ladyhotrod needs to calm down

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May 17, 2008
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LOL, well look at what other cock riding homo jumped in because he's bitter that his gay intro thread was closed.
*yawn* Is originality not a word in your vocabulary?

You should use it. Look up the word "original", and then see how it doesn't apply to you. What's amazing is I even specifically asked for a little originality, and you just fell back on gay insults. So sad. I thought you said you had a viper tongue and intelligence? I put it more around the level of a common garter snake.

I don't think I'm tough nor do I care if you or anyone else thinks I'm tough.
That's why you felt the need to provide a paragraph detailing just how tough you were, right? Like you said earlier, if you really didn't care, why even bring it up?

I'll tell you what. While you look up "original" in the dictionary, also search for the word "hypocrite".

HAHA! I actually didn't log on here for a few days and when I did log on, I didn't make a lot of posts before logging off again. Get your facts straight next time before you put your fingers on the keys.
Didn't make a lot of posts?

So, you don't consider 26 posts in the 24 hours previous to this particular post I am making "a lot"? You can't hide facts baby doll. 26 posts in less than 24 hours is quite a bit. Thanks for playing.

I love this rebuttal!
Rebuttal? What rebuttal? You never even addressed me, so how could my statement be a rebuttal?

Add the word "rebuttal" to the list of words you need to look up in the dictionary.

So overdone. LIKE LOL U R FAT AND UGLY. That's the best insult when it comes from someone who has no idea what you look like. Good one!
Did I ever call you fat or ugly? Of course not. See, once again, you're having trouble understanding the basic English language, which doesn't really surprise me at this point, given how many words you don't know the meaning of.

I said that I bet you fall in one of three categories, which explains why you act the way you do online. But hey, way to totally sidestep my comment.

What, that you're a bitter bitch who only has a beef because of something that happaned a week ago? GET OVER IT. Sad.
That's it? That's your "viper tongue"? A "bitter bitch"? Wow, I've taught 3rd graders who are more venomous than that. What's next, you calling me a "poopy head".

I don't have any beef with you at all. Unlike you, I don't carry e-grudges. Hell, I thought we had even kind of came to a mutual understanding. Don't blame me because your parents didn't show you affection as a child.

Oh, you definately have fail written all over you.
It's spelled "definitely". That's okay though. Although, the irony in your failure to adequately tell me that I failed is kind of humorous.

You cover how I tell people off in person and then turn around and type out how I "hide behind my computer" and let out my frustrations.
No, I cover how you SAID you told people off in person. Obviously the subtlety was lost on you (surprising, eh?), so let me spell it out.

I don't believe you. I think you are the type of person who wants everyone to think they're tough, and make up stories to support their position, simply to validate their own self-worth and to boost their self-esteem. That makes you the pathetic person the rest of the world laughs at, because you try so hard to make people think you're a worthy person, when the simple fact is you can't cover for the fact that you think very little of yourself.

Are you een worth continuing with?
Why does it matter? You can't hang either way.

Christ, you've been nothing but a hypocrite thus far and didn't present anything more than the typical grade 4 response of "U R FAT AND UGLEE".
Again, you don't seem to understand the word hypocrite. And, once again, you don't seem to be able to comprehend basic English.

Tell me, do you intentionally play dumb just to make people laugh? Because you do know they are laughing at you, and not with you, right? If you want my advice, it would be to simply shut down the computer, and take a long nap in the bathtub. Maybe even bring a toaster in the bathroom and make some toast. Trust me, it'll end all your pain, and then maybe you'll actually be able to get someone to pretend they ever gave a damn about you.

It's even more of a joke that you try to throw out how immature and shit I am yet all your insults consist of the same non-factual points that people with no ammo make.
My insults? Not insults, suppositions. A "theory", if you will. Oh, and pointing out your constant need for attention by constantly interacting with people you feel need to "get a life". Kind of contradictory on your part, wouldn't you say?

I'll tell you what I told that cockslinger Bling: Words on the internet don't hurt me.
And yet, here you are trying to defend yourself...

I don't care if you think I'm fat and ugly.
Then why address it? Remember what you told me? If you really aren't fat and ugly, then you shouldn't have a problem with it. Just ignore it and it'll go away, remember?

That means one of two things. Either you are A) fat and ugly, or B) a hypocrite. Either way, you're still worthless.

I don't care if you think I'm playing tough. I don't care if you think I'm 15. You = nothing to me and we know the real reason you dislike me is because of a few red reps and an accusal of being the same person as other members.

Quite presumptuous of you. Why the hell would I give a damn about a little red square? No no, I addressed you because, to be honest, I thought you might actually present some kind of a challenge. But, sadly, you're all hype, and the hype all comes from you. You can't get away from the same tired insults you level at everyone, and when you do try, you fail miserably. Combine that with your lack of understanding of the English language, and your inability to know definitions of words, you really aren't much more troublesome than the random online spamming troll.

