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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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That was only the second time I'd seen it and I feel like I didn't pay enough attention at first bc I thought it was good, but not nearly this amazing
it's a top 3 tag match in E history, sadly it doesn't get talked about cause you know.


Nov 13, 2010
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it's a top 3 tag match in E history, sadly it doesn't get talked about cause you know.

Cue the illuminati, Kevin Sullivan tinfoil talk.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WON WMOTY: Royal Rumble - World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H (c) (w/ Ric Flair) vs Scott Steiner
Lol this video package doesn’t even make this feud look good. Triple H comes out first for some reason smh hate when the champ doesn’t come out last without a good reason. Before the match Earl Hebner makes sure all three men no he’s “not putting up with any crap” bc he knows how they are :lmao Steiner gets control early with some power moves, but 90% of his offense is right hands that Hebner bitches about. Steiner sort of works the lower back, slamming Triple H into the the ring post and barricade outside. Steiner fucking no-sells a knee to the face to no reaction to the crowd at all :lmao Steiner goes for the Steiner Recliner, but Flair pulls Triple H out the ring. This slight distraction lets Triple H take control, and he sends Steiner to the steps outside. Triple H’s offense is a bit better than Steiner’s, but Steiner sells worse than Hunter did so IDK both look kinda bad. Flair gets too into the match and has to take his jacket off :lmao He gets involved as Triple H distracts Hebner. Steiner reverses a Pedigree, and they do some counter exchange that was really meh. Triple H tries to come off the middle rope, but gets caught in a belly-to-belly, and then Steiner hits like 3 more. Lol The crowd is so dead. Steiner goes for a double underhook slam thing, but I don’t think he can lift Triple H at this point :lmao fuckin’ roids not providing real strength. Triple H rolls out of the ring after a Superplex and him and Flair just try and leave with the belt :lmao Steiner follows after them, blocks a shot with the title into Triple H’s face that causes way too much blood for such a weak shot. Triple H again says fuck it, and tries to go through the crowd, but Steiner still follows and according to King, Hebner isn’t counting bc he knows Triple H is just trying to get counted out on purpose :lmao Steiner picks up a chair bc he’s a fucking dumbass, but remembers and throws it down. Back in the ring, Steiner does some push-ups as Flair yells at Hebner to check the cut on Triple H and stop the match :lmao but wouldn’t the title still change hands as long as it’s not a DQ or count out :hm: the announcers say it wouldn’t though. Triple H then just throws Hebner out the ring and Hebner starts to call for the bell, but remember he would keep the belt so he says “NO WRASSLE!” Steiner keeps trying to finish with punches and shitty belly-to-bellys, but Triple H catches him with a low blow as Flair distracts the ref (does that matter since he’s not DQing him) and that gets a two count. Triple H then gets the sledgehammer and the crowd finally reacts to something lol Hebner just yells “NO DAMMIT” as Hunter slams him aside and hits Steiner with it so that gets the DQ. Steiner fights off Triple H and Flair afterwards thanks to Hebner stopping Triple H from hitting him in the back with the hammer. The crowd boos like crazy as Steiner locks on the Steiner Recliner until refs get him off. UGH! Triple H’s first WHC run was so bad.

WON MOTY: Navigate for Evolution - Day 9 - GHC Heavyweight Championship: Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs Kenta Kobashi
ONE MORE TIME :mark: They start off with some nice counter exchanges, showing how well they know each other before having a great technical exchange. They tease a few bigger moves early before Misawa hits a brutal back suplex right on top of Kobashi’s head. Misawa comes off the top rope with a dive to the outside, then a running senton off the apron to take firm control early. Misawa then starts working over Kobashi’s arm for a bit before we get some chop/elbow exchanges from both men until Misawa catches Kobashi in a shoulder block by hitting him with an elbow right to the face :mark: Misawa stuffs a couple Kobashi comebacks until he goes for a dive, but Kobashi sends him face first into the rail :mark: Misawa either bit his tongue or lip bc blood is coming out of his mouth now as Kobashi hits him with a Dragon Suplex on the outside :mark: Kobashi is now in control in the ring, working over Misawa’s neck. Kobashi hits a better fame-asser than Billy Gunn has ever hit in his career for a two count. Kobashi sends Misawa out of the ring onto the elevated entrance ramp and hits a DDT on it, continuing the head/neck work. Kobashi is able to keep up his offense, which is pretty fun, for awhile until Misawa is finally able to mount a comeback after a few nice suplex variations and a rolling elbow, but both men sell the effects of the match now so no cover. Misawa is able to hit a Tiger Driver for two, followed by a half nelson suplex that he bridged beautifully for another two. Misawa can’t finish with another Tiger Driver, so he goes for Emerald Flosion, but Kobashi is able to counter out with a sleeper suplex :mark: More great striking exchanges, those are definitely my favorite parts of the match. Misawa is able to hit a suplex over the ropes onto the elevated entrance ramp, followed by an elbow suicida onto it IDK how he jumped far enough tbh that was cool af. Misawa goes for a Tiger Driver on the ramp, but Kobashi fights out so instead HE HITS A TIGER SUPLEX OFF OF THE FUCKING RAMP OH MY GOD KOBASHI IS DEAD! :mark::mark::mark::mark::mark: Both guys barely get in the ring before the 20 count ends, and Misawa gets a near fall off of it. Bruh that spot was crazy, the announcers are still talking about it lol Misawa is then able to hit Emerald Flosion, but covers a little slow so we get a GREAT false finish, you could tell the crowd thought it was over :mark: Misawa goes for another Tiger Driver for the finish, but Kobashi fights out, hits a Lariat for another close two, then a Brainbuster but that still just gets a two. So Kobashi pulls it out and we get a BURNING HAMMER for the win :mark: Not as good at the first two probably, but stands out enough in it’s own right that I still love it.

