EWF: Epic Wrestling Foundation

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2011
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Awesome card... If you put Goldberg over orton, I'm never reading this again. Just kidding. But seriously orton better win or else :shifty:


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2010
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The first 3 matches really catch my eye, Jindrak / Wildcat has great potential! Cena not competing but instead having something huge happen is very interesting!


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2011
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The first 3 matches really catch my eye, Jindrak / Wildcat has great potential! Cena not competing but instead having something huge happen is very interesting!
Yes having John cena get an announcement is smart as fuck

The Viper

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
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Thanks a lot, guys.

Yeah, I've got something very good in mind for the Cena "announcement". ;)


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2010
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Now you're not allowed to disappoint. You've promised us good stuff!

The Viper

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
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Now you're not allowed to disappoint. You've promised us good stuff!

I had something in mind before that was a little different but I wanna please the people so I've got something different and probably a little better in mind, now. Can't wait to see what you guys think of it.

It'll be very, VERY interesting.

Kross Rhodes

Israel Has the Right to Exist
Jun 28, 2010
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If it's Vinnie Mac bringing back a classic "you're FIRED!", I'll be pleased.

The Viper

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
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Commentators: Matt Militant and Robert Halston
Ring Announcer: Rosita

Ladies and Gentlemen, Epic Wrestling Foundation

Annihilate The World!!


MM: We are LIVE! here in Las Vegas, Nevada for the inaugural EWF PPV known as, Annihilate The World!! I am Matt Militant. Next to me is "Always Classy" Robert Halston.

RH: Good lord, Matt. Do we have one hell of a show for everyone or what? The first champions of EWF will be crowned here tonight!! This crowd is damn near red hot and I love it!

MM: This crowd is phenomenal right now and we haven't even gotten into our opening match yet. But I seriously can not wait to witness the first ever World Heavyweight Champion of EWF to be crowned here tonight in a bout between Goldberg, a legend in many people's minds...

RH:..against the one and only, "The Viper" Randy Orton!! I'm with ya, partner. That's gonna be one hell of a main event match.

MM: Oh of course. I also should point out, as I'm looking at the card now, I'm noticing that John Cena doesn't have a match tonight. I find that a little......odd.

RH: Wow, you're right. We got caught up in all this hype for the show I never realized it. One of the biggest names in professional wrestling isn't on our first ever PPV. Something seems a little shady.

MM: We can get into that later. How about we kick off Annihilate The World with our opening bout in what should be a fantastic match between Seth Rolli...

*John Cena's music hits*

RH: What the hell?!

MM: Well, speaking of the devil. This crowd has erupted!!

RH: Obviously, Cena has got to be pissed he's not on the card. This is JOHN...CENA for god's sake.

MM: I totally agree. Cena's in the ring now. Let's see what he's got to say.

John Cena: Well hello there, Las Vegas! *crowd erupts again!* How ya doin'? That's great. But see, I'm not doing so well. So, this is the FIRST EVER, not 2nd ever, not the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 20th, this is the FIRST EVER Pay-Per View offering from Epic Wrestling Foundation. And, haha.....I don't even have a match. *crowd boos* My thoughts exactly. Not to toot my own horn or anything, I'm not one to do that, but I gotta say, I'm one of, if not, the biggest superstar in all of wrestling today. Maybe ever. *half boos half cheers* Now, some people may not agree, but that's just how I see things. What I'm getting at is, how can The frickin' Spirit Squad have a match on this show, but not.......me? All I'm proposing is....

*Mr. McMahon's music hits*

MM: Holy crap! It's the Chairman of EWF, Mr. Vincent Kennedy McMahon.

RH: I am in utter awe of this man's presence right now.

Mr. McMahon: Johnny boy!! What the hell are you doing in my ring?

Cena: I'm sorry? I seem to recall that over the past 10 years, I've made you millions upon millions upon MILLIONS of money and you're asking ME what I'm doing in your ring? What the hell do you think I'm doing? I would like a match tonight. I'm not gonna take the night off. It's too big of a show.

Vince: Thank you for reminding me. But, I'm sorry I just can't book you in a match tonight. We have the World Heavyweight Championship match in the main event and knowing you, you're not gonna take any other match but the main event match. So, how about you stop thinking about yourself for once. Alright? Just calm down.

Cena: How on earth can you basically call me selfish? If it wasn't for me making you all this damn money, you'd be calling out Bingo numbers at the retirement home, Vince. Look at the facts! I'm the best guy on this roster and you know it.

