbombed through the table at 12:00. Jamal however, rebel to the end, will not leave, and hits Bubba with a belly to belly suplex, and Rosie joins them. JR protests the poor sportsmanship, but D-Von Dudley returns to the Dudley fold and cleans house on the heels, before setting up Rico and helping Bubba to hit 3D at 14:19. The usual enjoyable chaos from this kind of match but nothing special other than The Dudleyz reunion. **


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Survivor Series 2002 - Cruiserweight Title: Jamie Noble (w/Nidia) vs. Billy Kidman

Kidman isn't particularly over, hence the dead crowd. The crowd actually does kind of like Noble thanks to his "My Name is Earl" antics, but he's the heel. Kidman gets a fast rollup for one, and another one for two. Rana gets one. Noble takes a well-advised breather, and catches Kidman on the chase to take over. Kidman’s rebound lariat is reversed to the neckbreaker by Noble for two. Noble chokes him out and goes to the surfboard. Kidman gets dumped and Noble follows with a tope, and back in, he goes up but gets dropkicked on the way down. They slug it out and Kidman gets an elbow and a dropkick to come back, but Noble switches under into a pumphandle, which Kidman reverses to a DVD-neckbreaker for two. Noble comes back with a Falcon Arrow for two. Kidman gets a reverse Falcon Arrow and goes up for the SSP, but Nidia pulls Noble to safety, which allows Kidman to follow him out with a plancha. Sadly the crowd isn’t into any of this. Kidman springboards back in with a legdrop for two. Noble’s powerbomb is reversed by Kidman, but Nidia trips him up. This backfires as the heels collide and Kidman gets the Rydien Bomb for two. Kidman tries a powerbomb, but you can’t powerbomb Noble either, and they go into a swank powerbomb reversal sequence that leads to Noble getting the tigerbomb for two. Noble charges and gets nothing, and Kidman goes up, but Noble follows him up. They fight up there and Kidman wins that battle with a top rope X-Factor that gets two. Noble hangs Kidman on the top and DDTs him out of the corner for two. Kidman lays some shots into Noble knocking him back down. Kidman hit’s the Shooting Star Press and covers 1...2...3. Typical type of Cruiserweight match at this time. I mean that in a good way though that it was a very exciting and competitive match which could have gone either way with some convincing false finishes. **


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Survivor Series 2002 - WWE Women's Title, Hardcore Match: Trish Stratus vs. Victoria

This is hardcore rules. Man, we’ve sure had a lot of those matches after the “last ever hardcore match”, haven’t we? Victoria attacks to start and chokes out Trish, then grabs a broom from the conveniently placed trashcans o’ plunder. Trish avoids the broom, but gets choked out with it. Note to camera people. Trish snapmares her with the broom to escape, and grabs a lid, but gets broomed again. They head out and Trish meets a trashcan, and back in we go. Victoria slingshots in with a legdrop for two. She puts a trashcan into the corner (the wrong way), but gets catapulted into it instead. That gets two for Trish. I won’t even mention the strange golf shot with the trashcan. An ironing board gets set up (in theory) by Trish and Victoria runs into it, and the Kawada kick gets two. Trish canes her, but Victoria counters with a lid and goes up, but Trish takes her down with the lid. They fight out and Victoria meets the stairs. Back in, Victoria powerbombs her, and then finds a mirror outside. Trish gives her another kick on the way in, another one gets two. Victoria comes back with a weak cane shot, and Trish gets the worst bulldog ever for two. That was just embarrassing, even by woman’s wrestling standards. Victoria gets the FIRE EXTINGUISHER OF DOOM and suplexes her for the pin and the title. Pretty good match and was impressive how far they went with the use of weapons. The ending was a bit of a let down with it just ending with a snap suplex. It didn’t fit into what it looked like they was trying to achieve within the structure of the match. **


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Survivor Series 2002 - WWE Championship: Brock Lesnar (w/Paul Heyman) vs. The Big Show