PWI MOTY: WWE Smackdown - 60-Minute Iron Man Match for the WWE Championship: Kurt Angle (c) vs Brock Lesnar
Lesnar takes a cheap shot on Angle to start the match for a quick upper hand, but Angle is able to fight back and the we get this phenomenal mix of Lesnar using power stuff and Angle countering and out-wrestling him for the most part. Lesnar tries to call a time-out, and takes another cheap shot on Angle :lmao Lesnar gets frustrated and wastes some time outside, channeling his inner Ric Flair. Lesnar is bumping like crazy for Angle, goes flying over the top rope from a clothesline and sells his knee being hurt. Angle goes after Lesnar out of the ring, but gets caught and Lesnar slams him back first into the ring post. Lesnar then says fuck this and gets a chair and just fucking destroys Angle with it in the head, then hits his back with it over and over. So Lesnar gets DQ’d to lose the first fall. 1-0 Angle with 50 minutes left. MY VIDEO GAME IRON MAN STRATEGY WORKS so Lesnar hits an F-5 to tie it up 1-1 :mark: 1-1 with 49 minutes left. Lesnar continues toying with Angle and makes him tap out with his own Ankle Lock. 2-1 Lesnar with 48 minutes left. Lesnar keeps it up, trying to end Angle with an Angle Slam this time, but Angle is able to kick out, great facial expressions by Lesnar. He keeps trying to get another fall with power moves that result in near falls and submission attempts, but Angle keeps fighting out. Angle is finally able to mount a comeback and we get a few german suplexes, but gets sent outside, and Lesnar is able to hit an F-5 outside the ring and Angle gets counted out :mark: 3-1 Lesnar with 40 minutes left. Angle keeps trying to mount a comeback, catching Lesnar with various suplexes. Lesnar tries to call for another time-out and Angle mimics him then flips him off :lmao Lesnar fights back, but Angle ends up hitting an Angle Slam out of nowhere for a three count. 3-2 Lesnar with 34 minutes left. Angle takes the straps down, counters an F-5 and locks in the Ankle Lock, but Lesnar pushes Angle out and almost hits the ref but stops himself only for Lesnar to KILL BRIAN HEBNER WITH A CLOTHESLINE THAT ANGLE DUCKED :mark: Angle hits an Angle Slam, but without the ref there’s no fall so Lesnar hits a low blow, attacks the timekeeper and gets the WWE Championship to nail Angle with it. Lesnar just throws Hebner over towards Angle to get another fall :lmao 4-2 Lesnar with 29 minutes left. They start brawling outside the ring again and Lesnar gets sent into the steps, then Angle comes off the top rope with a Macho Man axe handle to the floor :mark: Back in the ring Angle goes for a Missile Dropkick and HITS LESNAR RIGHT IN THE FUCKING FACE :mark: Angle misses a huge sky moonsault, and Lesnar goes for the cover after a belly-to-belly and man Angle is the king of waiting until the last second to kick out. He locks on the Ankle Lock again, but this time Lesnar sends him outside the ring with his counter. Lesnar tries to bring in the steel steps to the ring, but Angle catches him with a baseball slide sending them into Lesnar’s face. Angle tries to put Lesnar away but can’t and ends up getting caught with a sick Spinebuster, followed by a falling powerbomb for another close two. Lesnar then hits a nice top-rope Superplex for another fall. 5-2 Lesnar with 18 minutes left. Lesnar takes Tazz’s water during the rest period and then just throws it at him and you know Tazz was pissed bc he didn’t even comment on it, he just went silent for a few seconds :lmao Angle is able to make a comeback with some Germans including one that flips Brock all the way over so he hurts his knee again :mark: Lesnar is able to send Angle over the top rope though, goes for the F-5 to the ring post, but Angle counters and does it to Lesnar :mark: Angle focuses on the knee with a single leg boston crab in the ring, Lesnar gets to the ropes, but Angle switches it to an Ankle Lock, but still can’t get Lesnar to tap and Lesnar ends up hitting a desperation F-5, which only gets him a two count as he sold the leg before. Lesnar tries to go up top with his bad leg, but Angle catches him with a belly-to-belly off the top for a fall. 5-3 Lesnar with 10 minutes left. Angle PUTS THE STRAPS ON JUST TO TAKE THEM BACK OFF :mark: He can’t capitalize though as Lesnar is able to fight back with some germans of his own, but then Angle reverses with some of his SO MANY SUPLEXES :mark: Angle is able to reverses a german attempt with an amazing victory roll into the Ankle Lock forcing Lesnar to tap. 5-4 Lesnar with 4 minutes left. Angle gets really desperate trying to get Lesnar to submit again as time is running down. Lesnar tries to waste time, but Angle comes out of the ring after him, and throws him back in with about a minute left. Angle hits like 4 Germans before Lesnar geniusly grabs the ref to hit a hidden low blow, but Angle is still able to lock in the Ankle Lock with 17 seconds left, but Lesnar is able to hold on to win. 5-4 Lesnar

WON FOTY: Final Conflict 2003 - 2003 Pride Middleweight Grand Prix Tournament Finals: Quinton Jackson vs Wanderlei Silva
Rampage comes out wearing this awesome gorilla mask. We start and Jackson picks up Silva, but Silva grapevines a Guillotine attempt, and they go down which Jackson gets out then onto Silva’s full guard. Jackson gets stuck by it for a couple minutes, but then makes his move and hits some nice punches and knees, but Silva recovers back to full mount. Jackson hits some more solid shots that cut Silva pretty instantly. They get stood back up and Silva gets a yellow card, IDK why though, but this stand up exchange is AWESOME! Jackson gets rocked with some knees, and then just starts EATING SO MANY KNEE STRIKES until the ref finally stops it.
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Nov 13, 2010
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I miss to roided out fighters :mjcry