Vince: You know what, John? You're right. You are the best guy on this roster but I'm STILL not gonna put you in a match tonight. But what I can do is have you special referee a match tonight. So technically, you're still doing some work and making me tons of money in the process.

Cena: Alright, what match?


*and the crowd goes wild*

MM: Oh my god!!

Cena: You've got yourself a deal.

Vince: Fantastic. Oh....and have a great day.

RH: Wow. So, Cena is the special referee for the Goldberg/Orton World Title main event here tonight. Amazing.

MM: So, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, let's have our opening match of the night with a bout between Seth Rollins and Mike Knox.

*Seth Rollins music echoes throughout the arena*

Rosita: Making his way down to the ring. Weighing in at 205lbs. From Davenport, Iowa. SETH....ROLLINS!!

MM: This crowd is loving Rollins right now.

RH: I must say, his theme song, "Battle On" by War of Ages is pretty amazing. Gets the crowd pumped.

MM: I agree. Let's not worry about Seth's theme song right now. How about we all worry about his opponent tonight. The behemoth. The monster. The man who attacks people for no reason. Mike frickin' Knox!


Rosita: Now, Seth's opponent. Weighing in tonight at 293lbs. From Phoenix, Arizona. MIKE...KNOX!!

MM: My god! Just look at this man. Oh my god!! Knox just blindsided Seth. The bell has rung and we are underway! Knox is hammering down on Seth like there's no tomorrow. Holy shit.

RH: Knox has to be pissed about something. He still has his epic beard so it can't be that. What a clothesline by Knox!! Quick cover, 1.. and Seth kicks out before 2.

MM: What a vicious clothesline that was. Knox has got Rollins on his shoulders, no Seth counters into a nice swinging DDT. 1...2... kick out by Knox!! Great counter. Knox is up on his knees fairly quickly. OH CRAP SHINING WIZARD BY SETH!! 1..2.. kick out!!! Out of nowhere, Seth hits the Shining Wizard. Fantastic.

RH: Knox is down and out, Matt. That swift kick to the head damn near knocked him out. Nope, he's moving. Seth is going up to the top rope. Uh oh. Knox is up! Knox trips Seth and Seth falls down on the top turnbuckle. Knox can't be going for a top rope suplex can he? Holy crap, he is. No! Seth pushes Knox off. Knox is laying out on the mat.

MM: Seth is standing on the top rope. He goes for a Swanton Bomb but he misses. Seth is right back up and a RUNNING CROSS BODY BY KNOX!! Gut-wrenching cross body right there. 1...2... kick out!! I swear, I don't know how Seth kicked out of that.

RH: I've seen Knox do that before but for some reason, it seemed more deadly here tonight. Knox is on point right now. Knox has got Seth up for a powerbomb. No! Seth drops down behind Knox. Superkick to the face!! Knox is on his knees! AVADA KEDAVRA!!!!! Seth's got the cover!! 1.....2..... KICK OUT BY KNOX!! Holy shit.

MM: How?! Over the past few years that Seth has been using that finisher, nobody has kicked out. Amazing. What a match we've got right now. Knox is reeling. He's trying so hard to get back to his feet. What a nice right hand to the face of Knox! And a right hand to Seth! And a right to Knox!! These guys are trading blows now. Lefts and rights!!

RH: Who is gonna go down here?!? I can't believe this intensity. Seth runs to the ropes, nice clothesline to Knox but not nice enough to take him down. Seth goes for another one! He's still up!! Let's try one more!! Knox now goes for a clothesline, Seth ducks, runs to the ropes, SICK KICK by Seth!! Knox is down flat in the center of the ring!!

MM: For some reason, Seth is NOT going for a cover!! What's he doing? Seth is going to the top rope. But his back is facing Knox. He's not gonna do what I think he's gonna.......PHOENIX SPLASH BY SETH ROLLINS!!! Seth goes for the count! 1.....2.....3!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!

RH: ROLLINS WINS!! ROLLINS WINS!!! What a god damn match we've just seen. Fantastic action from start to finish, Matt.

MM: Absolutely.

Rosita: Here is your winner, SETH...ROLLINS!!!!

MM: There was NO point in that match where it was completely one sided. Both of those fine athletes were on their A game tonight but Seth Rollins was just a little bit better. This goes to show that Mr. Rollins is perfectly capable of becoming a main event player here in EWF.