Brock is coming in with a broken rib and without the confidence of his manager. He is, however, SUPER over with the crowd after the Hell In A Cell match. Brock gets quite the monster pop. Show goes for the ribs to start and gets a hiptoss, but Brock takes him down and pounds away. They head out and Show posts Brock, and back in Brock gets a suplex where Show barely even leaves the mat. Show charges and misses, and Brock gets another suplex, as Show again is unable to take the bump properly. F5 is blocked with a knee, and the ref is bumped in record time. Overhead suplex and F5 (and a beauty too) look to finish , but Heyman pulls out the ref at two, and we have a heel turn. Show chokeslams Lesnar on the chair for the pin and the title @ 4 FUCKING MINUTES. Not gonna lie it had Respectable psychology. I will say Heyman turning on Brock and THEN turning on Show to get the belt to Angle within a couple of months is one of the great booking oddities of all time. *


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Survivor Series 2002 - WWE Tag Team Championship, Triple Threat Elimination: Edge & Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle vs. Los Guerreros

This was set up by the Smackdown 6 ruling the universe and Edge and Rey winning the belts from Benoit and Angle in a 2 out of 3 falls match. The Guerreros play instigators early on, trying to start trouble between the other two teams. Mysterio starts with Benoit, and gets CHOPPED. You have to capitalize it for full effect. Rey snaps off a rana and flapjacks him, and Edge comes in for a double-team hiptoss and some elbows. Benoit comes back with more chops and brings in Angle, who immediately gets backdropped and tags in Chavo instead. Edge takes him down and gets a dropkick, and Rey comes in with the falling splash for two. Chavo tries a powerbomb, but Rey reverses to an armdrag. Eddie comes in to take care of business, however, and pounds on Rey Rey. Rey comes back with a flying headscissors and a monkey flip, so Eddie tags Angle again. Kurt hammers on Rey, but gets headscissored. He charges and misses, and Rey’s alley-oop to the top is blown, as he slips and falls onto the mat. Angle suplex gets two. Benoit gets a standing neckbreaker and a vicious backdrop suplex for two. Angle gets his own backdrop suplex for two. Angle gives Edge a cheapshot and tries the Angle Slam on Rey, but it’s reversed. Angle hits him with a clothesline to recover and gets two. Benoit gives Rey a knee to the gut and snaps a suplex for two. Angle hits the facelock, and counters a reversal attempt by Rey. Rey fights out and gets a leg lariat, and everyone’s out. The Guerreros decline the tag from Angle, so Benoit gets it instead. Hot tag Edge, and he’s a heel-killing machine. Faceplant for Benoit and overhead suplex for Angle, as Eddie & Rey tumble over the top rope. Edge goes for the spear, but lands into a crossface-anklelock combo that’s so awesome that it deserves it’s own spot in the SUBBMISSION HALL OF FAME. Rey breaks it up as Angle bails, and hits a bunch of people with a spinning tope. Meanwhile, Benoit suplexes Edge, until Eddie hits a sunset flip on Benoit while Benoit carries Edge over with a german suplex, and gets two. That’s insane. Benoit goes right back to suplexing Edge, but the hair saves Edge from permanent brain damage. Benoit goes up, but Eddie sneaks in with a frog splash for two, so Benoit hits him with the headbutt instead. Angle Slam for Eddie and anklelock, while Benoit puts Edge in the crossface, but the ref is distracted. Chavo lays out Benoit with the belt and gives it to Angle, thus convincing Benoit that Angle did the deed. More shoving results, and Edge finishes Benoit with the spear at 13:08. Crowd kinda didn’t like that one, actually. Angle, hero of sportsmanship, destroys Edge with a suplex afterwards, and Benoit takes out his problems on Chavo. God’s Team fights back to the dressing room, while Eddie tries to steal a fall on Edge. Los Guerreros work Edge over in the corner, and Chavo gets two. Eddie's senton gets two. Chavo gets a dropkick for two. Eddie uses the tag rope for some choking, and a backdrop suplex follows. We go back to the facelock again. Chavo dropkicks him for two. Edge comes back with a flapjack on both of them, and makes the hot tag to Mysterio. Crossbody for Chavo and a tilt-a-whirl for Eddie, and the heels collide to set up an alley-oop rana on Eddie that gets two. Edge dumps Chavo, and does a sloppy reversal sequence with Eddie to set up the 619, but the ref is distracted, allowing Chavo to hit Rey with the belt. Lasso From El Paso finishes it. These guys were on the tail end of an UNBELIEVABLE streak at this point and just couldn't miss. All of their chemistry was undeniable and none of them were broken down and immobile due to injuries yet. A few minor hiccups and an average first few minutes keep it from being a classic but still very good. ***1/2


