Jurassic World Mafia Game Thread

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mikey damage

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Oct 7, 2020
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last few pages of this thread a bit fun, huh?

I really like Raidokken. I agreed with a lot of their thoughts, so that's a positive. DemoGod as well.

I don't really have anything firm to roll on in terms of scum. I thought that Hank's solid blue read on Demo was weird at the time. There really wasn't a lot of evidence at that time to indicate read could be made on DemoGod. Then the whole thing happened a few pages later, and then it seems like Demo is clearly town. Seems like something to keep an eye on.

Do we think both Tweet/Poyser are both town?

Canadian Dragon

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T/T PTerossible but lacking data, s/s extremely unlikely imo @mikey damage

mikey damage

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Oct 7, 2020
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Noted Jeff.

I didn't really see the jeff scum angle that was being thrown about. I mean I literally saw it but I didn't really get the figurative sense of the argument being thrown around.

Chloe B

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Sep 5, 2020
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(hello odo)

is there much precedent for mafia double voters here?

vote Guts

I think trying to put legitimate suspicion on someone so early is kinda the definition of being scummy

won't ask details, but this feels towny to put it out this early in the game. tentative + 1

I'm also not interested in wagoning the double voter off his role only, I'd rather wait and see if Chris gives me claws for concern.

I thought this was a bit too easy regardless of how tentative it may be. How does someone pretty much claiming Actor give you good feelings?

I second this question.

also sup Pal-o-sauruses?

vote flay

@Jeff Valley Driver why the vote on Flay?

I know early votes are jokes but curious about what was funnier about voting Flay over anyone else

Regardless if this has been answered I'd also like a response @Jeff Valley Driver

Whilst I understand why Jeff is saying this makes you look town, I understand that you're not someone to underestimate and can be rather devious when it comes to WIFOM.

Not to mention that literally two games ago, I held a role where I could cause a day-phase skip as scum if I hammered 3 people in a row. @Jeff Valley Driver did your game have similar from what I can remember? Or some form of activated role once conditions are met?

It's a curious one as fishing for more info isn't helpful for town at all here but a soft for something we've seen recently hurt town quite significantly is curious indeed.

I think it's a little too early to be overthinking it with Doddsy

So you're implying it's not towny to soft that role because it benefits mafia to find out that info?

Surely they'd already have the info if Doddsy is scum, no?

No Guts is right. It narrows down options for scum to try and look for more stronger roles to kill.

And I don't think the scum team would have been privy to Doddsy's role had he not said anything.


Chloe B

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Sep 5, 2020
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unvoted Guts because while the whole double voter spec is a whiff of fishy, he's looking better than Hank and Jeff at this point

Canadian Dragon

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Sup flay. I've explained why I voted you a few times but its prehistoric news now.

Regarding doddsy it seemed to me he wasn't claiming actor but a positive role if he hammers, which would be a towny thing to reveal imo.

Chloe B

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Sup flay. I've explained why I voted you a few times but its prehistoric news now.

Regarding doddsy it seemed to me he wasn't claiming actor but a positive role if he hammers, which would be a towny thing to reveal imo.

Ah but you see it's not quite a prehistoric thing to me just yet. I'm only on page 3. So explanations would be nice.

As for Doddsy I see what you mean. Could be positive, could be negative. Best to judge him on play and decide whether to let him prove it then. Right now he's null.

You're making the assumption that my vote is a joke here.

From my pov there's only two reasons for Doddsy to hint/soft this early. 1 ) his role is helpful to town and he wants to ensure he gets to use it (or the reverse, hes an actor or hammerer or some shit and can only hammer) . 2 - setup his fake super early

Now obviously there's room for 2 to be possible, but I personally don't see Doddsy putting any sort of corsshairs on himself as scum this early in the game. Doesn't seem super valuable unless there's a jurrasic con at play here. which we have no evidence of obviously. Therefor , my conclusion is that it's more likely a towny move than a scum move.

I assume this was of the mindset of a policy lynch?

Why aren't you considering the fact that he could have a scum role that benefits from hammering and his early, obvious soft is meant to make himself look townie?

Is Jeff hitching a little too tightly to the Doddsy looks townish wagon. Because I think so

Just fwiw I agree with you mostly but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen one or two people make this play as indy before and if he’s some kind of hammer absorber then that can also be a pretty indirific role so I advise CAUTION

I will give a town read here for advising caution.

Kross Rhodes

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I tried to move on and forget about this, but I'm not gonna be able to.