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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2004 PWI MOTY: WrestleMania XX - Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H (c) vs Chris Benoit vs Shawn Michaels
The HYPE generated from the video package before is real :mark: Michaels and Benoit take out Triple H early, and their jealousy comes into play quickly in the opening exchange between the two which is a lot of fun. They do a good job making the two in one out triple threat formula feel natural before Michaels takes out both opponents with a moonsault from the top rope to the outside of the ring :mark: All three guys really work so well together, HHH/Michaels is better here than most of their other matches for sure, maybe bc Triple H is motivated to actually do something for the first time in two years. Benoit’s brawling in this is just great, he’s so brutal and desperate to win. Great spot where HHH Irish whips Michaels into Benoit who was draped in the tree of woe. I remember as a kid thinking HBK felt out of place in this just because everyone knew there was no chance he’d win, but man he’s so much fun in this too, especially the Benoit exchanges. HHH and Benoit have this AWESOME pre-superplex brawl that I wish would happen more, like they were just punching the fuck out of each other before HHH was able to hit it. Benoit is able to lock in the crossface for the first time on HHH, but Michaels is able to break it up quickly. Michaels tries to german suplex Benoit :lmao so Benoit just reverses and hits the triple german/diving headbutt combo for a near fall. Michaels gets his shit in with his elbow drop on HHH, and then Sweet Chin Music for a great near fall that Benoit breaks up by pulling HHH out of the ring with no regard :mark: Benoit catapults Michaels into the top turnbuckle, but he hits the post and just starts pouring blood. One of the best spots EVER happens where Michaels is about to tap from the Crossface, bloody as fuck, but HHH GRABS HIS HAND TO KEEP HIM FROM TAPPING :mark: HHH and Benoit brawl out of the ring and HHH takes apart the Smackdown announce table lol sorry Cole and Tazz your matches are over. They end up on the Spanish announce table (between Raw and Smackdown’s) and Benoit teases german suplexing HHH onto the Raw one, then HHH teases a Pedigree before Michaels comes in COVERED IN BLOOD and they double suplex Benoit onto the Smackdown table, breaking it :mark: Michaels and HHH brawl for a bit until Michaels sends him over the top rope onto a cameraman as JR says “I’VE SAID IT THREE TIMES NOW WE NEED A DAMN EMT OUT HERE FOR BENOIT!” :mark: The crowd chants for Benoit as HHH hits a Pedigree on Michaels in the ring, but takes awhile to cover him and BENOIT COMES OUT OF NOWHERE TO BREAK IT UP :mark: Triple H is bleeding pretty heavily now as well. Benoit is able to lock in the Sharpshooter to a HUGE fucking pop, but HHH refuses to tap until Michaels comes out of nowhere with Sweet Chin Music to break it up :mark: Michaels misses Sweet Chin Music a second time and gets sent over the top by Benoit, HHH then goes for a Pedigree, but Benoit counters to a Crossface, HHH tries to counter out of it, but BENOIT HOLDS ON AND HHH HAS TO TAP OUT :mark::mark::mark: STILL AMAZING! WWE Champion Eddie Guerrero comes down to celebrate with Benoit and I think someone’s chopping some onions or something in here bc my eyes are starting to water a little.

WON MOTY: Departure - GHC Heavyweight Championship: Kenta Kobashi (c) vs Jun Akiyama
They start off super evenly matched, both guys countering the other’s shit, and not being able to take the other down with power moves. Akiyama’s flying knees are so nice. They have this SUPER long exchange trading chops and forearms before Akiyama finally goes down. Akiyama starts working over Kobashi’s knee, which he injured a couple years back. They get in a great slap fight while Akiyama has a leg lock on, but Kobashi is able to chop his neck enough to get him to let go :mark: Kobashi’s offense is pretty fun, he hits a lot of powerful chops, stopping Akiyama’s comebacks with his power mostly. Akiyama starts eating the chops, and ends up hitting a brutal high knee as Kobashi went for a shoulder block :mark: Akiyama then hits a DDT on the apron, then drives him into the guardrail with his knee :mark: Akiyama’s outside attacks are fucking great, he excels at this stuff. Kobashi is able to take back control inside the ring, slowing it down with a headlock that he just won’t let go of, even after multiple back suplexes :mark: Akiyama finally starts to break out, so Kobashi just hits him with a sleeper suplex, and then like a million chops fucking chops, then hits some spinning ones to the neck that looked pretty sick. Kobashi then hits a fucking vertical suplex from the apron TO THE FLOOR :mark: Kobashi starts spitting up a little blood after that and both guys are pretty dead. Kobashi hits this nice Orange Crush type move, then a lariat, both for near falls, but Akiyama keeps kicking out. Akiyama breaks out of a Burning Hammer attempt, and they end up back on the apron, tease a couple moves before Akiyama hits an EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR :mark::mark: Back in the ring, Akiyama hits a Super Exploder Suplex from the top rope for a great near fall. Akiyama works a guillotine for awhile before Kobashi is able to kick out from another Exploder Suplex, so he goes for a Fisherman this time, but Kobashi reverses with a brutal Brainbuster. Each guy trades suplexes before Kobashi catches Akiyama with a lariat, but Akiyama still kicks out so Kobashi pulls out his old school Moonsault but that only gets a two as well :mark: Finally Kobashi is able to hit the BURNING HAMMER for the win GOOD FUCKING SHIT! This is the first time I watched it with the Fight Network English commentary, Mauro Ranallo was really good, but the dude with him annoyed tf out of me, would probably just watch it with the OG Japanese commentary in the future.

WON WMOTY: Unforgiven - Steven Richards vs Tyson Tomko
Hey don't read this Fab, you haven't gotten to Unforgiven yet :side: So this Tomko challenges this cross-dresser that’s been interfering in Trish’s feud with Victoria bc he just attacked him after the Women’s Championship match. JR calls it the worst kept secret, but King tells him to go along with it so JR calls Richards “the mystery woman” :lmao So this is just 6 minutes of Tomko stripping and beating up Richards, FUCK THIS! Richards makes a comeback by grabbit Tomko’s nuts, but gets distracted by his own bra for some reason, so Tomko hits his Swinging Neckbreaker for the win. Like who thought any of this was a good idea.