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Survivor Series 2002 - World Heavyweight Title, Elimination Chamber: Triple H vs. Chris Jericho vs. Booker T vs. Kane vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam

This would be the first ever Elimination Chamber. Saliva plays Jericho down. Thankfully, he didn't keep that entrance music. Van Dam and Hunter start. Hunter goes for the Pedigree early but gets backdropped to the steel platform surrounding the ring. Van Dam nearly throws him through the chain wall and hits Rolling Thunder over the top rope. Cool. Van Dam goes up to the top of Jericho's chamber, but Jericho yanks him down. RVD fights him off and hits a somersault bodyblock on Hunter. Ouch! Jericho is the next to enter, and he and Van Dam go at it while Hunter takes a breather. Van Dam misses a lunge but clings to the side of the cage like Spider-man. Jericho and Hunter team up reluctantly. Booker T comes in next and cleans house on the heels. Van Dam goes up to the top of one of the chambers and hits the frogsplash on Hunter, but the cage's ceiling was too low, and Van Dam winds up twisting his knee and nearly crushing Hunter's throat. It's not quite Sid/Pillman, but it still looked ugly. Booker crawls over and pins Van Dam at 13:38, drawing a heel pop. Booker covers Triple H, but the ref is busy pushing Van Dam's carcass out of the cage. Jericho jumps Booker from behind, and they brawl until Kane comes in. Kane goes after both Jericho and Booker, javelining Jericho into the cage and then through the Plexiglass of an empty chamber. Kane chokeslams Booker T, allowing Jericho to get the pin off a Lionsault at 17:40. Things start to meander as Jericho and Kane trade blows until Shawn comes in. Shawn hits Kane with his flying forearm, but he doesn't do the kip-up afterward, so Kane gets up and chokeslams everyone. Hunter and Shawn inadvertently team up as Hunter shoves Kane into a Superkick. Pedigree! Lionsault! Bye, bye Kane at 22:53. Hunter and Jericho form an alliance of convenience against Shawn. Shawn comes back against Jericho and tries to piledrive him, but Chris backdrops Shawn on the platform. Shawn hits the flying forearm on Triple H and kips up right into the bulldog and Lionsault by Jericho. ONE, TWO, THR-NO! Shawn gets two off a moonsault block and rolls him over into a Boston Crab. Hunter breaks it up with a DDT but objects when Jericho tries to get the pin. The two come to blows, and Jericho jumps right into a Pedigree. He reverses, though, to the Walls of Jericho. Shawn Michaels comes out of nowhere with the superkick to eliminate Jericho at 30:41. So that leaves Shawn and Hunter. Hunter spinebusters Shawn and backdrops him to the platform. Shawn tries a Pedigree of his own, but Hunters slingshots him through the Plexiglass of another of the empty chambers. Shawn fires back but takes a facebuster knee. Shawn comes back with an elbowdrop off the top of the chamber. Shawn tunes up the band, but Hunter blocks and hits the Pedigree. He can't cover right away and only gets two. Hunter goes for another one, but Shawn backdrops out of it and hits Sweet Chin Music for the win and his first title in 4 years.

