Royal Rumble -
World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H (c) (w/ Ric Flair) vs Scott Steiner
Lol this video package doesn’t even make this feud look good. Triple H comes out first for some reason smh hate when the champ doesn’t come out last without a good reason. Before the match Earl Hebner makes sure all three men no he’s “not putting up with any crap” bc he knows how they are

Steiner gets control early with some power moves, but 90% of his offense is right hands that Hebner bitches about. Steiner sort of works the lower back, slamming Triple H into the the ring post and barricade outside. Steiner fucking no-sells a knee to the face to no reaction to the crowd at all

Steiner goes for the Steiner Recliner, but Flair pulls Triple H out the ring. This slight distraction lets Triple H take control, and he sends Steiner to the steps outside. Triple H’s offense is a bit better than Steiner’s, but Steiner sells worse than Hunter did so IDK both look kinda bad. Flair gets too into the match and has to take his jacket off

He gets involved as Triple H distracts Hebner. Steiner reverses a Pedigree, and they do some counter exchange that was really meh. Triple H tries to come off the middle rope, but gets caught in a belly-to-belly, and then Steiner hits like 3 more. Lol The crowd is so dead. Steiner goes for a double underhook slam thing, but I don’t think he can lift Triple H at this point

fuckin’ roids not providing real strength. Triple H rolls out of the ring after a Superplex and him and Flair just try and leave with the belt

Steiner follows after them, blocks a shot with the title into Triple H’s face that causes way too much blood for such a weak shot. Triple H again says fuck it, and tries to go through the crowd, but Steiner still follows and according to King, Hebner isn’t counting bc he knows Triple H is just trying to get counted out on purpose

Steiner picks up a chair bc he’s a fucking dumbass, but remembers and throws it down. Back in the ring, Steiner does some push-ups as Flair yells at Hebner to check the cut on Triple H and stop the match

but wouldn’t the title still change hands as long as it’s not a DQ or count out :hm: the announcers say it wouldn’t though. Triple H then just throws Hebner out the ring and Hebner starts to call for the bell, but remember he would keep the belt so he says “NO WRASSLE!” Steiner keeps trying to finish with punches and shitty belly-to-bellys, but Triple H catches him with a low blow as Flair distracts the ref (does that matter since he’s not DQing him) and that gets a two count. Triple H then gets the sledgehammer and the crowd finally reacts to something lol Hebner just yells “NO DAMMIT” as Hunter slams him aside and hits Steiner with it so that gets the DQ. Steiner fights off Triple H and Flair afterwards thanks to Hebner stopping Triple H from hitting him in the back with the hammer. The crowd boos like crazy as Steiner locks on the Steiner Recliner until refs get him off. UGH! Triple H’s first WHC run was so bad.
Navigate for Evolution - Day 9 -
GHC Heavyweight Championship: Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs Kenta Kobashi

They start off with some nice counter exchanges, showing how well they know each other before having a great technical exchange. They tease a few bigger moves early before Misawa hits a brutal back suplex right on top of Kobashi’s head. Misawa comes off the top rope with a dive to the outside, then a running senton off the apron to take firm control early. Misawa then starts working over Kobashi’s arm for a bit before we get some chop/elbow exchanges from both men until Misawa catches Kobashi in a shoulder block by hitting him with an elbow right to the face

Misawa stuffs a couple Kobashi comebacks until he goes for a dive, but Kobashi sends him face first into the rail

Misawa either bit his tongue or lip bc blood is coming out of his mouth now as Kobashi hits him with a Dragon Suplex on the outside

Kobashi is now in control in the ring, working over Misawa’s neck. Kobashi hits a better fame-asser than Billy Gunn has ever hit in his career for a two count. Kobashi sends Misawa out of the ring onto the elevated entrance ramp and hits a DDT on it, continuing the head/neck work. Kobashi is able to keep up his offense, which is pretty fun, for awhile until Misawa is finally able to mount a comeback after a few nice suplex variations and a rolling elbow, but both men sell the effects of the match now so no cover. Misawa is able to hit a Tiger Driver for two, followed by a half nelson suplex that he bridged beautifully for another two. Misawa can’t finish with another Tiger Driver, so he goes for Emerald Flosion, but Kobashi is able to counter out with a sleeper suplex

More great striking exchanges, those are definitely my favorite parts of the match. Misawa is able to hit a suplex over the ropes onto the elevated entrance ramp, followed by an elbow suicida onto it IDK how he jumped far enough tbh that was cool af. Misawa goes for a Tiger Driver on the ramp, but Kobashi fights out so instead HE HITS A TIGER SUPLEX OFF OF THE FUCKING RAMP OH MY GOD KOBASHI IS DEAD!