WON FOTY: Pride 28: High Octane - Pride Middleweight Championship: Wanderlei Silva (c) vs Quinton Jackson
We get some really nice clinch brawling to start before Silva accidentally gets kneed in the dick, then we get some REALLY good stand up striking :mark: Jackson just eats some crazy shots and is able to take Silva down, but the ref has to call time bc Jackson has a sick cut. They let Jackson restart in Silva’s guard, and Jackson lands some nice chops, but almost gets caught in some submission attempts that he’s able to fight out of. They don’t do a whole lot so the ref stands them up and they both get yellow cards for not doing enough. Jackson catches Silva with a nice right hand that takes him down with about a minute left, and Jackson desperately tries to finish, but isn’t able to, and Silva almost locks in a triangle choke but the round ends with Jackson punching tf out of Silva :mark: Round 2 starts off fun af as well, just teeing off on each other before Silva ends up on top after a Jackson takedown. Silva lands a couple of his fuckin’ stomps to the face :mark: but Jackson is able to get up to his feet and they have a good stand up exchange until Silva catches him with a right hand to rock him and then KNOCKS JACKSON TF OUT WITH SOME KNEES JACKSON ALMOST FELL THROUGH THE ROPES BC HE WAS COMPLETELY LIMP :mark:


Nov 13, 2010
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Wandy kneeing the fuck out of Rampage :five:
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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I had to download that fucking PPV bc WWE wiped that match from the interwebz completely :lmao It's the only one I've had trouble finding since like the 80s.


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2005 PWI MOTY: WrestleMania 21 - Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels
Michaels starts this off with just a slap to the face :mark: They really do a good job selling the petty jealousy each guy has as they want to get their shit in and embarrass the other guy. Angle easily has the advantage during the amateur matwork, but Michaels slows it down with some basic ass headlocks that he won’t let Angle get out to frustrate Angle. Angle gets super frustrated as he can’t mount any offense, so this regresses to a brawl, and Angle goes for the Ankle Lock early after a cheap shot, but Michaels counters and both men end up outside where Angle is able to hit an Angle Slam onto the ring post :mark: Angle focuses on the back now and his offense is fucking great with all the suplexes and painful holds :mark: They trade some punches until Angle gets PISSED and clotheslines the fuck out of Michaels for a two count :mark: Michaels is able to knock Angle off the top rope and goes for his elbow drop, but misses. Angle then takes off the straps, but Michaels reverses the Angle Slam and sends Angle over the top rope with a back body drop, then Michaels hits some weird but effective crossbody to the outside. Angle tries to fuckin’ german suplex Michaels off the apron, but Michaels stuffs that with an undetected low blow, then hits a springboard splash onto Angle and the Smackdown announce table :mark: Michaels’s nose is bleeding and Angle’s mouth is busted at this point, but they both make it in before the 10 count. They brawl in the ring a bit before Michaels is able to hit the forearm smash/kip-up for a nice pop. Michaels is able to hit his elbow drop this time, but Angle counters Sweet Chin Music into the Ankle Lock :mark: They work that for awhile until Michaels gets to the ropes after Angle stops his counter attempt, so Angle keeps going for the ankle, but hits an Angle Slam out of nowhere for only a two count. Angle puts the straps back on so he can take them back off again only to miss a sky moonsault :lmao Michaels tries to go up top, but his ankle gives Angle enough time to hit a Super Angle Slam from the top for ONLY A TWO COUNT :mark: Angle starts yelling at Michaels to tap out, so Michaels pulls away and hits a SICK FUCKING SWEET CHIN MUSIC :mark: Michaels slowly crawls to the cover but doesn’t get there in time for the three count as Angle BARELY gets his fucking shoulder up :mark: Michaels is barely able to get up, and Angle just grabs the ankle out of nowhere like a fucking horror movie :lmao Michaels struggles and fights out like it’s life or death, but Angle won’t let go no matter what until he finally grapevines the legs and Michaels still works the tap out for so long before he finally taps and the crowd just eats it up :mark: I FORGOT HOW FUCKING GOOD THIS WAS!

WON FOTY: The Ultimate Fighter: Team Couture vs Team Liddell Finale - Ultimate Fighter Light Heavyweight Finals: Forrest Griffin vs Stephan Bonnar
They have a fucking great stand-up battle at first with Griffin getting the better of Bonnar, but Bonnar holds his own and lands some solid shots as well. Griffin is able to take Bonnar down, but there’s not enough time to really work with anything. Fucking awesome first round, would probably give it to Forrest but barely. They keep up the quick pace, and Griffin gets cut pretty bad on his nose, so he gets a desperation takedown before Herb Dean has them look at that cut. They resume and just won’t stop throwing strikes this is amazing :mark: How they made it to a third round after they could barely walk after the second I’ll never know, but we get one and it’s slower paced than the first two since they’re both dead, but it’s still fucking awesome. Bruce Buffer calls this the best three rounds in the octagon ever as he reads off Griffin’s unanimous decision win. GOOD SHIT! After the fight, Dana White gives Forrest all the stuff for winning including a nice ass watch that he says “I can pawn this for a whole lot” :lmao Dana then announces that both men will get contracts bc that fight was so fucking good :mark:

