Have you ever smoked dope?

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Have you ever smoked pot?

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Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Pot is by no means physically addictive like heroin or cocaine but there is a mental addiction factor that does come along with it. That is why burnouts exist.


No such thing as a mental addiction. You can be dependent but not addicted.


Mar 3, 2010
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The US Government pushes drugs such as Cocaine because it makes money off the arrests.
Psychedelics is where it's at.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
No such thing as a mental addiction. You can be dependent but not addicted.

That is the exact same thing. People only use the word dependent though because they don't want to admit to themselves that they have an addiction.

In regards to your mental addiction comment I suggest that you actually learn what you are talking about before speaking so you don't look foolish.

The US Government pushes drugs such as Cocaine because it makes money off the arrests.
Psychedelics is where it's at.

It takes all kinds...


If Marijuana has the ability to create mental addictions then why are 95% of people who have smoked pot not addicted(dependent)? Cigarettes would be a perfect example of a drug that gives you a mental addiction. Pot on the other hand I don't agree it's addictive at all.

Yes there are burnouts but they either smoke because they're highly dependent or just plain idiots who don't want to get out of the house. I haven't smoked for 3 months. If there is a so called mental addiction wouldn't I be burning grass right now?

Moonlight Drive

Everybody's different. Not everybody who has a cigarette will succumb to it's addictive affects, while for others it might only take 2 or 3 to get hooked.

Where are you getting these statistics btw? Because they're really contradicting your point of 'marijuana isn't addictive' if 5% of smokers are addicted to it. Next time you're making shit up, you should probably double check it makes a little bit of sense.


Did you not see dependent in parentheses? Dependent is what I really mean.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
If Marijuana has the ability to create mental addictions then why are 95% of people who have smoked pot not addicted(dependent)?

First off, don't make up statistics.

Secondly because it is still only a mental addiction which is nowhere near as difficult to deal with as a physical addiction.

Cigarettes would be a perfect example of a drug that gives you a mental addiction. Pot on the other hand I don't agree it's addictive at all.

No cigarettes are both mentally and physically addictive. And of course you don't agree. Almost no pot smoker wants to admit that their drug of choice has any negative factors. They want it to be seen as an innocent plant that has never caused problems for anyone, anywhere. It's all just groovy, man.

Stop fucking being so naive.

Yes there are burnouts but they either smoke because they're highly dependent or just plain idiots who don't want to get out of the house. I haven't smoked for 3 months. If there is a so called mental addiction wouldn't I be burning grass right now?

Like I answered above, a mental addiction pales in comparison to the severity of a physical addiction. Your side effects from not smoking pot after a considerable period of constant smoking can be difficult to cope with but you're certainly not going to be puking and shitting yourself like the withdrawal symptoms for some heavier drugs.

It is my favourite plant too, and I enjoy smoking. But I'm not one of those morons who will sit there and say that there are no negative connotations attached to pot at all.

I am honest and objective about what I do.

There are two types of people who give pot a bad name. First there are the idiot burnouts who just smoke all day and never accomplish anything with their lives aside from destroying a bag of cheetos. And ignorant, naive types who tout marijuana as 100% safe for use with zero side effects and zero chance of addiction as well as being the panacea for all that ails you. Both types are delusional and complete fucking morons.

Did you not see dependent in parentheses? Dependent is what I really mean.

Go ahead, continue to use semantics to make yourself feel better if that is what you need to do.


Do you know Marijuana has the ability to kill cancer skills and help people with anorexia? I mean I'm sure you do but these are some huge medical benefits for those who deal with that kind of shit.

To the making up statistics part millions upon millions of people have smoked pot. A lot of people have only smoked once, a lot of people smoke once in a great while, and a lot of people smoke every so often. These people combined are FAR more than the amount of people who are dependent.

A mental addiction is an addiction either way it should be very powerful and have the ability to keep far more people dependent.

You want negative effects? Well yes inhaling smoke isn't all that good for your body. Maybe you will develop a cough for a while, it drops your blood pressure or you can have chest illness.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Do you know Marijuana has the ability to kill cancer skills and help people with anorexia? I mean I'm sure you do but these are some huge medical benefits for those who deal with that kind of shit.

Sure they do. Did you know that psychotherapy is a far better way to deal with anorexia as opposed to making someone smoke pot just so they get the munchies? Of course though we're always looking to take the easy way out.