Both guys barely get in the ring before the 20 count ends, and Misawa gets a near fall off of it. Bruh that spot was crazy, the announcers are still talking about it lol Misawa is then able to hit Emerald Flosion, but covers a little slow so we get a GREAT false finish, you could tell the crowd thought it was over

Misawa goes for another Tiger Driver for the finish, but Kobashi fights out, hits a Lariat for another close two, then a Brainbuster but that still just gets a two. So Kobashi pulls it out and we get a BURNING HAMMER for the win

Not as good at the first two probably, but stands out enough in it’s own right that I still love it.
WWE Smackdown -
60-Minute Iron Man Match for the WWE Championship: Kurt Angle (c) vs Brock Lesnar
Lesnar takes a cheap shot on Angle to start the match for a quick upper hand, but Angle is able to fight back and the we get this phenomenal mix of Lesnar using power stuff and Angle countering and out-wrestling him for the most part. Lesnar tries to call a time-out, and takes another cheap shot on Angle

Lesnar gets frustrated and wastes some time outside, channeling his inner Ric Flair. Lesnar is bumping like crazy for Angle, goes flying over the top rope from a clothesline and sells his knee being hurt. Angle goes after Lesnar out of the ring, but gets caught and Lesnar slams him back first into the ring post. Lesnar then says fuck this and gets a chair and just fucking destroys Angle with it in the head, then hits his back with it over and over. So Lesnar gets DQ’d to lose the first fall.
1-0 Angle with 50 minutes left. MY VIDEO GAME IRON MAN STRATEGY WORKS so Lesnar hits an F-5 to tie it up 1-1
1-1 with 49 minutes left. Lesnar continues toying with Angle and makes him tap out with his own Ankle Lock.
2-1 Lesnar with 48 minutes left. Lesnar keeps it up, trying to end Angle with an Angle Slam this time, but Angle is able to kick out, great facial expressions by Lesnar. He keeps trying to get another fall with power moves that result in near falls and submission attempts, but Angle keeps fighting out. Angle is finally able to mount a comeback and we get a few german suplexes, but gets sent outside, and Lesnar is able to hit an F-5 outside the ring and Angle gets counted out
3-1 Lesnar with 40 minutes left. Angle keeps trying to mount a comeback, catching Lesnar with various suplexes. Lesnar tries to call for another time-out and Angle mimics him then flips him off

Lesnar fights back, but Angle ends up hitting an Angle Slam out of nowhere for a three count.
3-2 Lesnar with 34 minutes left. Angle takes the straps down, counters an F-5 and locks in the Ankle Lock, but Lesnar pushes Angle out and almost hits the ref but stops himself only for Lesnar to KILL BRIAN HEBNER WITH A CLOTHESLINE THAT ANGLE DUCKED

Angle hits an Angle Slam, but without the ref there’s no fall so Lesnar hits a low blow, attacks the timekeeper and gets the WWE Championship to nail Angle with it. Lesnar just throws Hebner over towards Angle to get another fall
4-2 Lesnar with 29 minutes left. They start brawling outside the ring again and Lesnar gets sent into the steps, then Angle comes off the top rope with a Macho Man axe handle to the floor

Back in the ring Angle goes for a Missile Dropkick and HITS LESNAR RIGHT IN THE FUCKING FACE

Angle misses a huge sky moonsault, and Lesnar goes for the cover after a belly-to-belly and man Angle is the king of waiting until the last second to kick out. He locks on the Ankle Lock again, but this time Lesnar sends him outside the ring with his counter. Lesnar tries to bring in the steel steps to the ring, but Angle catches him with a baseball slide sending them into Lesnar’s face. Angle tries to put Lesnar away but can’t and ends up getting caught with a sick Spinebuster, followed by a falling powerbomb for another close two. Lesnar then hits a nice top-rope Superplex for another fall.
5-2 Lesnar with 18 minutes left. Lesnar takes Tazz’s water during the rest period and then just throws it at him and you know Tazz was pissed bc he didn’t even comment on it, he just went silent for a few seconds

Angle is able to make a comeback with some Germans including one that flips Brock all the way over so he hurts his knee again

Lesnar is able to send Angle over the top rope though, goes for the F-5 to the ring post, but Angle counters and does it to Lesnar

Angle focuses on the knee with a single leg boston crab in the ring, Lesnar gets to the ropes, but Angle switches it to an Ankle Lock, but still can’t get Lesnar to tap and Lesnar ends up hitting a desperation F-5, which only gets him a two count as he sold the leg before. Lesnar tries to go up top with his bad leg, but Angle catches him with a belly-to-belly off the top for a fall.
5-3 Lesnar with 10 minutes left. Angle PUTS THE STRAPS ON JUST TO TAKE THEM BACK OFF

He can’t capitalize though as Lesnar is able to fight back with some germans of his own, but then Angle reverses with some of his SO MANY SUPLEXES

Angle is able to reverses a german attempt with an amazing victory roll into the Ankle Lock forcing Lesnar to tap.
5-4 Lesnar with 4 minutes left. Angle gets really desperate trying to get Lesnar to submit again as time is running down. Lesnar tries to waste time, but Angle comes out of the ring after him, and throws him back in with about a minute left. Angle hits like 4 Germans before Lesnar geniusly grabs the ref to hit a hidden low blow, but Angle is still able to lock in the Ankle Lock with 17 seconds left, but Lesnar is able to hold on to win.
5-4 Lesnar
Final Conflict 2003 -
2003 Pride Middleweight Grand Prix Tournament Finals: Quinton Jackson vs Wanderlei Silva
Rampage comes out wearing this awesome gorilla mask. We start and Jackson picks up Silva, but Silva grapevines a Guillotine attempt, and they go down which Jackson gets out then onto Silva’s full guard. Jackson gets stuck by it for a couple minutes, but then makes his move and hits some nice punches and knees, but Silva recovers back to full mount. Jackson hits some more solid shots that cut Silva pretty instantly. They get stood back up and Silva gets a yellow card, IDK why though, but this stand up exchange is AWESOME! Jackson gets rocked with some knees, and then just starts EATING SO MANY KNEE STRIKES until the ref finally stops it.