WON MOTY: Joe vs Kobashi - Kenta Kobashi vs Samoa Joe
Wow this crowd is super hot, especially for Kobashi so they way overdo it with the streamers lol fuckin’ marks. They start off working minimal stiff strikes since the crowd is so hot and reacts to them all so much, fuckin chanting “this is awesome” after just a few strikes. They pick it up and Joe is able to hit a suicide dive out of the ring and OH SHIT I JUST REALIZED THAT THERE’S NO COMMENTARY I DIDN’T EVEN NOTICE FOR FIVE MINUTES :mark: Joe stays in control for a bit, before Kobashi no-sells a few stiff chops and they start trading some and OH MY GOD THESE ARE LIKE LITERALLY THE HARDEST CHOPS EVER YOU GUYS GOTTA SEE JOE’S CHEST JIGGLE :mark: Kobashi keeps trying to mount a comeback, but Joe just knees him in the fucking face a few times after eating a couple more chops to stop it. They end up back outside the ring and Joe hits the Ole Kick on one side, so the crowd chants “over here” so he does it on another side the whole time the crowd is chanting “Ole!” but this time Kobashi reverses, and hits his own stiff kick to the face to Joe :mark: Kobashi continues with a DDT on the outside. Man this has to be peak Kobashi at this point, he’s working these ROH fans like crazy without having to do a lot of shit like he used to. They get in another striking battle that Kobashi obviously wins, but those are always so much fun. Joe makes a nice comeback, and just kills Kobashi with strikes of his own before hitting a buckle bomb, and then just starts facewashing Kobashi in the corner what disrespect :mark: Joe is able to hit the Muscle Buster, but Kobashi kicks out, so Joe does a powerbomb, STF combo GOOD FUCKING SHIT :mark: Kobashi starts fighting out so Joe converts it to a crossface, then a fujiwara armbar only for Kobashi to still get the ropes :mark: BRUH it looked like Kobashi just used literally all of his strength to hit a half nelson suplex on Joe :lmao Kobashi then hits like a million chops on Joe as the crowd loves it, Joe has huge welts on his chest. Kobashi hits another half nelson suplex, but Joe is able to grab the ropes, but then gets caught with a brutal sleeper suplex for a close near fall. Kobashi signals for the end hits some absolutely sick spinning chops to the neck then a brutal lariat for the win :mark: Somehow the ROH crowd made this both better and worse at the same time. Jay Lethal comes out to check on Joe and Kobashi helps him up so the crowd gives them both a standing ovation and they even chant “arigato” to Kobashi NICE!

WON WMOTY: Survivor Series - Eric Bischoff vs Theodore Long (w/ Palmer Canon)
Bischoff’s karate gear :mark: Cole and Coach are calling this so just kill me now :no: They have a Raw and Smackdown ref for this and I’m not gonna lie Cole is OWNING Coach on commentary. Long slowly dodges Bischoff so he does a little strut, and I guess Bischoff is selling that Teddy is moving quickly, but it’s so slow :lmao Canon gets involved for some reason which distracts Long and both refs, so Bischoff starts choking Long with his black belt :lmao Bischoff locks on a really shitty sleeper, but Long takes his shoe off and hits Bischoff with it. Bischoff gets some kind of karate thrust to the throat and Long’s selling is so bad :lmao I’M THE BOOGEYMAN AND I’M COMING TO GET YOU! Bischoff sends the refs out to stop Boogeyman, but he comes from behind and lands a Pumphandle Slam on Bischoff allowing Long to cover him and the ref comes back just in time to count the pin but not see the interference :side: terrible fucking idea.
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Bonnar/Griffin still holds up.


Dreams are Endless
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2006 WON MOTY: Supercard of Honor - Blood Generation (CIMA, Masato Yoshino, & Naruki Doi) vs Do Fixer (Dragon Kid, Genki Horiguchi, & Ryo Saito)
Watching Todd Sinclair scramble to get rid of streamers will never not make me laugh. Tags aren’t necessary in this one as per Dragon Gate rules, so I expect this to be a superfast and kinda clusterfucky but in a good way. So this starts out WAY fucking faster than I expected tbh, this is one of the fastest paced wrestling matches I’ve ever seen with everyone getting their shit in to warm the crowd up early before Yoshino gets isolated by Do Fixer, and these double team spots are WOW :mark: Blood Generation is able to isolate Dragon Kid now with Cima really shining on offense. Kid makes a comeback, and even remembers to sell his back that they were working over shocker of the match tbh :mark: All three members of Do Fixer end up in the ring and they do some really creative triple team work with a triple dropkick :mark: All three members of Blood Generation focus on Horiguchi and all three throw him by what’s barely left of his hair :lmao None of the isos can last very long due to the no tagging needed rules, but that’s good for keeping the match fast paced. They’re really able to work over Horiguchi for awhile though as they stop the other members of Do Fixer from coming in. These triple/double team moves by both teams are so much fun to watch. The fans start to chant for Horiguchi and he almost makes the tag, but Doi stops him wait why does he even need to tag :hm: Do Fixer easily take control now and land dives to the outside including a really nice springboard moonsault by Dragon Kid. CIMA/Saito have a really fun exchange in the ring where CIMA goes for a hurricanrana but gets caught with a powerbomb :mark: Saito makes me wish more wrestlers did rolling Fisherman Suplexes. We then get this amazing exchange of each team trading counters and which member is in the ring, really good shit some of these counters are so awesome :mark: One of the best near falls towards the end comes where Doi ends up on Saito’s shoulders on the top rope and Dragon Kid hits a like a super super hurricanrana and Saito comes off with a splash but only for two :mark: We get another super fast paced sequence that I can barely even keep up with that’s just filled with big moves and broken pins near falls and it’s FUCKING AWESOME :mark: Finally Dragon Kid hits a cutter from the top rope and then a DRAGONRANA FOR THE WIN OH MY GOD I’VE NEVER SEEN HIM ACTUALLY DO ONE OF THESE ONLY IN VIDEO GAMES :mark: Really insane match, can see how it blew Meltzer’s mind and got MOTY, IDK if I’d agree with that, but the PWI MOTY definitely isn’t better lmao