I'm gonna break this down because I don't understand how we got to where we are other than personal issues over last game.

some reads direction from you would be appreciated also @Demo God . DISGUYASAURUS hasn't been overly convinced with your play, and I'm hoping that it's more time of day related than potential COWARDICE

I've not read enough of the game for that and I also think it's far too early to be claiming any kind of cowardice.

Me thinks I've struck a nerve considering how much of my time in this thread has been questioning your early posts.
You make a post saying you're not convinced with my play only 5 hours into me starting to play.

So I respond with it's a bit too early for this kind of worry. Nothing serious, just game related dismal of your worry.

I then throw it back on you because from my perspective it looks like you're trying to rattle the person who questioned your early play numerous times.

Nothing about this exchange was me playing the martyr or being a victim. I'm defending myself over activity meta when it's too early for it.

And you should know better than anyone that Lethal starting this game roughly when you started yours meant I'd be out of it for most of that first 10 hours.
This is me clarifying why I find it odd you'd make this claim when you have firsthand experience that I wasn't gonna be on at 2 am on the East coast.

Still completely game related and reasonable exchange.

huh? no sir, I just saw you showed up and I want more from you. How could you have hit an nerve when you haven't been around for a few hours and have literally brought nothing new to the PTable currently?

Just showed up? I've been posted for 5 hours. You've responded to several of my questions? :kawhi
You're being a bit patronizing here, and you're clearly taking offense to my line of questioning and seem confused about when I showed up.

So I redirect you back to the fact I've been posting the whole time and questioned you personally several times.

There's still nothing but game related back and forth here.

you asked questions earlier and went nowhere with them. I expect more from you yes, no nerve was stuck as you implied. no need for the attitude dinobud
Then you claim no need for the attitude? The only person showing one is you at this point.

I'm making a game and meta related reason for why I didn't think it made sense for you to think I was being cowardly at this point.

You literally implied cowardice. All the attitude that comes with that comes with that.

And what did you want to do with those responses? They were crap, but do you want to vote for you when I haven't finished reading and assessing?
Because I have to shut down cowardice talk as it IS my main scum meta and throw the attitude thing back at you because I've said nothing that wasn't warranted in the exchange. Then proceed to ask what you had expected from me since what were you expecting me to do? Vote? Still game related.

Do you always get defensive over obvious sillyness? If you're getting triggered over posts clearly intended to make you post more I don't what to tell yeah. Sorry for having a read and a laugh I guess dino-grump

What was silly in that exchange? Bringing up cowardice when it relates to me is silly. You know I have to immediately address that or becomes a case against me. And then you bring up being triggered, when at this point in the exchange you were clearly more bothered than I was.

Am I not allowed to defend myself over active tells when you know that's my main town and scum meta?

You know damn well cowardice or whatever the fuck you want to call it is my scum meta.

Don't play coy with me like that wasn't gonna snowball into bullshit.

And you clearly got triggered I said I touched a nerve so two can play that game, my friend.
Then I do get a bit annoyed and aggravated because I know I got to shut this down, but also I know if I get confrontational like this I can get a town read and honestly when I push people acing like we are here I can usually get a grasp if your push is genuine or not.

well no, i was simply telling you you had struck no nerve. I literally just want you to post more. and of course its your implied scum meta, but it was obviously meant as putting fire under your ass bud. If I was actively sussing you, let's not kid ourselves, you would be well aware of it. I want more from you or I will get worried is all I'm saying dinobreh :draper2
Nothing really wrong here.

In future reference let me post what I want and if it's not enough for you, just vote for me. You know hosting that last game that Grim pissed me off doing this very same thing. I was scum then, I'm town now, but you can't be using my cowardice meta 10 hours into a game. Especially when I'm clearly still posting. I disappear for a full day tag me and place a vote. Kthxbai. Don't @ me. There's nothing further to be gleamed from this.

Just said this because I didn't want to ruin the game as you'll accuse me of later and at this point I didn't think anything constructive was coming.

I'm just not a fan of people telling me how much I need to post when in only 5 hours I was already more active than half the thread.

with all due respect, I'm well within my rights to question you how I see fit so and you don't really get to dictate how I post. You don't really get to dictate how anyone else plays the game, so if you are some how butthurt because of a silly post, or a previous game, perhaps you need to reevaluate why your feeling that way, because it has 0 to do with dinome :draper2

This response doesn't even make sense when you were literally telling me how you wanted me to play and the reply you are responding to was me telling YOU to let ME play how I want to. Here you are trying to say I'm butthurt and going on a rant about playing how you want. You are clearly the one more upset about this exchange. Not me. And I've not once said I was the victim or a martyr here. Just told you why it was a dumb case.