RH: Definitely!! Great stuff. Love that Phoenix Splash, man!! Good lord! Phew!!

MM: I'm exhausted. Alright, now we go backstage to Randy Orton talking about the main event later tonight.

*we go backstage in Orton's locker room*

Randy: So, John Cena is now the special guest referee in my match later, huh? That's fine. I have no problem with John. Some of the stuff he said earlier kind of pissed me off but other than that, we're all good. But I'm gonna tell you right now, John. And you look into my eyes. If you even think for one second that you're not gonna call this match right down the middle, we're gonna have some serious problems. I hope you're watching. But hey, good luck in your refereeing tonight. I'm sure you'll do a great, great job. Right?

*we now go back to ringside*

MM: Intense. Short. To the point. I love it. Our next match should be a very interesting match. Mark Jindrak vs. "Wildcat" Chris Harris.

RH: ...or Braden Walker to all my loyal internet wrestling fans out there.

MM: .............What?! Anyway, let's send it to the lovely Rosita.

Rosita: This next match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first. From, Atlanta, Georgia. Weighing in at 265lbs. Mark Jindrak!!


RH: This man is so perfect. The Reflection of Perfection, Mark Jindrak. That name is so fitting. He's pretty much the total package. No offense, Lex Luger.

MM: I doubt Lex Luger is watching but alright. I do agree, though. He is pretty perfect when it comes to his in-ring ability.

Rosita: And his opponent. From Fort Wright, Texas. Weighing in tonight at 232lbs, Chris Harris!!!


MM: One of the most athletic guys I have ever seen compete in a wrestling ring. The man has loads of charisma and....

RH: What are you talking about, Matt? CHRIS HARRIS is nothing. Braden Walker however, is gonna knock your brains out. Legend.

MM: ...........I swear to god, you need to seek psychiatric help. Let's get this match started. The bell rings. Holy crap!! Superkick right to Jindrak and Jindrak just fell to the outside!! Not 5 seconds in to the match, Harris hits the superkick.

RH: He seriously couldn't wait? Oh well. Very nice kick, though. I'm sure Jindrak falling out of the ring is not what Harris wanted.

MM: Not at all. Harris now goes to the outside. And Jindrak spears Harris' body into the apron. That's gotta hurt! And again!! You can see the pain already in Chris' face. Jindrak throws Harris back into the ring. Cover, 1...2.. kick out by Harris. Jindrak is now taking control. Nice headlock there by Mark.

RH: Matt, you even admitted it earlier. Mark Jindrak is perfect. He is "The Reflection of Perfection", baby! Look at the sleeper. Fantastic. Look, Harris sleeping!!

MM: He is far from sleeping, ladies and gentlemen. Harris is now fighting back with some elbows to the gut of Jindrak. The crowd is behind Harris here. Jindrak lets go of the hold. Harris runs to the ropes. Nice clothesline by Chris. And another one! The tide has changed in this match. Harris is now in control.

RH: Irish whip to Jindrak, AA Spinebuster by Chris!! Harris goes for the pin, 1...2... Jindrak kicks out. Harris grabs Mark by the hair, or whatever is there, another irish whip to Jindrak, Harris goes for a clothesline, Mark ducks, a RUNNING DROPKICK by Jindrak!! Cover, 1...2... kick out!! That was so a 3.

MM: That was obviously a 2, Robert. Great dropkick by Mark. Harris is down. Jindrak goes up to the top rope. Jindrak goes for an elbow drop!! Misses it!!! Harris moves out of the way. Now Jindrak is reeling. Mark gets up slowly, another superkick by Harris!!! Goes for the pin, 1....2.... kick out by Jindrak!! These guys are bringing it.

RH: They sure are. My man, Jindrak is taking this one home tonight. He's on fire.

MM: He's also half-unconscious on the mat.

RH: Not anymore. Jindrak is up slowly yet again. Harris runs to the ropes, BIG BOOT by Jindrak!! Jindrak picks Harris up. Oh my!! He's gonna hit The Mark of Excellence on Harris. No, Chris reverses. DAMMIT!!! CATATONIC BY CHRIS HARRIS!!

MM: He goes for the cover!! 1.....2.....3!!!! This is over!!!!

Rosita: Here is your winner, CHRIS HARRIS!!!!

RH: What the hell?! Dammit. Gotta give it to Chris Harris. The man brought it tonight. Amazing Catatonic to finish the match.

