I call bullshit on the slow part. :sad:
But you're still a true hero to the smiley kingdom. :happybday:
Well mr fat 4 eyed idiot here is my myspace page to show you im 26 and my pictures and my wife and kid. www.myspace.com/legendkillerdaz. Or my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/profile.php?id=506337197&ref=profile. And here are pictures of my son
http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/photo.php?pid=1634919&id=506337197&ref=mf. So yeah even though when you look you accept it you will probably believe me but say you spend so much time on here. the reason why i said you spend so muhc time on here is you have loads of rep and posts considering your hardly on here. I check the net when im in work cause im the duty manager of iceland and i can use net in the office. I come home then and check my net i always do. I have a lot of spare time lately, for personal reasons.
LOL shut up you idiot. Anyone with half a brain knows i meant iceland as in store. Why would i be a manager of a country? They are called presidents you total ass clown. I'm just saying.
You also claim to have a lot of free time right now....my guess is because after spending your eight hour or however long your work day is on the internet, you come home and spend more time on the internet (you said so yourself) So your free time is probably your wife leaving you....I would if I were her.