Here’s my picks for Destination X...................
1.) Ghetto Brawl: The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) vs. Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon)
Winners: Team 3D
2.) Crossface Chickenwing match: Senshi vs. Austin Starr
- The match can only be won with the Crossface Chickenwing.
Winner: Senshi :Backlund will help Senshi win
3.) TBA (w/Christy Hemme) vs. the Voodoo Kin Mafia (B.G. James and Kip James)
Winners:TBA(aka The Bashams):has anyone ever lost there debut match??
4.) Double Bull rope match: James Storm and Jackie Moore vs. Petey Williams and Gail Kim
Winners:Williams and Gail Kim

's his name will run in and cost James Storm and Jackie Moore the match
5.) Two out of Three Falls match for TNA X Division Championship: Chris Sabin (c) vs. Jerry Lynn
Winner: and new X-Division Champion Jerry Lynn (he'll win 2 falls to 1)
6.) Kurt Angle vs. Scott Steiner
Winner: Kurt Angle
7.) Last Rites match: Sting vs. Abyss
Winner: Dr.Phil (aka Sting):Abyss will see the light and become a child of GOD!!!
8.) Elevation X: A.J. Styles vs. Rhino
Winner: No One: both men will fall after Rhino hits the GORE (GORE GORE!!!!)And they both hit the Floor (Floor Floor!!,you like that don't cha ya lol)
9.)NWA Heavyweight Championship match: Christian Cage(c) vs. Samoa Joe
Winner: and Neeeeeeeeeewwww NWA World Heavyweight Champion Samoa Joe!!!!!,Then Joe will throw down the belt cut a promo about how TNA is wrestling and that he is the TNA champion(or something along those lines),Poor Shane Douglas will be rolling over in his grave(and he's not even dead yet)