MM: I agree. Great way to end a really great match. Good job, fellas. Now let's go backstage with Goldberg talking about the main event later on.

*we go backstage to Goldberg's locker room*

Goldberg: *insane, maniacal laugh* Are you kidding me? John Cena? Alright. I can deal with Orton just fine and I know how much the fans love you, Cena, But if you get in my way tonight.......YOU'RE NEXT!!!

*we go back to ringside*

MM: Well, alright. Both Goldberg AND Orton are extremely focused for the World Title match here tonight. I can't wait.

RH: Same here, Matt. I just hope Cena doesn't pull anything shady during the match.

MM: I don't think Cena is capable doing that. He's a company guy. We all know that. Even though he may be a little ticked that he doesn't have an actual match tonight, Cena would never ruin that huge match for the fans.Now we bring it to Rosita for our next contest.

Rosita: This next match is scheduled for one fall and it is to crown the first ever EWF World Tag Team Champions!! Making their way down to the ring first. At a combined weight of 380lbs. From Panama City, Florida. FUTURE SHOCK!!

*Future Shock's music hits and the crowd is loving it*

MM: I love these guys. They're so charismatic in the ring, Rob. I love watching their matches. This one is gonna be a beauty.

RH: They are good. I'll give 'em that but look at their opponents. Come on. You really think Future Shock can walk out as the first ever EWF Tag Team Champs?

MM: Of course I do. They have all the tools to be Tag Champs here in EWF.

Rosita: ...and their opponents. Hailing from The Province of Quebec. At a combined weight of 464lbs, LA RESISTANCE!!


RH: Yes!! These guys are my pick to walk out as the Tag Team Champs. So cocky and full of themselves. I love it. They kind of remind me of myself when I was younger.

MM: So you were an ignorant schmuck as well, huh? Anyways, yes these guys are great and since I'm not biased like some people here at the commentators booth, I can see La Resistance walking out as Tag Champs also.

RH: AND HERE WE GO!!! All 4 men going at it!!! The bell hasn't rung yet, dammit!! Get Future Shock to their corners.

MM: Just hard punches and blows by both teams there! Wow. Looks like Future Shock ain't too fond of our friends from Quebec.

RH: Obviously not. Okay, NOW the bell rings. Thank you.

MM: Sylvan Grenier and Adam Cole start it off. Nice spear take down by Cole!! Now Adam is just whaling on Grenier!! Holy crap look at this kid go.

RH: Yeah, look at him go!! REF!! HELLO!!! CLOSED FISTS!!!!

MM: Oh, stop. Ref breaks it up. Oh shit, Sylvan with a nice boot to the face of Cole! Cover, 1..2.. quick kick out by Cole. Nice shot.

RH: Very nice shot, indeed. Cole is groggy already. Grenier is dragging Cole to the La Resistance corner. Conway is holding Cole down while Grenier lays some nice swift rights on Cole!!

MM: Oh come on. O'Reilly is trying to get the ref to see these shenanigans but that's just distracting the ref. The ref has got Kyle back on the apron. Now, look at Conway. "Oh, I didn't do nothing!". They're great athletes, but they're extremely arrogant. Nice suplex by Grenier! 1...2.. kick out by Cole!

RH: Grenier gets Cole up. Oh, what a forearm to the face of Grenier.Cole makes the tag to O'Reilly. O'Reilly is coming in like a house on fire or whatever that phrase is.

MM: Fantastic short arm clotheslines to Grenier. Irish whip to Sylvan, nice back body drop by O'Reilly! Sylvan is up. Dropkick by Kyle!! 1..2.. kick out by Grenier. Kyle has got Sylvan by the feet and Grenier kicks O'Reilly off. Makes the tag to Conway. O'Reilly makes the tag to Cole. Look at Cole!! MISSLE DROPKICK OFF THE TOP ROPE TO CONWAY!!!! Cover! 1...2... kick out by Conway!! Great match so far.

RH: Very great match. Both men are up. Right hand by Cole. Left by Conway! Rights and lefts by Cole!! Knee to the gut of Cole by Conway. Oh what a sweet DDT! Cover, 1...2... kick out by Cole.