Congratulations, you're mediocre!


i'll flame and to help HotRod. let me read the previous 3 pages. geesh, could take a while.



I'm not sure what I would have done if I didn't get another dose of your weakass infantile bullshit. My estimated guess is that it took you about a day to write the first half of that post and only after I signed offline did you even fucking dare to reply.

I think this is the best part of this pathetic dribble:

I don't have any beef with you at all. Unlike you, I don't carry e-grudges.

If that were true, you wouldn't have bothered saying anything to me in this thread. YOU DON'T KNOW ME. You just joined here a few days ago. We had no issues so get over your e-hate you waste of flesh. Weak. Just another "waaahhhh, you gave me red rep, I h8 u" moron.

Your parasitical nature is evident in the way you refuse to let arguments you have clearly lost go away. So, who are you? Which board did you come from to come flame me because you're too pussy to do anything right without hiding behind a mask? Fuck off, fuckass.

That is your idea of an attack on me? That is so so very sad. If you had half a brain you would have just stuck to the "LOL ROFFELS" topics in General, or better yet, just stayed off the internet all together. I'm sure you get enough insults from your alcoholic parents as it is.

You have nothing relevant or funny to say so why don't you go kill yourself? It's better than mocking people in an anonymous forum. Or explaining to them why you're better, in a futile attempt to regain the self-esteem that your horny old uncle took away from you so long ago.

I could care less about what you have to say but its the way you do it. It's not really anything like getting kicked with steel-toed boots. It's more like an irritated shove from an elderly person.God, I almost fucking feel terrible flaming you. The quality of your post reminds me of the 'Yo Mama!' jokes I used to hear in the 6th grade.

I haven't seen you, since you lack the balls to post a picture of yourself anywhere, but I can pretty much assume that you weigh around 135 soaking wet. Topping off at maybe...5'8" tops. Point being, most of the people here could throttle your lousy ass in a heartbeat. I would say you've gotten your ass pummeled a few times in your life. In person, people like you rarely have the nerve to say anything that would warrant a beating. You can argue all you want, but don't go acting like a hardass and expect to be taken seriously. You're a weak little blowhard who writes lame, tired out insults.The only thing you seem to do is open your thesaurus and write down random bullshit.

Damn man I can just see you over there, your clammy little fingers flying over the keyboard in a desperate attempt to not make yourself look like a total ass. Keep it up.

It's not about watching your posts, its about being considerate enough to hear your responses since you chose to start a fight with me. But most of the time you just sit there, probably wracking your brain for another clever "HAHAHA DOOD yuo is tottaly gay!!!1" insult.

Since you've been up for several hours waiting for a response, I really hope this one makes your "special spot" hard. You can post flames as long as you like, or you can back off. To be honest, I can't even remember where this flame war started but you can carry it as long as you want to. I'm willing to read your sad, worthless posts and respond to them. I'm sure at some point your other 4 personalities will suddeny start shitting out some random text.

I love the irony of your "flame" YOU POST A LOT. Both of our posts per day are 4 point something. GOOD ONE.


May 17, 2008
Reaction score
I'm not sure what I would have done if I didn't get another dose of your weakass infantile bullshit.
Been glad? Because you know I'm handing your ass on a silver platter, complete with all the trimmings?

My estimated guess
I believe the word you were looking for was "educated", not "estimated". Estimated really doesn't make sense.

is that it took you about a day to write the first half of that post and only after I signed offline did you even fucking dare to reply.

...I went to bed.

Actually, now that I think about it, I'm going with what I said. Tell me, in your constant need for 26 posts a day, have you even heard of getting off the internet to go to bed?

If that were true, you wouldn't have bothered saying anything to me in this thread. YOU DON'T KNOW ME.
Pretty certain I already explained that. Although, given your penchant for having difficult comprehending English, I guess it's understandable why you didn't get it. Here, let me say it again...

"I addressed you because, to be honest, I thought you might actually present some kind of a challenge. But, sadly, you're all hype, and the hype all comes from you."

Honestly, I don't know how to break it down into any simpler words for you. Tell you what. Why don't you re-visit the second grade, learn that reading consists of scanning left to right, top to bottom, and then maybe I'll try to explain it again.

You just joined here a few days ago.
Very observant of you. Congratulations.

We had no issues so get over your e-hate you waste of flesh. Weak. Just another "waaahhhh, you gave me red rep, I h8 u" moron.

The funny thing about this is that we were already bitching at each other other before you repped me. In fact, I green repped you before you repped me. So, I'm not really sure how a rep was the cause for all this.

I swear you try to re-write history more than the Russian government.

Your parasitical nature is evident in the way you refuse to let arguments you have clearly lost go away.
Oh really? What argument have I lost exactly? You were wrong in accusing us of alters, you're getting your ass handed to you (again) in this thread. What did I lose? A couple of IQ points chatting with you? That might be true. To be honest, I do feel myself getting stupider every time you post something in reply to me.