Also did you know that radiation therapy has far better results for cancer treatment than marijuana does?

Marijuana may help these things, sure. But it is not the leader in effective treatments. The greatest medical benefits will generally come from doing what your fucking doctor tells you to do.

To the making up statistics part millions upon millions of people have smoked pot. A lot of people have only smoked once, a lot of people smoke once in a great while, and a lot of people smoke every so often. These people combined are FAR more than the amount of people who are dependent.

That's great. Nothing anybody does is going to hook them after one try without some sort of contributing psychological problem. People can use cocaine and other drugs responsibly if they are used once in a great while. Repeated and constant usage of marijuana can lead to addiction. Period.

A mental addiction is an addiction either way it should be very powerful and have the ability to keep far more people dependent.

No it is not as powerful and you are once again showing your ignorance by continuing to argue with someone who knows better than you as opposed to going to do some actual research prior to flapping your gums.

You want negative effects? Well yes inhaling smoke isn't all that good for your body. Maybe you will develop a cough for a while, it drops your blood pressure or you can have chest illness.

Negative effects of marijuana according to www.erowid.com

nausea, especially in combination with alcohol, some pharmaceuticals, or other psychoactives

coughing, asthma, upper respiratory problems

difficulty with short-term memory during effects and during periods of frequent use (Ranganathan M, D'Souza DC, Psychopharmacology, 2006)

racing heart, agitation, feeling tense

mild to severe anxiety

panic attacks in sensitive users or with very high doses (oral use increases risk of getting too much)


dizziness, confusion

lightheadedness or fainting (in cases of lowered blood pressure)

paranoid & anxious thoughts more frequent

possible psychological dependence on cannabis

clumsiness, loss of coordination at high doses

can precipitate or exacerbate latent or existing mental disorders

WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS (after stopping heavy use)

mild to moderate, non-life-threatening withdrawal symptoms occur after daily use in some users.

Withdrawal symptoms normally last 2-4 days, up to six weeks with long term use.

Severity of symptoms is related to frequency and duration of use and individual sensitivity.

anhedonia (reduced experience of pleasure)

headaches, general unease/discomfort

difficulty sleeping

desire to smoke cannabis

slight loss of appetite

finding non-stoned life a bit dull, increased boredom

fatigue, lethargy

slow thinking, talking

stoned-like abstract thinking, impatience with or annoyance at linear thinking

Seriously, stop being a fucking idiot and learn what the fuck you're talking about.


I never compared Marijuana to the better solutions such as psychotherapy or radiation therapy. I was just pointing some big positives of Marijuana. You really do not take people disagreeing with you well lol. I listed a few negative effects. My goal was not to list every fucking one. No shit there are other effects.

You're being just as ignorant by claiming you know better. You are using the word addiction wrong. Marijuana can make some dependent. An even better word to use would be habituating. It's not an addiction. But whatever you can have your fucking opinion. But maybe you should let others use their own opinions.

Either way on a scale of 10 marijuana would be 1/10 for the majority of it's users. Exceptions would be idiots who choose to smoke constantly or people with anxiety issues.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
You really do not take people disagreeing with you well lol.


This has nothing to do with anybody disagreeing with me, it has to do with your patent stupidity about the issue.

I listed a few negative effects. My goal was not to list every fucking one. No shit there are other effects.

No your goal was to mislead by listing the most innocuous side effects you knew. You didn't bother to acknowledge that there were real serious side effects that come from marijuana abuse. As a matter of fact your reply was deliberately tailored in such a manner as to suggest that a cough was the worst side effect one could have.

You're being just as ignorant by claiming you know better.

No, I do know better. End of story. You don't get to call ignorance on the more educated person who is schooling you on the finer points of your debate.

You are using the word addiction wrong.

Then all of the psychiatrists and psychologists in the world use the word improperly too because they regularly interchange the words dependence and addiction when it comes to drugs.

Oh wait, I forgot, you know better than all of them. :rolleyes:

Marijuana can make some dependent. An even better word to use would be habituating. It's not an addiction. But whatever you can have your fucking opinion. But maybe you should let others use their own opinions.

You can have your opinion but your opinion does not equal fact. Your opinion is not even remotely accurate either. It is wrong.

Either way on a scale of 10 marijuana would be 1/10 for the majority of it's users. Exceptions would be idiots who choose to smoke constantly or people with anxiety issues.

Again, you are pulling numbers and facts out of your ass without knowing what you are talking about.