PWI MOTY: WrestleMania 22 - No Holds Barred Match: Mr. McMahon vs Shawn Michaels
This wasn’t even match of the fuckin’ night :side: During his entrance, McMahon unveils he’s on the new cover of Muscle and Fitness, but Michaels comes out after him to start the match. Michaels just beats the fuck out of McMahon, hits him with the framed magazine cover as JR says “YEAH AND STICK IT UP HIS ASS TOO” BIASED JR :mark: The Spirit Squad then come out UGH and they all five take out Michaels, but Kenny misses a diving leg drop as the others tried to help McMahon, so Michaels takes a megaphone and kills them all with it as JR just keeps talking shit :lmao This lets McMahon take control, bleeding a little above his eye. McMahon’s offense is okay, Michaels sells really well, especially some of the shots he takes from McMahon’s belt. McMahon tries to fire up the crowd and starts to tune up the band for Sweet Chin Music :lmao Michaels blocks it and is able to take control again, and it’s really fun just watching McMahon get the shit beat out of him. BRUH JR’s commentary is so FIRE :mark: Michaels starts to tune up the band, but now Shane McMahon comes out with a kendo stick and kills him with it. Vince drops his pants as he wants Michaels to join the kiss-my-ass club, but Michaels shoves Shane into Vince’s ass instead :lmao Michaels then takes handcuffs that Shane brough and handcuffs Shane outside of the ring to the ropes, and Michaels THROWS THE KEY INTO THE CROWD :lmao Michaels then just beats the fuck out of Shane with a kendo stick :mark: Michaels brings in a chair and McMahon eats a crazy sick shot to the face, that chair was fucking destroyed. McMahon is bleeding badly now as Michaels measures him for Sweet Chin Music, but changes his mind and brings out a ladder that he just kills McMahon in the face with. Once again Michaels decides not to finish with Sweet Chin Music, and this time he gets some trash cans and a table. Shane trying to do shit while handcuffed is hilarious :lmao Michaels goes up to the ladder, teases a splash through the table but goes out and gets a super tall ladder instead. Michaels then places the trash can on McMahon’s head and nails a huge elbow drop off the ladder after doing a crotch chop :mark: They bring out a stretcher for McMahon, but Michaels says fuck them and kicks them away and then says “I’M GONNA KNOCK YOUR TEETH DOWN YOUR THROAT” before hitting a brutal Sweet Chin Music for the win. Once again, this has absolutely no business being match of the year, but I also believe it had no business being this good in its own right. They did a great job making McMahon kinda competitive with interference without making Michaels look week or the match too boring. The “old” Michaels coming out again was also great. Also after the match McMahon gets stretchered out and flips off the crowd instead of holding a thumbs up as JR says “SATAN LIVES” :mark:

WON FOTY: UFC Fight Night: Sanchez vs Parisyan - Welterweight Fight: Diego Sanchez vs Karo Parisyan
Sanchez gets a takedown early and cuts Parisyan over his eye while punching from the back mount. Parisyan gets to his feet and then hits a nice judo sweep takedown. This is some of the most entertaining ground work I’ve seen, both are so active with counters and solid shots. Back on their feet Parisyan hits a couple GREAT judo throws, Sanchez landed on his head for one of them. First round ends with them trading some strikes, really fun stuff IDK i’d probably give the edge to Parisyan for his takedowns, but it was close as fuck. Parisyan catches Sanchez with some nice shots to start round two and hits a pretty nice double leg slam to take control on the ground, but Sanchez does some weird reversal that almost got him a leg lock :mark: Sanchez gets a takedown into full guard now, but Parisyan gets to his feet. Sanchez is way better at blocking those sweeps now, and Parisyan’s face is swollen af. They roll around some more on the ground bc both guys ground game is like fucking perfect so neither can keep control for too long. I’d probably give round 2 to Sanchez but once again super close and I ain’t no judge. They decide to go stand-up for the beginning of the third, but Sanchez catches Parisyan with an uppercut, so Parisyan lands a desperation takedown, but Sanchez gets to his feet, and takes Parisyan’s back and almost finishes with a choke, but settles to try and finish with some ground and pound, but Parisyan still manages to defend well while eating a few shots. Sanchez looks pretty fresh right now as Parisyan is struggling. Solid stand-up follows and Sanchez hits a sick knee at one point OH SHIT THAT’S THE KNEE THAT KNOCKS OUT A TOOTH :mark: Parisyan tries to go for a throw, but Sanchez ends up on top. Sanchez owned that third round, and the judges score it for Sanchez unanimously. That fight was really fun, nothing like a few of the other really good ones I’ve watched, but I’m not surprised if this is the best fight of the year for sure, it was fun shit.

