ladyhotrod needs to calm down

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May 17, 2008
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But this thread is for the thread started to "battle" with someone and settle their problems. So this shouldnt of even been in this section because chessarmy left this thread for dead. Just because this thread is in the "FLAME-ation Chamber" so that also means its in the "Jump Into Everyone Elses Business" section too? I guess. I guess have fun flaming.
So if you don't think people should be jumping into other people's business, then why are you doing it to ladyhotrod and me?

Hello Mr. Hypocrisy.
May 28, 2007
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My Moms Basement
He got me? Got me how? I believe in my first post I said it was dumb for him to get involved in a question that chessarmy asked. The thread was chessarmy and ladyhotrod. Then you jumped in the middle. Which is what I originally said, was that I thought it ridiculous that you jump into a flame war or whatever its called in here with someone when it wasnt even a flame war involving you. Then you went on to state things about how ridiculous ladyhotrod is in her actions, and then you make a comment about serving her ass to her or whatever. Making some point where you believe that you owned her. You prolly think that you have just owned me. However in reading your posts, I see that you have already forgot what points I was making, in turn invalidating your most recent post by calling me a hypocrite.


Just when I thought it couldn't get any sadder, he gets excited over "handing my ass over" and getting green rep from people for it. So that's what gets you hard on a daily basis? "Handing someone their ass" over the internet and getting people to side with you when you're responses are just as pathetic as mine? WOW! I wish I had your exciting, useful life! Please guys, fulfill my empty life by giving me useless green rep and saying how much I am beating someone over the internet! I'm SUCH A WINNER!

Just thought I'd start of with the "I think I'm a hardass because I told off a bunch of girls at a store" argument. Really, I think I'm tough because of that? HAHAHAHA! I know full well that I could have easily had my ass beaten to nice, bloody pulp. 6 against 1. The point wasn't to look tough, it was to see just how tough other people THINK they are. I'm innocently walking in a store and get these bitches out of nowere giving me looks and remarks for no reason and I'm going to just walk by with my head down? Maybe that's what skinny dicks like you do, too ashamed to respond, but if someone is going to have the balls to say something to me for absolutely no reason at all other than to think they're better for whatever reason, I sure hope that when I respond back, they wont run off with their tail between their legs. I don't think I'm any better than they are but unjustified actions will be dealt with and if someone mouthing off to you for no reason fulfills their low self esteem, I'm hoping they will keep up the act because I wont beat someone up if they talk shit to me but one day, they'll say it to the wrong person and that person will pull out a knife or a gun on them.

The Golden Rule of Flaming:
May your flames be witty, insulting, interesting, paradoxical, funny, illogical, caustic, sarcastic, even inconsistent - but never,ever, let them be boring.

So let's cover Sly's arguments : "You're a hypocrite", "your parents touched you", "you're fat and ugly", "you repeat yourself". That pretty much sums up your posts as well so the kettle is certainly meeting the pot today. Don't tell me my posts are the same when you can't even muster any originality out of that ass of yours. You're just some worthless, generic ass hair.

Experience is found in life not by hiding behind a computer screen that you probably did not even pay for yourself. You are a pussy that has had his ass handed to him so often in real life that he now hides behind a screen trying to restore his battered self-esteem. You have not learnt any skills or gained any information or wit. Flaming is only a minor distraction here and yet you still can't cut it. Instead of trying to convince yourself that you are a flame god you need to get some perspective(and sunlight). You can only hide from reality for so long.

In the few posts you have made here you have clearly and undeniably proven yourself to be more flame gimp than flame god. You are obviously only suited to arguing with other circle-jerkers over "who is the bestest?". You have nothing new to offer. All you can do is repeatedly type ways to "prove you wrong" when you have done nothing to prove yourself right. The desperation that you reek of does more to prove you wrong than anything that could be said in reply to you.

You haven't out-argued anybody here because you have yet to make any type of point. All you have done is repeatedly said "I am a flame god. Talk to me please!". I have replied to you because I think it is occassionally funny to feed trolls especially aLonely Guy/Ferrous Cranus combo as obvious and desperate as you.

Your turn, Princess. I know you've been up all night waiting for a response. I'm sorry I had to log off for such a long time. You know, sometimes life gets in the way of "beating someone at the internet".


May 17, 2008
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you know what, i know away to win a debate Fuck You!!!!
This is infinitely better than the excrement that ladyhotrod has tried to use.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any sadder, he gets excited over "handing my ass over" and getting green rep from people for it.
I got excited by it? Not hardly. It's just the truth. You know it as well as I do.

"Handing someone their ass" over the internet and getting people to side with you when you're responses are just as pathetic as mine?
I love how you make this comment when you're here for the same exact purpose.

Does your hypocrisy know no bounds?

WOW! I wish I had your exciting, useful life! Please guys, fulfill my empty life by giving me useless green rep and saying how much I am beating someone over the internet! I'm SUCH A WINNER!

Well, at least that was something different than what you tried before.

Just thought I'd start of with the "I think I'm a hardass because I told off a bunch of girls at a store" argument. Really, I think I'm tough because of that? HAHAHAHA! I know full well that I could have easily had my ass beaten to nice, bloody pulp. 6 against 1. The point wasn't to look tough, it was to see just how tough other people THINK they are.
AAAAHAHAHAHA! There's that re-creating history thing again. Let's look at your exact words...