MM: La Resistance has taken control right away. Conway drags Cole to his corner. Tags Grenier. Double team suplex by La Resistance. Fabulous tag team maneuver. Cover by Sylvan. 1..2.. Cole kicks out. Both Sylvan and Conway look pissed. O'Reilly is trying to get the crowd pumped. They're chanting for Cole. Sylvan has got Cole in a fireman's carry position. Cole gets out, SUPERKICK by Cole! Cover!! 1...2.... kick out by Sylvan!!

RH: Both men are down, Matt. Both of these guys have to make the hot tags to their partners.

MM: Indeed, they do. And there you go!! Both Conway and O'Reilly are tagged in. Dropkick by Kyle! Another dropkick!! Irish whip to Conway. Sidewalk slam by O'Reilly. Cover. 1...2... Conway kicks out. Both men are up but Conway is reeling. O'Reilly is going for a suplex. NO A BRAINBUSTER BY KYLE O'REILLY!!! COVER!! 1...2..... KICK OUT BY CONWAY!! Holy crap.

RH: I almost jumped out of my seat. That was frickin' close!! Great brainbuster. O'Reilly tags in Adam Cole. Kyle has got Conway up on his shoulders in an electric chair. Cole is going up the top rope!! BUFF BLOCKBUSTER BY ADAM COLE WHILE CONWAY WAS ON O'REILLY'S SHOULDERS!!!! COVER!!! 1....2.... Sylvan breaks up the pin!! Phew!!

MM: Holy mother of god, this is awesome. The ref is trying to get Sylvan out on the apron. Cole lifts up Conway on his shoulders in a fireman's carry position. Conway reverses and hits a reverse DDT on Adam Cole!! Perfect. 1...2... kick out by Cole. Conway tags in Sylvan. Oh no. They're going for the Au Revoir!! They're gonna hit it!! No! O'Reilly comes in and hits Conway in the back. Conway just rolled out of the ring!

RH: O'REILLY HAS GOT AN ANKLE LOCK ON SYLVAN!!! The ref is trying to break it up. Kyle isn't the legal man. The ref gets Kyle off and brings him to the apron. Good job, ref.

MM: Hey!! Hey!! Conway has got one of the Tag Titles!! He just hit Cole in the head with the title!!! The ref was still with O'Reilly!!! Conway knocks down O'Reilly off the apron!! No!! No!! Au Revoir? Yes!! Au Revoir by La Resistance!! Sylvan with the cover!!! 1.....2.....3!!!!


MM: Holy shit.



RH: A win's a win, Matt!! A WIN IS A WIN!!! La Resistance are our World Tag Team Champions!!! Wait, who the hell is this?!?!?

MM: WOAH!! These 2 guys just attacked La Resistance. HOLY SHIT!! It's DEUCE 'N DOMINO!!!! Holy crap!! What the hell are they doing here?!?

*crowd is going nuts*

RH: Get them the hell out of here!! They're attacking a defenseless La Resistance after a hard fought match!!! This is insane!!

MM: THEY'RE HERE!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! I'm guessing they want those tag titles. La Resistance exits the ring and quickly grab their newly one titles. Holy shit. Amazing. Great to see Deuce 'N Domino here.

RH: That was pure pandemonium. The crowd is still buzzing!! Wow!!

MM: Phew!! Alright......oh my god. That was nuts. Deuce 'N Domino have just left the ring and the crowd are cheering the hell out of them right now. Great stuff. Okay, we now go backstage to The Spirit Squad.

*we now go backstage to the locker rooms and we find Spirit Squad attacking The Bashams*

MM: Woah, what the hell is this?! Spirit Squad are beating the living hell out of The Bashams. Chairshot the head of Doug from Kenny!!! Trash can to head of Danny from Mikey!! Both guys are busted open. Oh look and the Spirit Squad are laughing about it. How cute! Sickening.

RH: Didn't like The Bashams anyway.

MM: Oh, come on!

*we now go back to ringside with Rosita*

Rosita: This match is scheduled for one fall and it is to crown the first ever EWF Intercontinental Champion. Introducing first....from Paris, France. Weighing in at 263lbs, RENE DUPREE!!!


MM: Rene Dupree is making his way down to the ring and I gotta say, he looks better than ever tonight. He looks ready!!

RH: Of course he's ready. He's genetically jacked. Perfect physique. Excellent in-ring skills. Love this guy.

Rosita: Now, here's the 2nd participant. From Yonkers, New York. Weighing in at 244lbs, TOMMY DREAMER!!


MM: Holy shit!! He's bringing back the "Man In The Box" theme song!! Now you can tell Dreamer is gonna pull out all the stops. He means business tonight.