The pop for that victory is HUGE. Great moment even if his reign would only last a month. Ya know, there's a lot to like in this match, but it never entirely clicked for me. In order for a match like this to truly get over with you individually, you have to be into each of the wrestlers, but by this point, RVD, Kane and Booker were just stale as dirt for me. And We all knew Jericho was not gonna win. Triple H had issues with everyone in this match but that wasn’t played up, in the match or in commentary. Once it got down to the final two though, the quality of the match improved a great deal. ***1/2


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Armageddon 2002 - World Tag Titles, Elimination Match: Chris Jericho & Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Booker T & Goldust vs. William Regal & Lance Storm

The Dudley'z reunited at Survivor Series after Reverend D-Von and Hardcore Bubba didn't work out. Regal and Storm are still burning that UnAmerican candle. Storm starts with Bubba, and hammers on him off an attack. He comes back and nails him with a corner splash The Dudleyz hit Christian with a flapjack for two. Regal comes in and gets clotheslined by D-Von for two. Goldust slugs away , but gets suplexed and hit with an Outback Jack clothesline, allowing Christian to tag himself in and work Goldust over. Jericho does his contrived “Try a dropkick and get catapulted out of the ring” spot to end up on the floor, and Goldust pulls him back in with a suplex that gets two. Jericho comes back with a forearm and Christian works the arm, but walks into an atomic drop and a lariat that gets two for Goldust. Bubba & Goldust join forces for the inevitable double Flip Flop & Fly to fight off the heels, and suddenly it’s a Whazzup Drop for Christian and A BIG BRAWL BREAKS OUT. We’re left with D-Von and Christian, and no idea who’s legal, but Regal tags himself in and Storm hits Bubba with a Calgary Jam that gives Regal the pin at 5:16. Goldust powerslams Regal for the pin at 5:32. What is this, the Survivor Series? So we’re left with the match that should have been from the start: Christian & Jericho v. Booker & Goldust. Goldust works on Jericho in the corner, and Booker comes in with chops, but Jericho goes to the eyes. Charge hits elbow and Goldust comes in for the double-team sidekick, for two. Christian uses the lethal chokehold, but puts his head down and gets popped. Goldust does his usual “try a crossbody and land outside spot”, and then makes up for that by taking a sick upside-down bump into the steps. Back in, Christian gets a gutbuster that Goldust chooses to take on his side for some reason, for two. Abdominal stretch (which then makes more sense given Goldust’s selling of the gutbuster), but Goldust elbows out. Jericho comes in and slugs away, but walks into a lariat. Goldust opts to pound the mat instead of tagging. So the heels cut off any potential tag and work him over in the corner. Goldust fights them off and chokeslams Christian (which JR calls a “sidewalk slam”) and makes the hot tag to Booker. Forearm for Jericho, superkick for Christian, and a rollup on Jericho gets two. Booker goes nuts on Jericho with chops in the corner, but gets caught with the Flashback for two. Jericho returns the chops in fine Canadian fashion, and tries the Walls, but Booker reverses for two. Booker’s axe kick is ducked, and Jericho rolls through a spinebuster and gets the Walls. Goldust makes the save and Christian comes in with a belt, but gets crotched on the top rope and introduced to Jericho. That gives Booker two. Booker heads up and takes forever, but fights off both heels and hits Jericho with a missile dropkick for two. Jericho comes back with the bulldog and Lionsault, but it misses and Booker flapjacks him awkwardly to set up the Spinarooni. Axe kick gets two. Christian gets dumped, but Jericho nails Booker with the belt and gets a Lionsault for two. Thought they might have done the finish there. Jericho argues the point, grabs the belt, but walks into the Bookend and we have NEW champions. Good formula tag match, but the first 5 minutes were a total waste of time. Seeing Booker and Goldust finally pick up the tag straps was a feel-good moment, though. ***


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Nov 7, 2011
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Vagina Hills
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Roderick Strong, KENTA & Bryan Danielson vs Chris Hero & The American Wolves


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Armageddon 2002 - Edge vs. A-Train