YOU said:
Son, you have no idea who you are dealing with. Example #1. 6 black chicks stared at me, looking me up and down like jealous bitches do. I said WHAT and they threw out LIKE WHAT! I stopped walking and told them to come right the fuck on. They didn't stop. They kept walking away. I called to them again COME ON and they kept walking.

I don't care what people say to me. I happily them off. Believe it or not, I can fight. I don't go out looking for fight but I'm more than ready for it if it presents itself...

Many have witnessed and I would certainly invite them to lay down bets on me knocking all your baby teeth out.

But, no, clearly your point wasn't to show how tough you were. You're a tool.

The Golden Rule of Flaming:
May your flames be witty, insulting, interesting, paradoxical, funny, illogical, caustic, sarcastic, even inconsistent - but never,ever, let them be boring.
If you know this, then why do you continue to flame people? Your flames only meet one of those conditions and that's the boring one.

So let's cover Sly's arguments : "You're a hypocrite", "your parents touched you", "you're fat and ugly", "you repeat yourself". That pretty much sums up your posts as well so the kettle is certainly meeting the pot today. Don't tell me my posts are the same when you can't even muster any originality out of that ass of yours. You're just some worthless, generic ass hair.
And yet, at least I know the definition of those words. Originality and hypocrisy don't seem to be words you know the definitions of.

Experience is found in life not by hiding behind a computer screen that you probably did not even pay for yourself.
No, I've payed for every computer I've ever owned, thanks. I've also payed for my brand new big screen tv, surround sound system, gaming system, apartment, bed, cable television, car, and every other thing I own in life. You see, when people go to college, they learn how to prepare themselves for a career. In that career, people get paid. Now, I know the concept of "higher education" is far beyond you and your limited intelligence, but for 75% of the people in this world, this line of thinking actually makes sense.

But hey, you keep staring down "bitches" and thinking you can beat up men. I'm sure that'll really get you far in life.

You are a pussy that has had his ass handed to him so often in real life that he now hides behind a screen trying to restore his battered self-esteem.
Yeah, you're way behind on this. I already used this statement many posts ago. Seriously, please look up the word "original" in the dictionary. It'll help you a lot. All you're doing is piggybacking off of my insults. It's time to start thinking for yourself.

You haven't out-argued anybody here because you have yet to make any type of point.
Umm, what point am I supposed to make in a thread that is just for flames? You are aware of where you are posting, correct? I would hope so, considering you directed me here in the first place, after I made you look foolish in the other thread after you made flawed arguments time and again.

All you have done is repeatedly said "I am a flame god. Talk to me please!".
I've said that repeatedly? Great. Then you should have no trouble with my next request.

Please direct me to ONE time that I said "I am a flame god.". I eagerly await your response.

Your turn, Princess.
Thanks Butch. Appreciate it.

I know you've been up all night waiting for a response.
Not really. And, I'm not sure where you live, but it's currently 5 o'clock in the afternoon. So....yeah.

I'm sorry I had to log off for such a long time.
No problem. Although, next time you really should tell your doctor to hurry along your bi-weekly check for chlamydia. Those sailors on the docks aren't going to service themselves, now are they?
Feb 6, 2008
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she neg repped me and told me to suck a penis :(

ps: I think that ladyhotrod has herpies and thats why shes so mad

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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lmao she neg repped you cause you agreed with him or what lmao..what a bitch


lmao she neg repped you cause you agreed with him or what lmao..what a bitch

LOL, this from the wigger who's entire family got assed fucked in jail. I told you, bitch is a compliment (which, since I know you fail at reading, is my usertitle). Thank you!

I also don't neg people because they disagree with me. Osama disagreed and I didn't give him a red box. You lose, wigger.

I have to give at least a bit of props to Sly. At times, he, too, can think of some unoriginal things to say. In Bling's case, well, you're just another stat in the declining intelligence level of teenagers.


Wow, that's all you can think of? Jesus Christ, Bling, stop inviting your family members to join the forum. They are just as embarrassing as you are.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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LOL, this from the wigger who's entire family got assed fucked in jail. I told you, bitch is a compliment (which, since I know you fail at reading, is my usertitle). Thank you!

I also don't neg people because they disagree with me. Osama disagreed and I didn't give him a red box. You lose, wigger.

I have to give at least a bit of props to Sly. At times, he, too, can think of some unoriginal things to say. In Bling's case, well, you're just another stat in the declining intelligence level of teenagers. entire family has not been in jail...and I done told u that many times before.....only 3 2nd cousins have...and idk what happen to them in jail....hell everyone has had family in might not know the person...but everyone has a family member thats been in jail at one time or another

Millzy Pt. 2

Active Member
Nov 15, 2007
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Erie, PA
Yo Bling, u see how she changed up on talking shit on Sly and now on u and Kevin. She knows that she'll get that ass OWNED in a flame war with Sly if she tries to come back against him so she can take her aggression out on you mayne. LadyHotRod's Flames make me wanna :bash: my brains in.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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Heck she was bashing me way before this lol..but yea lol your right...Sly would own her...and I know what she gonna say...something like like

wow...I am getting owned online.....or something alone them lines...or say something stupid to you or me...