Despite being in a chat full of people for Raw, which usually does not fail in making things more interesting, Raw never the less managed to let everyone down. Should have been expected with Springer as the guest host. But really, it surpassed all of my bad expectations.
Orton vs Sheamus, or more to the point, Ortons reaction with Cody got the best reaction from noumenon (haha bro) and made me laugh more than any of the crap Springer segment.
I liked how they finally revealed Kelly as a whore and one of the Bellas as a man, but then pretended to take it all back.

WWE we knew it all along.
Mae Young, everyone saw from a mile away.
Bullshit Bret Hart segment, if the limo would have exploded nobody would have been surprised, and some people even expected it.
Show vs Henry = zzzzzz
The other half, Miz vs MVP would have been much better as a singles match, leading into a feud for the US title because we all know the tag team titles are a joke. So sick of seeing either Show or Henry paired with anybody, it has never been entertaining and 10 years and 100lbs hasn't changed that.
Makes me sad to see Legacy getting taken apart but since it is being used as a vehicle for Orton's face turn I'm not as irked by it as I would be otherwise.
Cena, Triple H, Batista etc nothing exciting there. But then none was expected.
I'm still on the fence about Sheamus. Will wait until Mania I think before I make a final decision about how I feel about him.