A-Train was the WWE's last-ditch effort to push Albert. He attacked Edge's partner Rey Mysterio and then attacked Edge, costing him a spot in tonight's title match. It should be noted that it was supposed to be Matt Hardy receiving that push, which would have lead to a much better Edge vs. Matt Hardy match here and would have set up Matt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio at WrestleMania. WWE Talent Guru Johnny Ace overruled it and put A-Train in. A-Train overpowers him to start and catches his bodypress, but Edge dropkicks him into the corner, and they brawl out. Edge works on the arm via the post, and they head back in, where Edge suddenly goes to the knee instead, and then legdrops him for two. Rollup gets two. A-Train comes back with a powerslam and hammers away in the corner. A-Train overpowers him to start and catches his bodypress, but Edge dropkicks him into the corner, and they brawl out. Edge works on the arm via the post, and they head back in, where Edge suddenly goes to the knee instead, and then legdrops him for two. Rollup gets two. A-Train comes back with a powerslam and hammers away in the corner. Edge chops away and tries to make a comeback, but A-Train no-sells it for the most part. Edge tries a faceplant, and it gets two. They do an awkward irish whip reversal and Edge gets a bad-looking Edge-O-Matic for two. Edge heads up and gets hit with a big boot for two. A-Train grabs a chair, but gets baseball slid and Edge comes in with a bodypress for two. Meshugganator gets two for A-Train. Edge spears him for two. A-Train uses the chair for the DQ'ed. Crowd totally turns on the finish, too, rightfully so. A-Train is terrible and Edge isn’t the worker to carry him to anything decent. *


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Armageddon 2002 - Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero

This is an unofficial #1 contender's match after Eddie cost Benoit the title match against the Big Show. Eddie tries a takedown to start, but Benoit grabs the arm and brings it to the mat. Eddie reverses to a legbar. Into the corner, and Eddie chops away as Cole talks about one of his favorite meaningless topics, “personal issues”. Eddie overpowers him, but walks into a backdrop and Benoit chinlocks him. Eddie then uses a sweet judo throw to escape, and goes to a short-arm scissors. Benoit gets two and starts unloading but so does Eddie. He quickly goes to a headscissors, but Benoit reverses him into a leglock and stomps away. Faceplant and Benoit charges, but gets dumped as a result. Eddie follows him out with a bodypress, looking to have hurt his knee on the fall. Back in, Eddie works on the knee, but Benoit kicks him in the head, which backfires as Eddie rolls him through into a kneebar. That’s some pretty sweet matwork. Eddie goes for the Lasso, but Benoit makes the ropes. Eddie stomps him down again, and goes into an inverted Indian Deathlock to keep working the leg in preparation for the Lasso. That gets two. He keeps kicking the leg to keep Benoit down, and then gets into a war of chops before opting to elbow him down instead. Corner splash, but Benoit goes for the crossface to fake Eddie out, and then hits the rolling germans instead. It’s a FIVE-suplexer, so you know Chris is pissed off. Benoit unloads the SNOT ROCKET OF DEATH and heads up, but Eddie foils his plan by getting up, so Benoit is like “Fuck this” and heads down to deliver another pair of suplexes instead of trying a dive. Eddie reverses a powerbomb and gets his OWN rolling germans, WOW. Vertical suplex and Eddie goes up for the frog splash, which gets two. They tumble out, and Eddie heads back in first and distracts the ref, allowing Chavo to make an appearance and put Benoit down with a beltshot. Back in, Eddie gets two. Benoit escapes a suplex, but Eddie slickly takes him down with a toehold, into the Lasso From El Paso. Benoit makes the ropes. Eddie goes back to the leg again, but Benoit chops him down He then gives him a powerbomb. Chavo tries to interfere, but gets dumped to the floor again, and Eddie chases Benoit up the ropes, only to get dumped off and hit with the flying headbutt. He takes advantage of Benoit’s shaken state, however, and rolls through into the Lasso instead. Benoit then reverses that into the crossface, but Eddie tries for the ropes. Benoit , being awesome, then switches sides to cut off the arm Eddie is using to reach. Eddie tries to roll through, but Benoit holds onto the move and gets the submission. Now that is some Quality Professional Wrestling. ***3/4