Reminds me of a famous saying. "Never argue with an idiot. They'll only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience.". I feel myself intelligence dropping to your level. Luckily for me, your IQ is lower than your shoe size, so I still have a ways to go.

So, who are you?
You really don't know, do you? I'm Slyfox696. And no capital letter separating the two words "sly" and "fox"

Which board did you come from to come flame me because you're too pussy to do anything right without hiding behind a mask?
Huh? I don't even know you. Are you always so conceited to think that everyone revolves their life around you?

Fuck off, fuckass.

That is your idea of an attack on me? That is so so very sad. If you had half a brain you would have just stuck to the "LOL ROFFELS" topics in General, or better yet, just stayed off the internet all together. I'm sure you get enough insults from your alcoholic parents as it is.
See, this is where you're lacking originality again. Obviously you never looked up the word like I suggested. Insinuating I had a problem childhood because I said your parents never showed you affection shows a lack of creativity.

You have nothing relevant or funny to say
The four reps congratulating me saying "you beat her ass real good." tend to disagree with you.

so why don't you go kill yourself?
There's that lack of originality again.

I could care less about what you have to say but its the way you do it.
The phrase is "I could NOT care less". Saying it your way sounds like a moron.

I haven't seen you, since you lack the balls to post a picture of yourself anywhere, but I can pretty much assume that you weigh around 135 soaking wet. Topping off at maybe...5'8" tops.
Yup you got me.

Point being, most of the people here could throttle your lousy ass in a heartbeat.
Doubtful, but whatever.

I would say you've gotten your ass pummeled a few times in your life.

In person, people like you rarely have the nerve to say anything that would warrant a beating. sound like Konnan. I can't begin to count the number of times Konnan said that to me.

You can argue all you want, but don't go acting like a hardass and expect to be taken seriously.
Coming from the person who wanted people to think she was a badass by telling the world that six girls were intimidated by you and that you can beat up guys.

You really don't know the meaning of "hypocrite" do you?

The only thing you seem to do is open your thesaurus and write down random bullshit.
You should try it. I grow tired of the same tired flames you throw around.

I love the irony of your "flame" YOU POST A LOT. Both of our posts per day are 4 point something. GOOD ONE.
I wasn't the one trying to insinuate people are losers for posting on here. That was you. So, your comment really doesn't aply.

Do me a favor. The next time you respond to me, please make it somewhat original and entertaining. That's all I ask. I grow tired of replying to the same drivel time and again. Step up your game and give me a reason to respond.

Hidden Blaze

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Sep 6, 2007
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I knew I was not gonna post here again but its just for one reason and thats to agree.....Slyfox is a God....:respect:
May 28, 2007
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My Moms Basement
Rebuttal? What rebuttal? You never even addressed me, so how could my statement be a rebuttal?

You said this SlyFox. And tbh, chessarmy or whoever, started this thread. And you jump in the middle with your little flame or whatever. Then you are telling ladyhotrod that she needs to get originality or whatever. But your making some big deal about "handing her ass to her on a silver platter with the trimmings". I believe that constitutes you to be some online fucking geek who thinks that by owning someone you feel better about yourself. So ladyhotrod does it and others, means you have to come in and attempt to cut someone down in an attempt to show how inferior they are to you? I will let ladyhotrod finish the argument. I just love reading how people can get involved in a flame war, claim that its all Blue, and then state that they have "owned" someone. It truly astonishes me as to how the human race has not dropped dead because of people I have seen on the internet.


May 17, 2008
Reaction score
You said this SlyFox.
Yes, very astute of you. I'm well aware.
But your making some big deal about "handing her ass to her on a silver platter with the trimmings". I believe that constitutes you to be some online fucking geek who thinks that by owning someone you feel better about yourself.
Maybe you're not aware of where you are at. You're on an internet wrestling forum, posting in a thread DESIGNED to put down others.

So ladyhotrod does it and others, means you have to come in and attempt to cut someone down in an attempt to show how inferior they are to you?
That IS the purpose of this section of the board, yes. I would think that the name of the forum "FLAME-alation Chamber" would give that away.

I will let ladyhotrod finish the argument.
What argument? That I'm engaging in an insult contest with another person in a place specifically designed for that very thing? What point are you trying to make?

It truly astonishes me as to how the human race has not dropped dead because of people I have seen on the internet.
And yet, here you are, on an online professional wrestling forum, participating in an attack on me, in a place designed to do so, and somehow think you're actually making a relevant point.

Your idiocy and hypocrisy speak far more to your theory of possible decay of the human race than my comments toward ladyhotrod ever could.
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
My Moms Basement
But this thread is for the thread started to "battle" with someone and settle their problems. So this shouldnt of even been in this section because chessarmy left this thread for dead. Just because this thread is in the "FLAME-ation Chamber" so that also means its in the "Jump Into Everyone Elses Business" section too? I guess. I guess have fun flaming.