WON WMOTY: TNA iMPACT - Fight For the Right Tournament 2006 First Stage - Reverse Battle Royal: Abyss vs AJ Styles vs Brother Devon vs Brother Runt vs Chris Sabin vs Christian Cage vs Christopher Daniels vs Eric Young vs James Storm vs Jay Lethal vs Kip James vs Lance Hoyt vs Matt Bentley vs Raven vs Robert Roode vs Ron Killings vs Senshi vs Sonjay Dutt
I have no idea if this was Vince Russo’s idea or not, but until proven otherwise I’m assuming bc FUCK this dumbass rule. So everyone starts out of the ring and the first 7 in the ring (which they have to climb over the top rope to count) then compete in an over the top rope battle royal until two are left and they have a regular match UGH! It’s just a big clusterfuck outside the ring, them selling trying to get over the top is hilarious. Random teammates and stable mates like Brother Ray and Shane Douglas come out to watch and they cut the them a lot for an irrelevant reason. They show James Storm just chilling drinking a beer at one point bc he said fuck this I guess :lmao I think just this stage is what is counted as the WMOTY, but fuck it I’ll watch the rest bc I’m not sure tbh. The 7 in the ring in order are Roode, Sabin, Daniels, Styles, Abyss, Hoyt, and Killings after Rhino came out to prevent Cage from making it.
Fight For the Right Tournament 2006 First Stage - 7-Man Battle Royal: Abyss vs AJ Styles vs Chris Sabin vs Christopher Daniels vs Lance Hoyt vs Robert Roode vs Ron Killings
We take a commercial and begin stage two. Killings and Sabin get sent out early, Roode looks fucking great in this. Daniels and Styles do some great double team stuff on Abyss. Daniels tries to eliminate Roode, but Ms. Brooks comes out and distracts him allowing Roode to eliminate him, but then Roode gets thrown out too :( Abyss eliminates Styles so the singles match we end with is FUCKING ABYSS AND LANCE HOYT WHY
Fight For the Right Tournament 2006 First Stage - Abyss (w/ James Mitchell) vs Lance Hoyt
James Mitchell comes out for this bc it’s important I guess, but it’s not that good. It’s not just too terrible either, but Abyss looks like shit and Hoyt is aight. Abyss tries to use a chair bc he’s dumb, but the ref stops him. Hoyt then hits a nice af springboard moonsault :mark: Abyss counters like the very next move though, hits a torture rack backbreaker for two. Mitchell distracts the ref for some reason which allows Hoyt to use the chair and he does the coast to coast across the ring on Abyss and I’m ngl I’m shocked he made that jump all the way across, but Mitchell could have just turned the ref around at any point and Hoyt would have been dq’d :side: Abyss fights out of a fireman’s carry, then hits the black hole slam before any other offense to win. This was such a stupid idea holy shit notice that these are all just the first stage, that’s bc the second stage was then some weird tournament where the seeding was based on elimination order and the winners competed in a triple threat match and THEN the winner of that faces Abyss since he won this part and then AFTER ALL OF THAT BULLSHIT the winner gets a chance to face Sting for the title JESUS being NWA Champion is not worth that much trouble tbh.
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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2007 WON FOTY: UFC 68: The Uprising - UFC Heavyweight Championship: Tim Sylvia (c) vs Randy Couture
Sylvia coming out to “Jesus Walks” :mark: BRUH Sylvia is 13 years younger, 6 inches taller, 40 pounds heavier and has a fuckin 12 inch reach advantage like fuck I’ve never seen a tale of the tape more uneven than that, and not to mention Couture is coming out of retirement at 43 years old, so no wonder this got FOTY with all this backstory factored in. So this starts and OH SHIT COUTURE ROCKS HIM EARLY WITH A HUGE RIGHT HAND SYLVIA ALMOST LOST IN 10 SECONDS MY GOD! Sylvia recovers and Couture ends up having his back on the ground. This crowd was hot af already, but they’re going crazy now after that opening shot. Sylvia tries to waste time to get a stand up but McCarthy says he’s not having any of that which I like, but it did make the rest of round 1 kinda boring bc Couture couldn’t get much done, but it’s an easy win for him. Sylvia’s reach is nothing, Couture just keeps breaking through and landing punches in round 2 also, and he ends up getting a takedown with 3 minutes left. Couture struggles to get out of full guard, but he’s still able to land some solid shots to bust open Sylvia’s nose before the round ends, which was another easy win for Couture. Round 3 starts out with some slower stand up exchanges with Couture just embarrassing Sylvia with these head movements :mark: Couture has to have landed at least 5x as many strikes as Sylvia. Couture starts showing some signs of fatigue towards the end of this round, but that’s like a round and a half later than Sylvia, Couture again wins that round, but no takedowns that time. Couture gets a quick takedown in round 4 after Sylvia stuffed one. Nothing really happens though so they get stood up, but Couture is able to take him down again this time in side control, then full mount, but Sylvia is able to get out and actually does shit for once for like 20 seconds until the round ends with Couture easily winning the first four. Sylvia starts out round 5 a little stronger since he needs a finish, but Couture just says fuck that and has another takedown smh this is just embarrassing. Sylvia half asses a leg lock so Couture spins away into side control. Couture switches to full mount, but Sylvia fights out only to get taken down again, just with full guard this time. Couture just rides this out with some nice shots until the round ends. A 43 YEAR OLD RANDY COUTURE JUST CARRIED TIM SYLVIA’S FATASS TO A FIGHT OF THE YEAR WINNING THE BELT UNANIMOUSLY 50-45 :mark: The crowd reaction is one of the loudest I’ve heard from the UFC tbh.

WON WMOTY: Lockdown - Six Sides of Steel Blindfold Match: Chris Harris vs James Storm
UGH FUCK RUSSO (Disclaimer: Once again no idea if Russo really came up with this one, but I’m making an educated assumption) So both men have to be blindfolded bc Storm blinded Harris with a beer bottle earlier in one eye so logically they both have to be blindfolded in this one even though Harris can still see out of one eye :side: They just wander around the ring for a bit, not even close to each other. Storm mistakes the ref for for Harris, and then they walk right beside each other without touching. Finally they touch and both miss a punch so they’re back across the ring FUCK THIS SHIT! The crowd starts chanting “We want wrestling” :lmao me too guys me too. Harris finally has the genius idea to point in a general direction and the crowd cheers when he points at Storm, so he’s able to take him down and lands a couple shots. Storm throws Harris into the ropes, but Harris stops the rebound so Storm just swings wildly until Harris hits the fuck out of him :lmao “boring” chants happening now. Storm tries to cheat by peeking, so the ref makes him put it back on and this GENIUS FUCKIN REF Rudy Charles spins him around so there’s no advantage bc he doesn’t know where he is anymore. That doesn’t help the match but I appreciate the commitment the ref had to the gimmick. Harris hits the first decent move of the match with a cutter of the top rope, and we actually get a two count from that. Storm tries to escape the cage even though I didn’t think that was a way to win in TNA, but Harris follows him and takes him down. The crowd starts chanting “someone stop this” as Harris accidently puts a sharpshooter on Rudy Charles instead of Storm, but realizes this guy has pants on :lmao but Storm thankfully takes his mask off, flips of Harris and then superkicks the fuck out of him to win. This match had no chance from the start, but it still would have been way better if they cut like 4 minutes of this and didn’t have that bullshit at the beginning.