RH: Wow. Gotta admit, that's pretty cool. Tommy is a legend, though. No doubt about that.

Rosita: And now the final participant. Hailing from Manchester, England. Weighing in at 246lbs, WAAADDEEE BAAARRREEETTT!!!!


RH: The Barrett Barrage is here, ladies and gentlemen!! The man who has said the Winds of Change are blowing here in EWF and that only means one thing! Wade Barrett will walk out as THE EWF Intercontinental Champion!! I'm excited!!

MM: The man has paid his dues. He definitely deserves it. But so do the other 2 participants in this match. AND HERE WE GO!! Rene with a straight right hand to the face of Dreamer!! Barrett with a nice big boot already to the face of Dreamer!! Dreamer is down. I'm guessing Dupree and Barrett are gonna gang up on the hardcore legend.

RH: As well they should. This is a triple threat. Meaning NO DQ! What does that mean? ANYTHING GOES!! Tommy is in his element right now and the only way to stop Dreamer from doing all this hardcore crap is to take him out early. Perfect strategy.

MM: I agree it is great strategy. Both men are beating down on Tommy. Tommy is trying his hardest to fight back with rights and lefts. Kicks! Everything!! There you go!! Tommy with a nice headbutt to Dupree. Sends him to the other side of the ring. Dreamer pokes Barrett in the eye!! Haha!

RH: What the hell?! What a wimp. Poke to the eye. REALLY? Oh crap. Dreamer is getting out the weapons. Nooo!!!

MM: Kendo stick to the head of Wade Barrett!! And another one!!! And one more good measure!! The crowd is loving this. Rene is back in and low blows Dreamer!! Tommy is down. No pinfalls yet in this match. Rene grabs a trash can lid and hits Dreamer over the head!! Vicious shot!!

RH: Well deserved, I must say! And now Barrett gets a hit from Dupree with the lid. Rene is the only man standing. Dupree has no clue what to do right now and I don't blame him. He's not used to these kinds of matches.

MM: That's true. Looks like Rene is going out of the ring. Oh no. He's bringing out a table!! Puts it in the ring! Takes out another table!! 2 tables now are in the ring. Fantastic.

RH: Holy shit!! Chair shot straight to the head of Dupree from Barrett!! Dreamer is back up! Kendo stick to the back of Barrett! Wade's down. Dreamer is setting up one of the tables in the corner.

MM: Rene runs right towards Dreamer and hits a nice neck breaker. Rene gets the table from the corner and sets it up. Takes the legs out from underneath and puts it right in the middle of the ring. Dreamer is stirring! Barrett comes from behind and hits Rene in the back with a chair!!! Oh shit!!! WASTELAND TO RENE THROUGH THE TABLE!!!! COVER 1.....2.... Dreamer interrupts the count!! Oh my god.

RH: That was extremely close. Rene has to be out for the rest of the match. Wade gets up. Picks up Dreamer. Irish whip to Tommy. WINDS OF CHANGE BY BARRETT ON THE CHAIR!!! 1....2.... kick out!!! Dammit.

MM: What a vicious Winds of Change on the chair. Surprised Tommy kicked out. Barrett is picking up Dreamer once more. Throws him into the corner. Hits a few, nice right hooks to the face. Tommy is down. Barrett is getting the 2nd table. Sets that table up. Rene is trying to get back in the ring. He's on the apron. Barrett cuts him off and Rene eats a big boot from Wade.

RH: HOLY SHIT!! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER TO WADE THROUGH THE TABLE!!!! 1.....2.... kick out by Wade!!! WHAT THE HELL?!? Amazing.

MM: Oh my god that was close!!! All 3 men are down. The fans in Vegas are chanting "this is awesome" and indeed it is. Great outing by all 3 of these guys. Dreamer is up. Picks up Barrett. He's about to hit his DDT on the chair!! No!! Barrett reverses! Pumphandle Slam to Dreamer on the chair. Barrett is not going for a cover!

RH: Wade is getting out of the ring!! What's he getting?! Oh no! Oh no!! He's got a little black bag of something. They can't be what I think they are. Barrett opens the bag. OH SHIT!! IT'S TACKS!!!!!

MM: THUMBTACKS ARE NOW IN PLAY!!!! Oh no. Barrett picks up Dreamer with ease. Rene comes running in. Big boot to Dupree!! That's like 3 big boots to Rene tonight!! OH MY GOD!! WASTELAND TO DREAMER ON THE TACKS! HOLY SHIT!!! 1.....2.....3!!!!! Barrett did it!! Barrett did it!!


Rosita: Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner!! And the first ever EWF INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION....WAAAADDEEE BAAARREEETTTT!!!!

MM: Amazing match!! Holy shit. Barrett is now our Intercontinental Champion. Well deserved!!

RH: Very well deserved, Matt. Wade did fabulous in this match-up. Great stuff!!

MM: Now as Wade leaves the ring in midst of all this carnage. Rosita has an announcement to make.

Rosita: I have just been informed that The Bashams will not be able to compete tonight due to massive head trauma and loss of blood. The Spirit Squad have left the building. Now it is time for our MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING!!!

MM: Here we go, baby!!!!

Rosita: First, let me introduce you all to the Special Guest Referee of this contest. JOOOOHHHNNN CEEEENNNAAAA!!!


MM: This is gonna be extremely interesting to see what Cena may have up his sleeve. If he has anything up his sleeve, for that matter.

RH: Well, I know I'll be entertained. This is gonna be fantastic.

Rosita: This match is scheduled for one fall and it is to crown the first ever EWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!!! First. From Atlanta, Georgia. Weighing in at 284lbs, GOLDBERRRG!!!


MM: The man. The myth. The legend. Goldberg is making his way down to ring from backstage as he always does. In typical Goldberg fashion.I'm so pumped right now!!

RH: Same here, Matt! And here he is!! The crowd doesn't really know what to do. Some are cheering. Some are booing. All I know is that Goldberg is READY!!

MM: I have no doubt in my mind.

Rosita: And now. From St. Louis, Missouri. Weighing in at 232lbs, RAAANNDDYY OOORRRTTOONN!!!


MM: THE APEX PREDATOR OF EWF!!! Randy Orton!! Son of legendary Hall of Famer, "Cowboy" Bob Orton. I have a gut feeling, Orton will walk out tonight as Champ. Sorry to sound a little biased.

RH: It's no problem. I completely disagree but it's alright. This should be great.

MM: Of course you disagree. And the bell rings!!! Let's do it!!! Both Orton and Goldberg are staring a hole in Cena. They don't trust him. Don't know why. I doubt he'll pull any shenanigans. Now Orton and Goldberg lock horns with a collar and elbow tie-up. Test of strength it looks like. And Goldberg overpower's Orton and tosses him easily across the ring!! Oh my. Orton is shocked. Cena looks shocked, yet impressed.

RH: I'm not shocked. It's Goldberg. Oh crap. Orton already getting in his Viper mode. Clothesline!! Clothesline!! Clothesline!! Goldberg is reeling. Goldberg is in the corner. Orton with an irish whip to the other corner. Scoop powerslam by Orton!! Cover. Cena counts 1...2... kick out by Goldberg! Orton is staring at Cena with a look of "don't even try anything. just do your job and I'll do mine". Orton hits a nice suplex on Goldberg. 1..2.. kick out by Goldberg.

MM: Both men are up. Goldberg just came out of the woodwork with a great clothesline!! Kick to the face of Orton!! Orton's down. Oh shit. Already? Goldberg is setting up the spear. Goldberg is running towards Orton, HOLY SHIT RKO! RKO! Cover!! 1....2.... KICK OUT BY GOLDBERG!! WHAT THE...?!?!

RH: Holy shit that was close. Orton is perplexed that he just kicked out. Orton is getting in Cena's face. You shouldn't blame Cena, Orton. That was a perfect count.

MM: Agreed. Cena is just doing his job. Goldberg is back up. Oh no. He's got Orton up! Running powerslam to Orton!! Good lord. Oh my god. Goldberg has got him set up. Goldberg is just waiting in the corner again. Oh shit. Oh shit. SPEAR!!! SPEAR!! SPEAR!!!! The crowd has erupted!!! Goldberg is calling for the Jackhammer. Goldberg picks Orton up from the mat. Jackhammer time? Looks that way!! Oh my god he's got him up!!! JACKHAMMER!!!!!

RH: Holy shit!! 1....2....3!!!! GOLDBERG'S THE CHAMP!! GOLDBERG'S THE CHAMP!!!

MM: Wait! Wait!! Orton's foot was on the rope! Orton's foot was on the rope!! Cena just saw it!! Goldberg is NOT the Champion just yet. Goldberg is livid and I don't blame him. OH MY GOD!! RKO!! RKO!!! Cena counts. 1....2.....3!!!!! ORTON'S CHAMP! ORTON'S CHAMP!! He's done it!!!

RH: Holy hell. What the fuck just happened?!?! GOLDBERG SHOULD BE CHAMPION, DAMMIT!!!


MM: This crowd is going fucking nuts!! Unbelievable. What a show!! What a main event!!! WHAT A NIGHT!!!

RH: I can't believe this. I just..... I can't even....

MM: Robert is speechless!! I'm excited. Orton is the first ever EWF World Heavyweight Champion!!

*Mr. McMahon's music hits*


RH: Oh my god!

Mr. McMahon: I think a congratulations is in order for Randy Orton on becoming the brand new EWF World Heavyweight Champion. Congratulations. You can now exit my ring. Thank you. Now onto you, Cena. No shenanigans. I'm shocked. I know you're a company guy and all but I would have thought for sure that you would have pulled some unnecessary bullshit in this match just to spite me. But you didn't and I applaud that. Now I've got a little.....reward for you, if you will. Next month is our 2nd show and I WILL be booking you in a match on that show. Don't worry. Although, it won't be against the World Champion. Not against the Intercontinental Champion. Actually, you're opponent is someone you have NEVER had a match with in your entire career. Next month you'll be facing.....



Mr. McMahon: Good luck, Cena. You're gonna need it.


MM: What the hell just happened?! Holy shit. Next month is gonna be insane. I can't believe this! What a show, everyone. What a night. What a crowd we had here tonight!! I thank you all for tuning in to EWF Annihilate The World. I'm Matt Militant.

RH: Holy crap. And I'm Robert Halston.

MM: Thank you everyone and goodnight.​

Quick Results:

Seth Rollins def. Mike Knox via Phoenix Splash
"Wildcat" Chris Harris def. Mark Jindrak via Catatonic
La Resistance def. Future Shock via Au Revoir to become Tag Champs
Wade Barrett def. Tommy Dreamer and Rene Dupree via Wasteland to Dreamer on thumbtacks to become the Intercontinental Champion
Randy Orton def. Goldberg to become the World Heavyweight Champion
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
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Excellent show man I like the little video touch and the quick results at the bottom to and the results were on point imo.

The Viper

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
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Excellent show man I like the little video touch and the quick results at the bottom to and the results were on point imo.

Thanks a lot, bro. I really appreciate it. Yeah, I thought adding the entrance videos was pretty cool. I had to add something. Didn't want it to just be a huge wall of text. I think I did pretty decent as I read it over again.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2010
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Great show dude, matches were perfect length for me. Surprisingly MOTN in my eyes was the tag title match! Both looked strong, well written, good choice of winner, and the attack after the match by DnD has my hopes up for your tag division! Good to see Both Harris and Rollins pick up wins, I really want to see those 2 go at it! I feel kinda bad for Jindrak though... don't waste him! Btw, you should've used this theme:


Kinda feels like McMahon and Cena dragged too much attention away from Orton & Goldberg tonight but McMahon vs Cena! That should be pretty sweet! Cena totally fucked Goldberg, he needs to catch a SPEAR!

The Viper

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
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Great show dude, matches were perfect length for me. Surprisingly MOTN in my eyes was the tag title match! Both looked strong, well written, good choice of winner, and the attack after the match by DnD has my hopes up for your tag division! Good to see Both Harris and Rollins pick up wins, I really want to see those 2 go at it! I feel kinda bad for Jindrak though... don't waste him! Btw, you should've used this theme:


Kinda feels like McMahon and Cena dragged too much attention away from Orton & Goldberg tonight but McMahon vs Cena! That should be pretty sweet! Cena totally fucked Goldberg, he needs to catch a SPEAR!

Thanks a bunch, man. I should have used that theme considering I was referring Jindrak to his older gimmick, "The Reflection of Perfection". Good call.

Also about McMahon/Cena. I do agree if took away from the title match a bit as I look back at it. People were just waiting for what would happen with Cena and not the World Title match. But its a John Cena story line. To be realistic, you gotta make everything revolve around him. :lol:

Bad News Booty

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i was gonna use the tron thing as well...and I still will cuz I ain't afraid of being called a copy cat...no sir

Kross Rhodes

Israel Has the Right to Exist
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I've done it before on my BTB's so I might again lol

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