And then asked you not to tag me about about this. I wanted to end it here before worse things were said.

Nothing in our exchanges lead to making these next posts ok.

No smark, the fact of the matter is you've been acting like a pain in dick since last game for no reason. You complained about the start time, complained the entire time in the qt like everything was stacked against you, and now, your having a fit over a damn joke and acting like we somehow victimise you every game and treat you unfairly, which is utter horseshit. You even brought up the last game as an example of poor ol smark getting fucked over. it's garbage attitude, and the only one bringing it is you. I don't give a damn if I get MK'd at this , this martyrdom complex is out of fucking control.

I gave u pass last game even though multiple people were vocally annoyed with your attitude, actually. I've zero patience for you acting like a victim , I've told u this multiple times in multiple games. So nah, its not "personal ", I'm just annoyed at you trying to ruin another game with your entitled attitude dinobullshit

Nothing in our exchanges justifies these responses. I didn't have any kind of entitled attitude. If anything I just wanted you to leave me alone.

You clearly been holding on this shit from your last game when you should have just said something then. Because nothing I said warranted this.

The only thing I said out of frustration that comes close to playing the victim was asking not to be tagged.

I don't see why you guys keep tagging me if you don't enjoy how I play. It honestly confuses me.

You really need to learn to stfu donobud

How are you gonna post this and then claim it was only me?

I bet you penis is gargantuan and all the ladies flock to you. Your right i should be sucking your dick just for hosting me. Do you actually hear yourself right now? You really pulling this i own the site stuff? That's some all time sad shit man

Yeah because you were acting like I should be bowing to you cuz own the site. Like I'm sorry, you have serious serious reading comprehension issues. Like the shit uve assumed in ur mind is not in line with reality. Sorry dino

Do YOU even hear or read the things YOU say to me when claiming I'm just making this up in my head?

Why do you think it's OK to say these things like we can just be civil with each other afterwards?

I'm not living in reality? You said this shit. It's right here. In black and white.

I wasn't acting like anything until you decided to get stupid personal with me. So yeah, now I do feel a little like a victim (but not really).

Because there's no need for this kind of shit over a game exchange. So now you tell me where we're supposed to go from here?

Regardless of what you are in this game and what I am, how do we ever be chill with each other after this?

Tell me how we're supposed to get past this and I'll move on and keep playing the game. If you tell me this is how it's gonna be from now on, I'll rep out like you wanted me to because no sense in playing if you don't enjoy me playing and this will continue to be an issue.

I was gonna just send a pm, but I really can't fuck over Lethal like that so fuck it. You tell me how we handle this and move forward?

I'm probably gonna get picked on some more and have more insults thrown at me, but I can't go to bed letting this fester in my head.

If all I do is get insults for this, I'll do my best not to respond again and I'll recuse myself then and there.

I needed to go over this exchange again for my own mental health so excuse me if it upsets some of you.

Chloe B

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Sep 5, 2020
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show me where i shut anything down? I simply put in my two scents in , did you find them that smelly?

You're making the assumption that my vote is a joke here.

From my pov there's only two reasons for Doddsy to hint/soft this early. 1 ) his role is helpful to town and he wants to ensure he gets to use it (or the reverse, hes an actor or hammerer or some shit and can only hammer) . 2 - setup his fake super early

Now obviously there's room for 2 to be possible, but I personally don't see Doddsy putting any sort of corsshairs on himself as scum this early in the game. Doesn't seem super valuable unless there's a jurrasic con at play here. which we have no evidence of obviously. Therefor , my conclusion is that it's more likely a towny move than a scum move.

I thought this here was pretty decisive but that's just me

Personally I don't think he did a move that indicates either alignment

Right now you're actions aren't really alignment indicative either, but I have a couple of town reads already so yah...

Canadian Dragon

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I'm not reading your dissertation after handing you your lunch skip. Get the fuck over yourself , nobody gives a shit about this and we've all moved on.

Chloe B

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Sep 5, 2020
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yah okay so what I got from the first 5 pages is that Jeff read Doddsy town for a soft a little too easily and a little too strongly which I'm inclined to agree.

not sus. but I think the people with the more balanced opinions look better from it - Hank, Poyser, Chris

Kross Rhodes

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I'm not reading your dissertation after handing you your lunch skip. Get the fuck over yourself , nobody gives a shit about this and we've all moved on.
Fair enough. I'm out then.

@Lethal Banks

I don't need this kind of disrespect. When you can find me a replacement.
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