PWI MOTY: Monday Night RAW - John Cena vs Shawn Michaels
QUICK REVIEW: Yeah still holds up. LONG REVIEW: They build on the ‘Mania match well and have a much better one keeping the respectful hatred the two have a focal point, and Cena teasing the STFU as he made Michaels tap with that at ‘Mania. They pace themselves super slow since they know this has gotta last the rest of the show lol, but the opening exchange is so much fun with some phenomenal matwork. They get in each others face and throw punches for the first time as we take the first commercial break. They don’t regress to a brawl quite yet as Cena does his Orton headlock impersonation for a little bit to wear down Michaels as the crowd does an early “Lets go Cena! Cena Sucks” chant, but the Cena Sucks crowd isn’t too loud yet. The pace quickens as Michaels starts to fight back, both guys tease their finishers before Michaels dips to the outside and we take another commercial. The technical stuff really gets thrown out now as Michaels works over Cena with some strikes in the corner, then just stomps on his fuckin face :mark: Cena starts fighting back and catches Michaels’s leapfrog attempt for a powerslam NICE! Cena’s offense is fun, he busts out his full moveset for this one and manages to stuff Michaels’s comeback well until he’s able to hit like the nicest snap neckbreaker I’ve ever seen. Michaels gets his offense in now, usual stuff, slam and elbow combo and such, but decides to reverse Cena’s momentum into a backslide for two instead of going for Sweet Chin Music that would have been reversed :mark: Michaels is able to send Cena out of the ring with a nasty bump, then goes for a slingshot splash over the top rope but CENA CATCHES HIM :mark: Michaels reverses and sends Cena into the steps as we get another commercial. We come back to Michaels working over Cena’s newly hurt arm, really good shit. Cena fights back, nails a huge clothesline, then the Five Knuckle Shuffle, and then the FU after Michaels misses Sweet Chin Music, but Michaels KICKS AT TWO :mark: Another commercial UGH I want a full version of this. Back from the break, Cena is in full control and just throws Michaels out of the ring, and keeps working the lower back. Michaels can’t manage a comeback, and gets sent hard af to the corner and ends up flying over to the floor as Cena remembers to sell the arm :mark: Cena goes up top and hits the leg drop bulldog for one of the first times in his career judging by how JR, King and the crowd reacts. Cena goes for a top rope FU to end it, but Michaels slides down and hits a powerbomb and both men are down :mark: Cena goes for the STFU again, but Michaels kicks him to the apron and then sends him flying into the announce table. Michaels tries to piledrive Cena onto the steps, but Cena back drops him onto the floor. We come back from commercial to Cena and Michaels just brawling on top of the announce table, the ref breaks it up and Cena yells “HE WON’T STAY DOWN HE WON’T STAY DOWN DAMMIT” :lmao Cena ends up locking in the STFU in the center of the ring, They work it for awhile until Michaels finally gets to the ropes for a huge pop. Cena goes for an FU, but Michaels is able to hit Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere, but crawls to the cover too slow as Cena barely grabs the ropes :mark: They tiredly brawl a bit longer before Cena goes for another FU, but Michaels flips out and lands on his feet and hits Sweet Chin Music for the win :mark::mark:

WON MOTY: Manhattan Mayhem II - ROH World Championship: Takeshi Morishima (c) vs Bryan Danielson
S/O TO ROH FOR UPLOADING THIS IN FULL HD ON THEIR YOUTUBE CHANNEL :mark: “You’re gonna get your fucking head kicked in” chants to start the match FUCK YES :mark: Also Paul Turner just casually throws the streamers out of the ring instead of scrambling after this like his life depends on it like Todd Sinclair does :( This is fucking great, Danielson works the legs with some kicks as Morishima tries to get something going with his power advantage, but Danielson has too much speed and keeps it up with leg kicks, trying to chop down the bigger man, what a good strategy. Morishima finally corners him and we get some FUCKING AWESOME brawling I could watch Morishima throw hands all day tbh. Danielson keeps trying to fight back, but Morishima just overpowers him and then kills him with some brawling. Morishima sends him outside and hits some Ole kicks on the outside, but the crowd doesn’t remember to chant. Danielson reverses and sends Morishima over the barricade, then springboards off the ropes over the rail onto Morishima :mark: Good thing those fans dipped lmao. Danielson is selling his eye well, but i did just see him call a spot real quick. He keeps working over Morishima’s left leg that he started with earlier, using a chair on it which I guess isn’t illegal. Morishima fuckin’ no-sells a missile dropkick, and is able to hit a brutal lariat :mark: We get a fast-paced exchange with each guy managing some counters before Danielson stays in control by focusing on that leg again :mark: Danielson gets caught with a german suplex though, and both guys end up on the top rope, then Morishima misses his Missile Dropkick, so Danielson goes right back to the leg. Morishima is able to hit a Thesz Press, but Danielson rolls through with a single leg boston crab :mark: BEST LEG WORK IN WRESTLING HISTORY RIGHT HERE HOLY SHIT ALMOST EVERY MOVE DANIELSON HAS DONE HAS BEEN TO THE LEG :mark: Danielson tries to catch him with a couple pinning combinations, but Morishima kicks out with some nice near falls occurring. Morishima fights back again, but Danielson hits a fuckin’ german on his fatass somehow WITH A BRIDGE for two. Danielson again tries to finish with elbows this time, and Morishima can’t support Danielson’s weight anymore at all, so Danielson just starts kicking the fuck out of his face before locking in Cattle Mutilation. Morishima stays conscious and is able to crawl underneath the ropes to force a break. Danielson goes for a super back suplex, but Morishima lands his full body weight on Danielson, giving him a chance again as he hits some sick elbows then a HUGE LARIAT for two :mark: Morishima then hits the back drop driver for three. That finish has always felt a little flat for me with how great the first 98% of the match is, but I think I don’t mind it as much bc Bryan was fighting with such desperation as if just being caught with a couple moves at the end would finish him and that’s exactly what happened when Morishima finally was able to.
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