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Armageddon 2002 - Kane vs. Batista (w/Ric Flair)

This is Batista's PPV wrestling debut and is so green here that Kane is forced to carry the match by overselling. JESUS THIS IS ALREADY AWFUL. Kane grabs a headlock to start, but gets stomped down. He blocks a hiptoss with a neckbreaker and slugs away on Batista to send him out, and Batista stalls. Back in, Batista’s slam is reversed to one by Kane, and an elbowdrop gets two. Batista catches Kane with something that was either supposed to be a hotshot or a slam to the outside, and ended up being neither. Spear gets two. Suplex gets two. Batista charges and hits boot, and Kane slugs him down, but gets tossed. Flair intervenes, and Kane won’t sell any of it. Poor Flair. Batista saves Flair from further humiliation by bringing Kane back in, and we get more punchy goodness. Big boot and sideslam and Kane goes up, but misses the flying clothesline. Batista tries a powerbomb and can’t get Kane up, which looks god-awful and the crowd completely turns on them. Kane goes back up again and gets the clothesline this time. Chokeslam is blocked and reversed to a god-awful MAIN EVENT SPINEBUSTER for two. Ugh ugh ugh. Second chokeslam works, and now Flair interferes again and gets manhandled by Kane. Batista hits him with the SITOUT POWERBOMB AND A 1-2-3. 1/4*


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Armageddon 2002 - WWE Heavyweight Title: The Big Show (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Kurt Angle

After busting his ass for Smackdown since the brand split started, Angle is finally rewarded with the WWE title. Crowd doesn’t seem to know who to cheer here, so they opt for no one. Angle goes for the leg, but gets tossed around. Angle grabs a facelock, but Show dumps him to escape. Angle sneaks in and dumps Show in turn. He dives after Show, but gets caught and dropped on the railing. Show tosses him from the apron to the floor, buying some time. Back in, Show hammers Angle down and gets a suplex for two. Cole & Tazz go back to the same tired hard sell of Show by noting how TV doesn’t do justice to how BIG he is. Great. Sideslam gets two. Angle comes back with a jawbreaker and slugs away, but has a bodyblock reversed to the Eye of the Hurricane or the Final Cut or whatever for two. Angle uses a tornado DDT, which Show can barely bump for, and it’s a double-KO. Angle finally gets smart and goes to the knee, and kicks him in the face. To the top, and Angle gets a missile dropkick (and a nice one) for two. Angle springs out of the corner with a moonsault press, which Big Show is completely out of position for, and that gets two. Show tries a powerbomb, which Angle escapes, and the Angle Slam gets two. Show reverses the Anklelock to a chokeslam, which Angle rolls through back into the Anklelock. See, that makes no sense, since Angle hasn’t so much as worked on the leg all match. Ref is bumped, always the sign of a poorly-booked match these days, and the crowd knows that Brock is due. Chair gets involved, and Angle puts Show down with it, but only gets two, and the ref is bumped again. A-Train makes his appearance, guaranteeing another two months of bad main events, and takes out Angle before disappearing again. Show chokeslams Angle, but Brock makes his appearance, does his weekly F5 on Show (and draws the biggest pop of the show by far), and Angle wins the title. See, now this is a match that needed to be heavily booked. Show actually tried to work that multi-reversal style with Kurt, and Kurt busted his ass to make it work. It wasn't great, but it was a better match than anyone else could have dragged Show to. Kurt would reveal that he and Heyman were in cahoots, so now you know how Heyman was able to manage the champion for eight months even though there were three of them. **


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Nov 7, 2011
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Vagina Hills
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WWE Raw - 05/7/2012 - Big Show vs Cody Rhodes


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Nov 7, 2011
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Vagina Hills
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Favorite Wrestler
WWE Raw - 05/7/2012 - Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston